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Handout: Four External Metrics [from State Voices]

1. An increase in the socially responsible vote share: The “vote share” is defined as the ratio of
“your” voters compared to the total number of votes cast in a geographic area. With a larger
vote share, we can increase our ability to hold elected leaders accountable for their actions
and push candidates and parties to address the issues that are important to local

2. The creation of a socially responsible issue environment: We want to build public will for
socially responsible values and policies. A key role of civic engagement is to change the issue
environment in which decision-makers operate.

3. The identification and training of future leaders: New leaders include future nonprofit staff,
organizational leaders, candidates, campaign managers, pundits and spokespeople.

4. An increase in the return on investment in civic engagement groups: By creating economies

of scale from “buying in bulk,” we can reduce costs for key shared services.

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