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Ordonez, Maria Ofelia II P.

February 13, 2013


Im so excited to watch the Rizals life movie. When I watched it I observed that Rizal was an intelligent person because of his talent. This kind of movie also refers to the abuses of the Spanish colonizer to the Pilipino people specially to the family of Rizal they abuse by the Spanish colonizer and Rizal want that the Pilipino and Spanish have an equal right but the Spanish still abuse the Pilipino people, so that Rizal wrote a novel entitled Noli Me tangere and El filibusterismo that tells about the abuses of the Spanish colonizer to the Pilipino and he used it to fight against the Spanish. Rizal wants the Pilipino people to realize how to fight for their rights. Rizal sacrifices his own life just to save as and because of that I honor Rizal for what he did just to save our country and the Pilipino people from the Spaniards.

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