2 Série Ens. Médio: Exercícios - Modal Verbs

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1. Baseando-se em nossos estudos em sala de aula, adapte os modais do quadro abaixo s devidas frases a seguir:

can must might should may - will- would

a) Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _____ be exhausted after such a long flight. He _______ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest. b) If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you _____ walk downtown and explore the waterfront. c) When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such objects ________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. d) Hiking the trail to the peak _______ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes. You _______ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent. e) Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they ________ die. f) Ned: _______ I borrow your lighter for a minute? g) Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you ______ keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking. h) You look a bit confused. ________ I help you? i) ________ you like a piece of chocolate cake? j) ________ you help me, please? k) I _______ be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably have to take a taxi if I want to be on time. l) I _______ stop smoking. m) ________ I borrow your eraser. n) You _________ pay attention to the class, dear students. o) I said I ________ help you if you did your homework. p) You ________ be joking. q) ________ I have a quick word with you, Brian? It's nothing serious. r) Drivers ________ stop when the traffic lights are red. s) _______ you speak Italian? No, I ________. t) Look at that balloon. It's over there. ________ you see it? 2. Complete as frases com os verbos modais (can, could, would, may, must, should) coerentemente. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) _________ you help me with the composition? (very polite request) There are some clouds in the sky. It _______ rain a lot. (probability) I have bad marks. I ________ study hard every day. (necessity) _________ I use your phone, please? (polite request) _________ you like to come with me to the stadium? (polite invitation) I am afraid I _________ help you with this homework. (negative ability) Pay attention. You _________ make noise in classes. (prohibition) I have talked to your father. You ________ go to the camping with your friends. (formal permission) You are sick. You _________ stay in bed and take the medicines. (advice)


3. Analise se as frases a seguir esto corretas ou incorretas, ou seja, se elas esto constitudas com o verbo modal adequado s informaes nelas contidas. a) She can swim very well. ( ) True ( ) False b) Can I speak to you for a moment? ( ) True ( ) False c) He hasn't come to school. He would be ill. ( ) True ( ) False d) Look at your shoes. They are terrible. You could but a new pair of shoes. ( ) True ( ) False e) It was very serious. He must be dying. ( ) True ( ) False f) You should try this food. It is better for your health. ( ) True ( ) False

g) Could you like help me in the homework? ( ) True ( ) False h) I may paint my house because it is not difficult. ( ) True ( ) False i) j) Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry, but you mustn't park your car here. ( ) True ( ) False Hello, good morning. Can I help you? ( ) True ( ) False

4. Escolha a opo que corresponda ideia das frases em destaque. I. My grandfather is likely to lend me the money I need. a) My grandfather may give me the money I need. b) My grandfather must lend me the money I need. c) My grandfather should give the money I need. II. Do you know how to solve the problem? a) How may you solve the problem? b) How can you solve the problem? c) How must you solve the problem? III. Perhaps the rain is stopping soon. a) The rain can stop soon. b) The rain must stop soon. c) The rain may stop soon. IV. You aren't allowed to play ball games at the library. a) You can't play ball games at the library. b) You would play ball games at the library. c) You mustn't play ball games at the library.


V. It's almost certain that he is in London. a) He could be in London. b) He must be in London. c) He should be in London. Marque a resposta correta das questes a seguir: 5) I ......... go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill. a) must b) must to c) had to 6) I ......... go now because I am already late for my class. a) must b) had c) have to 7) I may ......... able to come to your party if I have the time. a) be b) being c) being to 8) Do you ......... clean the house every day or every week? a) must b) have c) have to 9) I ......... speak French without a problem now because I have had many lessons. a) may b) can c) have 10) They ......... do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school. a) must not b) don't have c) don't have to 11) I ......... help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags. a) ought b) ought to c) thought 12) When will you ......... come and see us in our new house? a) can b) be able to c) must 13) I......... go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there. a) mustn't b) must c) has to



14) (Cesgranrio) SHOPAHOLICS Psychiatrists and social scientists have various theories as to why people engage in compulsive behavior. Shopaholics, they suggest, could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from lack of selfesteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction to television commercials and glossy advertisements. The modals COULD, MIGHT and MAY appear in the Paragraph to express the idea of: a) permission. b) possibility. c) intention. d) prohibition. e) ability. 15) (PUCCamp-SP) Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada. Janet: Look, our boat is sinking! Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim? Janet: Yes, but we won't have to, there's a life boat on board. In the above dialogue, the verbs "CAN" and "HAVE TO" express respectively ....... and ........ . a) ability - obligation b) permission - prohibition c) possibility - prohibition d) permission - possibility e) ability necessity 16) (UEL-PR) "Bob,....(I)....you do me a real favor?' "Yes, of course." "....(II)....to meet my friend Tony tomorrow at one and I'm going to be late. Could you meet....(III)....for me?" "Yes, certainly, ....(IV)....better tell me what he looks like." Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) da frase apresentada. a) may b) could c) must d) ought e) should 17) 'Should' is the same as a) would b) had to c) ought to d) might e) can

Have a nice test! Teachers Kelem and Suzana.



1) a) must might b) should c) mustnt can d) can must e) will / might f) May / Can g) can h) Can / May i) Would j) Can k) must l) will m) May n) should o) would p) must q) May / Can r) must s) Can cant t) Can 2) a) May b) might c) must d) Could e) Would f) cant g) mustnt h) may i) should 3) a) True b) False c) False d) False e) True f) True g) False h) True i) True j) False 4) I. My grandfather must lend me the money I need. II. How can you solve the problem? III. The rain must stop soon. IV. You mustn't play ball games at the library. V. He must be in London. 5) had to 6) must 7) be 8) have to 9) can 10) don't have to 11) ought to 12) be able to

13) must 14) possibility. 15) ability necessity 16) could 17) ought to

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