Books, Movies, and The Media

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Books, Movies, and the Media

How often do you read books?

What book are you reading these days?
Who is your favorite author?
Can you recommend a good book?
Do you ever read poetry?
Can you name five poets?
Does your house get the newspaper delivered?
How often do you read the newspaper?
Which section of the newspaper do you read?
Have you ever been to a play?
Have you ever been in a play?
Can you recommend a good movie?
When was the last time you saw a movie?
What genre of movies do you prefer?
Do you like action movies?
Do you like sci-fi movies?
Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Have you ever met a movie star?
What theater do you usually go to?
Do you like horror movies?
Do you like romantic comedies?

About how many hours a week do you spend watching TV?

What is your favorite TV program? What time is it on?
Do you like TV commercials?
Can you think of a funny TV commercial?
Do you like to listen to the radio?
What time of day do you listen to the radio?
What is your favorite radio station and program?
Who is your favorite singer?
Have you ever been to a music concert?
Can you play a musical instrument?
Are you a good singer?
What was the last CD that you bought?
Can you recommend a good CD?

Books, Movies, and Culture

Please write the meaning of the following expressions and then write
a sentence using the expression:
genre: ________________________________________________
sci-fi: _________________________________________________
horror: ________________________________________________
commercial: ____________________________________________
author: ________________________________________________
recommend: ___________________________________________

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