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IMPLEMENTATION OF SINGLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct Node *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode List; typedef PtrToNode Position; int IsEmpty(List L); int IsLast(Position P, List L); Position Find (int X, List L); Position FindPrevious (int X, List L); void Insert (int X,List L, Position P); void Delet (int X, List L); void Display(List L); struct Node { int Element; Position Next; }; int IsEmpty(List L) { return L->Next==NULL; } int IsLast(Position P, List L) { return P->Next==NULL; } Position Find(int X,List L) { Position P; P = L->Next; if(P==NULL || X==0) //Assume header is used return L; while(P!=NULL && P->Element!=X) P = P->Next; return P; } Position FindPrevious(int X,List L) { Position P; P = L;

while(P->Next!=NULL && P->Next->Element!=X) P = P->Next; return P; } void Insert(int X, List L, Position P) { Position TmpCell; TmpCell = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); TmpCell->Element = X; TmpCell->Next = P->Next; P->Next = TmpCell; } void Delet(int X, List L) { Position P, TmpCell; P = FindPrevious(X,L); if(!IsLast(P,L)) { TmpCell = P->Next; P->Next = TmpCell->Next; free(TmpCell); } } void Display(List L) { Position P; P = L->Next; while(P!=NULL) { printf("\n %d ",P->Element); P = P->Next; } } void main() { int opt,a,X; int ch=1; List L; Position P,TmpCell; clrscr(); L = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); L->Element = 0; L->Next = NULL;

while(ch==1) { printf("\nLinked List Implementation\n"); printf("\n1.Insert"); printf("\n2.Delete"); printf("\n3.Display"); printf("\n4.Exit"); printf("\nEnter your option: "); scanf("%d",&opt); switch(opt) { case 1: printf("\nEnter after which element you want to insert: "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nEnter the element you want to insert: "); scanf("%d",&X); P = Find(a,L); Insert(X,L,P); break; case 2: printf("\nEnter the element which you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&X); if(IsEmpty(L)) printf("\nList is empty\n"); else { Delet(X,L); printf("\n%d is deleted",X); } break; case 3: if(IsEmpty(L)) printf("\nList is empty\n"); else Display(L); break; case 4: exit(0); } printf("\nDo U want to continue(1/0): "); scanf("%d",&ch); } getch(); }

IMPLEMENTATION OF DOUBLYLINKED LIST PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> typedef struct Node *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode List; typedef PtrToNode Position; int IsEmpty List L); int IsLast(Position P, List L); Position Find(int X, List L); Position FindPrevious(int X, List L); void Insert(int X, List L, Position P); void Delet(int X, List L); void Display(List L); struct Node { int Element; Position Next; Position Prev; }; int IsEmpty(List L) { return L->Next==NULL; } int IsLast(Position P, List L) { return P->Next==NULL; } Position Find(int X, List L) { Position P,Q; P=L->Next; Q=L->Prev; if(P==NULL && Q==NULL || X==0) return L; while(P!=NULL && P->Element!=X) P=P->Next; return P; } Position FindPrevious(int X, List L) { Position P;

P=L; while(P->Next!=NULL && P->Next->Element!=X) P=P->Next; return P; } void Insert(int X, List L, Position P) { PtrToNode Newnode; Newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(Newnode!=NULL) { Newnode->Element=X; Newnode->Next=P->Next; P->Next->Prev=Newnode; P->Next=Newnode; Newnode->Prev=P; } } void Delet(int X, List L) { Position P,Temp; P=FindPrevious(X,L); if(!IsLast(P,L)) { Temp=P->Next; P->Next=Temp->Next; Temp->Next->Prev=P; free(Temp); } else { Temp=P; P->Next=Temp->Next; free(Temp); } } void Display(List L) { Position P; P=L->Next; while(P!=NULL) { printf("%d->",P->Element); P=P->Next; } printf("NULL\n"); }

void main() { int opt, a, X; int ch=1; List L; Position P, Temp; clrscr(); L=malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); L->Element=0; L->Next=NULL; L->Prev=NULL; while(ch==1) { printf("\n Doubly Linked List Implementation\n"); printf("\n1.Insert"); printf("\n2.Delete"); printf("\n3.Display"); printf("\n4.Exit"); printf("\nEnter Your Opotion:"); scanf("%d",&opt); switch(opt) { case 1: printf("\n Enter after which element U want to insert:\n"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\n Enter the element U want to insert:\n"); scanf("%d",&X); P=Find(a,L); Insert(X,L,P); break; case 2: printf("\n Enter the element which U want to delete:\n"); scanf("%d",&X); if(IsEmpty(L)) printf("\n List is Empty\n"); else { Delet(X,L); printf("\n %d is Deleted",X); } break; case 3: if(IsEmpty(L)) printf("\n List is Empty\n"); else Display(L); break;

case 4: exit(0); } printf("\n Do u want to continue(1/0):"); scanf("%d",&ch); } getch(); }

PROGRAM TO ADD TWO POLYNOMIALS PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<conio.h> struct link { int coeff; int pow; struct link *next; }; struct link *poly1=NULL,*poly2=NULL,*poly=NULL; void create(struct link *node) { char ch; do { printf("\n enter coeff:"); scanf("%d",&node->coeff); printf("\n enter power:"); scanf("%d",&node->pow); node->next=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); node=node->next; node->next=NULL; printf("\n continue (Y/N):"); ch=getch(); }while(ch=='y' || ch=='Y'); } void show(struct link *node) { while(node->next!=NULL) { printf("%dx^%d", node->coeff,node->pow); node=node->next; if(node->next!=NULL) printf("+"); } } void polyadd(struct link *poly1,struct link *poly2,struct link *poly) { while(poly1->next && poly2->next) { if(poly1->pow>poly2->pow) { poly->pow=poly1->pow; poly->coeff=poly1->coeff;

poly1=poly1->next; } else if(poly1->pow<poly2->pow) { poly->pow=poly2->pow; poly->coeff=poly2->coeff; poly2=poly2->next; } else { poly->pow=poly1->pow; poly->coeff=poly1->coeff+poly2->coeff; poly1=poly1->next; poly2=poly2->next; } poly->next=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly=poly->next; poly->next=NULL; } } while(poly1->next || poly2->next) { if(poly1->next) { poly->pow=poly1->pow; poly->coeff=poly1->coeff; poly1=poly1->next; } if(poly2->next) { poly->pow=poly2->pow; poly->coeff=poly2->coeff; poly2=poly2->next; } poly->next=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly=poly->next; poly->next=NULL; } main() { char ch; do { poly1=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly2=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); printf("\n Enter 1st Number:"); create(poly1); printf("\n Enter 2nd Number:");

create(poly2); printf("\n 1st Number:"); show(poly1); printf("\n 2nd Number:"); show(poly2); polyadd(poly1,poly2,poly); printf("\n Added Polynomial:"); show(poly); printf("\nAdd two more number:"); ch=getch(); } while(ch=='y' || ch=='Y'); }

IMPLEMENT STACK AND USE IT TO CONVERT INFIX TO POSTFIX EXPRESSION PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #define operand(x) (x>='a' && x<='z' || x>='A' && x<='Z' || x>='0' && x<='9') char infix[30],postfix[30],stack[30]; int top,i=0; void init() { top=-1; } void push(char x) { stack[++top]=x; } char pop() { return(stack[top--]); } int isp(char x) { int y; y=(x=='('?0:x=='^'?4:x=='*'?2:x=='/'?2:x=='+'?1:x=='-'?1:x==')'?6:-1); return y; } int icp(char x) { int y; y=(x=='('?4:x=='^'?4:x=='*'?2:x=='/'?2:x=='+'?1:x=='-'?1:x==')'?6:-1); return y; } void infixtopostfix() { int j,l=0; char x,y; stack[++top]='\0'; for (j=0; (x=infix[i++])!='\0'; j--) if (operand(x)) postfix[l++]=x; else if (x==')') while ((y=pop())!='(') postfix[l++]=y; else

{ while (isp(stack[top])>=icp(x)) postfix[l++]=pop(); push(x); } while (top>=0) postfix[l++]=pop(); } int main() { init(); clrscr(); printf("Enter an infix expression :\n"); scanf("%s",infix); infixtopostfix(); printf("The resulting postfix expression is %s",postfix); getch(); return 0; } // End of main

IMPLEMENT A DOUBLE ENDED QUEUE (DEQUE) PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define QSIZE 5 void displayMenu(); int isEmpty(); int isFull(); int enqueueRear(int value); int dequeueRear(int *value); int enqueueFront(int value); int dequeueFront(int *value); int size(); void view(); int queue[QSIZE]; int front=-1,rear=-1; void main() { int status,choice,data; clrscr(); displayMenu(); while(1) { printf("\nEnter Your Choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 0: displayMenu(); break; case 1: printf("\n Enter the element:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&data); status=enqueueFront(data); if(status==-1) printf("Deque Overflow on ENQUEUE at Front..."); break; case 2: printf("\n Enter the element:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&data);

status=enqueueRear(data); if(status==-1) printf("Deque Overflow on ENQUEUE at Rear..."); break; case 3: status=dequeueFront(&data); if(status==-1) printf("Deque Underflow on DEQUEUE at Front..."); else printf("\n The Dequeued value is %d",data); break; case 4: status=dequeueRear(&data); if(status==-1) printf("Deque Underflow on DEQUEUE at Rear..."); else printf("\n The Dequeued value is %d",data); break; case 5: printf("Number of elements in Deque is %d",size()); break; case 6: view(); break; default: printf("\n End of Run of your Program...."); exit(0); } } } void displayMenu() { printf("\n Representation of Linear Deque using arrays..."); printf("\n\t 0.View Menu"); printf("\n\t 1.Enqueue at Front"); printf("\n\t 2.Enqueue at Rear"); printf("\n\t 3.Dequeue at Front"); printf("\n\t 4.Dequeue at Rear"); printf("\n\t 5.Size of the Queue "); printf("\n\t 6.View"); printf("\n\t 7.Exit"); } int isEmpty() { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(front==-1 && rear==-1) /* Check for Empty Queue */ return 1; else

return 0; }

int isFull() { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(rear==(QSIZE-1)) return 1; else return 0; } int enqueueFront(int value) { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isEmpty()) front=rear=0; else if(isFull()) return -1; else front=front-1; queue[front]=value; return 0; } int enqueueRear(int value) { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isEmpty()) front=rear=0; else if(isFull()) return -1; else rear=rear+1; queue[rear]=value; return 0; } int dequeueFront(int *value) { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isEmpty()) return -1; *value=queue[front]; if(front==rear) front=rear=-1; else front=front+1;

return 0; }

int dequeueRear(int *value) { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isEmpty()) return -1; *value=queue[rear]; if(front==rear) front=rear=-1; else rear=rear-1; return 0; } int size() { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isEmpty()) return 0; return (rear-front+1); } void view() { extern int queue[],front,rear; int f; if(isEmpty()) { printf("\n Deque is EMPTY!!!"); return; } printf("\n Content of the deque is... \n FRONT->"); for(f=front;f!=rear;f=f+1) printf("%d-->",queue[f]); printf("%d->REAR",queue[f]); if(isFull()) printf("\n Deque is FULL!!!"); }

IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EXPRESSION TREE PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<alloc.h> typedef struct tree*node; node insert(int, node T); void inorder(node T); void preorder(node T); void postorder(node T); struct tree { int data; struct tree *right,*left; }*root; void main() { node T=NULL; int data,ch,i=0,n; clrscr(); printf("\n enter the number of element in the tree :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n enter the elements :"); while(i<n) { scanf("%d",&data); T=insert(data,T); i++; } printf("\n 1.INORDER \t 2.PREORDER \t 3.POSTORDER \t 4.EXIT"); do { printf("\n Enter your choice :"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("\n Inorder traversal of the given tree"); inorder(T); break; case 2:printf("\n Preorder traversal of the given tree"); preorder(T); break;

case 3:printf("\n Postorder traversal of the given tree"); postorder(T); break; case 4:printf("Exit"); exit(0); } } while(ch<4); getch(); } node insert(int X,node T) { struct tree *newnode; newnode=(struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); if(newnode==NULL) printf("\n out of space \n"); else { if(T==NULL) { newnode->data=X; newnode->left=NULL; newnode->right=NULL; T=newnode; } else { if(X<T->data) T->left=insert(X,T->left); else T->right=insert(X,T->right); } } return T; } void inorder(node T) { if(T!=NULL) { inorder(T->left); printf("%d \t",T->data); inorder(T->right); } } void preorder(node T) { if(T!=NULL) { printf("%d \t",T->data);

preorder(T->left); preorder(T->right); } } void postorder(node T) { if(T!=NULL) { postorder(T->left); postorder(T->right); printf("%d \t",T->data); } }

IMPLEMENT BINARY SEARCH TREE PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct treenode; typedef struct treenode *position; typedef struct treenode *searchtree; struct treenode { int element; searchtree left; searchtree right; }; searchtree makeempty(searchtree t) { if(t!=NULL) { makeempty(t->left); makeempty(t->right); free(t); } return NULL; } position find(int x,searchtree t) { if(t==NULL) return NULL; else if(x<t->element) return find(x,t->left); if(x>t->element) return find(x,t->right); else return t; } position findmin(searchtree t) { if(t==NULL) return NULL; else if(t->left==NULL) return t; else return findmin(t->left); } position findmax(searchtree t) {

if(t!=NULL) while(t->right!=NULL) t=t->right; return t; } searchtree insert(int x,searchtree t) { if(t==NULL) { t=(searchtree)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode)); t->element=x; t->left=NULL; t->right=NULL; } else { if(x<t->element) { t->left=insert(x,t->left); } else if(x>t->element) t->right=insert(x,t->right); } return t; } searchtree del(int x,searchtree t) { position tmp; if(t==NULL) { printf("\n TREE NOT FOUND"); exit(1); } if(x<t->element) t->left=del(x,t->left); else if(x>t->element) t->right=del(x,t->right); else if(t->left && t->right) { tmp=findmin(t->right); t->element=tmp->element; t->right=del(t->element,t->right); } else { tmp=t; if(t->left==NULL) t=t->right; else if(t->right==NULL) t=t->left;

free(tmp); } return t; } void display(searchtree t) { if(t!=NULL) { display(t->left); printf("\t%d",t->element); display(t->right); } } void main() { searchtree t=NULL; int ch,item; clrscr(); while(1) { printf("\n 1.INSERT"); printf("\n 2.DELETE"); printf("\n 3.DISPLAY"); printf("\n 4.EXIT"); printf("\n ENTER THE CHOICE"); scanf("%d",& item); switch(item) { case 1: printf("\n ENTER THE ELEMENT TO BE INSERT"); scanf("\n %d",& item); t=insert(item,t); printf("\n THE INSERTED ELEMENTS is %d",item); break; case 2: printf("\n ENTER THE ELEMENT TO BE DELETE"); scanf("%d",&item); printf("\n THE DELETED ELEMENT is %d",item); t=del(item,t); break; case 3: display(t); break; default: exit(0); } } }

IMPLEMENT INSERTION IN AVL TREES PROGRAM:#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> typedef int ElementType; struct AvlNode; typedef struct AvlNode *Position; typedef struct AvlNode *AvlTree; AvlTree MakeEmpty( AvlTree T ); Position Find( int X, AvlTree T ); Position FindMin( AvlTree T ); Position FindMax( AvlTree T ); AvlTree Insert( int X, AvlTree T ); AvlTree Delete( int X, AvlTree T ); void Display( AvlTree T ); struct AvlNode { int Element; AvlTree Left; AvlTree Right; int Height; }; AvlTree MakeEmpty( AvlTree T ) { if( T != NULL ) { MakeEmpty( T->Left ); MakeEmpty( T->Right ); free( T ); } return NULL; } Position Find( int X, AvlTree T ) { if( T == NULL ) return NULL; if( X < T->Element ) return Find( X, T->Left ); else if( X > T->Element ) return Find( X, T->Right ); else

return T; } Position FindMin( AvlTree T ) { if( T == NULL ) return NULL; else if( T->Left == NULL ) return T; else return FindMin( T->Left ); } Position FindMax( AvlTree T ) { if( T != NULL ) while( T->Right != NULL ) T = T->Right; return T; } static int Height( Position P ) { if( P == NULL ) return -1; else return P->Height; } static int Max( int Lhs, int Rhs ) { return Lhs > Rhs ? Lhs : Rhs; } static Position SingleRotateWithLeft( Position K2 ) { Position K1; K1 = K2->Left; K2->Left = K1->Right; K1->Right = K2; K2->Height = Max( Height( K2->Left ), Height( K2->Right ) ) + 1; K1->Height = Max( Height( K1->Left ), K2->Height ) + 1; return K1; } static Position SingleRotateWithRight( Position K1 ) { Position K2; K2 = K1->Right; K1->Right = K2->Left;

K2->Left = K1; K1->Height = Max( Height( K1->Left ), Height( K1->Right ) ) + 1; K2->Height = Max( Height( K2->Right ), K1->Height ) + 1; return K2; } static Position DoubleRotateWithLeft( Position K3 ) { K3->Left = SingleRotateWithRight( K3->Left ); return SingleRotateWithLeft( K3 ); } static Position DoubleRotateWithRight( Position K1 ) { K1->Right = SingleRotateWithLeft( K1->Right ); return SingleRotateWithRight( K1 ); } AvlTree Insert( ElementType X, AvlTree T ) { if( T == NULL ) { T = malloc( sizeof( struct AvlNode ) ); if( T == NULL ) printf( "Out of space!!!" ); else { T->Element = X; T->Height = 0; T->Left = T->Right = NULL; } } else if( X < T->Element ) { T->Left = Insert( X, T->Left ); if( Height( T->Left ) - Height( T->Right ) == 2 ) if( X < T->Left->Element ) T = SingleRotateWithLeft( T ); else T = DoubleRotateWithLeft( T ); } else if( X > T->Element ) { T->Right = Insert( X, T->Right ); if( Height( T->Right ) - Height( T->Left ) == 2 ) if( X > T->Right->Element ) T = SingleRotateWithRight( T );

else T = DoubleRotateWithRight( T ); } T->Height = Max( Height( T->Left ), Height( T->Right ) ) + 1; return T; } AvlTree Delete( ElementType X, AvlTree T ) { printf( "Sorry; Delete is unimplemented; %d remains\n", X ); return T; } ElementType Retrieve( Position P ) { return P->Element; } void Display(AvlTree T) { if(T!=NULL) { Display(T->Left); printf(" %d",T->Element); Display(T->Right); } } main() { AvlTree T; Position P,s; int i; int ch,n,x,opt; clrscr(); T = MakeEmpty( NULL ); printf("\n Enter the number of elements:"); scanf("%d",&n); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) printf("\n***** IMPLEMENTATION OF AVL TREE *****"); printf("\n 1.Insert"); printf("\n 2.FindMin"); printf("\n 3.FindMax"); printf("\n 4.Find"); printf("\n 5.Display"); printf("\n 6.Exit"); do { printf("\nEnter Your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) {

case 1: printf("Enter the elemnts to insert:"); scanf("%d",&x); T=Insert(x,T); break; case 2: printf("\n The minimum element in the tree"); s=FindMin(T); if(s==NULL) printf("\n Tree is Empty"); else printf(" %d",s->Element); break; case 3: printf("\n The maximum element in the tree:"); s=FindMax(T); printf(" %d",s->Element); break; case 4: printf("\n Enter the element to find: "); scanf("%d",&x); s=Find(x,T); if(s==NULL) printf("\nGiven Element is not in tree"); else printf("\nElement is found"); break; case 5: if(T==NULL) printf("\n Tree is Empty"); else Display(T); break; case 6: exit(0); break; } printf("\n Do you want to continue(0/1):"); scanf("%d",&opt); }while(ch<6); return 0; }

IMPLEMENT PRIORITY QUEUE USING BINARY HEAPS PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #define size 5 int que[size]; int rear,front; Qfull() { if(rear ==size-1) { return 1; } else return 0; } void insert() { int item; void pririty(); printf("\n \n \t Enter the element"); scanf("%d",&item); if(front == -1) front++; que[++rear]=item; //priority(); } void priority() { int i,j,temp; for(i=front;i<=rear-1;i++) for(j=front;j<rear;j++) if(que[j]>que[j+1]) { temp=que[j]; que[j]=que[j+1]; que[j+1]=temp; } } Qempty() { if((front==-1)||(front>rear)) return 1; else return 0; } void delet() {

int item; item=que[front]; printf("\n \t The item deleted is %d",item); front++; } void display() { int i; printf("\n \n The queue is :"); for(i=front;i<=rear;i++) printf("\n %d",que[i]); } void main(void) { int ch; char ans; clrscr(); front=rear=-1; printf("\n \n \t Priority queue \n"); do { printf("\n Main menu \n"); printf("\n 1.Insert \n2.Delete \n3.Display"); printf("\n Enter your choice :"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:if(Qfull()) printf("\n Queue is full"); else insert(); break; case 2:if(Qempty()) printf("\n \n You can't delete the element"); else delet(); break; case 3:if(Qempty()) printf("\n Queue is empty"); else display(); break; default : printf("\n Wrong choice"); break; } printf("\n Do You Want To Continue?"); ans=getche(); }while(ans=='Y' || ans=='y'); getch(); }

IMPLEMENT HASHING AND OPEN ADDRESSING PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int n,value,temp,hashvalue; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter value of n(table size):"); scanf("%d",&n); do { printf("\n Enter the hash value"); scanf("%d",&value); hashvalue=value%n; if(a[hashvalue]==0) { a[hashvalue]=value; printf("\na[%d] the value %d is stored",hashvalue,value); } else { for(hashvalue++;hashvalue<n;hashvalue++) { if(a[hashvalue]==0) { printf("\n Space is allocated give other value"); a[hashvalue]=value; printf("\na[%d] the value %d is stored",hashvalue,value); goto ll; } } hashvalue=0; for(hashvalue=0;hashvalue<n;hashvalue++) { if(a[hashvalue]==0) { printf("\n Space is allocated give other value"); a[hashvalue]=value; printf("\na[%d] the value %d is stored",hashvalue,value); goto ll; }} } ll: printf("\n Do u want to enter more(0/1)"); scanf("%d",&temp); }while (temp==1); getch(); }

IMPLEMENT PRIM'S ALGORITHM USING PRIORITY QUEUES TO FIND MST OF AN UNDIRECTED GRAPH. PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #define MAX 10 #define TEMP 0 #define PERM 1 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define infinity 9999 struct node { int predecessor; int dist; int status; }; struct edge { int u; int v; }; int adj[MAX][MAX]; int n; main() { int i,j; int path[MAX]; int wt_tree,count; struct edge tree[MAX]; create_graph(); printf("Adjacency matrix is :\n"); display(); count = maketree(tree,&wt_tree); printf("Weight of spanning tree is : %d\n", wt_tree); printf("Edges to be included in spanning tree are : \n"); for(i=1;i<=count;i++) { printf("%d->",tree[i].u); printf("%d\n",tree[i].v); } } create_graph() { int i,max_edges,origin,destin,wt; printf("Enter number of vertices : "); scanf("%d",&n); max_edges=n*(n-1)/2; for(i=1;i<=max_edges;i++)

{ printf("Enter edge %d(0 0 to quit) : ",i); scanf("%d %d",&origin,&destin); if((origin==0) && (destin==0)) break; printf("Enter weight for this edge : "); scanf("%d",&wt); if( origin > n || destin > n || origin<=0 || destin<=0) { printf("Invalid edge!\n"); i--; } else { adj[origin][destin]=wt; adj[destin][origin]=wt; } } if(i==0) { printf("Spanning tree is not possible\n"); exit(1); } } display() { int i,j; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=n;j++) printf("%3d",adj[i][j]); printf("\n"); } } int maketree(struct edge tree[MAX],int *weight) { struct node state[MAX]; int i,k,min,count,current,newdist; int m; int u1,v1; *weight=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { state[i].predecessor=0; state[i].dist = infinity; state[i].status = TEMP; }

state[1].predecessor=0; state[1].dist = 0; state[1].status = PERM; current=1; count=0; while( all_perm(state) != TRUE ) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if ( adj[current][i] > 0 && state[i].status == TEMP ) { if( adj[current][i] < state[i].dist ) { state[i].predecessor = current; state[i].dist = adj[current][i]; } } } min=infinity; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(state[i].status == TEMP && state[i].dist < min) { min = state[i].dist; current=i; } } state[current].status=PERM; u1=state[current].predecessor; v1=current; count++; tree[count].u=u1; tree[count].v=v1; *weight=*weight+adj[u1][v1]; } return (count); } int all_perm(struct node state[MAX] ) { int i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if( state[i].status == TEMP ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }

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