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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name: snapper_1.1.195.sql -- Purpose: An easy to use Oracle session-level performance snapshot utility --NB!

This script does NOT require creation of any database object s! --This is very useful for ad-hoc performance diagnosis in environm ents -with restrictive change management processes, where creating -even temporary tables and PL/SQL packages is not allowed or woul d -take too much time to get approved. --All processing is done by few sqlplus commands and an anonymous -PL/SQL block, all that's needed is SQLPLUS access (and if you wa nt -to output data to server-side tracefile then execute rights on -DBMS_SYSTEM). --The output is formatted the way it could be easily post-processe d -by either Unix string manipulation tools or loaded to spreadshee t. ---- Author: Tanel Poder -- Copyright: (c) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Session Snapper v1.10 -- (c) Tanel Poder ( ) ---+-----=====O=== Welcome to The Session Snapper! (Yes, you are looking at a cheap ASCII -- / imitation of a fish and a fishing rod. -- | Nevertheless the PL/SQL c ode below the -- | fish itself should be hel pful for quick -- | catching of relevant Orac le performance -- | information. -- | So I wish you happy... um ... snapping? -- | ) -- | ...... ----,, | iittii,,.... iiffffjjjjtttt,, ..;;ttffLLLLffLLLLLLffjjtt;;.. ..ttLLGGGGGGLLffLLLLLLLLLLLLLLffjjii,, ..ii

-ffGGffLLLLLLjjttjjjjjjjjffLLLLLLLLLLjjii.. ..iijj;; .... -ffGGLLiittjjttttttiittttttttttffLLLLLLGGffii.. ;;LLLLii;; ;;.. -ffEEGGffiittiittttttttttiiiiiiiittjjjjffLLGGLLii.. iiLLLLLLttiiii ,, -;;ffDDLLiiiitt,,ttttttttttttiiiiiiiijjjjjjffLLLLffttiiiiffLLGGLLjjtttt;; .. -..ttttjjiitt,,iiiiiittttttttjjjjttttttttjjjjttttjjttttjjjjffLLDDGGLLttii.. ---iittiitttt, ;;iittttttttjjjjjjjjjjttjjjjjjffffffjjjjjjjjjjLLDDGGLLtt;;..

jjjjttttii:. ..iiiiffLLGGLLLLLLLLffffffLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLffffffLLLLLLfftt,, iittttii,,;;,,ttiiiiLLLLffffffjjffffLLLLLLLLffLLffjjttttttttttjjjjffjjii..

-,,iiiiiiiiiittttttiiiiiiiiiijjffffLLLLLLLLffLLffttttttii;;;;iiiitttttttt;; .. -..iittttttffffttttiiiiiiiiiittttffjjjjffffffffttiittii:: ....,,;;iittii ;; -..;;iittttttttttttttttiiiiiittttttttttjjjjjjtttttt;; ..;;ii ;;.. -..;;;;iittttttjjttiittttttttttttttjjttttttttii.. .. .. -....;;;;ttjjttttiiiiii;;;;;;iittttiiii.. ----..;;ttttii;;.... ..iiii;;.. ..;;,, .... ..;;;;....

---- Usage: --snapper.sql <out|trace[,pagesize=X][,gather=[s][t][w][l][e]]> <seconds_i n_snap> <snapshot_count> <sid(s)_to_snap> --out - use dbms_output.put_line() for output -trace - write output to server process tracefile -(you must have execute permission on sys.dbms_system.ksdw rt() for that, -you can use both out and trace parameters together if yo u like ) -pagesize - display header lines after X snapshots. if pagesize=0 don 't display -any headers. pagesize=-1 will display a terse header only once -gather - if omitted, gathers all statistics -- if specified, then gather following: -s - Session Statistics from v$sesstat -t - Session Time model info from v$sess_time_model -w - Session Wait statistics from v$session_event and v$session_wait -l - instance Latch get statistics ( gets + immediate _gets ) -e - instance Enqueue lock get statistics

-b - buffer get Where statistics -a - All above --sinclude - if specified, then show only V$SESSTAT stats which match the -LIKE pattern of sinclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) -linclude - if specified, then show only V$LATCH latch stats which ma tch the -LIKE pattern of linclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) -tinclude - if specified, then show only V$SESS_TIME_MODEL stats whic h match the -LIKE pattern of tinclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) -winclude - if specified, then show only V$SESSION_EVENT wait stats w hich match the -LIKE pattern of winclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) --you can combine above parameters in any order, separate them by comm as -(and don't use spaces as otherwise they are treated as following par ameters) --<seconds_in_snap> - the number of seconds between taking snapshots -<snapshot_count> - the number of snapshots to take ( maximum value is p ower(2,31)-1 ) --<sids_to_snap> can be either one sessionid, multiple sessionids separate d by -commas or a SQL statement which returns a list of SIDs (if you need spac es -in that parameter text, enclose it in double quotes). --if you want to snap ALL sids, use "select sid from v$session" as value f or -<sids_to_snap> parameter ---- Examples: --@snapper out 1 1 515 -(Output one 1-second snapshot of session 515 using dbms_output and exit -all statistics are reported) --@snapper out,gather=w 1 1 515 -(Output one 1-second snapshot of session 515 using dbms_output and exit -only Wait event statistics are reported) --@snapper out,gather=st 1 1 515 -(Output one 1-second snapshot of session 515 using dbms_output and exit -only v$Session and v$sess_Time_model statistics are gathered) --@snapper trace,gather=stw,pagesize=0 10 90 117,210,313 -(Write 90 10-second snapshots into tracefile for session IDs 117,210,313 -all statistics are reported, do not print any headers) --@snapper trace 900 999999999 "select sid from v$session" -(Take a snapshot of ALL sessions every 15 minutes and write the output t o trace, -loop (almost) forever ) --@snapper out,trace 300 12 "select sid from v$session where username='APP

S'" -(Take 12 5-minute snapshots of all sessions belonging to APPS user, writ e -output to both dbms_output and tracefile) --- Notes: --Snapper does not currently detect if a session with given SID has -ended and been recreated between snapshots, thus it may report bogus -statistics for such sessions. The check and warning for that will be -implemented in a future version. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------set termout off tab off verify off linesize 299 -- Get parameters define snapper_options="&1" define snapper_sleep="&2" define snapper_count="&3" define snapper_sid="&4" -- The following code is required for making this script "dynamic" as due -- different Oracle versions, script parameters or granted privileges some -- statements might not compile if not adjusted properly. define _IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER="--" define _IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE="/* dbms_system is not accessible" /*dummy*/ col snapper_oraversion noprint new_value _IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER col dbms_system_accessible noprint new_value _IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE col snapper_sid noprint new_value snapper_sid select decode(substr(banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8,1), 1, '', '--') snapper_o raversion , decode(trim(to_char('&snapper_sid')), '0', 'select /*+ no_unnest */ sid from v$session', trim(to_char('&snapper_sid'))) snapper_sid from v$version where rownum=1; -- this block determines whether dbms_system.ksdwrt is accessible to us -- dbms_describe is required as all_procedures/all_objects may show this object -- even if its not executable by us (thanks to o7_dictionary_accessibility=false ) var v varchar2(100) declare o p l a dty def inout sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.varchar2_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table;

len prec scal rad spa begin

sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table;

sys.dbms_describe.describe_procedure( 'DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT', null, null, o, p, l, a, dty, def, inout, len, prec, scal, rad, spa ); -- we never get to following statement if dbms_system is not accessible -- as sys.dbms_describe will raise an exception :v:= '-- dbms_system is accessible'; exception when others then null; end; / select nvl(:v, '/* dbms_system is not accessible') dbms_system_accessible from dual; set termout on serverout on size 1000000 declare -- forward declarations procedure output(p_txt in varchar2); procedure fout; function tptformat( p_num in number, p_stype in varchar2 default 'STAT', p_precision in number default 2, p_base in number default 10, p_grouplen in number default 3 ) return varchar2; function getopt( p_parvalues in varchar2, p_extract in varchar2, p_delim in varchar2 default ',' ) return varchar2; -- type, constant, variable declarations -- trick for holding 32bit UNSIGNED event and stat_ids in 32bit SIGNED PLS_I NTEGER pls_adjust constant number(10,0) := power(2,31) - 1; type srec is record (stype varchar2(4), sid number, statistic# number, value number ); type stab is table of srec index by pls_integer; s1 stab; s2 stab; type snrec is record (stype varchar2(4), statistic# number, name varchar2(64

)); type sntab is table of snrec index by pls_integer; sn_tmp sntab; sn sntab; i number; a number; b number; c number; delta number; changed_values number; pagesize number:=99999999999999; missing_values_s1 number := 0; missing_values_s2 number := 0; d1 date; d2 date; lv_gather varchar2(100); /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for outputting data to trace or dbms_output ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure output(p_txt in varchar2) is begin if getopt('&snapper_options', 'out') is not null then dbms_output.put_line(p_txt); end if; -- The block below is a sqlplus trick for conditionally commenting out P L/SQL code &_IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE if getopt('&snapper_options', 'trace') is not null then sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, p_txt); sys.dbms_system.ksdfls; end if; -- */ end; -- output /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for outputting data, utilizing global vars ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure fout is begin -output( 'DEBUG, Entering fout(), b='||to_char(b)||' sn(s2(b).statistic#= '||s2(b).statistic# ); -output( 'DEBUG, In fout(), a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.coun t='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2.count||' s2.count='||s2.count); output( 'DATA, ' ||to_char(s2(b).sid,'999999')||', ' ||to_char(d1, 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS')||', ' ||to_char(case (d2-d1) when 0 then &snapper_sleep else (d2-d1) * 86400 end, '9999999')||', ' ||s2(b).stype||', ' ||rpad(sn(s2(b).statistic#).name, 40, ' ')||', ' ||to_char(delta, '999999999999')||', ' ||to_char(delta/(case (d2-d1) when 0 then &snapper_sleep else (d 2-d1) * 86400 end),'999999999')||', '

||lpad(tptformat(delta, s2(b).stype), 10, ' ')||', ' ||lpad(tptformat(delta/(case (d2-d1) when 0 then &snapper_sleep else (d2-d1)* 86400 end ), s2(b).stype), 10, ' ') ); end; /*---------------------------------------------------- function for converting large numbers to human-readable format ---------------------------------------------------*/ function tptformat( p_num in number, p_stype in varchar2 default 'STAT', p_precision in number default 2, p_base in number default 10, -- for KiB/MiB formattin g use p_grouplen in number default 3 -- p_base=2 and p_groupl en=10 ) return varchar2 is begin if p_stype in ('WAIT','TIME') then return round( p_num / power( p_base , trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc( mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) ), p_precision ) || case trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p _num)),p_grouplen)) when 0 then 'us' when 1 then 'us' when p_grouplen*1 then 'ms' when p_grouplen*2 then 's' when p_grouplen*3 then 'ks' when p_grouplen*4 then 'Ms' else '*'||p_base||'^'||to_char( trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_nu m)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) )||' us' end; else return round( p_num / power( p_base , trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc( mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) ), p_precision ) || case trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p _num)),p_grouplen)) when 0 then '' when 1 then '' when p_grouplen*1 then 'k' when p_grouplen*2 then 'M' when p_grouplen*3 then 'G' when p_grouplen*4 then 'T' when p_grouplen*5 then 'P' when p_grouplen*6 then 'E' else '*'||p_base||'^'||to_char( trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_nu m)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) ) end;

end if; end; -- tptformat /*---------------------------------------------------- simple function for parsing arguments from parameter string ---------------------------------------------------*/ function getopt( p_parvalues in varchar2, p_extract in varchar2, p_delim in varchar2 default ',' ) return varchar2 is ret varchar(1000) := NULL; begin --dbms_output.put('p_parvalues = ['||p_parvalues||'] ' ); dbms_output.put('p_extract = ['||p_extract||'] ' ); if lower(p_parvalues) like lower(p_extract)||'%' or lower(p_parvalues) like '%'||p_delim||lower(p_extract)||'%' then ret := nvl ( substr(p_parvalues, instr(p_parvalues, p_extract)+length(p_extract), case instr( substr(p_parvalues, instr(p_parvalues, p_extract)+length (p_extract) ) , p_delim ) when 0 then length(p_parvalues) else instr( substr(p_parvalues, instr(p_parvalues, p_extract)+length (p_extract) ) , p_delim ) - 1 end ) , chr(0) -- in case parameter was specified but with no valu e ); else ret := null; -- no parameter found end if; -dbms_output.put_line('ret = ['||ret||']'); return ret; end; -- getopt

/*---------------------------------------------------- proc for querying performance data into collections ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure snap( p_snapdate in out date, p_stats in out stab ) is lv_include_stat 'sinclude=' )), '%'); lv_include_latch 'linclude=' )), '%'); lv_include_time 'tinclude=' )), '%'); lv_include_wait 'winclude=' )), '%'); begin p_snapdate := sysdate; select * bulk collect into p_stats from ( select 'STAT' stype, sid, statistic# pls_adjust statistic#, value from v$sesstat where sid in (&snapper_sid) and (lv_gather like '%s%' or lv_gather like '%a%') and statistic# in (select statistic# fr om v$statname where lower(name) li ke lv_include_stat &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER om v$statname &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER ame, lv_include_stat, 'i') where regexp_like (n ) -union all select 'WAIT', sw.sid, en.event# + (select count(*) fro m v$statname) + 1 - pls_adjust, nvl(se.time_waited_micro,0) + ( decode(se.event||sw.state, sw.event||'WAITING', sw.seconds_in_wait, 0) * 1000000 ) value from v$session_wait sw, v$session_event se, v$event_name en where sw.sid = se.sid and se.event = and se.sid in (&snapper_sid) and (lv_gather like '%w%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') and event# in (select event# from v$ event_name where lower(name) li ke lv_include_wait &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER union &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER select event# from v $event_name union select statistic# fr varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options',

&_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER ame, lv_include_wait, 'i')

where regexp_like (n

) -&_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER union all &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER select 'TIME' stype, sid, stat_id - pls _adjust statistic#, value &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER from v$sess_time_model &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER where sid in (&snapper_sid) &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER and (lv_gather like '%t%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER and stat_id in (select stat_id from v$s ys_time_model &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER where lower(stat_nam e) like lv_include_time &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER union &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER select stat_id from v$sys_time_model &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER where regexp_like (s tat_name, lv_include_time, 'i') &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER ) -union all select 'LATG', s.sid, l.latch# + (select count(*) from v$statn ame) + (select count(*) from v$event _name) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, l.gets + l.immediate_gets value from v$latch l, v$session s where -- deliberate cartesian join s.sid in (&snapper_sid) and (lv_gather like '%l%' or lv_gather like '%a%') and latch# in (select latch# from v$lat chname where lower(name) like l v_include_latch &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER union &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER select latch# from v$lat chname &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER where regexp_like (name, lv_include_latch, 'i') ) --union all -select 'BUFW', ses.sid, -s.indx + -(select count(*) from v$sta tname) + -(select count(*) from v$eve nt_name) + -(select count(*) from v$lat ch) + -1 - pls_adjust statistic#, -s.why0+s.why1+s.why2 value -from x$kcbsw s, x$kcbwh w, v$session

ses ------her like '%a%')

where -- deliberate cartesian join s.indx = w.indx and s.why0+s.why1+s.why2 > 0 and ses.sid in (&snapper_sid) and (lv_gather like '%b%' or lv_gat -union all select ' ENQ', s.sid, ascii(substr(e.eq_type,1,1))*256

+ ascii(substr(e.eq_type,2,1)) + (select count(*) from v$statn ame) + (select count(*) from v$event _name) + (select count(*) from v$latch ) + -wh) + (select count(*) from x$kcb 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, e.total_req# value from v$enqueue_stat e, v$session s where -- deliberate cartesian join s.sid in (&snapper_sid) and (lv_gather like '%e%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') ) order by sid, stype, statistic#; end snap; begin pagesize := nvl( getopt('&snapper_options', 'pagesize=' ), pagesize); --output ( 'Pagesize='||pagesize ); -- determine which statistics to collect lv_gather := case nvl( lower(getopt ('&snapper_options', 'gather=')), 'stw') when 'all' then 'stw' else nvl( lower(getopt ('&snapper_options', 'gather=')), 'st w') end; --lv_gather:=getopt ('&snapper_options', 'gather='); --output('lv_gather='||lv_gather);

if pagesize > 0 then output(' '); output(chr(8)); output('-- Session Snapper v1.10 by Tanel Poder ( http://www.tanelpoder. com )'); -output('-- Parameters used: snapper.sql '||to_char(snapper_options)||' ' ||to_char(&snapper_sleep)||' ' -||to_char(&snapper_count)||' '||to_char(&snapper_sid)); output(chr(8));

output(' '); end if; -- initialize statistic and event name array -- fetch statistic names with their adjusted IDs select * bulk collect into sn_tmp from ( select 'STAT' stype, statistic# - pls_adjust st atistic#, name from v$statname where (lv_gather like '%s%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') -union all select 'WAIT', event# + (select count(*) from v$statnam e) + 1 - pls_adjust, name from v$event_name where (lv_gather like '%w%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') -&_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER union all &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER select 'TIME' stype, stat_id - pls_adjust stati stic#, stat_name name &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER from v$sys_time_model &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER where (lv_gather like '%t%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') -union all select 'LATG', l.latch# + (select count(*) from v$statname) + (select count(*) from v$event_name) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, name from v$latch l where (lv_gather like '%l%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') --union all -select 'BUFW', -indx + -(select count(*) from v$statname) + -+ -----ke '%a%') (select count(*) from v$event_name) (select count(*) from v$latch) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, kcbwhdes name from x$kcbwh where (lv_gather like '%b%' or lv_gather li -union all select ' ENQ', ascii(substr(e.eq_type,1,1))*256 + ascii( substr(e.eq_type,2,1)) + (select count(*) from v$statname) + (select count(*) from v$event_name) +

-from ( &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER

(select count(*) from v$latch) + (select count(*) from x$kcbwh) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, eq_type select es.eq_type ||' - '|| eq_type, total_req# from v$enqueue_stat es , V$lock_type lt where es.eq_type = lt.type ) e where (lv_gather like '%e%' or lv_gather like '

&_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER &_IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER %a%') ) order by stype, statistic#;

-- store these into an index_by array organized by statistic# for fast looku p --output('sn_tmp.count='||sn_tmp.count); --output('lv_gather='||lv_gather); for i in 1..sn_tmp.count loop -- output('i='||i||' statistic#='||sn_tmp(i).statistic#); sn(sn_tmp(i).statistic#) := sn_tmp(i); end loop; -- main sampling loop for c in 1..&snapper_count loop -- print header if required if pagesize > 0 and mod(c-1, pagesize) = 0 then output(rpad('--',141,'-')); output('HEAD, SID, SNAPSHOT START , SECONDS, TYPE, ' ||rpad('STATISTIC',40,' ') ||', DELTA, DELTA/SEC, HDELTA, HDELTA/SEC' ); output(rpad('-',141,'-')); else if pagesize = -1 and c = 1 then output('HEAD, SID, SNAPSHOT START , SECONDS, TYPE, ' ||rpad('STATISTIC',40,' ') ||', DELTA, D/SEC, HDELTA, HD/SEC' ); end if; end if; if c = 1 then snap(d1,s1); else d1 := d2; s1 := s2;

end if; -- c = 1 dbms_lock.sleep( (&snapper_sleep - (sysdate - d1)) ); -- dbms_lock.sleep( (&snapper_sleep - (sysdate - d1))*1000/1024 ); snap(d2,s2); changed_values := 0; missing_values_s1 := 0; missing_values_s2 := 0; i :=1; -- iteration counter (for debugging) a :=1; -- s1 array index b :=1; -- s2 array index while ( a <= s1.count and b <= s2.count ) loop delta := 0; -- don't print case when s1(a).sid = s2(b).sid then case when s1(a).statistic# = s2(b).statistic# then delta := s2(b).value - s1(a).value; if delta != 0 then fout(); end if; a := a + 1; b := b + 1; when s1(a).statistic# > s2(b).statistic# then delta := s2(b).value; if delta != 0 then fout(); end if; b := b + 1; when s1(a).statistic# < s2(b).statistic# then output('ERROR, s1(a).statistic# < s2(b).statistic#, a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2.cou nt||' s2.count='||s2.count); a := a + 1; b := b + 1; else output('ERROR, s1(a).statistic# ? s2(b).statistic#, a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2.cou nt||' s2.count='||s2.count); a := a + 1; b := b + 1; end case; -- s1(a).statistic# ... s2(b).statistic# when s1(a).sid > s2(b).sid then delta := s2(b).value; if delta != 0 then fout(); end if;

b := b + 1; when s1(a).sid < s2(b).sid then output('WARN, Session has disappeared during snapshot, ignor ing SID='||to_char(s2(b).sid)||' a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count= '||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2.count||' s2.count='||s2.count); a := a + 1; else output('ERROR, Should not be here, SID='||to_char(s2(b).sid) ||' a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2 .count||' s2.count='||s2.count); end case; -- s1(a).sid ... s2(b).sid i:=i+1; if delta != 0 then changed_values := changed_values + 1; end if; -- delta != 0 end loop; -- while ( a <= s1.count and b <= s2.count ) if pagesize > 0 and changed_values > 0 then output('-- End of snap '||to_ch ar(c)); end if; end loop; -- for c in 1..snapper_count end; / undefine snapper_oraversion undefine snapper_sleep undefine snapper_count undefine snapper_sid undefine _IF_ORA10_OR_HIGHER undefine _IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE col snapper_oraversion clear col dbms_system_accessible clear set serverout off

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