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HOAN NGHENH BAN 90C GOP ¥ PHE BINH NHA XUATBAN TRE 161b Ly Chinh Thing - Quan 3 -TP. H6 Chi Min ign thoai: 9316211 - 8465595 - 8465596 -9516289 Fax: 84.8.8437450 E-mail: nxbtre@hem.ynnn Website: htp:/ LOI MG DAU ‘Tap sdch “CCNA LabPr0” trong b@ sich “CCLabPto” duge bien soan dua trén gido trinh IOND 2.0 va dua trén ede yéu edu dé ra vé ky nang ddi voi mot hoe vien CONA. Voi ede kign thie chuyén sdu ny, ede ban s@ tu tin ki Tam vige trong mot moi trang chuyén nghiép doi hdi trinh d ehuyén mon cao. Cae ban ang dat duoc ede ky ning edn thiét cho mt CCNA, Cie bai (hue biznh trong t€p tai ligu ndy ebiia dung nbiéu vn dé mang tinh thue té, Dé str dung hieu gua tap tai lieu nay cae ban efin phi e6 nén tang ly thuyét ving chic, ede ky ning ceuhinh eo ban tren router va phd thye hank trén thiét bi router that 48 tip cam Auge ee céng nghe va sin phiim cia Cisco néi riéng va cita cae hang khde néi chung, ‘Tai ligu may phit hop cho ede ting vién trinh 4 CONA, ede chuyén gia hoat dong trong linh vwye mang nbiim cing ed va nding, cao kign thie ehuyen mon, ‘Tai ligu gdm ede bai thye hinh lién quan dén ee n6i dung! Phan 1: Cée edu hinh co bin Cisco 10S Phin 2: Cala hinh Catalyst Switeh Phén 3: Dinh tuydn trén router Phiin 4: Access-List Phén 6: NAT Phin 6: WAN Lai ma abs Déng hanh cing véi cdc ban tir nhing bude di dau tién, tap sdch sé giip cho cdc ban mau chéng tién b6, tre thinh nhing svhd gli th chayen hip. | Moi ¥ kién déng gép moi cae ban tham gia thao Inan tai dién dan owmpine tay, eS tie, wk a ot uc LUC dé tia sich “CCLabPro” ngay cang tea age bom ‘yan trong. Came sit : Dave quane ant Mm “ angen chow shots cuca . | cansinveie-non 2 Quy tic dat ton file ca hé diéu hanh Cisco 10S xi “ein in Cue 08 1 Lab Bigpond 2 Lab 4-2: Dat mat khdu truy cp 2 Lbtaciorhesbincanblutamosles ® | orecoaaey at 2 | Lab 1-5: Sirdung Telnet a Lab 1-6: Khéi phuc mat hd cho Cisco 2600, 3600 a ‘Lab 1-7: Khdi phuc mat kh cho Cisco 2500 6 Lab 1.8: ep 108 Image t Lab 1-9:Ngp 10S Image ti TFTP Servercho router cay ts RAM, Lab 1-10:Nep 108 image co ruterblng Xmnodem Lab 1-11:Ngp lOSimage cho router Cisco 2800bing pcs Lab 1-12: Nap 108 image cho such 2900, 9500 ‘TFTP Senvercho outerchay Flash 51 ii COMA LebPro Mye tye Lab +18: Giseo TTP We Sonor Lab 1-14: CSuhinh outer qua cog AUX 2.08 hinh Catalyst Switeh Lab 2-1 Céuhinh cnn Catalyst 2000 Lab 22: C& hin VLAN Lsb26 ter VLAN Rowing (ab2-: VANTiuing Lab 25: Lam ge veto soner 28 Binh tuyéntrén outer Lab 91: Binh ayn tén outer Cisco Lab 32: Cuhirh sie tyéntrh L2b3.: Cduhirh AP eatin Leb 34:Gizothieatrh ten AP Lab 35: CAuhinn Passive tetace {ab 36:Cuhinh GAP oobin Leb 37: Cashin GRP Passive lelane Lab 8: Cui AP Unequst Cost Load Baring Lab3.0: PP vaDisconigous Notores Lb 3-10 Paci gta RIPVAIGRP Leb9-11:OSuhinthEIGRPoxbin Lab 3-12 Recistibute ite GAP va EIGAP Leb 3.18:CéuhirhOSPF eatin ie ea 22 6 © 1 8 1% ” i” © @ @ an CNA LatPro 4 Access list Leb 41: Standard Access List Lab 42:Eerdod IP Access-Lists Lab 4: Kido sot uy cép vi ruler s.NaT Labs StalonaT L2b82:DypamieNAT LBS a.NAT Ovetoad 6 WAN Tei Muelve Lab 61: inh ISONODR 2b62.Chalonge Hordsake Aurtaton Pot (CHAP) Lab6: Mtkou Authanticaton Pretocal PAP) Lab 6-4 Gaui ISDN ulin PPP Lab 65: Céuhieh Fame Relaycinbin Lab 6-6: Cau inh Frame-eay Subiteaoepointtopoint Lab67: Cashinh Famo-Rolysafomeprira Lab6-8 FremeRelay saicmagring tong mang Paral PVC Mesh Lab6-:FremeRelay tong mang Part PVC Mesh lipu tham khdo. 12 20 304 CAC KY HIEU SU DUNG 4 oer swe SB ote Sener Hindinsait| ite chery fastneet a of 0 Ue Wi CN LatPro CAP VA CAC THIET BI CISCO soe You edu —Nhan biét mot s6 thiét bi mang ciia Cisco, ede eding gino tiép (port) tren thidt bi, ¥ nga cba cae den higu (LED), = Doc, liam quen v6i ede ky higu, vi tri trong mang ela ede thigt bi trén so dé, lp cic tidt b csco Mil = Nhan biét duge ede loai edp: Cap thing (Straight - Through Cable); cap chéo (Crossover Cable); cap console (Rolled-over Cable); edp serial... Biét duge mét s6 traimg hop sir dung eiia eae loai cap. = Tao (biim day) ede oni edip c&n bin va kiém tra chat wong, chia soi cap. Huong din ~ Cap Serial: 1a exp thong tin (data cable) e6 2 dau noi voi giao tid DB-60. Mgt dau cia edp duoe diung ad nd vei thist bi DCE; dau con Iai néi véi thiét bi DTE. Cp nay duoe ding a@ 16i hai eng Serial eta hai thiét bi dink tuyén router. Tinh hudng nay duge ding nhiéu trong méi truing lab. Cép serial eding dave diung dé ndi thiét bi dink tuyén router véi ede modem hoe véi ‘téng dai s6, Frame Relay. ~Ciip xoiin 4 dbi: La cdp thong tin chun STP/UTP. Cap xodin _g6m 6 8 soi xoln v6i nhau thanh img 6i mot theo ma mau Cam-Tring Cam; Lye-Tring Lue; Duong-Tréng Duong; Nau- ‘Tring Nau. Hai dau eép néi véi Jack cm Pt ‘Tay theo chun mau cia 2 dau Jack RJ-45 ma ta phan bist thank ede loa sau pei chun T5600 pois Go youe — [str] 001 | tauste cnicaing | + | 3 | Telng Cam | Prat t 2 [stem Phat Sof 2 | ing Ranh | tw subnet mask = 30 Sea cai ‘Ta e6 ede subnet nbw sau: 199,269.2,206/26 Subset Subnet Address _ lu ines subnet 0 eave Subnet 2 subnet 2 203.162.1 Chia subnet 193.1692.0/28 thanh 4 subnet con méi subnet 2 ‘Subnet 3 203.162-1 dia chi dé gan cho mang WAN. Ta e6 cde subnets: Subnet ¢__203.162.1.208/30 399.269.2.0/30 subnet §___203.162.1.212/30 393.268.2.4/30 susnct_ €05,162:3.216/30 169.2.22/30 Suonet 7 will com Litre | Cintio sb e—wstt wit vidy 3 Chia mang 205,100,3.0 sao cho ¢6 3 mang eon mdi mang e6 {62 host, ede mang con con Iai mdi mang 6 6 host. 208.300.2.0/26 205-100.3.64/26 205-100.3.128/26 298-100.3.192/28 208 64/29 208. 72/28 205. 80/29 208. 83/29 ‘oetWh LabPco |, QUY TAC DAT TEN FILE CUA HE DIEU HANH CISCO 10S ‘San phéin cla Cisco 06 rét nhiéu logi, Mai loai eé mét 108 khde nhau, IOS cing c6 nhiéu phién bin khac nhau, méi phién ban o6 nhiing tinh nang riéng. Tuy nhién ede IOS déu tuan theo mét quy tée dat tén chung. ‘Sau day la cc quy tdc Cisco dva ra dé dat tén IOS ‘Tén cia hé diéu hanh Cisco 10S ¢6 ba phin. Méi phén eich nhau bang dau gach, ¢6 dang nhu sau: aaaa-bbbb-ce, trong dé: —aaaa = Platform - dong san phim dp dung hé diéu hanh nay bbb = Feature es ~ of nb nog —ec = Format — dinh dang file IOS, noi IOS image chay, kiéu. nén cia IOS Weds t ‘Ten file LOS cho Cisco 3620 la 3620-i-mz_113-8_T1.bin. Tén Ble ny ogee dnt can 920 sn on | Fun from RAM Platform Speci t ‘ essa0 1 guise mini rot Zpped 108.1158 (6) (Quy téc 83 ten fie cla hp du Ninh Cisco 10S mi Nhu vay, day I’ mot file IOS cho router Ciseo 8620, 10S dupe: rnén va chay tir RAM, phign ban 11.3 (8) dinh eho TP. Vi du 2: Tén file IOS cho Cisco 2500 Ii igs-g-L_111-24 bin, Ten file nay 06 ¥ nghia nn saw Hardware Plater: Cisco 2500, ISON Suan version Felostale Cade 5 roer igs - g- L 111-24.bir 10s 11.1 ea Day [a file IOS image cho router Ciseo 2500, phién bin 11.1 (24) 06 thé thay déi noi chay, nap ding cho ISDN va IP. Platform Phin déu tion trong tan file x4e dinh dong sin phéim a6 chay_ hg digu hknh nay: sese00 5000 1600 1600 [2500 26x81, 5100, AO (142 andlatar cay) (25% Feed Fred 2800 2500 Quake 2200 Catayet 2600, 2900 2010, 2950 codaim 2900 ATM eoeco 3540 99009800 0004000 (1.2 and later on) 4500 4500, «700 7000 7000,7010 (11.2. ater ent) Ml ‘CoN LabPro cro 7200 ioe 198, 2c 5100, AP gx gateway Senor /AGS, AGS) 987 gateway serv(7000,7010) per Gigable Sulton Routr (12000) Ie1or0 —_Lghtsteam 1010 rnea8i0.Adont Mulizonvice Co 9810 pete Partners plato n ‘protocol varlatoc pm MG 850, mp 78x ‘br7200_ Universal @reacbard Rouse 7200 br900 Unto! reachand Reuter 200, ‘Une20 Universal Brosehand Rovter 920 ew Voice Cars Ware geste 2500 nod spoa tekon ng, 25) lnago tnt supports eny stor, Foarture sets cfc tinh nang a APEN 2 ATM 22 —_APPNraplacement » ‘Aiea boot beetimage ° CComm-sereRemate Aesess Server (RAS) subse (SNMP, IP, DBidgingI PX, Aalk, Deena, FR, HOLC, PPP, X25, ARAP, 3270, PIRemao, vAT)(oen-cieeaPro) Commer te (Ceo!) <2 Cammzenvanemato Azsoze Sere: (RAS) subeat (NWP, IP, Bridgrg PX, Alas, Dsenl, FR, HDLC, PPP, X25, ARAD, 12/0, PT, XRemote, LAT) (is0oPr) Gusting Decitopcubsat (SNMP, IP, Bragg, WAN, Ramota Nede, Taminaieniess, IPX lak, ARAP) (11.2 = Docnot) 42 tecuas Desitopeubsa{SNWP, IP, IX, ATALK, ARAP) ‘Quy te eat ten fe cba ht du nan Cisco 19S ‘ii diag boot 1OS basad diagnostic images |oxehange ino longer used in +18 and ate SaPipes (082 Aecoss Enables Cisco Sl act ae a “Galay toa 6M (82 predicts or dnstoam leno in 137 ohernet boot image fr mez810 platerm FAD subse (SNMP, FR, PPP, SD:LC, STUN) ‘modified FRAD subse, EIGAP, Pebes, Lan Me romove (OSPF adéea {ISDN subcet (SNP, P, Bring, ISON, PPP, IPx, Mak) gatekeeper tony, wee and video SOW abset for <800 (P, ISDN, FR} For Matbu(29%0), 80210, smich unctone, IP Host, Diagnosis image for Malou) IP subset (SNP, IP, Brggng, WAN, Remote Nowe, “emninal Sreos) subset ina to subse for sym contotarimage (8800) educod IP subset wth BGP, EGPAMIB, NHRP, DIARESP removed subset of 1 (6200) IP subset wih 887 (2600) nlorpse subset (temo px, nluse potcal tansabon) rotused unt 12.3" ‘echen si (eierpo fr iho ame as) Neuse ar 10) Baseline Privacy kay encryption (On 11.8 a up) hignond enterica wiCIP2 weodo (Not used afer 10.3) Tile DES (On 11.3 and up) 8b 38H onenton {880i SSH encryption served for ture aserypencapabitos (Cn 11.9 and up) Reserved for uturo encryption capabitos (On 11.9 and up) Reserve for ture encryption capatites [Gn 14.9 ad up) -Rosared fr tatu encryption capatites (On 15.9 and up) Resorod fo tur ancnypion epadites (On 11.3 and up 'PoxchangeIPX, state outng,gatonay FION (11.4 ny aiayt 220 fol parser, AHS, Lane Cet ridang ‘COMA Labo BEBRT BRS? Px Frowat dormotlyIPoxehange Not Menagomen) Franat rx) Fan with ssh (96:0 2630) Sento Preside (P RIPIGRPIIGAPIOSPEIGP, CLNS ISISTGAP) Senvies ProvicerwiCP2 urode 325200 sorico prewdor 5800 (ive) seven provider Seni Provider (6400 NAP) Series Pronger th PTITARP (2600, 2040) IPoxetangoasyne [2M base option (RB, SDLLC, STUN, OLSW, LLC) used wt nd (Seo net Blom.) Ta saat for 1600 inagos [BM Yin or Aro isages (810) redacod IBM subset wih BSCIMIE, STUNT, ASPPY MB, RSAGAMD ronoved source roe sh (SNMP, 1, Being, SA) (10.20 11.1) dion by Pat via PLUS pack 1000 (OSPF, PIs, SNAP, NLS®, ATIP, ATAUAP, FRSVC, SVP, NAT) c1C05 —[¢25, al WAN, OSPF, PIM, NLS®. SMP, ATI?, ATaUAaP, FRsve, RSVP, NAT) 1600 (OSPF, MULTICAST, NHAP, NTP, NAT. RSVP, FRAME AELAY_SVC)AT°"imagos also havo: [SMRPATIP ARP] PX's images ao ras; NLSPNARD 2600 NAT, RMON, 1a, UMP, VPONC2F) ©2602 (NAT. IM, MMP, VPONL2F, VOIP ans ATH) 2€20 NAT, IM, MAP, VPDNIL2F) in 1.97 aad VOIP 3610 (NAT, 19M, MMP, VPOML2F) in 137 added VOIP fe2c00 (NAT. IBM, IME, VPDNIL2F) 8600 NAT ISL, LANE, (8M, MVP, VPONIL2F) 65200 PT, 320, mangos medans, VON, AMP, VPONLZF) 25000 WHIP, VPDN, NAT, Madore Masagomor, RMN, IB) from (NAT, LANE and VLAN) ©7000 ISL, LANE, IBN, NMIP, VPONL2F) (ot 08nd hanh Cisco 10S ANY aBe ws RRs a sKe 67200 (WAT, ISL, :BM, MMP, VPDN/L2F) sp (NAT, ISL, LANE, IM, MMP, VPONLZF) [NP wi melas Usod ooornes: to Taran 1000 Data (1.2) IP with VLAN IP (Networs Layer 9 Suehing Sofware, rb, sf, sib, stb) VIP ana va ASP (HSA) Suppo ‘format Binh dang 108. 1. Noi 10S duoe chay A fesageany wets ' Voice va0 cb thé thay na chay1OS Yale Fest Cara Voie (920) 2, Kidu nén eta 108 Reserved fr WU {eh thing) ndurip ' se x rénigunsip 1 Lawes Pye ” en ida STAC P i “ PVC tai sharing Phan tén mi rong io Aavantnge BD tan Foatue Sete tar tin fh veh dng fla cing df dng oc at a Px, sae outing, atonay ‘elahau,augenen bai ga hese ot dang og > Not Moragemont nen inde © FARIS, sie ee yng vs on cyt eb y Ase Diskbeted Dietor Fete Sots X25 in 1.1 on eater elease5 and on 800 in 1207. FAK 25in 112 UPexchange). 1.29 GstekeopenProny 11.3 and later reooses fc 2500, 252, 2640, e010 ‘ocuced I (SRM, P RIPAGRPEIGRP, Bing, ISDN, PPP) (creo) ‘oduad IP (SNM, IP RIPAGRPEIGAP, drgina, WAN X25) {Crees (112 ncvtes 25) (1005) IP variant (no Kerberos, Ras, NYP, OSPF, PI, SURP. NR.) (e600) IP atat SVP, PIPIGRPREGRP, WAN -X25, OS, Pd) (1005) IP Plus variant ro Kerberos, Rass NTP. (e100) tenes reduad Pvatant (Cable, Mts, OHGP, EZHTTP) ‘manages modems 40 it enenption ‘Sb bit enengtion {5 bt enryetion ih IPSEC CCoNA LabProll Wy tic eat ene cia hdd hanh Cisco 0S AY Cap OCTAL cung cap 8 async port loai RJ-45. Méi port RI- 45 kGt ndi vao console port eiia mdi router trong bai lab tuong sing v6i ede asynchronous line tir 2001 dén 2008, So d6 Ket nb thiét b] véI Terminal Server CAU HINH TERMINAL SERVER ‘Terminal server eung efip truy ep out-of-band, nghta Ta 66 thé sit dung telnet dé truy ep router thong qua cing console hay oéng aux. Terminal server IA router véi ede asynchronous port néi trize tip véi console port cia ede thiét bi router, switch. SCSISepn DBS OB AUS Onvett Poser Router Cisco 2511 alt dung gio tigp SCSI 68-pin dé ket ndi v6i edp OCTAL abu hinh dui fn peer Ss Se a iil CENA LabPro CSU hinh Terminal Server alK ‘Tyong bai thye anh nay, terminal-server sé cho phép nguai dang lruy ofp toi nhiéu thidt bi kh. cau hinh enable password cisco ro ip domain-iookup ip host rl 2002 192-168,10.20 sp host 12 2002 ip host. £22009 ip host r4 2004 192.263,10.20 Sp host 15 2005 192,168.10. Ap host £6 2006 ip host cat io 2007 192.268 aneeetace Toopbackd ip address 192,168.10, 10 no ip address sbutdown no Sp addzess ip classless Line con 0 ™ ‘con LatPro tine 1 16 txanopost snput cole line vey 0 4 word elses logging synchronous rosia end (Cac buve edu hinh Terminal Server 1. Tao cdng loopback va gin dia chi IP cho ofng loopback sever Icontia) b ror (contig) #interface Loopbackd Jeenserver jcontig-it)# SLNE=ROTO-5-UEDOH changed state £0 up Line ‘seesi on Interface Leepback®, ‘ermserver (cont 29 Interface LeosbeckO, changed state to up nif) ¥ap ascrose 22.168-10-10 2. Cho phép tray efip qua eée line 1 dén 16 théng qua phién truy efip telnet Teumaerver (contig) Fine 116 Yersworver (config-Line) Fteansport input ? lL All provecole DBC LAT protocol nop DEC MOP Rerote Console Protoce? nasi WAST protacot ‘Cu binh Yertinal Server nai pad login selnet 120 heyne over ISDN ‘Teragerver (eontig-Linel ‘yerneerver (config~line) 8, Tao hostname Luong ting v6i router dang két n6i vio ter minal server dé ta ¢6 thé truy ep thong qua hostname Rover conéiguration commanss, ore por Line. dnd wish CMTL/2, ‘cacmagever (cantig) ip host ri 2001 emserver(config) tp host ¥2 2002 ‘Termserver (config) ip host 13 2003 ‘emeerver (configi tip host 4 2004 host £5 2009 2006 host eat29 2007 192.168.10. (om) ‘Trong dong lénh trén, ede 56 tir 2001 dén 2006 14 port duoe: diung trong qué trinh reverse telnet. Port nay duge tinh nhw sau: port number = 2000 + x, vdi x: line number. Vi du, néu rl duce: gn vio line 1 thi port number eda r1 Ta 2001. wail ‘con Labera] Kiém tra revnservertonay ruaning-contig version 11.2 Hoe passhord-ancryskon-en: ro sexvice ucp-enall-sezvers hos enable password 7 0200055708090192 ieverface Loopbsckd tp adaress 192-168.19-10 .255.056.0 Kim tra dia chi loopback0 xem da dking ehua Loophacko incaznet address ie rv 1514 bycea, BW 8000000 Khiz, DLY 5000 uaee, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation ICOPERCK, loopback not set. Keopalive sat (20 see) foutpue never, cuzpat hang sever Last clearing of “shew inzersace cow Zorneervart [Clu bin Terrinal Server wlll Kigm tra két néi yéi router r1 xem dit thanh céng chua Beying £1 (192,169.10-10, 2001)... Open st enter key Rovtex>enable conf ‘avex conziguration conmands, one per Line. (contis) fhostaane RE RL (oonfsgh #2 Rikcopy running startup fon) mir Dé tr’ vé terminal server, ta &n (6 hop phim Ctrl-Shilt6, x tit R1. Khi thuc hign té hop phim may, nan déng thoi CtxL-Shift R sau dé tha ra r0i nhain x. Riicerd-shitt-6, x nermoervert ‘Xem ede phién két néi reverse telnet bing edeh thue hién leah, show sessions ‘Termservertsnow sescions vd adseoss Byte Tele Conn Nace yez.ea1010 «92 RI vernservert "Ta e6 thé tré vé phién lam vide hign hanh bing edeh din 6 1 anniv CCNA LatPro fr lening connection 1 ¢o 22-2. 1 Hit enter key zu Trung hop két ndi khong thinnh cong thi s® hién thong bso eeConnvction refused by remote host khi Unuc hign két n6i. rer tet eying £1 (292-268.20-10, 2001) & Connection xefused by renote host Dé két Unie phign lam vide hign hanb, ding lénb clear line hoe ding lénb disconnect. Lon nay eng duce ding khite phue thong bio I6i % connection refused néu trén Leoni ze) on Drying £1 (192.168-10.10, 2002)... oxen Conn Host, aadzess Byte te conn Name © oom Cu Kon Tensoa Server oa 1 CAN BAN CISCO 10S Lab 1-1: Baing nip vo router — ao ign dng ert Lab 12: Dat matkhd tay c4p {ab 1-3: Cao fh ev bén oda he du hart Cisco 10S Lab 1-4. Cs00 Discovery Protocol Lab 15: Sirchng Telnet Lab 1-8:K0phyomithindu cho Cis00 2600, 2600 Lab 1-7: Koi phycmatkh cho Cis092500 Lab 1-8 Nap 0S Image tu TFTP Sewer cho router cay tach Lab 1-8:Nep 108 Imago ti TFTP Server cho router chay BRAM Lab 1-10: NepI0S image cho ruterbing Xmodem {Lab 1-11: Nap 10S image cho outer Cs00 2600 bing tips Lab 1-12:Nap 108 image co sutch 2000, 3500, Lab 1-13: Cisco HTTP Web Sener Lab 1-14: Cahn router trea qua o8og AUX Cin ban cisco WS 2 seaeseey By BANG NHAP VAO ROUTER GIAO DIEN DONG LENH You cfu Bai thue hinh nay ghip nguidi doe Ram quen véi che dd lénh (CLI-Command Line Interface) vi mot s6 lank co ban cita hé di hanh CiscoICS. Huéng din 1. Néicap _—Pé dim bio an toan thidt bi trong khi thue hank, ta edn pha tit hodm toan nguén din eae thiét bi trong khi néi ep. Dang ep Console (edip Rolled) néi eng COM cia may PC (ding Terminal chuyén di tix DB-9 sang RJ45) véi céng Console cia Router 2, Bling nhap vao router Khéi dong Windows, vao HyperTerminal Start - Programs - Accesories - Communications - Hyper Dermninall ~ Bit ten va ede thong s6 nh hinh 2 CON LabPro| - Name: = Icon: chon biéu tuyng tuy thich, Connect using : COML Seaton FT nl Beet | bee Reis ste fF 3} Bone _ Ran 6 thé nhéin vao mit Restore Defaults néu mudn dung ede gid tri mae dinh, Cen 4 Khdi déng Router = Bat nguén cho Router. = Xem edie thong tin vé Router duoe hidn thi tren man hink, HYPER TERMINAL, system Boststvap, Versson 11.0(20e), sommunRE 1 Version a 108 aang ns tong ROM Copyright: (©) 1986-1996 by cisco systens 2500 processoe with 14336 Kbytes of main memory & Cho bist loai bd ni Iy Router (2500) va. dung ang 6 ne AM ce! NVRY Lnvalid, possibly due Lo write erase v3: 44573916 ar #3000060 Use, duptication, or dia subject to rev! rages (2) (1) (£8) 96 the Rights in Technics! Date and suse at DFARS sec. 252.227-7022, cisco Systems, Inc. 0 Rest Taanian Deve stat San Jose, Calif 06 Internetwork Oparating systan sortuare S (tn) 2500 Software (C2500-I-L}, Version 22.1 (3), AE~ Leask SoPtiaRE (el) t Vossion la 10S ana as tena fash 4 CCNA LebPeo. Copyright. (c} 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thx 06-Jui-00 07:39 by Frage text-pace) 0x03032720,. aa “base: ox00002000 cisco 2509 (68030) processor (revision m) with 14336K/ 208% by: Bridging sortuare: X.28 software, Version 3.0.0 02,3 interface (a) of menory. veviaien 90000000 1 Behernet (28 2 Serial network interface @ cerinal Lire(s) 32K byten of nonwolacile configuration memory. a board System flash (Read OND) X bytes of proces: = cho bit eat Restor 2503 ‘dingkengbé rhoterg PANcirg fo IOS (2018), cae on ww v8 4 edo ton Route: ong ig bo a Raa BO ahd Pash ~ systen Configuration Dialog ~ Wold you Like co ancer the initial configuration dialog? (yee/na) + 90 eben No Would you Like bat = Nhiin Enter dé tigp tye xudt hign ddiu nbie doi lonb, hie nay Gang 8 user mode, 46 vio priviledge mode, dimg Ienh enable — DE quay lai user mode bling lgnh disable hodte Lenk exit Routertdizabie (Cin bin Cisco 0S 5 = Dimng lénh logout dé thost ché 46 dong lenh Routes> logout = Ban dang 8 ché d@ user mode, nhap ky tu? (cham hii) dé xem edie Iénh hign e6 trong ché dO nay: aceeso-enabl clear disable disconne: enable lock cond is now avastable ETURW $0 yet szarted. te create a tonporacy access-list entry spply user-profile to interface Reset fusctions open @ terminal connect ior sen off privilege nd Disconnect an oxisting not urn on privileged connands Exit f2om the BXEC esex 1 the interactive help system Lock the cexminat og in as a particular veer Brit, fom voesion information) Request nesgrbor fom a multicast roucr Show tics aftor multiple multicast trace reverse sulticast path Crom des g network connect open a X.28 PAP connection Send echo messeges start 1 (eee) Re ‘cota Labo ‘Néu 96 hang thong tin can hign thi nhiéu hon mot trang man nh (25 hang), cud min hinh hign chore ban nhéin phim a6 xom hang ké tiép, hoge phim SPACE dé xem trang ‘i6p. Nou ban nhain phim ENTER, thang tin s@ hién thi thém hing. Néu ban ding SPACE BAR, thang tin st hign thi 0 trang man hinh, = Lénh giuip do () rat hau dung, ban o6 thé dimg trong bat {ky ch do nao, Router sv dua ra ede mue chon duge phép sir dung va y nghie eita lenh d6. Vi du ban muén xom tiép ee phan cba smh show, ban 0: Routes>show 7 Hoc bon khong nhé tat cd nhiing len bit dau bing ede ky tur te, ban 06 thé 2: Rovtor> te? telnet 5 inal Khi d6, router sb ligt ke tat c& ede Jonh bat ddu bing te. = H@ digu hanh trong Router Cisco cho phép g@ tit, Ban chi an go 56 key ty dit dé phan bigt cae edu lenh véi nhau la eau Jénh duge chap mhan, hoe ban nhin phim TAB dé hién day dik cau enh, Rogers vel (zaR] Fovter> telnet = Vao ché' a8 global-configuration-mode, dung lenh confige- ration terminal Rovtertoontigueation Enter cont ne. ea with CHL /t ono po Ceabin Gsco 03 1 = Mat s6 hop phim tat: Ky thi CONA dai hoi ngwbi hoe phat Sr dung than thgo #8 hop cfe phim tt nay. Ngbai ra, mot Thuong trink ding lim terminal e6 thé khong hé tro ee th sim mi Tre a dg 3. Xem théng tin vé edu hinh ea rout Tai ché do privileged mode, ban hay thue hién ede leah sau, va iden tra it quit ea img, len “em tin las 10S, vrsion cla (OS dang a ng, Haha ow Aah thom slarup-cig how esnrguaten no on om da hb ony ertinvi dace eichos de ot) = Xod edu hinh duge router dig hie khdi dong: dang lénh. Je startupconfig. Bhi A thaehign lonh nay, néu xem Is ef Bish khbi dng, ban s® nhan Uaing bso 1 poutextorase otartup-contig Bracing che avrom £ Continse? ( contiza) (0 Erase of 8 Routertsh start 745 Non-volatite contiguration enory Le x Roster? ‘system {11 renove all files! Int comprete 4, Si dung HYPER TERMINAL ‘Sti dung tinh lige ich truyén file ca HYPER TERMINAL, é c6 thé edu hinh nhanh mn6t Router, ban od thé soan thao truge eiie cau lénh bang NotePad theo diing trinh tu, luw dudi dang file text, sau di ding Send Text File... (Transfer -> Send Text File...) d6 truyén Pile: Eat ew Cel ee Heb cate a Ces erin Cio ine e ‘Vi du: ban soan thio file SHOW.TXT nhu san: show version snow Clash exit ~ Giich truyéo file chi hata dung v6i ee enh cata inh khong 6 ee thing 66 xe nhin (mde dong 14 cfu Lenk hoan ebinh), ng thse ign dage cho ede cu Ténh 6 thong a8 Iya chon, Ching ham: khong nén dung cho leuh enable (vt e6 thé phai xe rnhin mat Khiu), khong thé dling cho lenh low edi hinh who NVRAM vi 66 xde nh ten file Routerfcosy sunning-contig startup-contig Destination filename { BuLiding configuration. (om) cup-contigl? CChinh thoi glan t8 dng len Dé c6 thé theo dai kip ede théng bso, ban cki thoi gian tr khi truyén ting dong khoang 2000ms - 4000ms (Chon File ~ Prop- erties ~ ASCII Setup ...) 10 ‘CCNA LatPro i Teena uae | Tr fstetosaee Lee eee rose [2 ome Sete | er | ee 2 eon eee | a= } F Dowtentrencanpony dered Zee eee better | Esse] Luu thao td ~‘Trong qui trinh thue han, ban mudh ghi lai ede thao tae. Ban sir dung tinh nang Capture eda Hyper-Terminal (Transfer = Capture Text...) E Be Foldec DADocumente and SetingsHAl- HAUL i: AMET — gonse Stat Conc ~ Ban hay nhép tén file voi duomg dan day a6. Bit iu tir Iie nay, lil ed exe thao tée eita ban va két qua déu duge ghi ai Kihi thue hign xong, nhé Stop Capture (Transfer > Capture Text ~> Stop) dé lum file va six dung WordPad dé xem lai (Cin ban Cisco 10S it LAB 1-2: BAT MAT KHAU TRUY CAP Terminal SB Console Mo ta ‘Phong thuing o6 ede lo (Cisco nhe sau: = Loai mat khdu dau tien Ih enable, Loai may duve sit dung 48 vao ché do enabled mode. Router st yeu edu ben nhap mat kkha nay vao khi ban danh len enabie tix user mode &@ ehuyén sang ché a6 enable mode, - Ba loai con Tai 1a mat khiiu Ki ngudi dng tray cap qua céng console, eng Aux, hay Telnet. mat khilu 48 bito mat cho mét router Mat kha ed phn bigt chi hoa hay chi ihvng (ease sensitive), va hong qué 25 ky t, Cac ky Ww ndy 06 thé 1 chi hoa, che thug, con 8, ede dd chain chu va Khoding cfc; ty nhién kj ty dd lign KhEng Suge le au tog 12 CNR LatPro Thye hign Mat khdu truy c&p vio enable mode Rosser (canis) Fenable secret vip < =gt kndu 1A vip cnfig) fenable password cisco ( mit Kadu 18 cisco roster ( — GO ché dé mac dinh, mat khéu 6 dang khong ma héa (clear text) trong file cu hinh, Néu 06 dt enable seeret, mat kha nay 6 e6 higu Ic manh hon cde mat khéu con lai. [Mat andu tuy cap vao User Mode 1, Dat mét khau cho user mode bing lénh line, xem xét ee thong 80 theo sau bing cach deinh dau ? sau lenh line, ~ cut dit mgt Khu cho eGng aux, thing ding khi eda binh cho modem giin router, quay s6 vao dé edu hinh router ~ console dit mat kha trade khi vao user mode ~ vty da mae Midi dé telnet vo router. Néu khong dae mat Khdu, Khong thé. thue hign telnet vio router Dé duit mat Khdu cho user mode, edn xéo din line muda eit ooh va dang Ignh fogin dé router dus ra thong bio ening thse bi hoi nhap mat Khai 2, Dat mat khdu tron edng aus lia router: vio global config ‘mode dinh Ienh dine aux 0. ‘Cin kin cisco tos Chu ¥ ring hi duge chon sé 0 vi thong thuimg chi 66 mot ‘dng auxilary tron router. Rovtertoontig t enter config (contig) tine aus 0 (contigeLine) Hlogin no) Fpageword vip fn conmands, one per Line. End with CNIL/2 Bouter (contig Cau lgnh Iogin rt quan trong, née khéng o6 lenh may, router 2 khang thang bso di hdi chiing thue 3. Dat mat Khdu tray c8p cho eding console trén router: ding Jenh line console 0 Bowles (config) #ine console 0 Roster (config-Line} Mogin Bouter (config-Line) ipassword unpre hi nay, néw nguivi ding tray ep vao cGng console, ngubi dang bj you edu nhap mat khdu Ta vnpro 4, Dit mat khalu telnet: dang len line vty Roster (conEis-line) HLine vty 04 outer (contig-Line) Nogin (contig-line) fpazeweed unpes Sau khi router e&u hinh dia chi IP, ban 6 thé ding chuong trinh Telnet dé eau hinh vA kiém tra router thay vi six dung ep console Kiém tra Kigm tra lai ede loai mat khdu da dat bing edeh xem eu bink: enh show running-config: hign tai dang chay, the h 14 CCNA LabPre Rovter#show tunning-c: version 12.0 service Citectonpe debug uptime gorvice Cizestanpe log uptime no service password-eneryption rene Route: fonable secrot § $19¥3iK5iF732nPkFA6/hwI6.N20g enable password cisco * ace Ethernet oa ine con 0 Paseword exe ie ine aux 0 password vip login Lise vey 04 password RAR Cn bin cis 108 ‘Trong edu hinh ta thay mat khdu secret ir dang mai hda. Cae nat Ichdu khée & dang khong ma héa. H@ diéu hanh Cisco 108) ho phép mai héa tt c& ede mat kh trong file cau hinh bing gnh service password-eneryption tai ché d6 ediu hinh ton eve, Routes (config) #gaxvice paseword-oneryption Router (eontigh# [Ctrl srAshow running-contig sing configuration: enable secret § $1$v2kxgiP752HP%F06/AWIG.NZOg. ‘enable pacoword 7 011008175804 Anterface Eeaczneco shutdown snterface Serialo no ip address 1G CCNA LabPro! password 7 11180817 Lice aux 0 password 7 03125218 iegin tine vty 04 password 7 15202938 login end ‘Tat c& ede mat Khifu da duge ma hoa, Mat khéu Enable se. ceret vin & dang el, Mie dj ma hén dupe ign thj bing chi sé dsing ngay trade méi mat Khu. Cie sid tri o6 thé ed ea chi sé nay Te 7: mat Kha dupe ma héa theo thuat todn hai chiéu MD7; mat khdu dang ny e6 thé gidi ma duge. 5: mit khdu duge ma héa theo thust ton mbt ehigu MDB; khong thé gidi ma dupe dang may. 0: (hoe Khong 6 gid tri) mat Kha duge hién thi & dang khong ma héa. Néu tt ché €6 ma héa véi cfu Iénb no service passteord-en- croption, thi mat khéu vin & dang ma héa trix khi dat Iai mat Cin bin Cisoo 108 W LAB 1-3: CAC LENH CO BAN CUA HE DIEU HANH CISCO 10S Terminal S&S onscle 4. Bat routor bannor Dl Tui cho Mh ngudi dig diing nhp qua edng console hay: telnet who router. wong thye 86, Ignh banner duge ding a8 ra coke can béo 164 véi ede tray ef trai phép vao router. Lenk nay chi o6 tinh chit ong ep thing tin vi h8 théng mA ngudi ding Aang tray efp vio = Cau Ink thyc hign toi global configuration mede nhur sau Route ont ia) Banner > LIne e henner-texe ¢, where. cis a delin exec sett EXEC process creation banner inconing Set inconing terninel line banner legin Seu Login banner motd Set Message of the Day banner = Tham sé motd thuong hay duee sik Gung nha. Thong $6 nay dua ra thong béo che moi nguyi KL quay sO hay ket ndt vi router thong qua Telnet, edng aux hay cOng console Wh CONA LatPro’ jconfig) dbannes mova 7 ext ¢, where, 2° is a dohimiting {config} Mbasne motd # qP massage. End with che oh pouter (coatis) + seve s-comrig, Choose o1 Fron List above Rooter (contig-itl Helock cate 64000 deccription Ket nod Hen tot ‘SBcror! This command applies only to 0C8 interfaces Router (contig-it) #int st Router (coitig-is] delesk cate 64000 0 ip nroute-cacie Lénh bandwith: 6 ch€ dd mic dich, cdc cing giao Liép thit bi dink tuyén Cisce sé hoat déng 6 bing thing cae (1,544 Mbps). Tuy nhién, 1énh dandwidth khéng anh hung: dn ie d9 truyén di igu that sw eta c6ng giao tie. Lénh ba width chi e¢ tde dng dén qué tzinh tinh tian metzic cia cde gi thie dinh tayén hw IGRP, EIGRP hay OSPF dé tinh toxin phi tat mba toi mot mang 6 xa. Routerish int a0 Ethernecd is up, Line prototei is up Hariwoce is Lance, address te 0010. %et.254b hia 0010. 7Be8. 250) | Fovtorten int <0 Serial is up, Line protocol is up ta 5 uDea370 Peseription: Ket noi Nen toi eTIT Router (config-if) #handwidth 2 <1-10990000> pandwiauh in kilobLte « Bandwith duce tink Bog sovter (contis-10) tuanawtaen 64 ~ Mo ta cho eding gieo tip: mo th rit hit ich cho ngudia i tri va né chi cé tac dung cuc bé, dimg lénh description tai inte face mode; dé xem lai dimng lénh show ren hay show interfi 3: Bit hostname Dit ten cho router bing lénh hostname, ten éhi a6 tée dung “Fag Wide dat hostname To en thet toon qui triak ea hinh Router (conta! Aint @0 Ropter (contig-ifl #description Sales Len Router (contig-i0) Hint 80 Roster (con{g~i¢) féesexaption Ket roa Wan toa VRIRO 2 CoV Lagat cece os ge Rovter#eonfig t enter configuration commands, one per Line. End with CNTL/g Rovter (config) fhastnane SRR 4. Lun cau hah Ding lonh copy renning-config. startup-config: hay writ memory dé hu file eu hich tir DRAM vio NVRAM (66 thé di anh tXt copy ram start hay wr) RRt#copy fun stort Destination routee xde dint ching K# che ode mang mudi ti Thye hign ‘Truve tien, eau hinh cae router nhusau. Mae dinh, ede thiét Bi Cisso da c6 che phép giao thie ODP. Do dd, khi dimng lank show oun, chong tin vé CDP se khong duoe hién thi. Canin Cisco 10s a RouterA hostname Router’ Antertace sertaiy ip address 255. 36. 956-0 Glock save 64900 « heot ding ahr la DCE cung cf xung ch 1 interface ethernero ip address 192,168.0.1 no shut no ip classiess Line console 0 ane aux 0 Lue vey 04 end Router’, osenaae ourers antertace seria! ip addvess 172,16.10.2 no shit on Hine console 0 Line 2ux 0 Line sty 04 login 1, Dé xem thong tin vé ede thong s6 thoi ian ela CDP, diung nh show edp (hey sh edp) Global COP informacion: Sepuing cb packets every eo seconas Sending © holdcine value of 100 seconds Ding nh edp holdtime va edp timer dB dat lai thei gian gi ya thoi gian git géi cho router. — CDP timer Ia cha Iyy gbi géi CDP toi tt tat eh eng dang oat ding. = CDP holdtine la khodng this giam thigt bi gitt gi whan duoe fr king giéng. Routeratcontig t Enter configuration cermands, ane per line. End with NTI/Z. outer {contigh ted ? fy the noidtine (in sec) te bo sent an ner Specify the ste at whieh COP packe nt tin 900) Router icontia)todp tires 90 RouterA (contig)tedp holdtime 240 Routers iconfign 42 Gin bin cisco ios a Bon 06 thé tt hoan than giao thiie CDP trong thiét bi Cis yéi lonh noedp run, Dé tat CDP trén mét cdng st dung cau ler no cap enadle trén cBng &6. 2, Lénh show edo neighbor (viet tit sh edp nei) hign thon tin vé thidt bi ndi true tiép. lottorn: cizco 2500, Capabilities: Rotor gnverface: Serisl0, Pore ID (owtgoing port): Sariale uoldtime + 154 sec oaterht “Negodi ra, enh show edp entry * cong hign thi thong tin wing “Lenh show edp traffic hién thi lau lugng tai cing giim c€ $8 CDP gol nha va bs 18: Rourerntsh cep roi Copability Codes: 8 - Router, 7 - Trane Bridgo, B - Source Route Bridge, S- Suiter, # - Hest, r= Jone, © ~ Repeater Device ID tocal Interfee Holdens capablivy Platform Port A Switch Beh me 7S i900 Routers ser 0 wok 2500 Ser, Rowertoh ode teaseie Packets output: 13, Trpu Har syntax: 0, Chksum ex: fio menory: 0, invalid pa Rovtornt ‘Mot lénh khic cho biét thang tin vé ede shiét bi king ging. show edp neighbor detail (show ep nei de), cdng e6 thé € trén router va switch $. Thong tin trang thai CDP trén port hay céng hién thi bing th show adp interface (sh edp int) _ Nhu da dé cap trade, e6 thé tt CDP hodn to&n trén router tng lent no cdp run. Tuy nien, mudh tt CDP tren tag eéng ding léuh no edp enable. C6 thé cho phép. CDP tren mgt port Bing lent cdp ensble, __ Tren router, show cdp interfece cho thong tin vé limg edng | ding CDP, gdm ci cang ding gbi tren dong truyén, timer va Roldtime trén mbi edag Device 1p 1900smiven eatey eddzeae (es) Tp addveser Platform: aizce 1800, CapabL Interéace! Sehernet0, Port ID Holdtine | 166 sec Version + | 19.00 Rowternsch cdp interface Stherneed Ie vp, 1iae protocol 4s up Device 1b: 25028 Entey adaress (es) IP aadveast Encapsulaticn ARP) Senéing CoP packers every 60 seconde oldtine is 180 eeconde n ‘CCNA LebPHMl Cl bin Cisco 105 aT SerialO is administratively down, Ine prove ital Eneapewlacion HOLS Sending CDP packets every 60 x Holdtine ig 180 seconds LAB 1-5; SU DUNG TELNET Mo ta | _Toinet Ta mét giao thie dau cust do (virial termine!) la mot pair cia ching giao thuie TCPP. Telnet cho vhép tao két n6i vfi thiél bi tir xa, thu thap thong tin va chay chuong tinh, “= Lab nay husng din ding limb tolnet vit exe lan lid quan seriall is administratively coun, Line protoco: 1s dovil Encapsulation H0LC Sending CDP packete every 60 seconss Holdtime is 180 sec TAL ODP tren mst dng, Reutarioentig © enear configuration conmnds, one Ps pasteentconfia) #iet $0 (config-it]#no cdp eneble ines Eng withovnl/ a ‘Kigm tra lai su thay d6i do. ‘Vitual terminal (VT nes eho 9hep vite tuy cap vae router tndng cua ce pif 16) KB Telnet. VTY Ines Andng n6 wus tp vio cde eBtgs hu cich TTY nbi vio asynchronous interlace ma le edo kit ni" Routeratsh cap Sat Etherneto is Bacapsules sending CDP pazkees every 60 seconds 20 RP ‘do router thing que dia obi ea ehemet por (eng othoens}. Reuter tao nhing VTY nes mt each tinh dnp. Itong Kido TTY Ines li chi nal kat vdo ning cdna vat. Khi ngudl cung Ket néi véo router bing VIY tne, ngudi dng dé dang KE n6ivdo mal c&ng Zo 80 cdg. wordeine iz 16 ascends soriail {a adniniotratively dove, Line protocol is dowd sending COD packets avery 60 seconds eee . The hign Ban dain eu hinh router nh sau Helatime 42 280 seconds Liu srling sevial 0 Khong duge ligt ke ish thu hien 1enh tren é Router aéu ding lénh edp enable trén serial 0, céng nay se hién thi. outer a9 ‘cena tebe in bin cse0 0s 8 34 Anterface serial0 Sp adevere 172,16.10.2. chock wate 64000 + hoal dng nur til BIDCE cung ep xung che no shut sncertace etnerrece Sp acaress no shat # cho phép one Line console 0 Line aux 0 Line vey 04 login end, Router’, hoctnawe Rowers Anverface sexial ip address 172.16.10,, Line vey 0 ¢ losin ‘ond ‘Dat dla chi IP, mat khau ding dé telnet cho Switch - Voi Catalyst 2900 postiane Seitch crabie password cisco pp addzese 192.160.0,340 285.259,258.0 [ne enaeadvn dine vty 0.15, dosin pateword etsce en ‘Tign hanh cde bude sau diy dé kiém tra ket qua: 1. Thir dimng lénh telnet tran router: RovterMteelaet 172.16,10.2 ‘eying 172,16.10.2 «.. Open Password required, but rone set [Conrection to closed by foreign bout) Rosterat (05a cocoa, as sng ctr pal dg Woh what c Reutoran2 te02 aay 724602 Open faves 5 bin Cisco 08 iH ‘Trong truimg hop trén, mat khdu chua duge dit cho duony VPY nan ta khdng thé telnet vao Router due. Dat mat kha cho duimg VTY nha saw RowterBteontig © Enter config Rovters(cenfig) Aline vty 04 Bower (contig-Line) Hogan Routers (config-lire)! pasewoxd Rouse Routers (eontigrLine) #°% Routers ‘thi trny cap bing cach telnet v8o router lan nia: pouteen#l72.16.20.2 ‘eying 172.16,10.2 +, Open User access Verification paorword Router Chu y ring mat khdu VI Ta mat Khdu d user-mode, Khor phai 12 enable-mode nén khong thé vio enable mode nda chus at enable password. 2, Telnet vao rhigu thiét bi déng thi Ban ed thé gicreét n6i ma trarvé router constle ban du bis cach nhan Ctrl+Shift+6 déng thot, sau a thd ra va ahi X a6 fon conmands, ane per Line. Ene S00 OM “pouteranvel net “prying 272.16; sees ovter®l cbr Rooterat ‘Talnot tidp tye vao switeh Routernteolnet 192,168.0.148 eying, Gyitetol cerdishiters, x 9, Kid tra ee két nd telnet bling lenh show sessions. Revtexateh oceasone Aaaross ayle dle cons Same 1: @ oo + 2192.160.0.148 0 9 192.244,0,268, Rewternt Dau (*) nghia la session cudi cung ban ding; c6 thé tri , 1g; 6 thé tré lai [Sesion cu) bls etch nhs Boter ai lin. Hay magn tt ses mn bat ky Dig each go 56 ca Ket noi va nin Enter hat én | ~Kidin ra'Tetnet Users souterhish users tine uses Host (5) dle Location FO cnc — 00:07 cou ua Ch bin Cisco DS a Ky higu con tuong trang cho local console. vr lcer. st tal Ede Lecation LAB 1.6: KHOI PHUC MAT KHAU 0 con 9 idle 9 CHO CISCO 2600, 3600 +2 we ‘Théng tin hién thi console dang host dong vi VEY port 2 da juge diung. Dau * phien ngudi ding hin tai 4, Déng phién lam viée Telnet — 6 thé déng phién lam vite bang cic ahan exit hay diseo rect S&B Console PC chay Hyperrerm fouterht [enter] (Entex] [Resuming connection 2 te 192-268,0,148 6+.) swisobbenic J eennection to 192.368.0.248 closed by Eoresen ost = Qua trinh kndi dong cia router da duge dink trade. Sau teinh kigin tra bat ngudn (POST) va nep he diéu hanb 10S, outer sé nap cu hin hoat ding trong NVRAM, Cée edu hinh, ray Khong chi chia thong tin giao thie dinh tuyén, dla chi ma Gn chia mat khélu cia router __~ Mat kh due phue héi bang cach bd qua néi dung fle fa hinh rong NVRAM trong qui trinh Khoi dong. Viee bo qua Fed hinh duce thye hign bling «deh sta 46} néi dung thanh ghi “ethinh (configuration register) cia router. Lic nay router s& hing doc file cau hinh chiia mat khdu eén phue héi. Khi da | Fodune routor, nguei ding e6 thé xem mat kha trong NVROM YR 06 thé str dung, xos hay they d6¥ cbiing. Ky thuit héi phue it Ithdiu khie nhau i wi ese ding router, Mit eich tdng quit, ju trinh thie hiém mh saw: Rowtwentdisconnect ? <1-2> ‘The nunber of an active network connection WoRD The nane of an active network connection Roveernt — DE ngdét mot két nb eda mat wser ding lénh clear line noserniclear Vine 2 «thams6 theo sau la sé thirty inehién t trong lénh show users contizat Lon | "tn isco1os, mn 1. NGi ep console tie terminel vio console port elia routery 2. Tat router va Dat lai sau 30 giay. 3, Phii ngét qua trinh khoi dong cia router ve dua n6 monitor mode, 4, Tai monitor mode, eda hinh router sa0 cho router lai ‘ma khong doc n6i dung file cfu hinh trong NVRAM. 5, Kbit dong lat routor 6. Saw khi router Kid dng lai, mat Khgu s@ khong cba dung. Vao privileged mede, xen, Unay dd, hay xod N mat khdi 7. Vao configuration mode va dat Igi than ghi d6 router dong tx NVRAN. 8, Nap lai router, Lite ay mat hi a8 bids . Tit router va sau Khoing 30 giiy thi ba: tré lai. Trong qué boot, sé xuai hién exie dong sau: 1600 pr —— Main menos ne to 32 bit med “ebled — mda ngde (ctzleneeax) tet day. Of main menory aur ods router with paricy die Gach the hen Phiin nay hudng din cach khdi phuc mat khau che rey Ciseo 3600 series, Cisco 2600 series, ‘Trude khi bat dau, router phai dit mat khéu enable hay mi Khu login Nha ngit ngay kh bat router eo thé lam dung route, Tot Anat 18 oho hain ngit li routor hig théeg bdo vé hich thude b6 nhé chiah cba fouter. Pan cing co tne nhén CiruBreak trong 18 gidy éu ibn, Lu y ring di véi ede chuany Wink terminal 18 Neo phim ngst kad hau. Pté bie lz Windown HyperTerminal ding 18 hap phim Router Cie Break of nga hostname Cize03600 2 Lic nay router vao sh d@ monitor, thue hién lenh contreg enaple pass cisco 4 enabio atin Cisco ing N Monkeort conmand “beat® shorted doe to user interrupt! ne vey 04 eit onion 1> confreg Ox2142 ai dd ning thay di e6 tae dn 43, Router sé nhite phi rese Danh lenh ceset tai dau nhée: (éu mun xem mat Khu hign tei va tip tue str dung n6, enh show startup-configuration. Tur edu hinh ban e6 thé ‘mt Khia enable va mit khéu console la “eises". Néw mat Woeipisk SPaSh oe SRE PE du da, ma hod ban cb phéi thay déi hay xos romnon 2 > tonmons 22: beat; “pouterfsh start Delre 385 ouc of 10712 bytes : hhostnare ¢isco3600 Router s& Khoi ding lai. Laie nay router da bb qua edu trong NVRAM. Khi khéi dong xong, nhain Enter vio user va dah enable dé yao privileged mode: enable pass cisco“ enable mgt xndu Prose Revusn to got START : Rowter> no Jp clacsiess Rowter>enable i Rousert tine ccnseie o 4 password cisco © login nge Kedu ‘Dang leah show ranning-configuration dé xem ou hinh hi one tai. Chu y rang cau hinh khong ehvfe loai mat khau nao. Di ee Ta edu Mnh mae dinh cba router ki bb qua file eta binh NVRAM: Line vey 6 4 current conFiguarion: ena ‘Thay déi: DB thay di mat khdu hin thei ban phi chép ef. | hinh NVRAM vao running configuration bing lénh copy start Ten wao contig mode bang lénh config term. Dat lai mit khéu Boi. Nhan Ctrl-Z dé thodt khdi configuration mode khi ho&n tat. | Dinh tenh write memory hode copy ran staré é& ha ea hink version 11.2 Line con © RREng 66 mit itu Line aux 0 Crain coco 08 4g Céiu hinh bén trong Router gém nhitng thanh phin sau RAMDRAM — Iu trir ning bing routing, ARP cache, fast- “gwitebing cache, packet buffering (shared RAM), va packet hold yveues; RAM cing cung ep D6 nbd tem thei Gunning memory) “gho file ek hinh etia router hi router dang hoat dng; noi dung. "RAM mat khi t&t ngudn hoje tai Khoi déng router. NVRAM — (non-volatile RAD) lou tri file efu hinh backup! “startup ciia router; noi dung efia NVRAM vin duwe itt khi tit “pguén hole tsi Khoi déng router. Flash — ¢6 thé xéa, c6 thé lap trink lai ROM, Inu teat hé dita hanh va mdt s6 mai Tank (microcade); BO nhé Flash cho yhép ed snhap phin mém ma khong ein lay va thay thé chip xi dung Plash van duoe git Khi tit ngudn hoie ti Kid dng; BO bhi Flash 66 thé chia nbiéu phién bin ete phan mdm 10S, ROM — chia chuong trinh kiém tra khi bit newén router, ehuong {rink bootstrap, va phiin mém he diéu hank; nang ef phin mém trong ROM doi hoi phii ly va they thé chip edim tren, Pv. Interfaces — cic eding giao tiép eta router Koa: Co thé xod mat khdu ding lénh erase start hay writ erese 4. Buse cudi cing thay déi than ghi configuration regis! 46 router nap tix NVRAM. Xem eau hinh thanh ghi hidn tai Rovterteh ver Gortigueacion register is Ox2i42 ‘Thay d6i thanh ghi nosterteontig Router (confi) leonsig-reaister (x2102 Ding lénh show version d6 xem anh huémg ciia eat dat m Banh lénh reload dé nap Iai router va lam cho gid tri thanl hi méi e6 tée dung. Ban khong can phai lun thay déi, fea Rovtertiveload Jon has been medissed. Save? ( yes/nol Proceed with red onFigural 1 Leon Router 8 nap lai. Né #8 Iéy fu hinh tir NVRAM, mat kh cha router bay gitr da bist va ban ¢6 thé truy cap vo priviles mode cita router Cia bin cisco 108 Mf 10 ccna LabF KHOI PHUC MAT KHAU CHO CISCO 2500 Console Ss PO chay Fyperterm cach thye bien . _ phan ny husng dan edeh Khoi phue mat Kha chi Cisco 2500 series. : ble password lst pase eiace © ante oie Ah Tasman Drive oraia 95134-1706 operating System Software 10S (tm) 2500 Software (C2600-r-1), version 12.713), LEASE SOFTWARE (Eel) Copyright (2) 1986-2000 By cisco Systeme, Ine. Conpiied Thy 66-Jul-90 97:33 By emong Ieage text-base: 003036710, datasbae: 000001000, cisco 2512 (43030). proces 2018K bytes of sonory a iad (revision ¥) with 14336K/ ihn ngit (Creat tal ay. a in agit gay khi bat router 6 IN Kim router ngung hoat dng ToL nha chd adn ng xi router Rin thng bio v8 keh thuse 9 eh inh eG router wong qué Wah khéi ng Ban cing e6 thé nha OllsBteak wong 15 gity du tn, Lu ¥ rng oi vi ede chvong tinh tenia 8 hep phim ng Kho thas, Ph bidn Ia Windown HyperTerminal dng 8 hop phim ClilsBreak €8 nga 2. Liic nay router vao monitor mode, thye hign Iénh al 0x42. in bin cisco 08 41 a “Néu mudn xem mat khéu hign tai va ti’p tue sit dung n6, > enh show startup-config. Tix cau hinh ban c6 thé thay ede > ofe Oxte mat Kha duoe edly hink trade dé trong router. Néw mat {da mé hod ban s@ phai thay diii hay xod né. 9, Dainh len i tai daiu nbde dé kehdi dng lai outertsh start Router sé nap lai. Laie nay router d& bd qua edu hinh tron hostnane Cizc09600 NVRAM. Khi khéi dong xong, nhain Enter vao user mode dénh enable dé vao privileged mode: “enable pase cises | onsble password no ip classiess 1 Aine console 0 Router>enanls password cisco < Togin password Rosters | tesin Fine ave 6 Eine vey 04 osin ' Diung Ienh show ranning-eonflg d@ xem edu hinh bien (Ohi § rang edt hinb Khhing chia logi mat Khaw mao. Day a ef hinh hic router kbd dong ma bo qua n@i dung file eda bink tron _~ Thay déi: Dé thay d61 mat Khdu ign thei ban phai chép “edu hinh NVRAM vio running configuration bing lonh copy stare in. Vao config mode bing lenh config term. Dat lai mat kha {Bo Noi Ctot-248 thoat hb configuration mode Kh hoa tl s inh enh write memory bode copy run start dé lu eu hinh. ___ = Xo: C6 thé xos mat khilu bing lenh erase start hay write version 11.2 Line con 0. ihOng eb mit wad Soe ‘fase (hie nay déng thoi cling xba file edu hinh khdi dong). BE = “Ahong mat file cdu hinh, ta cé thé ding thém tir khoa no trud Login fe f c isa Mink d3¢ mat kau, vi dy: no enable password, no enable secret. n Conk ef 88 oso os 8 4, Bode eudi cing, thay adi thanh ghi dé router nap tir NVRAM, Xm caiu inh thanh ghi hign tai: LAB 1-8: NAP 10S IMAGE TU TFTP SERVER CHO ROUTER CHAY TU’ FLASH goucer#an vee Coneiguretion cegister is 0x42 phay 4éi thanh ghi TFTP Server Routertcor , outer (config) Feonfigrregister 0x2102 outer (contig) Foxit 10.16.8258, Ding len show version a€ xem anh hubng eta edi ABE ms Rowreesh ver Ethernet 2 Ond2 (willl BS ON2IO2 ab nest Configuration eegister i Ond2 (iil Be 0 anh lénb reload dé nap Joi router va Jam cho gid tr} rant ‘hi méi 6 lde dung. Ban khong en phai tau thay dt ~ Bai thuc hanh nay mé tii cach nap 108 tir router chay tir “flesh, Mot a6 zoaterchay trash nhur Cisco 2500 series hay Cisco < 600 series. systen eonCigura fed with eeload? { cont Pros __= PC hoat dong nhu mot TETP server s@ noi voi router trong "Ging mang LAN. TOS image méi se chia trong TRTP server va "88 dupe truyén qua Cisco router bing giao thee truyén TFTP. Trong hinh ve nay, PC host déng nhut TPTP server con router “S18 TRIP client Router sé nap lai lay edu hinh tir NVRAM, mat khdu of ‘router bay git d& biét va ban o6 thé truy 4p vao privileged ino cas router, Rovter enay w Flash vi router chay 17 RAM. Cisco router cé thé the thi IOS tw RAM hey tw Flesh, chay W flash chim nen. = outer chay td flash Id cdc loai Cisco 2500 series vi ml sb router I cone t28eM] Chin cis A inn cco 0s al Cisco 1600 series. Todn bg IOS duge nap véo bd nbd flash d dang’ khang nén. Gisco IOS chay ti llash. CBp nhét IOS mot ed thin (8: lm S20 68 nap véo flash trong Khi dang thu th IOS ©? Cisg sii quyél abu nay ding mst 10S dee biel Mu ong ROM, Chung (tn) 2500 Sofewaze (C2500-1-L1, Version 22.103), RE~ ttinhgiip 42 Khdi dng 96 nap lai router 8 boot ty ROM. Lic naj Flash co thd cp nhit va 10S mai sé ed thé chay W flash, = Roster chay ld RAM Ié ede Aéi outer Cisco 3800, 4000, 7000, 7500. Cae router nay cha 10S image dang nén trong Hash Khi hd 1 Router dang chay 103 vorsion 12.113) Gopyeigh (c) 1986-2000 ny eines syatans, ane [eoapiled Thy 06-Jul-90 97:33 by enong 20302620, daterheves x00001600 cish chép phién han méi bang TFTP. 2 syaces ojos), sortuase: OTFLASH: 3000 Bootetran Software ITGS-FOOT-RI, ve SOPMUARE (Fe) ‘Thyc bien Ban dilu edu hinh eda RoutorA nhw sau uptine is Ihour, 22 minotes lem retuned to ROM by power-on fon image (ite ss , flashse2500. '* : 08 éuvenap wt tach hostnane Rowtexa, sncertace Evserneto ap addrzes © wehernat inter face trén cing rang Vol TRIP eerver no shit © cho phép dns 2 2511 (68030) Bytes of mono: cessor (revision Mm) with 14336K/ 1 Roulorob 16a RAIA, ak!3 cng cho BS rhs Wj, 2UB ding cho rhs YO 20x board TD 07143970, wit hardaave revieion 00000000 king software. oftware, Version 3.0.0) B 802.9 inter Line con 9 Line aux 0 ess f Bobi: ot con-voratiie contiguration nenory 92K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) # tker c6 8 ue flash sratlon register is 042102 Dig lénh show version dé tim phién ban cia 10S hign of 2 cons Lt —Xem néi dung bé nhé flash ding lénh show flash jgers with console eccess can see the results of the copy gparation Reukeratsnow flash syacen flash dizectory File tength None/status 1 7690212 ¢2500-i-1.221-3.8i8 (7640276 bytee vecd, 749222 avasiable, 8388608 coral] purce (18 nane |]7¢2800-5-2.121-4,bin DE chile chin 06 thé truy cap duoc TFTP server & dia y 8p cessing tftp://¢2500-i-1. 121-4. bin 10,10.3.28, diing lenh ping dé kiém tra. + before copying? { con! | © x06 a4 dung RowtexAtping 10,10.3.28 ‘sype egcape ceavence to abort Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Eenos to 10,10,3.28 Lineour 4 seconds flash directory: File Length Nane/statos 17640222 ¢2500-4-1.123-3.bin (7640276 byces used, 149532 available, 8288608 total] Aecessing 416 , c2500-in1.12i~4.21n* on Tosding 02500-i-1.121-4.b8n from (via Ethernct0|:! [ Ox) Success rate £e 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avy/e = 46/4 a9 = Sau khi 8 kidm tra két néi dén TRTP server nhw trén, ‘bt dita nap 108 méi vao router biing lenh copy tftp flash. Erasing device... coosacaceceoeceeooececeacaceeees -. .etased Luna y dong shin phéim Cisco 2500 1a loai router chay tir fla Loading c2500-i-1.121-4,bin fron 10,10.3.28 (via SthornetO) Rovteratcony tftp Clash SEA Wortee. doen Flash load helper v1.0 ‘This process will accept the copy options and then termi ‘the current eyston Smage te use the ROM based image ‘the copy. # xeuter & nap 105 image trong ROM, ToS 198 ght 108 néi vao Flach Routing Euneticnality »i2 (OK = reao212/8388608 bytesl Veritying checksum... 0x (0x1zC7) Flash copy took 0:03:67 ( hhinmias! APL: Re-booting system after dowload Jsnot be avaiable dering that ti — AE you are logged sn vis telnet, this connection W ‘ eacricted Rights Legend erninate Cksco Internetwork operating Systen Software u con 8a cic 10s 8 10S (tm) 2500 Software (C2500~ LEASE SOFTWARE (Te2) Copyright. (6) 1986-2000 by cisco Systene, Ene Compiled Thu 06-Ju2-00 07:33 by enone Tmage text-bave: 0x03036710, data-base: 0x00002000 ), Version 12.1148), 4.9: NAP IOS IMAGE TU' TFTP SERVER CHO ROUTER CHAY TU RAM ekeco 2511 (68020) processor (revision M) with 1433f 2048K bytes of mexory. Processor board 2D O1LA3970, with hasduare revision 000009 iging software. ware, version 3.0.9. 2 Ethernes/ IEEE 802.3 Interfaco(s) 2 Serial network interface (s} 16 texminal 1sne(s) 32K bytes of non-volatile conEiguration nenozy. | S192K bytes of processor board Syste flash (Read OME i Ethernet “TFTP Server 40.10.3268 10.103.253 Press RETURN to got ctazted! = Sau khi da nap TOS méi disng lenh show version a Ki 18 (ra lai router d& chay IOS méi chua: Cau hinh nay mé t& cach nap TOS image tir router chay tty stectianal cad ‘Mot od dong sim phim router chay tix RAM Ii Ciseo 2600, = Kiém tra Jai lan nta bing show flash Tater sé I TFTP client. hue bien = Ban déu edu hinh etia RouterA nhu: sau - Bin Cisco 108 a 4 CCNA Labf RouterA hostname RoutexA interface Echernot0/0 Sp sddvess 10.10,3.252 < Bthornet inten face trén cing mang vol TPTP server Jdging sorcuare 25 softvare, Version 3.0.0 Line con 0 Line aux © Line vty 04 dogin 2K bytes of non-volatile configuration menery. “163846 bytes of procassor board System flash (Read OHLY) © router c6 16 MB flash onfiguration register is 0x2102 end = Dung lénh show version aé tim phién bin ela JOS ign oh enh nay cung efp mét s6 thong tin nw dung lugng bb nhé A] —Xem noi dung bo nihé flash ditng lénh show flash image ciia router * outerhisiow Clash “syston flash aizectory Tie tengeh Nore/statue 3612344 2600-b-n2.120-3,19.bin Routerntshow version cisco Internetwork 0} ing System Software 108(4m) 2600 Sofeware (C2600-J8X-N) , Version 2.1 (8) XH, ZA DEPLOWENT RELEASE SOPTAR: 1 Router dang chey 105 version 22.1 (4) nage text-base: 0190008088, database: 0x8148807C Routers uptine ie 11 minutes system restarted by power-on System image file is flash: pooted via flash = Dé chic chiin o6 thé truy cap duge TFTP server & 7 _- ‘uy cap duge srver & dia chi, dung lenh ping aé kiém tra, RouterAtping €2600-5-me.120-3.73. bin Type escape sequence Sending 5, 200-eyte ICNP Echos to timeout 9 2 t 0s duge nap trong flash cisco 2621 (HEC860) processo: S120K bytes of menery. reviaion Ox102) wien 60416 icoess rate & c ox202) Su 2 100 porcent (5/5), rou - asa me ip min/aug/nex i cond LAR Clin cco 0s éf whi da kiém tra két ndi dén TETP server, ta bat dau nay 105 moi yao router bing lénh copy #ftp flash. Lua ¥ trong bal tive bah nay, ta sb khong x08 fe et ig a 6 trong a ash trong configuration mode pouterAdcont corm Router feonfig) 2 RovterA(condis) foxit Routoralcopy tétp flash Mddreos of mare of renote host (]? © dia a Source file nave? €2600-Jex-nz. 121-5. xm.bin «~ tén eba 10g rnuén nap es ‘aooessing tftps//, 122-3.xm. bia ease Clash device before wriving? [confirm] n & khéng 3 fee hin tat ela faa Loading ¢2600-jsx-nz.121~ Etternet0/0) systom Flach 2600-jexme,121-8..0-bin |= Kim tra lai bing show run dé chic chiin edu lénh adh dring Luu ediu hinh ding lenh write memory (hay eopy run 2 sau d6 nap lai oe eermnes pation file nan? fouterAturite mew ambi fron [ok ~ 3612344/7224320 bytes) Vorttying checksum... OK (0x519%) = Sau khi qué trinh nap hoan (4, ta kiém tra ndi dung off Gisco internerwor' operating Syecen Sotex. bp nhé flash bang len show flash “ 9 System Software 405 (tx) €2600 Software (G2600-J5X-M, Vereion 12, (5)20H Routexntehow flash Syston flash directory { Pile Length Nane/stewus 1 12080536 2600-Jox-nz.221-5.xm.bin 2 3612344 62600-L-me 120 1139692008 byces used, 1084208 available, 16777216 tous ieee System file image “£laoh: ©2600-jex-me,121-5.2m, bin" {Gu mudn agp JOS méi me khong gi z N mi ‘ong gitk phién bin el, etn, ah copy pas va co pep os las tase gh 2.88 outerascopy cep clash System fash dx aixectory: Bares ov name of tre corvor Source este mane? Pestinacion rite nane? 16264K bytes of processar board Systen Flash Ul s90t0 Host {10,40.3.26)7 « dia oni — Lite ny trong flash 66 hai file.‘Ta edn Khai bo cho rout oes Didt ding file nao trong khi khéi dong, Ding link boot syste eusareunnon ete a ae bin Cisco 10S i pecessing file Eeept// race flash device before vEATiNg? tet diy 48 cho phép ; ; sing the flash tilesysten wil resove ng devic seraced pease of flash: y heading Lox ~ 12980836/28160256 bytes) verifying check 12080836 baytes ‘Sau khi nap xong he dig binh cho router, nén kiém bra 18h inh trang ede file flash: as ae 12 Lyee/noly feonfizm © indo Enter oa flash Eeuse Eni ght file 364 yeal Con ‘ok (OxEeae) in 100,524 seed (120805 Bytes/sedl opted hhign e6 trong flash bang show flash hoge di n LAB 1-10: NAP 10S IMAGE CHO. ROUTER BANG XMODEM ‘4 PC chay Hyperterm Ma ta Bai thuc hanh nay mé tA cdch nap IOS bing giao thie Xmodem/Ymorem cho dong router 2600, 3600 Ki router gp sy 6 va khéng thé nap 10S theo cach dng FTP server. IOS im age duge dat trén PC, dig giao thie truyén Xmodem hay Yinodem d¢ truyén file IOS qua router qua eéng console. Trong thye té ta 06 thé gap tinh hudng nay khi router bi mat IOS. 6 thé truyén 108 imag td may tinh 6 xa bdng cich néi modem ve ng console ea couleen6i qua mang ditn thsi thing thveng (PSTN Mey tinh t x0 ong mb modom vai mang Sin thoai, 2 may lah nay quay 68a ket nb 6 router, 08 tnyén 10S image td mét may inh cue b8, Kt ndi e&ng console router vai edng serial cia may tink, dng cap null-modem (tic cap rollover). Te 48 cing cansole cA hinh tn couter pha phi hep vél We 49 a6ng serial (COM ho¥e COM2} cia PC. Catan cisco 05 rf Caiu hinh dudi day mé ta esch nap 10S cho router qua ed console Gee edt lénh duge thue hign tron nhém router 2600, 3600 6 kha v6i router 2500 nhung déu tuan theo ese bude eo ban sa 1, Néi router vGi may tinh qua céng console, khoi déng router 2. D&t tde dé lai cho céng console la 115200 bps, 3. Khii dng lai vouter 4, Chinh lai théng s6 chuong tinh HyperTermial cho phish 5, Ding lénh xmodem d@bit du qus triah who file trén rout 6, Khéi déng qué trinh trayén file bling xmodem tir chuol trinh HyperTermial 7. Chi téi khi qua trinh truyén hoan tat, router khéi dong ti 10S msi. 8, DAt Iai te &6 9600 bps cho efing console (tle dat la ime dinh cho thanb ghit Thye hion 1. Mot router khi khong ¢6 10S image trong flash hic Khoi ong sé vao ty dong vao ché d6 ROM monitor. Dau nhiée ROM monitor kha nhau dese mhém router 2600, 3600 vi router 25 Router 2600 BSiv6i router 2500, du nhdc 58 68 dang: Béiv6i Router 2600 " conraal. Dpung leah confrey dé d8t Iai gid txi thanh ghi eau hinh, o6 pe thuc hién bing hai edch ronnon 2 > confreg 0x3022 inege specified by the boot eyecen commands for default to: cisco?-c2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/a {nls ¥. ‘enable »diagaoctic mode"? y/n fn): a @nable use net In Te beage addzeas"? y/a (alt a Giseble , 08d rom afcer netboot fails"? y/n {alt m enable wuse all zero broadcast"? y/n ts): eneble .break/abort nas egfect™? y/n ind: y Grable v ignore system contig info"? y/n In): m Ghenge console baud rate? y/a nl: y enter ote: @ = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 1200, 2 ~ 2400 4 = 13200, 5 = 38400, 6 200 {0}: 7 Change the boot characteristics? y/n {nls m “Coneiguration Sunnery enabled are. oad ron after netboot fails break/abort nas ef sect console baud: 215200 Poot: image specified by tho hoot system commands an Cisco 108 Bh or default to: cisco?-c2600 do you wish toa ye hign lénh xmodem véi thong sé theo sau 1a file 1OS We the configuration? y/a Lal: aw wee eyele for new contig to take ett ronnan 2 > rest és vés router 2500 Dor 093872 4 Age 1gt gtd tr} thanh gh 4 7 kh34 dng Ink rovtor 2. Sau khi khéi dong lai router, t8e d9 bit da thay d¢ thigt lap két néi méi (File ~ New Connection ...),chinh lai you wish ta continue? y/n (alt y dy to receive file ©2600- io3-mz.121-5.2 baud, Véi te dé nay s@ idm thoi gian truyén IOS image. ofIt0G Fs tela mt indo hing pop 8 6 pein tog 2 sings Pat Sat Sentara fla a el thee ioe ing dolce mete later at dps nak test at Ey i ‘CCNA Lat water dé khéi déng lai, dit gid tri thanh ghi vé mae dinh_ | ce enter the seseist configuration dialog? Elenane: _feseze0v tne zis Tn Browse. rands, one per Line. Rit with CMTL/2. g) feonfig-register 0x2202 « thay dé a6 cri ee 3 Length tlane/status 5937746 <2600-£03-me,121-6.7 & file mol di tu tong fLach {5337808 bytes used, 3050800 available, 6308608 totall 92K bytes of processor board Systen fiaen (Read/itzite) og Syecen, Software (em) 2600 software (€2600-103-H), Version 12.1(5)7, (ai KyperTeminal) Brasing Clash a x60740000 progeam flagh Lecation 0x60520000 Dountoad Complete! > eh E64 KAL théng bio hodn tae trink kidm tra, outer ty hOs dong let progean load complete, entry points 080008000, size: 0x51 Vicia) fs 03822 (will be 042102 at noxt reload) Roucertcopy run stare Ban co 108 8 58 ‘CON Lat Ding RONMON TFTP chi 6 thé nap file cho route, khang thd ly fe i router LAB 1-11: NAP IOS IMAGE CHO ROUTER CISCO 2600 BANG TFTPDNLD = Diu tién, phai dat ede bién méi truong trong ROMMON cho gud trinh chuyén file thong qua TPEP. Tat cd bia phan biet Fete oe hay thubng (case sensitive) fem cc gid tri hién hank ed ede bién moi trwbng may, lenh set Fovo 10.10.3104 mon 3 > sot fa) 3 TTP Server Mo ta = Bai thuc hanh nay and 4 ech nap image eho Cisco 2600 ding TRIP thong qua port LAN dau tign eda router sir du cau enh tftpdnld @ ROMMON mode, Cach nap nay 66 hiéu qué khi router khong e6 IOS image, eich may nhanh hon so véi nap. qua console bing Xmodem, ton Syetpdnid 7 ge: tEtpinia | ~ TFTP (Tea in Taner reac) gla tds cha ela go ToPIm, TETP Srver oe hé m8 wonton UND. hay mi PO Chong inh lip TET cere un mene Béng mang TOPIP. TTF Server huéng dee ding enlace es Ny, 10S nage ‘gue eh ee eed hth ma. oe 108 image mal oop he rat Nap eu ROMNON TFTP eh oat dg wen pan LAN 6 tb: véiciteo 262 c6 hl ehon pot Tolan flag hey Edam itor varicbles are used to set up paraneters for the ster. (Syntax: VARIABLE NAME-valuc and use , set” to show teoncfer before flash it n CCNA Latfrd the Eollowing variables are REQUIRED co Be sot eftranta: e_aponass Te IP addrocy for this unite IPLSUBNEY_MAEK + The subnet mask for this unit 5 DEEAULE GATEWAY : Tae docault getevay for chis unis “the FP ackleoes of tho seever Lo feceh ‘The filename to fetch ‘The Eollowing variables are OPTTONAL: TTPTP_VORBOSE: Peine secting, Oaquier, Teprogress (default), 2everbose '2_RETRY_COUNT: Retxy count for ARP ang TETP (decoult ‘TETp_INEQUT: Overall cénaout of operation 4 tdefaurt=7200) Perform checksum test on Ieyes dezauiee 10/nee, Y=10/ te, 26100/nde, 6100/4 otdetiey zavoxe ‘Tere_cwscxsut: -g_SeB60_s008: rs consand Line options “2 do not writs flash, toad co Ona only and launch I Dit lai esc bién nay bling edch gain gid tri trye tigp tren, énh: 1 Ki sosson 16 > TP_ADDRESS= & dia chi IP chop foOhieu hue, ronnon 27 > 1P_SUBNET MASK= < aunnet mall rormon 14 > DEFAULT GATEWAY=10,20.3.1 < default gat 19 > SETP_SERVER= © Dja chi aPaP can nap 20 > SPTP_PILE=c2600-is-mz.113- - vén ff = Saw khi dit ede bidn ding len syne dé Ia gid toh VRAM come HNG: al2 existing data in ali parttvions ost! g flash at o¥607e0000 B dja chi, jon 21 > syne dau qué trinh nap bing Ignh éftpdnid von 22> tétpdnta ORESS=10.20,3,100 this command for disaster recovery only. on Flash win File ©2600-is-m2.113- to tach. flash Location 0x60440000 « ehé xong qud trinh #810 da dege nap. thue hién xong, nén khéi dong lai router dé 108 méi Initializing Flash, Aashest 0}: 3 files, 1 directories Eleshésl 0) + 0 ovphaned Fi flashfst 0}: Total bytes: 3612672 flashfel 0}; Bytes used: 3584 Hlashés{ 0]: aytes available: 3603088 D frasnict 0): Flashts feck took 2 seconds se-done Teitialiaing Flash. 0 orphaned directories LAB 1-12: NAP IOS IMAGE CHO. SWITCH 2900, 3500 Boot Sector Filesystem (ba:} Installed, fsid: 3 Paraneter Sock Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4 ‘ ‘The systen {2 unable to hoot sutomaticaily because taeze eae fare no bootable files ay “te boot, © Switch khéng tim thdy Tos image Hyperterm auton Mo ta 2, Copy IOS image tix xmodem vio flash, ly tén 1& bootfile = Bai thu hamnh nay m@ t& eich nap IOS image cho switel 2900 va 8500 series. — PC néi véi switch qua efng console. 10S image s® chia trong PC va duge truyén qua Catalyst switch bing giao thie xmodemt witch: copy modem: flash:bootfite ater now: “Begin the Xneden o= knodeneLk = Sau khi switch xadt hign dang thing béo trén, & cite 96 per Terminal, chon Transfer/Send File. Chon IOS image cin Taye hien a 1. Qué trinh boot cia switch 2900 khi mat IOS image: Compiled Fri 10-Dee-38 11:06 by echang atasting, Base ethernet MAC Addvess: 00:b0:64:09:ed:40 Xmoden ilo eysten is available, Ee *xmoden:” successfully copied to “Slash:boot sitet © if erin copy da hon tée Cisco 1S a Th 3, Cau hinh cho switeh boot biing IOS image via duge copy awstehs boot flashiboorsile oading ‘nabs. ONIN EAG HR EE#HOUREAR HACE REL unvaeeesevonineeeannnensneesaneunigyouneavianesecsasennents eveereverenennny File “flashzbootstle” uncompressed and installed, onty point: 023000 executing cisco systens, tne. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 Cisco Internetwork Operating Systen Software TOS (im) C2900K2 Software (C2900KL-C3HZS-M), Versio 12.0(5.2)xu, MRINTENANICE INTERIM SOPT!ARE copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Ine. Conpsied Mon 17-Jul-00 17:36 by ayounes Image text-base! 9x00003000, database: x00301F3C initiabizing C2900KL flash. «+ flaeheel 1) + 4 files, 1 dixectories tlasheal 1) | ¢ o:phaned files, 0 orphaned directories Mashfsl 1) | Total bycos: 3612672 Hachest 1): Bytes used: 1619664 Mashfs{ 2): sytes available: 1962008, HlashEsl 1} + flashes feck cook 6 seconds. Flashfs: 1]: Taizialization complete. sssdone Inicializing C2900xt flash €2900X1, POST: System Board Test: Passed (c2900X1, 2087: Daughter Card Test: Passed €2900%L POST: CPU Buffer Tost: Passed 20008, POST: CPU NoLEy RAM Test: Passed €2800K2 POST: CeU Iacerface Test: Passed (2900KL POST: Testing Switch Core: Pacsed ©2300Ki, POST: vesting Butter Table: Passed £2900% 2087: hata Suffer Test: Passed €2800K1 POST: Configuzing Switch Parameters: Passed 290081, POST: Ethernet Contsoller Test: Passed (€2500K1, POST: MII Test: Passed ehsco WS-C2912-2 (PowerPC403GR) processor (revision Ox11) with @192K/3020K bytes of wenory. Processor board 1D FABDAOINOLS, with hardware revision Ox0L Last reset fron warn-reset Processor 1s running Enterprise edition Software Cluster commana ewiteh capable cluster ronber awiten capac 12 Fastechernet/ IESE 802.3 intersace (2) 22K bytes of fla: Base echerne: HAC Address: 00:80: 64:¢91¢D:40 Yothernoard astenbly number: 73+3397-07 Power supply part musher: 3¢-0854-01 Motherboard serial oumbert €A80902620N Power supply serial number: PiT03«00562 Node), Model nusber: WS-¢2912-KL-EN Syston serial nuabor: FABOSOSSOLS_ ated non-volatile configuration evision number: AD fe50 RETURN vo get started! in bin Cisco 10S. n Switensenable switont 4. Ding leah show flash a8 xem noi dung bé nb6 Mash, ae at CISCO HTTP WEB SERVER seizcntenow fash Directory of Clash: / 2 veux 1645824 Jan 01 1990 0:37:30 bootfile 4 see 776 Mar 01 1993 01:00:49 vlan.dat Jan 01 1970 00:00:56 1 neu 765. ax 02 1993 00:59: 3612672 bytes total (1963008 bytes free) Switeht 1011031 6 tw £0 PC chay tin 5. Ding lenh show boot dé kim tra ee tham 38 boot atta Suizentshow boo: Boot path-1ise cont Alash:contia.cext A Pla mot ting dung client/server, diing giao thie vax Enable ye myén TCP. Client chay trinh duyét Web nie Netscape Navi Manual Boo 20 Internet Explorer, AELOER path-1iee meRat/ConEsg file etter siz seicent 32768 A thue hanh nay m6 ta each edu hinh router a6 eé thé ap Va quiin If router bing ehuong trinh duyét Web chay +6 dia chi, ‘COMA LebPtl 79 = 100: bytes=32 timecims TTL=255 $00: byceeez2 timecine THe288 DoD: uytesss7 timecime om=755 ply from 10.31 fron 12. Erom 19.20. 0 sp donain-looxup Anctertace Exneznat 6 ip address 10,10.3.100 Sp http server © cho phép router host éOag nh BOP server. Is-< 4Bnh ny cho phép router trd 161 HTTP request ti née sing statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (08 2058), seconds: packets spproximate vound txip times An a Minimum = Ons, Haximum = Ons, average classless asne console 0 Se bia chi IP 1a eeeoegsanneee Kiém tre Kidin tra két nb gitta PC va router bling Ign ping tren Wiccosofe Windows ¥P [Version 5.228001 (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microvost. Co ping Pinging 10,10.3.100 with 32 bytes of data Roply fren byzea~32 tinacins oT=285 BL e6ng AUX nim & line 17, “Prong vi du dudi day, ta diing lénh show line dé xée dinh cng “1 a nim 6 line 65: LAB 1-14: CAU HINH ROUTER TU XA QUA CONG AUX yoproishow line yp twee _nvidon Baty 206) _ost_Wes_toten wens me ta: Gang dung phé bign nba eita eéing AUX la dé thidt lap ede ‘ket ndi tirxa vao router (thong qua Modem), chit yu dé edu hinh khi khéng ¢6 diéu kign tray cap true tig trén edng console, Bai the hanh nay mo th ee buse thidt lap két not phiin exing ‘yi eau hinh router a router e6 thé chaip nhan eude goi. aie bude tigh hanh: 1. Két néi tir modem vio eBag AUX: Néu o6ny AUX li RJ-45: diung ecip Rolled RJ-45—RJ-45 eable (PAX CAB-500RJ}, cap console, va didu ehuyén d6i RI-45 sang . DB-25 (P/N CAB-25AS-MMOD) dé két ndi vao Modem, gg eh oot whee Sohn: moucer: Néu AUX la DB-25: sik dung edp thing DB-25Female - Hrpro contig-Line) tspoed 125200 DB25Male RS.232 dé két noi tir router dén Modem. 2, Dé cflu hinh ede thong s6 trén ong AUX, trade het edn xée inh line number cita odng AUX bing lénh show line Line(s) not in asyne mode -or- with no hardware support +8, Céu hinh line AUX trén router: fi cng AUX nim trén tine 65 nhued vi du tren: i | Line nb erg ei load protocols khéc nhau. Véi ede lgai router thong thuong, cng AUX nlm 6 line J Rieng d6i véi eae Accoss Server tht port AUX lai nim lién sau! ede line TTY. Cu thé véi Access Server e6 16 Asyne modem lines a2 Pro (config-2ine) ¥Clowcontrol ha 1 age nrayexs stow control. CCNA Labrie BAN Cisco los BB vnpro(config-line| flogin to née hGn eke cute got ual ab ayng wpe Kade edu ninh ba ‘yepro (contig-Line) #password Ding chuong trinh Hyper Terminal dé quay 86 ket néi va router. Khi két néi xong, nhap mit kha dé ding uhap vao eb 86 Conmmand Line Interface, 2. CAU HINH CATALYST SWITCH Chu ¥ 1a ta nén quay s6 tix chuong tein HyperTerminal ci Lab 2-4: Cauhinh ofr bin Catalyst 2200 ® Windows, khong duge quay s0 disng Dial-up Networking MES cainnvan “Lab 2:nter VLAN Routing ® 24 VLAN Trung 12 Lab25: Lam vide weit server 18 q ethernet MAC Address: 00:02:b9:9a165:80 systen is available: Ba: Yodan £1 “initializing Flash, “flavhfs{ 0): 108 files, 3 dizector Elashfs{ 0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 flash{s{ 0): Toval bytes: 3612672 plashfsl 0): Byces used: 2775040 “flashfel O] : Byso available: 637632 fleents{ 0}: Clasnts tack took 6 seconds. LAB 2.1: CAU HINH CAN BAN CATALYST 2900 naned directories ALi 2900 alizing Flash, 1a 2514 “Boot Sector Fileayaten (be:) 192 19, 10.19.2 258,255.255.0 3, Thiét lap vtp transparent mode 2a00x1 vlan database 2900x1 (vlan) #vep transparent Setting device co VIP TRANSPARENT mods. Cho phép titt ef ede VLAN duoe ehuyén qua két ndi trunk: )4ewitohport trunk allowed vian all 2800%1 (contia-: 2500x2 (contig-if) foxit 8. Gan efing Pa0/2 va VLAN 2 4. Tao méi VLAN2 trong co sb dir ligu VLAN olia switeh VLANI mic dinh di 6 sin 2900x (vlan) #van 2 uatt 2 added: ane: viaNoo02 2900x1 (vlan) tex APPLY completed Batting. 02 Coon 12691 103 Bag a0 mike nh tube VLANT nénKhng cia ds Hem aq vo VLAN | 9. Lan edi hin 2900xI Wests menory rong itvdng hgp ding giao thule dati, ban cin dim bdo native VLAN, G hai dtu ket ni unk ging nhau (mae nh tn switch 2000XL le VLAN 1) £2600(contig-subil}tencapsulation dott 1 ? native Make this is native vlan -c2600(config-subilitencapsulation dott 4 native Building configus 2avox.4 Ban e6 thé ding lénh copy running-config start-up config iu ea hin. Router 2600 Series 1. Vao privileged mode edu hinh mat khéu telnet cho rout {. Cau hinh thong tin lop 3 cho sub-interface Fa0/0.1 jeretiion comands, ene per Line. End vi Router (config) thostnane 62600 2600 (config) e2e00(config) tLine vey 0 4 €2600 (constg-1ine) Hogi (©2600 (contig-Line) #password myseoret €2600 (contig-Line} hexit 2600 (contigi¥no logging console 2600 (coarsg) 4" rable passeord myse: | bang isl 00 (confie-aubse) foncapeulation ict 2 y Bing dotlq: ©2600 contig-eubit) fancapsulation dott 2) e26004contigare texminal Enter configuration commands, one ger Line ich ert 2. Chon eng fa0/0 dé eau hinh trank, £2600 (contigh tint fastzencrnet 0/0 £2600 (configeir} ano shot €2600,cont igs) #exit 105 104 coco Lal e2600twrite memory building conziguration ox 26008 Kelém tr Catalyst 2900 Switch 1, Ding lénh show int FastEthernet switchport @ kiém tra trang thdi port va dim bio native VLAN 6 ea 2 dé ket ndi trunk 1& gidng nbau: 2900x1¥ahow dnt festEthornet 0/1 avitchport ane: F0/2 Switchport: Enabled Adninisteatsve moder trunk op Adninistsative Trunkieg Encapsulation: 421 Operational Trunking Encapautarion: ist Megotiation of Trunking: Disabled Recess Mode VLAN! 0 ((zeactive)) ‘Trunking Native Hede VLAN: 1 (defau2e) ‘Teunking VLANs Enabled: ALL ‘Trunking Vitis Retivet 1,2 Pruning ViANe Enabled: 2-1002 onal Kode: ceuni Priority for untagged frames: 0 override vian tag priority: FALSE Voce van Appliance tevst: ‘Trong truvng hop 802.1q trunking, output s® nh sau: 2900xi¥show int fastEthornet 0/1 switohport 106 Name: Fa0/L Seitenport: Enabled Adninistrative mode! operational ede: Adninistrative Trunking Sncapsulation: dotle eunk crunk operations! Trunking Gaeapoviation: orig Negotiation of Trunking: Disabled access Bede VuAN: 0 ((Znactive)) Trunking Native Node VLAN: 1 (default) : ‘rrunking YLANG Snabled: ALL trunking VLANs Active: 1,2 Proning VLANs Snabled: 22002 Priority for untagged Overside vlan cag priority: Voice VLAN: none roe: 0 1.88 2. Ding lénh show vlan dé kigm tra ede edng cba switeh (ports) 6 thude vé duing VLAN. Trong bai nay, ta chu ¥ chi e6 eng 0/2 Ta thude vé VLAN 2, ede eding con Iai eta switeh thuge vé La Nome Statue Pores dorauie active F20/3, Fa0/4, 730/5, #40/6, F20/2, $20/8, 720/3, 720/10, FAO/M1, FH0/2, GLOMI, G:0/2 vianooo2 active Fa0/2 (002 aai-desoult active 1003 token-ring-default active 1004 fddinet~detaste active 05 cenet-dafavle sctive Catayst Such 107 3, Lenh show vtp status diing dé kiém tra VLAN tranking pro- tocol (WTP) txén susiteh, Prong bat lab nay, ta ding transparent mode. 26004show vlan Virtua} LAN ID; 1 (IBEB 002.19 encapsulation) iat Trunk Tatersace: FastEthernet0/0.1 this is configuced as native Vian for the foltowing Antorface (o) : Faststhennet0/0 Provecels configured: Address: Received: Transaitte x 20.10.1020 2 virtual ERN TD: 2 (TEBE 802.19 Encapsulation) Fastethernet0/0.2 29001 4show vep status re vores 2 contsguvation Revision ro Maximum Ne supported Locaily + 254 onber of existing vians ‘ vite Operating Node ‘Transparent VIP nosain Nase LAN Pruak Inte! ype Pruning voce Shejiited Protocols Configured: Address: Received: Pransmicte vie v2 Mode Disabled 42 9 woe Teape Genzation sable. ” 5 . ae JS biseiee: Déi vdi Cisco 10S version trade 12.1)T, output o6 dang sau: wos asgost £ OMC3 0x71 OXF9 0377 Ox25, OwRC One 0897 Configuration last modified by at 0-9-00 00:00:00 + €26004ahow vlan Vireval LAN 1B; 2 (ZEEE 602.10 Bneapeutation) yiat Trunk Inzergace: Fastthernet0/0.2 “protocols Configused: Addzess: Received: Transmitted! we 10.1912. 6 4 Cisco 2600 Router 1. Lénh show vlan cho biét thong tin Layer2/Layer8 duoc cau inh cho mdi VLAN: “2, Kidm tra trang thai ede cfng bling lénh show interface: ezsootsnow vlan “c2600%shew interfaces fastEthernet 0/0 Fastttne:net0/0 12 up, Line protocol 13 up Hardware is AndBE, address is 0009.e36£.4160 (bie /0002,226¢-"160) NTO 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbic, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, tulcad 1/255, rxtoad 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Vixeual LAN ID: 1 (Inter Switen Link Sneapouletion? face! Fast#thernet0/0.4 Protocols Configured: Address: Received: Transmitted 2 38 Vistual LAN ID: 2 (Inter Suiten Link Encapsulation) X interface; Fastethernet0/0.2 Protocols Configured: Addrovs: Received: Teanoni x go.0.12.2 8 ° Keepelive set (10 sec) Poll-duplex, 100%0/s, 100naserX/ex ARE type; ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Hh Cteyat Sue 108 cova ato " Last input 00:00:00, ourper 00:00:07, output nang never! wshow intertace™ counters never sif0 bast cleering of Queueing strategy 2600tchow interfaces fastatheznet 0/0.1 ine protocol is up 368.4140 Fascethorset0/0.1 ie up, Andel, address is 0003. Hercware a2 90003.e36#,4120) Internet addzexs is 10,10,10.1/26 TU 1500 bytes, BH 200000 Kost, OLY 100 usec, reliability 285/255, txload 1/253, xxtead 1/255 Encapsulation ISL Virtual LAN, Color 1 ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 c2500fahow interfaces fastEthernet 0/0,2 PassBtherner0/0.2 ie up, Line protocol 19 up andes, (0003.e968, 4200 Marware ie address fe 0003.e368.<160) Internet addzess ix 10,10,11.4/24 EIU 2500 bytes, BY 160000 Kbit, DIY 100 vse, reliability 255/298, exload 1/255, xxlosd 1/255 Encapevlation ISL Virtual LAN, Colox 2 ASP type; ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 ‘Déi véi 802.19 trunking, output e6 dang: e26004show interfaces Eastethernet 0/0.2 ne protocol is up 0003-036¢-4160 PastRehernet0/0.2 ia up, Ande, uaraware is address (003.2368. 1160) Intornet address is 10.10.10:1/24 MIO 1500 bytes, Bh 100000 KbIE, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, ciload 1/255, W) fia a exload 1/258 waa) (i Encapsulation 802.19 Virtual LAN, vlan ID 1. ARP typa: AREA, ARE Témeost 04:00:00 €2600!ohon interfaeas EastEthesnct 0/0.2 FeelBtnernet0/0.2 is wp, Lise protecel is ve lasdvare is Ane?2, 9003.a36r.4160 (003.0366. 4100) internet addvess is Wr9 1500 bytes, BH 100000 Kbit, DEY 100 eliability 259/255, txlosd 1/255, rxlead 1/288 Bnoapsulation £02.19 Virtual EAN, Vian ID 2 ARP Timeout 04:00:00, seczoss Se ARP type! ARPA, Sratebvat Sitch ia iit 12 VLAN TRUNKING van Fat ‘ua 10 sates via 20 eeonumiNG Vian 20 ENcMeERIG Trunk ISL Mo ta - VLAN cho phép ket hop ede port trén switeh thenh ede nm “48 giim lou long broadeast trén mang. Cc laa lugng may dupe gidi han trong pham vi duge xde dinh boi VLAN. — Két ndi trunk la lign két point-to-point gitra ede port trén ‘switch véi router hode véi switch khic. Két ndi trunk sé van chuyén thong tin ca nhiéw VLAN thong qua J Tien két dom va ‘cho phép mé rdng VLAN trén hé théng mang. _ VIP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) IA giao thc hoat dng & bayer 2 trong mo hinh OSI. VIP gidp cho vige c&ix hinh VLAN n déng nhat khi thém, xod, sia théng tin vé VLAN trong hé = Bai thye himh nay m6 t& cdch thie lao trunk gitta 2 ewiteh, king duve eg hinh trén port FO/1 cia hai switch. Ta nen ble password cisco “sustonpo) skstenpozt mode trnk cor cruak encapsulation is? Catalyst Switch 1 interface Fastéthernet0/5 gaitchport access vian 10 seitenport mode access Anterface FactSthernet0/6 weitehport eccass vlan 10 seizehport mode access Ancerface Fastathernet/? guizehpore access vlan 20 geitenport soda access Sneerface Fastethersero/s anicenport acezes vlan 20 saitchport mode access Antergace Fastethernet0/9 anitchsort access vlan 20 ehgost ode acces Ancersace Fastetherneto/10 aeizenport mode access Ancerdace Fastatherneto/11 suwitehport access vlan 30 seitehgort mod: Interface Fastatherneto/12 geitenport oceoes vlan 30 seitehport neds access Apterrace vianl 114 192-168.1.2 ip odires interface Want ip address Ap sddzoes interface Viaas0 kp sdazess 292.168.20,2 Sitchport mode access cow ui sy Seen 118 interface Fascernesneto/s ‘suitchport access vlan 10 switehport nede access interface Fastethernat0/é seitchport accone vian 10 eeivchport mode access interface Fastethernet0/7 switenport seceee vlan 20 switenport mode access werface FastBthernet 0/8 8 access ion 20 suivchvort node accues inteztace FastEthernet0/9 switchpore oecess vlan 20 sustchpor node accose eertace Fagskthexnet0/10 ‘switchport access vian 30 interface Fastethernet 0/1 paitchport aecose vlan 30 beitehport node access interface Fasteehernet0/12 switenport access vlan 30 seitchport mode accese toxzace VLAN? ip address 192.268,1.3 pe ip dizected ne sp route-cache ine vey 04 ait kndu seco Bogie hen Cau hinh trén Switeh DL lam VIP Server | Dit hostname, mat khdu va eu hinh edng vlan teen DLA: atentoont © ter configuration cenmands, on¢ per Line, ) Nnestnane DL ha with CMB. itch (oont 14 [config) tenable pas: Bu (config) #2ine vey 0 18 DiI config-Line) fpassuard cisco Dui (confiq-tine) Fogin 1 (contigeasne) Foxit Dit (config) Hint vlan Dia (eontig-if)#ip address 192. 268,43 255,285.255.0 ui tconsignit) tend ue +2. Thiét lap VTP domain la VNPRO, VIP mode la SERVER, tao cdc VLAN 10 (SALES), 20 (ACCOUNTING), 80 (ENGINEER- i tink Catalyst Suitch bindvian databace 0rd (vlan) livtp server © mist 1ép ché dp VIP servor noag. DEL (wlan) ¥vep domain VNPRO dit aviteh DLA vdo domat A (contig-if) Feuitenport trunk encapsulation ish a6Ag ft xigu £01 (hoe dotia) dé di qua dung trunk iicontig-if) tswitchort truak altoved vian ali = cho mép tdt cd edo VLAN qua trunk grit) Foxtt Bul (vlan) fvisn 10 nae SALES ( ‘go VLAN 10 vi dit 6 nae ‘go VEAN 10 VA die en 18 jtconéio) ian 10 adsea: lane: SALES Gli ad ta chi mudn eho phép ede VLAN 10, 20, 20 ta ding te DuL(vian) Felan 20 name ACCOUNTING viaM 20 addea: Nane: ACCOUNTING Dit vian) fan 30 name SNGTIBERING ‘van 30 added! Nane: ENGINEERING Dut (vlan) fapply © bun edp Binh vio £116 vian, dat. APPLY conploved bin (visa) tense APPLY competed. beseing baw M6 switeh ehithube 1 VTP domain Mae dinh switch 6 che d3 VTP server mode 8. Kich hoat trunking trén ofing Fa0/t va cho phép tit ef fe VLAN qua trunk; punteont © Enter contiguration comands, one ser Line. Dra (config) #ine 0/2 DUI (conrig-ir) ¥exscchpore mode txunke 118 “CCNA LabPrO) Bad with cnTL/2: Dt{contigetprswitenport unk allowed vlan 10 DL t(contig-i}eswitehport trunk alloved vlan 20 DL t(conligri}Aswitehport unk allowed van 30 4. Gan ede port vao VLAN tuong ing pane £0/4 ui (contig-if} switchport mode access = céu inh cdg & access sod bit (config-if) Fewitehport access vian 20 < cfu kinh ng yao vlan 10 =— bt access port chi thuge vB cho 9gt ViAN DLA (contig-se)¥ewitchport mode access ‘Bia (contigrif} ¥switchpore access vlan 10 Dun (eonfig-if) Aine £0/6 Dil (contig-if} ¥swicehport mode access Dua (consig-if} fouttenport access vlan 10 “LA (contig) Aint 0/7 DL (contig-i¢1 taxitehpert mode access Lt (configrif) #eultehport access vian 20 A teontig-ifh Hint £0/8 Did (contig-if) Hewitenrort mode access 18 Dut (contignisy douitenpore access vian 20 DEI (coneignis)#int £0/9 DLt (contigrit) ssuitenpoxt mode acces: DUI (configrif} tswitcheore access vlan 20 DLL (contig) Vint £0/10 Dil (contig-i#) Rowitensort node acces ‘cay hinh trén Switeh ALA lam VTP Client 11, Dat hostname, mat Khdu va edu hinh management vlan seitehtcon! © Enter configuration cennands, one per Line, "gpiteh (config) #hosteane ALL fed with O8TL/2. DLA Ceontég-it) #owitehport access vlan 20 bua (conzigeity Fins £0/12, bul (conzig-if) Fewitenport mode accoes pra (eontag ort access vlan 20 Dutieontig-iny pine £0/12 Dil (config-if) feuiechport mode access Dil (condig-if} Fawitehport access vlan 30 bt (config) tenable paccword cisco AU (config) Fine vey 015 [x13 (config-2ine)# password cisco ne) Hlogin ey fexit nif) towiten 5. Xem cau hinh vba thue hign “ ‘Thiét lap VIP domain la VNPRO, VIP mode lx CLIENT 1 defaure sve Fa0/2, Fu0/3, Fa0/13, Fa0/I Bai bao cavan tn Shen FaO/8, Fa0/16, ra0/17, HeOst Be cotone a0/19, 720/20, 90/21, 720/22 Peer oxaversnasaseilateSaten Fa0/23, £30/24, Gi0/2, Gi0/2 Rs 10 sates active Fa0/4, F20/5, %00/6 20° AcoouNrmNa active Fa0/7, 20/8, Fa0/9 ult 30 ENGINEERING ——octive FaQ/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12 Kich hoat trunking trén cng Fa0/1 va cho phép tAt ed ee 1002 Eddi-defavle act /unsup ‘qua trunk: 1003 coken-ving-defoul tact /unsve 1094 fadinet~defaule — act/uneve Buitcont © 1005 exnet-deravie —act/aneyp fer configuration ccnwands, one por Aine. Rnd with CNRL/E me RU (config) Hint £0/2 ah 120 CCNA Lana Utirh Catalyst Suitch ALL {configeif)dsaitenport: mode teunk Abn (contig-it) Zewicemport trunk encapsulation isl = 46 g6t kidu Lol (hoge dotig) dé at qua duang crunk bl [eonfig-it] #awitenport phép t&t cd cc VLAN gua trunk ALL (confignit) fexit Bul feontia) t 4. Ap d&t ede port chi dinh vo VLAN tuong ung ALL [config Hint £0/4 in [eonflig-i6 ¥owizehpore ALI (config-if) Aswitchpore BIL [eonfigeS8) Hae £0/5 ALI (config-it) foxitebport ALI (config-it) owitcnport ALL (configrse) #int £0/5 ‘aM (contigrif} ¥switchport Aa (eonsignifi Ageicenport wwode access access vin rode access secese vlan rode access eecess vlan BIA (contig) Hint £0/7 ‘alt (confignit}fewitehport Dbl (eonsigri 0) tereizenpore na (contignity fant 10/8 Al (contig-ie) dewivenpore ‘ul (contigrif} tsi tehport aia (eonsig~ity Hint £0/9 node access aecesa vlan 20 access vlan 20 bl (contig-if) Aewitehpore node seceus ALI (configeifiFawitehport access vlan 20 UL (eontig) Hine £0/20 ALI (contigrif) fseitenpore ia (config-seifowitchport access vian 30 BLL (configrif) Aint £0/22 12 crune ailoned vlan all © ‘ALL [config-1f) #switchport mode access ALI (configrify Hewitchport access vlan 30 REL (contigrinn Fine (9/42 bt (configrif) Aveitehport mode access ALi (ecutigrif) Hewitenport access vian 20 5. Xem ea hinb vita thye ion yulten vlan HAS type ID cme aie = 10 cece seco 0 = = 2 ecet voice 1800 = zs 30 cnet 100000 1500 28 aue2 faci reueee = Go tr ty ts a) one senot sosong 500 == eee = oe te Hoos tener 101005, Fa0/6 Fan/9 iat ame Status Ports 1 default active Fa0/2, £a0/3 no sates active Ea0/4, #80/5, 20 nccow active 90/7, Fa0/8, 30 ENorNeents active Fa0/10, 20/11, “4002 fdai~detautt active 4003 token-ring-default sctive 1004 fddinet-derault active “100s eenet-detauis active a ° rans? ec Pacect Aino Seidgeo stp. Brdods Teens Teese? ar Kiém tra 1. Kiém tra ong Fa0/l da hoat dong chua At tshow int £0/1 FastEthernet0/i is up, Line protocal ie wp © cing di how dng Hardware is Fast ethernet, address is O9b0.64c9,cu4 tbia 00b0.8409.0021) 00 1500 bytes, HW 100000 Kait, BLY 100 use, ey 755/255, twload 1/255, exload 2/255 Encapsulation AREA, loopback ror set Keepalive not set. )y Ruse speed (200), 100Rasu7x/Px + ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 2. Kigm tra céng Fad/1 da kich hoat trunking va ding kidh encapsulation chu ALLIsh int £0/1 sxivehport Name: Fa0/1 switehport: enabled Adniniatrative mode: veunk Operational Mode: trunk « céng F0/1 nose déng 3 cné 4B, Deininistrative Tunking Enespoutatio: operational Teunuing Encapewtation: del © Kidu déng g6f 1a tot Negotiation of Trunking: Bieebled Recess Node EAN: 0 (Inactive?) Trunking Native ode WEAN: 2 [detsure) ‘Trunking VUANS Bnabled: ALL cho paép tdt o8 cae ase Hee n58 Exar 104 “eon Labo Gfrunking VLANs Active: dang noat dong ‘pruning vbatle Enabled: 2-1001 Priovity for untagged 6 “Voice vin: none Dppliance trust: none Proning Mode Ure v2 Node WEE traps concretion eigest Uae version Figuracion Kevision Tinh Catayst Switch figuration last modified 1,10,20,30 « cae VLAN hign hanh ° ag priority: FALSE 2 © 8 revision number Maxiovn Vins supporzed localiy : 68 8 Client © guttch host ang 4 end 46 extont ‘YMPRO + sunitoh ehus= donasn VNPRO Dicabicd : Disabled x0 OxtS O42 0x09 OxSE by 192,168.22 ae 41-95 15 of config revision errors + 0 Maximum ViaNs supported locally: 1005 _Nanbe= Nunber of exieting VANS a Nonber of config digest errors ° EP operating Node sexver Munber of VL summary errors ° re bonain wane ‘yMPa0 “VF? pruning statistics EP Pruning Nose Disables vse v2 Mode Disables rick goin Teanssitced goin Raceived Sutnazy eaves WIE Traps conera fpteasioa received fron snon-prvesnge NDS eigest + ONCE ON45 OxB2 0409 Ox58 capable device 927A O50 O29 Configuration last modified by at 3-1-99 orsssios local wpdater 1 bia ° ° Feo/t ° buat on interface VII [Lowest face found) daten vep counters EP statistics: Summary advertisements received Subset advertivenente received Request adverticenents received 6 “sumery advertisements transmitted : 20 Subset edvezticescnrs transmitted Request advertisoneats transmitted Revion robe mong ring thing 58 quan ung aa VTP. IMIVTP ror tay a6 VLAN dlnase in tr lovin ln ‘hit cud fo VLAN cipess ay Che ht 63 ron 1h Ron phil chp in VLAN dab 8 robin ln hon HG VIP srvr soa bs Wl of ee VLAN Bd ob vv noah ede hl hae eng #6968 VLAN dumber of contig digest errors 6 unber of config revision errors: 0 ° Vi summary errors o 4. Kigm tra sé Min gid va nbgn thong tin trunking —_ DLiten vte co ure prunieg statistics: 1a m oe, cau a LAB 2.5: LAM VIEC VO TFTP SERVER Switeh 2900xL Mo ta Backup ede file edu ‘hye hren 1. Dat IP address cho host ¢6 TFTP server 8 (24 inh cita switeh vao TFTP server Nap lai file backup tir TFTP server, 2. Dat Lr address C0 Tee gritentoont © pater configuration conan: tine, End with CNEL/2, ALSwi ten (co teen (config) #hostnane ALS J) fine vlan address ausuttch (contig-iO) Hip a-i£) tao shut 103.1.10 ppusieivon (cor 3, Caiu hinh cho port gin véi TIP server & acvess mode (gia Ta port 10/9) TFTP Sener Iatswitch tconfig-if) Mint £0/9 usw! snode access ALSwivch (conta [ALSwiveh (config-it) ino smse " nugwitch (confignit)# 5 01:38:36: SLINK-2-UepOmN: Teer: “changed state co uP 1:38:36: SLINK-3-UeDOUN: In changed state to Up or 2 )dowschport access Cees "4. Kim tra két ndi gita ewiteh véi tp server Qhnsriboaee Quntecinahs ene a rh Catayst Switch ALSwitchAping 20-1.1-10 ‘ype escase sequence to absrt. Sonding 5, 00-byte ICMP Echos to 10,1,1.10, timeous és 2 2172/5 8 usu toh 5. Xem nO dung flash: aisuitontshow Flach Directory of flash:/ 2 -rwx 1649826 Mar 01 2993 00:27:37 4 ore 4280 Max 01 1999 00: 8 916 Mar 01 1993 00241: ° 27 Jan 01 1970 00:00:20 3617672 bytes total 11920448 byces Free) ausuitent 6. Copy edu hinh hign tai vao tftp server ansuicentcopy cunning-cantig tEte Address oF name of venore host (J? 10.1-1.20 Destination Fiienane { running-contig)? runaing-eonsig. 2x 685 Bytes copied in 1.106 secs (685 bytes/sec) ALswLtoht 7. Copy startup-config vao tftp server Ausuitengoopy startup-contig tftp Address or nane of Femoce nose []? 130 scowss rate is 100 percent (5/3), romad-triy nin/avo/max bootsite 201 config. text 4 contig.oid fig]? startup-conlig. txt Destination fiteneme { stax 695 nytes copied in 0.94 secs auswitent 8, Copy file configatext tte lash vao tftp server puswitchteopy flashseonfig.text eft Mddvess oF name of remote host (J? 10.22.10 Doctination fLienane { contig.cext)? © he Enter 685 nytee copied in 0.89 secs Chg file startup-eonfig.txt Va configtext 6 nfi dung gidng nas. 9. Copy bign moi truimg vao tftp server dé xem tham 86 ALSwitch#copy eny_vere EftP Rasvess or none of reaote ost [7 Destination £4lenane ( ev vars]? 17 bytes copied in 0.79 sees aLsuitcht 110. Copy bootfile vao tftp server Address oF sare of 1 ptination fltenane [boot fLie]? swites2900xt. bis vuueerueninnenant ogennyoeuyanuyaeeayonnyaateazae 1645024 bytes copied in 13.657 secs (126602 bytea/sec) I finh Cetelyst Switch 132 ALSuitchéshow version cisco Internets 105 k Operating System Software ) C2900KL Software (C2800KL-C3H25~M), Versio Fle Swiih2600KLbin ech hae nH couaNTeshae J AEE” ¥-120.5.2-XU.bin 6 sn trong lash LL. Upload Igi file tir tftp len switch ALSuitchteopy titp1e2000xL-e3h2e-me-120.5,2-X0.bin Each Addveas ox nage of serove host [}? Dost ination filename { o2900xi-e3n22-t2-120.5.2-U.bin]? fn Enter Recossing tep!//10.1-1.10/¢2900KL-cth2e-na-120.8.2 xU.bin, Loading ©2900%t-e5n29-n2~120.5,2-RD.bin for vias PAU ert (ox - 1645010 bytes 1619810 bytes copied ausiicend 156 sees (29923 byter/ seed 12. Xem eau hinh sau khi upload” pizectory of flash:/ catayst Sitch var 02 1999 00:27:37 fae 02 1993 4353449 cong. text Mar 01 1993, 92:07:53 eax 3545824 2-120,5.2-K0.bin bytes total (214880 bytes free) 133 3 DINH TUYEN TREN ROUTER Lab 34: Binh tySn tn rater Cisoo Lab 3.2: Cuhinh dn uyén toh Lab 3.3. CSuhinn FIP cabin Lab3-4: Gio hte nh uy6n FIP Lab35:C4ushinh Passive Irtrta0o Lab3-6:Céu inh GAP cobin Lab37: C&uhinh IGRP Passive Interface L238; C4: hirh GAP Unequal Cost Loed Balancing Labo: RIP vaDiscontgous Networks " Lab310; Redstibute gta RIP valGRP. Lab3-11:Cauhinh EIGAP oan Lab 2-12; Redstbue gita GAP VAEIGRP Lab3.12:Cauhinh OSPF eatin een router RAR eReSB 0 B88 185 RouterA(config)#ip routing + lgnb nay mic djnh trén Cieco outer Router (contag) # Cexit# Rowtexnt = Dat dia chi IP cho PC1 va PC2 cing mang véi cdng jernetO va Bthernet1, nue trén hin, i: DINH TUYEN TREN ROUTER CISCO. Luu. ‘Win 2000, XP: Stat Stings ~ Cannecton = Lecel Area Connection — Properties = Inmet Prleco (TPA). ‘Wind Sina ~ Setings ~ Corl Panel -Networes ~ CPAP —TCPAP Properias eo ranoanaes ex Dinh tuyén IP duoe cho phép mae dinh trén Cisco router. Lenh dé cho phép hay vd higu hos dinh tuydn: nol ip routing: ‘Vi lénh nay mie dinh nén kbi xem eu hinh dang chay bing Ignh show running-config sé khong thy hién thi lenh nay. DE kim tra tée ding eita edu lénh cho router néi véi PCI va PC2 qua hai eéng Ethernet 0 va Ethernet 1 nhw hinh vé. — Router A v6i 2 céng Bthernet s@ duge cfu hinh nur sau: (contig) Hincertace Btneeneed if) fip addzeze 172,108,1,1 265,288,255.0 ) Fne steatdoun ~ Thue hign lénb ping trén PCL va PC2, len ping phi thank Goi IP tir PCI 161 PC2 se dupe dinh tuyén bai R1 ma khong Fee ee ee tin giao thnie dink tuyén v ede mang duge két noi trye tig vi (config-Lf) tip addvess 285.255,255.0 eR{contig if) fn shutdown (contin Routera(contigrif) fe Rowe £)Yoxic ra comm Loma fon citer w 138 ert Windows XP ( Version $.1.2600) (©) Copyright 1995-2002 Microsoft corp. CH\> ping Pinging with 22 byces of data: Reply from byteos32 tinecins Tet=127 Reply fon 172,208.2.2: bytean22 tine 1/3/4 we sf = Tai router RouterB, ping router Router bing lénh pi {.y AD = 0 khi ta chon outgoing interface dé edu hinh static Shui AD = 0 khi ta chon outgoing interface: 6 day ta khdng thay entry [1/0] trong edu hinh, Rowtesséping type escape 2 3 Sending 5, 100-byte ICHP Banos Lo 10:0.5.200, timeout 2 seconde jence to aby Success rate is 100 percent (8/5), round-trip min/avs/=3 = 1/8 ms 16 cons? a iH RIP CO BAN LAB 3-3: CAU torannne Se eS ZS ip address 192,1.1,2 758.295.258.0 no snutdown soviee rip © Kieh hogt qué tinh dink tuyén RIP exén netnork 10,0.0.0 © chi r@ mang 98 quing ofo vA xe din interface néo 28 gé4 vA nha chéng tin dinh tuyée RIP Mo ta & you cau = Router A, B, C sir dung RIP dé quang edo thong tin dinh tuyén = Router B hoat ding nhw DOB cung ed’p xung clock cho router A vi C ~ Cée router eda hinh RIP va quang bi tat e& ese mang ni frye tip, ~Tirrouter A, B va C, ta ping duce hét ede dia ehi trong mang. vend Router 8 Cu hin hostname Router Routor A “ho ip donain-1o0% “nterface serial0 Sp addzese 292.1,1.2 255.255,258.0 . clock rate 61000 © neat dag mur DeR cung ef mung etock hostname Router a no ip domain-2o0kup interface Loopoackd + Dinh nghia interface do aé 1am asda Ee shetdoun kag ra, Ap adavess 148 ‘oon Lat 18 eleck rate 61000 © hot dfng niu DCE oung Sp sung clock | no shutdone roster rip pecuor® 192 petwork 193.1 .10 a Cée buse thye hign Dat hostname, ait dia chi IP cho ede céng Loopback, Serie, met Péi véi Router ‘née dh outer no cung ep tong eck de Wilt] DCE ding ‘hu lbh: show controler type number] omen Routertcontig tomniaal “Routes (contig) #hostnaza RoutaZh, Router i Loopback Rovvorn (config) Hinterfact AEF ip addease Lo. FRoutorA configeLt) Foxit 1 hostname Routers -Rovtera (confic no Sp domain-Lookup -Routera config) Pistoxtsce Echernetd RouterAlcontig-Le)#ip address 148.1.1-1 255.258,255.0 2.4 ovtera(config-it) #oo shutdown Routera(canfigrit) Fro keepelive Rovtera (config-if) exit bo shurdown no kespalive © v8 nigu néa keapals phép intorface ethernet vin up lei khdng Ket nL va béa ooks ‘opberh (contig) Hatextace Seriato ‘outeraoontig-it) #5p addeass Rovtera jconfig-iz) tro shutdowns Rovvera (contig-it fone Anterface Sesialo ip address 193.1. ne shusdows rounee’ stp Cau bin Si véi RouterB va RouterC. Lua ¥ tai vraser eesiveve iu hinh tueng ty adi vdi RouterB vk RouterC. Lua ¥ 15 10 ‘CCN Let Routeraiconfigl ¥interface Serial0 RouterB(configvit) Vip ddress felock rate 61000 Routers (contas-Lt) #no snusdovn 189 packets inpwt, 30563 bytes, 0 no butter ceived 473 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles Rostces (contioni RoucesB (contsg-is) #interface saesaal RouterB(config-if} #ip addvess 193,1,1,1 255,258.258.0 Routers (configrifl delock rate 64000 Router (oanfigrif}#no shutdown Bourext (cantigeif] Fenel jovtersish int 60 ial0 is up, Line protocol is up Hazavave 42 #064570 Internet addeoss 9 MU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, OLY 20000 usec, reliability 255/255, txlead 1/255, rxload 1/255 Eneapeulation HDLC, leopback not set Rouserat ‘Kidm tra hoat dong céng Serial tai ede router bling lénh sho interface (Type Number} RoutarAishow interface Seriale Seria0 is op, Line protocot £8 up Hordvara is mn64570 Anteznoe sddreas $2 NOU 1500 bycea, St 1544 Kbit, OLY 20000 usec, Gerial1 1s up, Line protocal 12 up FeLiability 255/258, cxlead 2/255, reload 1/285 “Harenare is eDsas70 “inceznet addvess {© “ro 1500 bycas, on 1544 Kbit, DEY 20000 usecy gelianility 255/255, txload 1/255, rxlosd 1/255 Encapsvlacion HDLC, loopback not sez Keepsisve set (10 2ee) East inpuc 00:00:06, output 00:00:08, ontgot nang never Last clearing of Kenow interfaces counters never Encapaulation HDLC, loopback not cet Inpot queve: 9/75/0/0 (size/nau/arone/Avenes)? Total oveput duepe: 0 ‘Queueing stracegy: weighted fair ouput quever 0/1000/86/0 taize/max cotal/tntesneld/azops Conversations 6/3/256 (active/nax active/nox eetall Reserved Conversa! 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packece/see 5 minute outgue rate 0 pice/aec, 0 packets/sec Serial0 ic vp, Line prococol 1s up Hardware 12 H064570 Tnicorner adsvess Le 193-1.1.2/24 “hry 1500 bytes, BN 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, reliability 295/285, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set ns 0/9 (allocated /na alzocaced! 152 ‘ConA Lath 183 Cau hinh giao thiic dinh tuyén RIP trén mai router ‘Tr router, ping ede dia chi trén mang Routerctping 192. ‘ype escape seqvence to abort. Sending §, 100-byte ICMP Echos to téneout Ss 2 seconds Routera (contig) frouter rip RoutexA tconfig-router) inetwork Routeralconfig-router) fnetwork 148-1.0.0 Routerd {config-rovter) network Routers (config) router vip 0 percent (5/3), round-trip min/eva/max Rowters (con: b92.1.1.0 Routers (config-router) énetwork Svecess rate ie = 4/414 ms “RoutexClping 292.2-1.2 ype oocage soquence to abi Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Bchos to seconds: Router (config) frouter ip Routerc(contig-rovter) tnetwork, Routerc(config-router) tnatwork 2.11.2 timeout is 2 “success race is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip win/evg/max = 4/414 we Kiém tra Xem bing dinh tuyén bling lénh show ip route Routeratping “Type escape sequence to abort RowverAt show ip source Sending 5, 100-byte ICNP Echos to timeout ia 2 "second Gateway of inet roe is auanettes, 1 eubaete © is directly connected, Lospnacko 148,1,0.0/24 is subnatted, 1 aubnets 448.1.1.0 is directly connested, Ethernet 152.1.0-0/16 ( 120/2) via, 00:00:20, Serial is directly connected, serialo 193.1-1,0/24 { 120/1) vse, 09:00:20, Serial Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip mln/avg/max = 4/44 ns weerctping 10.2.1-1 Type escape soquence to abort Sending 5, 100-byte IMP Eohos to 10.1-1,1 timeout is 2 seconds: Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/nax = 44/4 as Ding oh show i rout vip ne mt x ee outs bee wl Rontat show brute te fr (Se.0.06 [t22} va 192112, 000020, Seralo Rees (tor) va t82.:42, 600020, Serato 188 uy wen router ‘Ta o6 thé xem qué trimh cap mhat dinh tuyén cia RIP bing cach dling leah debug ip rip. Chui ¥ tai eéng seriald, Routerd, ‘khong quing ba network hoc tir RouterB ( va nhung é ede router eon lai ede network nay due quéng cio, Diy Ta hoat déng cia eo ché split horizon: khi split horizon hoat dong, router sé khong quang edo route nguve tri Iai noi né déa, Roureraldebug ip rip RIP: sending vl update Co via Bthernctd 1149.2.1.1) network 10-0.0.0) ma network, metric 3 network 192-1.1.0, metric 1 network 194,1.1.0, wossic 2 RIP sending vt wpdace to 255,285,255.295 via Joophackd) 2.2.2) network, metric 1 pethork 152.1.0,0, meteie 3 network, metric 2 netwoxe 193.1.1,0, meteic 2 ATE: sending vl updal 4192.2-4-09 network, metric 1 network neti Khi debug ehay, router sé dua ra théng tin dinh tuyén RIP, 48 ngimg debug ding Hens Souterntundemuy all vo mode +4 hod split horizon tai RouterA ding lénb tai interface 16 ‘CONA Lat RouterA(config)#int 50 Rovterd (configrif) Ino Sp vplis 3¢ tir RouterB va RouterC): Rovterntdenye sp rsp Laie niy, 4é kiém tra théng tin dinh tuyén tai RouterA ding debug ip rip. Thong tin xudt hien dudi day (chi ¥ tat 0a fe route duge quang cdo ra cdng serial, bao gim eA ede route RIP: sending vi update to via Bthernet] rie 3 netric 2 Sse.1.2.1) network, network, network, c network, network, networe, RIP: sending vi updare (a92.1.1.1) network 148.1 network 152.1. network 192.1. network 193.1 ork 10.0.0. ng vi update Lo via LéoshackO atric 3 etvie 2 255,298.255 via 5 1a) 1 ip address 131.108 oxtt interface Loopback? Sp addzovs 255,258.255.0 LAB 3-4: GIAO THUC BINH TUYEN RIP Lopoasi 180-1684.128 eopoaci 192-1687.128 Leopoackt 182:1685.12¢ Lgpoaee 182 1888124 ip adazese 131,208.2.1 Leopoasia 162.168 5.128 Lpaasa 182 1688.12 BE cciniédoen, so 1sote8c.tee ee no keea exit : “oterface seriaio Ap adiress 255.255,255.0 clock rate 64000 0 192.168 1.124 0 19.1682. Mo ta & you edu no ahut — Lab nay edu hinh dinh tuyén IP ding dia chi mang lop B. aS, voi subnet mask l6p C ( hay /24). router rip router ping duye tat ¢& dia chi trén mang. “ networx C8u hinn Ri hoetnsiea &2 : jostnane 2 Anteztace Loopback Interface Legphacko ip addvess 132.2 " 8 ‘ip address exit interface loopback? 150 bn tren router (ho eee Router (confis} thostnane RZ “na teentia)§ interface loopback1 ip addrese 2859,255.295.0 ‘Xée dinh thigt bi mao 1a DCE va DTE: Aavertace Loopback? ip adarese 151.198.9,1 “Rifshox controllers $0 “interface Serial0 Higzdsare ic voxarcuice uecs6a interface Etherneto Dez v.35, no clock ip address 0. shutdown ro kegpalive Retshow contvollers $1 AD unit 0, idb = OxFSDSO, driver structure at ox102008 : byefer sive 1524 HD unit 0, ¥.38 DIE cable interface Seciilid pb = Ol, eda = Ox483¢, cda = 0x4850 Sp acdrose 191,108.3.2 255.255,285.0 no stut “Gan hinh dia chi IP cho ede cing etia RL Bi (contig) Hintarface Loopbackd L(conig-if)# ip address 131.208. router sip pecwork 191,108.0.0 [Bi (consig-if) Fintextace leophacit Hu (conig-it)t ip acdvess (config-it) Hintertace loopback? Gae Buse thye hién nhu sau conig-if)# ip addueas 191. 108.6,1 1, Dat hostname, edu hinh cho ee céng loopback, Ethernet va Serial trén RL va R2 Dit hostname (eonig-i8)# exit (contig) Fincertace Etherneto Af) 4ip addvess 285,255.255.0 Rlconig-it) 3n0 shutdown UINK-3-UrDomt: Thterface Ethernetd, changed state to up Router (contig) tRostnane Ri Rifeontsg)t tft 160 ae RI (conig-if) tno keepalive RI (conse-is) # exit kL (config) interface Seziala Rl {conig-it) #ip acaress 232 Bl (conig-ifitelock rate 128000 Bi (conig-if) #a0 shut 8.3.1 ‘Tuong tu d0i voi R2 2 config) Sincersace Leogbsckd RZ (conig-it]# Sp address 131.208.7,1 255,295.255.0 Ra (con£ig) Finterface Loopbscki B2(conig-it)# ip address 755.255.255.0 Ba (config) #intersace loopback? Ra(conig-if}# ip acdvess 191,108.9.1 2 (config) Vintertace athesnetd B2(conig-i#) ip address 131,108.2.1 Ba (conig-if) Ino shytdown a (conig-i2) #no keepalive Ra (consg-it) # oxic Re(config) Fintertace Seriel1 R2(conig-i#) 4ip addeens 151,108.3.2, 82 (conts-42) #n0 shut 2, Kiém tra bang dinh tuyén IP trén cde router RIF chow ip xoute Gateway of last resort is not set 62 131.108-0.0/24 ig aubnetted, > subnets 108,8.0 is dizceriy connected, Loopback? 131,108.4.0 42 dizeetiy connected, Loopbask® ° ig dizectly connected, Loopback? is diractiy connected, Sexial0 131,108.10 is directly connected, Beheznet0 JF anow ip xoute stevay of Last vesort is not set 181,108,0.0/24 i8 subaetted, 5 subnets 151.108,9.0 is divectly connected, Loopback? is divectly connected, Loopback! 321,109.7.0 s directly connected, seopback® 451.108.3.0 is dizeotly connected, Seriatl 431,108.2-0 is diroetty connected, etnerneto a (contig) frovter 2p (config-router) tnetwork 131-108.0.0 FI {contig-router) Fend Rlfcopy ron suart «lim edu Bim vio MVRAKL ‘qué trinh cp nhat dinb tuyén trén router Nenug sp Hip 2 protecol debugging is on 163 Bltdebuy ip tip ev AIP event de weaging is on ‘Kigm tra hoat ding bling ping cde mang i xa (tat 08 ede ping phai thanh céng) 4, Kem lai bing dinh tuyén trén RI vit R2 Cruaping idping Basho teczoue Grafping sping 191-208.2.2 Gatenay of 1est resort is not sex Piping 13:.108.4.2 131.108.0,0/24 Ls subnetted, 5 subnets seeping R 121.208.9,0/28( 120/91 via, 00:00:00, sexiat0 ping 131,100.6.1 R 19b.208.8.0/20¢ 120/11 via, 0:09:00, 22 Boing 13k ide Act R131.108.7,0/24 ( 220/2} vie 121,108,2.2, 00:00:00, scriaid © 131,108.6.0 is divescly connected, Loopback? Vi dy ping thamh cong © 131,108,5.0 de atvectly connected, Loopback : © 192,108.4.9 s8 directly sonmeates, Loopback) piping 191,108.91 © 192,208.3.0 is dizecety conocted, seriaio ype ezeape sequence co abort. R 192,208.2.0/24 1 120/11 via, co:0000, seriald ending 5, 100-byte ICNP Eehos to 151,108.9.1, timeout 12 © 131.108.2,0 is dizectly connected, sthemere seconds R2F show ip route Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/nax BU/92032 ws Gatowoy of ase zesore ss not set 2 -208.0.0/24 ia suneceed, § subnets © ts dixactty connected, Loopback? © 133.208.8,0 2 directly connected, voopback © is directly connected, toopbacko A 191-108.6.0/24 (120/11 via, 00:00:00, seria! R 181-198,5,0/2¢ (220/2) vie 131.108,3.1, 00:00:00, Soria R 191,108.4.0/26 (120/21 via, 00:00:00, seriall © is divestiy concocted, Serial? © 131,108.2.0 is dixectty connected, Eeneracco B 191,108.1,0/26 1120/11 via 132.108,3.1, 00:00:00, seria ib4 CCONA Lot 165 ttn router interface Ethern Ap addvess no ohutdown no Meepalive ( cho phép intertaco sthornet vin up kht kndng xét n61 vol HUB hole SWITCH LAB 3-5: CAU HINH PASSIVE INTERFACE interface Serialo Sp address 192,1.1.1 ip & Kick oat qua trish djnh tuyén RIP Erén router pacsive-interface Seriel0 © xhdng cho gOL chéng tin inh tuyéa RIP trén soriaz0 “network © eni va mang a8 quing edo vi xée dion céng nio ai gt vi nhgn théng tin djnh tuyén RIP network network Mo ta & you céu Bai thye hamh may mé t& edch ding lénh passive interk lénh nay cho phép router o6 chay RIP nhén, nhung khong thang tin dink tuyén ra ngoai edng chi dinb, = Cée router edu hinh RIP = Khong cho g6i thong tin dinh tuyén qua céng Serial 0. Router — Router B vi C quiing edo tat c& cde mang néi trac tigp. no ip classless su hinn Router A hostname Router & Ap addvess interface Loopback | Dinh nghia interface io dé Lin, clock rate 64000 © hogt dong mu Oce cung edp ning clock ip address 10.1.1. no shutdown interface Serial 166 ‘ccna ce ip address clock rate 64000 — hoat dong nh Dee cung ep song clogy router rip network network ond Router hostname Routers sncortace etherneto Ap addvess 255,255.295.0 no. shutdowts no keapalive © v6 bigu néa xeepalive exén router obs néi za bén noe phép edng cthornet0 vin up kat khdng Kee ' incorface Sexiato ip address router sip network network po ip classiese end ‘irén RouterA. Chui ¥ cfp nhat RIP chi gbi ra eding BthernetO yterhédebsg ip rip Pi received v1 update ffom 182.1 in 2 hops in 1 hops sending vl update to via stheeneto eet 2 on Sexialo necuor#, moeese 1 notwork, macvic 3 petwark, mezrie 1 network, metric 2 sending vi update to via tooshacko nerwor%, metric 1 network, nacre 3 pecwork, metric 1 network 193,1,1.0, metric 2 bang dinh tuyén trén RouterA va RouterC bling lénh Toute. Chui ¥ RouterA hoc tat e& calc route tir RouterC, hong e6 route tir Router ERE show ip rote #8 ~ connected, S- static, 1 - 36Re, B Ms mobile, 8 = BGP D = BIGRE, BX ~ BIGRP «} ML ~ OSPF ASSA oxterne) sype 1, M2 ~ a2, 0 0828, Ih = aul Pics: 169 Bl - 0890 exteznal type 1, E2 - 2-19-15, 12 - 18-46 devel-a, 12 ~ 38 level-2, > ~ candidate default static route, © - ODR LAB 3-6: CAU HINH IGRP CO BAN uw ~ per-ua st resort is not get owsy of 2 ecitd 12108218 Loopback! 131.108 5.1/24 Loopback Frees Loopback? 191.108,9.2/25 /24 is subnatted, 1 aubnets © 42 directly connected, Loopback¢ is subnettad, 1 evbneza 248,1.1.0 42 directly connected, Exheraetd 1320/2) via 292.1,1.2, 00:00:20, Serta 192.1,1,0/24 is aixectty connecced, Serislo [120/11 via, 00:00:20, Serial ROUeECU show ip rouce Gateway of last resore 42 nos soz 182.1:0.0/24 is subnetted, 1 subnecs “Router 1 hoat ding nhwr DCE emg ed’p xung dock cho router 2. ¢ is dizectly connected, ntnernet0 | E dona vundtcuan th diodes R 192,2.1,0/24 ( 120/ vie 193.1412, 00:00:20, serial pe Céc router edu hinh IGRP va quing © 193.1.1,0/24 se directly comected, Seriatd Oi true tép. ban ib never nh wy ang aa] gud inn tao tube fin Mt td ha in yb BP uae g8 ve alo ena rout (ute "oa 8 mat hoe shi ol bing do yin. Lan ny oo pap an od fot an a team rut 86rd yen (ag) able password cisco ‘Supnet-20z0 0 comie Bios von over mm a no ip domain-lookup: Sp subnec-zero interface Looptacko ip address 192.168.4,2 no ip doaain-re0kop interface loopback? ip eddcevs 192.188.7 Anterface Loopback) bp addvess 192-159.8. interface Loopheckt Sp address interface Leoptock? ip addvese 192,268.6.1 : ipceztace Loopback2 Sp addvess 192,150.9. interface Etherneto Sp address 235.255,285.0 : interface Fehernetd interface Seeiaio ip addrees 192.166.2 ip addross 255.255,255.0 clack rate 64000 Lntezface Serisi0 2.268.3 ip asazess router serp 224 network network potuork petwerk network 192.168,6.0 router igxp 234 network network network netwozk network end : end Router R2 Che buse thye hton hostname R2 2 serial trén router RI enable password etseo apa Rovter# cont yds tn router 1 2 299,285,255.0, 2 2 -2 1. Dit hostname, effu hinh cho efe edng loopback, ethernet 113 Ba (config) #int © 2(eontigeif]4 ip addr 292-268.2.2 Ra(contigrify¥ n0 she! 2 (configrif)¥ int 160 a2(config-if)l ip addy 192-168.7.1 Router (config) hoztnace Al Ri (eonfig) ¥ no ip domainn Ri (config) # int 00 RL (conzig-it] Nip addy sl(configeit)#no keepalive © cho phép edng Ethernet vin ‘up Bhi khong kée néi v6t Bin goad Al (configsif)# no shut ‘SbINK-3-UeD0HN cokus R2(config-iflf int Lot Ro (oonfiq-ifl¥ ip adde Ra (contignit}# int 102 Re(contig-if)# ip addr cerface Gtherneté, changed state to up GLINK-S-UPDDN: Line protocol on Inverfsce Bthernetd, changed state to up el eane sel wake Re (eontagein# Ant 50 2 (configeit}# ip addy 255,755.255.0 (contig) Fine 200 « Dinh aobta obng do ab 1ém dtén nda poteantig-if}# no shat 43, Cau hinh giao thife dinh tuygn IGRP va sau a6 lun cu inh vo NVRAM trén router RL Bi (config-it)# 4p adar Ri (confignifl# int ol Ri (config-if]# ip addr 192.368.5.1 255.2: BI (config-ifl# int 102 Bi (config-if)4 ip addr Ra (confignif}¥ exit liconeig)# router igrp 224 © ich hoge qué erinh dink ‘uyén 26RP tréa router fi (config-router!# network 192,188.1.0 & ohi xa mang 28 quing céo va de Ginn oSeg ado 00 got ve mhjn thong tin inh tuyéa RIP Ri (config-roster) # aetkork Ii (contig-voures)¥ network 192,168.4.0 1 (contig-raucer)# network Ri (contig-routerl# netiork 192.168,6.0 “Rl (oonsig-router) | end “iteopy run start ni (contig-if)# int 60 na (conzig-i£)4 ip addr RE (contiges0) clock rave 64000 © hogt dng nh Doe cong ep mung clock Ri(config-if)4 no shus © 2, DAL hostname, cd hinh cho ede edng loopback, ethernet vB serial trén router R2 “4 Cau hinh giao thée dink tuyén TGRP va sau dé low edu Router en inh vao NVRAM trén router R2 Rourer# cone t Rovter contig) # hostname 82 R2 (contig) # outer igrp 234 R2 (config) ¥ no ip donain-loskup “Re (config-vouter) | nevsork 1 scence irc 16 Retconfig-router)# network Rif show 1p’ route R2(config-zouter) # network “codes: C= connected, $ ~ static, 7 ~ IGAP, R- RIP, M = Ro contig-rourer) # network onic, — BGP Ra (contig-router)¥ network 192,168.9.0 D = EGR, ex ~ EYGRP extornsl, 0 - O88F, TA - Ra (config-rpucer) # ond oser inter 24 copy run stare m1 08 - y SSA 5. Kigm tra va gid quyét sur 06 Bi ~ O80 external type 1, B2 - Ding lénh clear ip route * a8 xo ¥ vodia SEES OSeF external cyze 2, B ~ BoP ie nh heard roles x WOR rola HE bang dia wi$e18, Ld = ISIS Aevel-1, -18 tevel- tuyén 2, * ~ candidate defelt “pervuser static route, © - ODR fh eioss Fconoy of lose sonore 39 not att ‘Xem qué trinh git nhén thong tin dink tuyén IGRP biing lénk debug ip igrp events, debug ip igrp transactions RIA debug ip igre events TORP event debusging is on R1# debug ip igrp transactions BGRP pros Rut RP: xeceived update from 192.168,3.2 on R2 2 debuging is on Flor rostes: HORE; Total zovbes in update: ¢ ‘Tit ché d5 debug bang lénh undebug all RIE undebsg att ALL possible debugging has een cusnad off Xem bang dinb tuyén trén RI va R2 bing Yenh show ip route 6 Update contains @ interior, 4 eyeten, and 0 exte 1168.9.0/24 ( 190/8976 vis, 00:00:46, 268.8,0/24 | 20/8976) via 192.368.3.2, 00:09:46, nected, 192.168 serialo 3.2, 0010048, .169.9.0/24 te atzecsly 168.2.0/24 { 10/8578 vie 192.168.1,0/24 Le directly connected, sthernetd 192,168.7.0/24 | 100/8976) via 192.168,3,2, 00:00:47, SerialO 192 392 192. 168.6,0/24 42 directly connected, Loopheck? 162.5.0/24 is divectly connected, Loopback 468,4,0/26 42 direccy connected, Loopback® tr Ri, ban o6 thé thay 06 4 route IGRP hoe tit next-hop 2,168.32 va di qua céng $0. Chit ¥ sf’ AD trong trubmg hop Pla 100(RIP Ta 120 va OSPF [a 110). I ¢6 nghia Ta route d6 hoe qua routing protocol la IGRP. f show ip route dea: ¢ - connected, $- static, T= GRP, R- RIP, M- cbt le, B BGP én trén router m OseP inte: area Wa = OSPF NSSA excesnal type L, ND ~ OSEF NSSA external tyes 2 1 - OSPF external type 1, 52 ~ OST external type 2 5 - BGP k= 15-18, LL - 18-5 ovel-1, £2 ~ 15-18 level 2, © > candidate defaule b= see-user static sours, © = oDR, Gatevay of last resort is not set -168.4,0/24 [ 100/8976) via, 00:00346) wal, 0 = O8PE, da = LAB 3-7: CAU HINH IGRP PASSIVE INTERFACE 68.5.0/24 [10078876 192,168,3.1, 00:00:46) Le directly connested, Sexiato | 100/878) via 192,168.3.1, 00:00:46, Mo t6 & you cau __ Router A, B, C str dung IGRP dé quing edo thong tin dink én. Router B hoat dong nh DCE cung ep xung clock eho ier Ava C, = Cée router edu hinh IGRP va quing edo tat of cde mang true tigp, : — Céng $0 cia router A khong git thing tin dinh tuyén ma bi nhan thong tin dinh tuyén, ; = Router B va C quang edo tat e& ede mang nGi true tip. 192.168,2,0/24 ix directly connected, BthernetO [ 100/8976) via 192.168,3.1, 00:00:47, © 4s sirectly & © 192.162,2,0/24 46 aire: © 192.168.7,0/24 is aizestly connected, toopback2 Loopback Interface Loopback? ( Binh nghia interface do 48 1m dsém 118 ip address ne shutdown 1 Anterface Serial ip addroce 193-1.1.1 clock cate 64000 | hone ag mau DCE oung edp sung eleck no shitaoim Astextace Stsexneto ip address 255,295.255.0 no keezalive © che pRép interface Bthernct vin up insng két abl vt ben ngoAL outer igre 64 network necusrk interface Seriel9 ip addcoss 192. no shusdoun 4 router iocp 64 C keich noge qué trinh dink tuyén ron? ted router. 86 64 14 25 aS passive-incerface Geriald © KhGng cho gét théng t dim euyén ToRP trén sarta20 Petwork = ehh ra mang 28 quing odo va xie a dng no 68 gi va nhin chng tin dinh tuyén TORP network 148.1,0.0 petwork interface Ethernet Gp eddzeas no. shistdown fo hecpalive & v6 nigu néa kaepalive trén gouter cho pbb interface othorneta vin up Khi whGng ket néi ra bén nga no ip classiess " terface Sexislo Sip addvess 193-1.1-1 end “po shucdows Router B hostage Ravters interface Serialo Ap addvese 192.1.1,2 clock rate 64000 «= hoat déag nh Dee oun cép mung otod te aa ‘81 Kiém tra 1. Xem théng tin vé IGRP bing lénh show ip protocols, eh ¥ ring Serial otng trén router A 6 trang thai passive, Bostarttshow ip peotocols Rovting Procecel is “igep 64" Sending wpdaves avery 90 second, walid after 270 seconds, no! Defavlt networ Flagged in ovsgoing upaaces Default networks accepted from incoming updates TORP metric weight Kiet, 2-0, KIEL, Kénd, K5=0 JORP maximum hepeount 100 TeRE aasimom mess fe variance 1 Rodistribucing: TGR? 64 Routing car Net 1s2.1.1.0 Passive Interface (3) Seriald Routing Inforaation Sources: Distance 192,1.1.2 100 Distance: (defauls is 100) cacewey bast Update 00:00:48 2, Xem qué trinh gi nhgn théng tin dinh tuyén bang 16 debug ip igrp transactions trén router A. Chui ¥ ofp nhét IG) chi goi ra cng Bthernet0 va Loophack®, eng Serial0 chi nhés chi khong ghi di thong lin inh tuyén IGRP. Routerhl debug ip igyp transactions 182 “CONA Lab toe in 31 seconds dow 280, flushed after 639 Oueoing update filter 1ist for sll inceztace is not sat Unconing update {leer dist for all saterface is net set TORP: sending vadate to via Bthernet0 (aae.a-2-2) 10.0.0-0, metric=502 network, metricn20976 potwark, mecricnd476 network 193.1-1.0) 2 ons 58.285 via Loopback® ioab: sending update to 255.25) (0.1.11) setvork 266: etrie=1i00 retrie-L0576 retrien8476 network 152 network 132 network, meteic~10176 TonP: received vpdate fron on Seriato network 157.2.0,0, metric 10576 (neighsox 8576) network 193,1,1.0, aetrie 10476 (neighbor 8476) 3, Xem bing dinh tuyén trén RouterA va RouterC bang lénh Ww ip route, Chui ¥ RouterA hoe tat c& esie route tix Router, -C Khong 6 route tir Router. Rouceratshow ip route Codes: ¢ - connected, § ~ static, 1 - IRR, R~ RIP, = nobile, 8 - 8ce - BIGRE, EX - BIGRP externel, 0 - O9PF, IB - (OSPF inter area ML - OSPE NSSA external, feuteraa) type 2 BL - OS9F external type 1, #2 - OSI B- BP A= ISIS, LL - 18-18 tevo2-1, 12 ~ 18-18 level 2, * ~ cansidate defeult bv - per-user static soute, © - OOR u Je 1, 2 - OSEF USSR exceznal eype Gateway of last resort 42 not ser tuyén wr router 183 is subnetted, i subnets c ie 248.1,0,0/26 de subnetted, 1 subn © te directly connected, Ethernet? E 152.3,0,0/16( 100/20976) vin, 00:00:28, ‘Sertalgl © ig directly connected, Serialo actly connected, Loopback? LAB 3-8: CAU HINH IGRP UNEQUAL-COST LOAD BALANCING [200/20¢76) via, 00:00:29, Sexiatg wessgaz Routercishow ip route sosoziaat st ganascae Codes: ¢ - connected, § - static, 1 - T6Re, &- AIP, 4 pa ExcrErry sheng = nopize, 8 ~ 267 D = SIGRP, EX ~ EIGAP externed, 0 - OSPF, 3a - OSPF incer area ML = OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF Wi external cype 2 eo ise east ta & you odie = Router A, B, C sir dung IGRP dé quing edo thong tin din PL ~ OSeF external typo 1, #2 - OSPF external, 2, B- BGP A = ISIS, LL - 18-15 level-1, 12 ~ 18-18 Levet-2; + > candigate defaule = percuser static x ater A va C. - Cée router cdi hinh IGRP va quang cio tat e& ede mang, tgp. te, 0 - oR catanay of Last revert 1s noe set tu hinh rou! va B si dun; ying tai trén is subnetted, 1 subnets: i atta AWE BD UN TORR A OE 1 192.2,4.0/26 [196/10¢76) vse 298, 401.2, 00:00: Serssi0 ~ Route fom Routers is directly connected, Serial? | 66 thé ci hinh GAP edn bing ti duge dén 4 tuydn dung 6 c6 don (cost khdng bing nhau dé dén dich bing cdch sd dung bin vaian VBE X= highest cost ‘owost cost. Vi ou néu router A a5 2 auéng di én ‘debug ip ip Wansactions:tbnh nay dung 68 hin thi qua (nh tt {6i anh tuyn 1GAP, no hid th tated cap nhl sinh tuyén GAP gsi va aban bdi router. clear ip route [roule I~]: loai bé mat hol nhidu route 2 bing dinh tuys, Lénh nay eho phep ban x08 route inh hay 25a toan bé route W bang dinh yen {4dng *) 184 ‘ccna Lit 185, Cau hinh Router hostname Router interface Toopbackd © Dinh aghia edng do Sp address interface Ethernet Sp addrece 152.1,1. keepalive Ancertace seriaze Ap addres no abut t roster TGR? 64 < Kieh Rogt qué trian dink tuyde Tone © variance 2 network © chi ra mong 6 eéng nao s8 gi Va nhdn théng tin dink tuyén ron network network 292.1-1-0 po ip classiea: end Router’ hostname Wouters 166 ‘oct Lab interface Echerneto no ip address Sp addzoee invertace Serialo Sp address chocksare 64000 © Rost dag nh DoE cung cép xong clock no shut ppterface Seriall ip addvess 255,255.255.0 elockeace 64000 + hogt dong mhu Dez cong cp xung clock ‘no shut network 192,1.1.0.< chi ra mgng 8 quing efo vi xbe dink fog nio 98 gé va ahin théng tin dink tuyén TORE etuork 15::.1.0.0 thane Rovere fortace Loopback0 address ce interface serialo Ap address 199.1,1.1 285,259.295.0 router igyp 63 © keh hot qué trinh dinh tuyén raNP th router. 56 6428 a8 AS otwork 183,1.1.0 © ehi ra mang 26 guing edo vA xhe dit eéng ndo 05 964 Va nhdn théng ein dinh tuyén ZoRP network no ip classless end Kiém tea 1. Xem bing dinh tuyGn tron Router A bing léah show i route Routernishow ip route codes: C= connected, 5 - = mobile, B- BGe D - EIGRP, RX - BIGRE external, OSPe inter area ND ~ OSPF NSSA external external tyoe 2 = OSPF externa typo 2, © > BoP A = 18-18, LL ~ i848 level-t, 12 ~ 18-18 devel 2, + » candidate detavle U ~ por-user static route, 9 - aoa 0 + ospr, ta pe 1, N2 ~ OSPF NSsA aad type 1, 82 - OSPF Gateway of last report is nor see 188 3-0.0.0/8 { 100/9076) via 00:00:04, Ethernetd [100/10876) sa, 90:00:04, 5% gubnetzed, 2 suonete de ditectly connected, Loopback® 152.1,0,0/24 ie gubnerted, 1 subnets 42 directly connected, sthernetd 392.1,1,0/24 8 @ 193,1.1.0/24 [ 100/30078 via, 00:00%27, Serial (00/8876) via 152-1.1.1, 00:00:27, achernet0 yetly connected, Seria}0 Chi ¥ o6 2 duing di dén mang, mot dudng qua jernet edng (cost [a 9076), duimg kia qua edng e@ng (cost la 976). Cost cita 2 tuyén dug khong bling nhau, kkhi thiét lap ance Ja 2, tuyén duimg qua Serial edng e6 cost nhd hon gid ‘nay (10976<18152 = 9076"2) non s@ duve sir dung. 2, Tir router A xem duimg di dén host $.8.8.8 bing lénh show ule Routerstshow ip xoute Routing entry for 3.0-0-0/8 Known via “igep 61", distonce 100, motric 9076 Redistributing via igxp 64 Advertised by igrp 64 (self oF: Lact update from Routing Deseripter Blocks: *, from 252.1.3-1, 00:00:28 ago, via Eehernees Roure metric is 9076, traffic share count is 1 ‘total delay is 26000 microseconds, sininun bandwith 2 1541 Kee Reliability 255/255, minimum NTU 1500 bytes heading 1/255, Hope 1, f40m 192,1,1.2,00200:18 ago, via Serial inated) Seriaid, 00:00:18 ago 108. ty vin roster Route metric is 10976, traffle share count is 2 total delay £2 45000 mierovecends, mininun bandwith is 1844 Rbit Reliability 255/256, atnimom MTU 1500 bytes noading 1/255, Hops 1 fo ie 10976, teafsic shave coune ts t Ae 45000 miczoseconde, minimem bandwith is 1564 Kit Rellability 295/255, minimum Wr 1500 bytes ending 1/255, Kops 1 sy du * bay giv & tuyén duimg thé hai. Diu may do “ta thay au * bay giv & tuyén duimg thet hai. Bi mater thye hign edn bing ti cho c& 2 tuyén dung dé dén mang 40.0.0 ‘Ta thay ch 2 tuydn duimg dén host Dau * cho bi z6i tin tir router A sb sir dung duimg may dé dén host, ‘3. Tir router A, ping host Phép pit ai ek * pe ping phN Uohon ob 5, Loai ba variance tir router A biing lénh no variance. RouterAdping ‘ype the escape sequence to abort Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos co, tineout is second: notesatoonfiguration terminal RouterA (contig) #router igrp 4 Routexs (contig-router) tno ¥ = 6, Tir router A xem lei dung di dén host ‘bang lénh ov ip route, Chil ¥ ring chi eé 1 tuyén dung duce sie ing, sau khi loai bo vanance dubng nay sé ‘e6 metric nhd hon i ta khong thue hién edn biing ti. 4, Bay giv xem lai tuyén duimg di dn host bing le how ip route RouterAshox ip route Routing entey for 3.0.0,0/6 Known via “igrp 6&7, di ance 100, metric 9075 Redistributing vis igrp 64 advervised =y ast update Rovting Desc! rp 64 (sel# originates) 392.1.1.2 on Seriald, 0010 ptor Blocks: 152.1-4.1, fron 192-111, 00:00:08 ago, via Etheene Route metric is 9076, ‘Total deley ix 26000 microseconds, rininun banduit be 1546 apse, 6 age falfie share count is J Reliability 255/258, minimum uu 1500 Byces Leading 1/255, Bops 1, from, 00:00:07 ago, via seri) 181 i oon trén router ip Somain-laokup interface Stheenotd “ip address 255.259.2550 RIP VA DISCONTIGOUS NETWORKS ncerfo00 Serie fp adseess 10.2.4 lock rate. 52000 Dicer nk, Mo ta = Router Ri, R2 sir dung RIP dé quing edo thong tin dinh. tuyén, ~ Router R1 hoat dong nhu: DCE eung edip xung clock cho R2. ~ Tw router R1, R2 ping duye hét ede dia ehi trong mang. @ Diseontiguous network Id mang bac gm nhiéu mang eon thube cing ‘mt mang chi {major network) bi phan edch bdi mat mang Khde. Vi uy nhu hinh trén, mang con wen router RT Suge hin Ip oubnot-zor0 cach véi mang g Re béi mang 10.1.1, 3p donain-lockup, a tn GP address 190,1.2.2 Router Rt Bs cepslive terface Serial0 10,1.1.2 enable pasevord vnpee Ap subnee-zer: 192 network 130.1,0,0 Router (contig) hostnane 82 : ) R2(conrigh# no ip domain-leokup 2 (config) Hint 60 p2(config-ifl# ip addy 290-2.2.1 Al(config-if)# no keepalive R2(config-Af)# no shut Che buse thye hion 1. Dat hostname, edu hinh cho eéng loopback, ethernet va serial tren router RI pe contig-i)¥ int 20 Ro teonfigrié)4 ip sede ne config-sf)4 59 5h Rover en Rowrer# cone t Router (contig) # hostaane RL RL (consig)# no ip donain~ RL (contig)# int 60 RL (config-it) # sp addy 130.1.1-1 BI [config-if)4 no keapslive © che phép oéng Exnemet vin wp kh féng Két n6i voi bén ngodt Bl |config-i£) 4 no shut SLINK-3-UBDOUN: Inte=face Bthernetd, changed state to uP ELINK-S-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Iatertace gthernerd, changed state to up Bllconfig-i6)¥ exte 43, Cau hinh giao thie dink tuyén RIP trén router R1, R2 va cay hinh Jon NVRAM oy al(config)} router rip © ich hogt qué trish djnh tuyéa RIP teén router i (conZigrroucer)# netvork 130.1-0.0 © eh za mong nto 68 congy RIP “ Alicontig-zouter) # necwork 10.0,0.0 Bi (config-reuter)# end Rif copy run stare Rz(contig)# covter rip na (config-router) # network Ra (config-router) | netxork R2(config-rpuser) # end 2k copy run stare Rilcontsg)# int 60 Ri(config-sf)# 4p add Rilconsie-ie)4 clock rate 64000 + host dng nhw DCE curd ‘dp ang cock Rilcontigei£)¥ 20 shee 4, id tra va git quyét sw e6 x ~ Xem qua trinh giii nbn thong tin dinh tuyén RIP bing th debug ip rip. 2, Dat hostname, ediw hinh cho eting loopback, ethernet vit serial tran router R2 195 194 ‘CCNA LabF Se bed, tran seater: p2idabug ip rip may 00:12:19: AID: received vi update (ron 20,1.3.1 on Ser! 00:22:19: 120,1.0.0 in 2 hops ~ Til ché do debug bing lenh undebug all hog vigt gon la w all Re 1 wen setbie debugging haz been cussed of = Xem bang dinh tuyén tran R2 bing lénh show ip route. 224 show ip souce cacenay is sumetted, 1 subnets © 130,1.2.0 4s aizectiy connected, Ethernet 10,0.0.0/24 is subnettes, 1 subnece © is aixoetty connsctad, sexiaLo x4 ‘Ta thay trén R2 khdng 6 mang trong bang dink tuyén. Ly do Ia RIP chi hé tro classfull nén khéng giti di thong tin v8 eubmet mask trong cdc routing update. Khi Itt gi théng tin vé mang dén R2, RI sé thuc hién summary mang nay vé dang classfull ~, R2 két néi tree tig vél mang thi s@ hidu mang ny It Do ds, khi R2 nhan thong tin vé mang, né sb loai bo ban tin update nay vi mang nay da o6 trong bing dinh tuyén véi metric cao hon. 5. Dé gidi quyét vitn dé nay ta sik dung din chi secondary trea eéing ket ni gitia R1 va R2, dia chi nay phai thude major net work trong mang discontiguous network va phai cung subnet mask, 196 eotargeseansy TONAL 7 2iconfigi# int 30 foontigit)¥ ip addeess 130.3 3.1. 285.2 Ra contig) 4ine 50 so tcontig-ifvt oP a 6. Kim tra kt qua va git quyét sy 06 _ ping lénh clear ip route * a6 x04 toim bé rou 3.2 sezondary fe tir bang ginh tayén. thong tin dj tayén RIP Dang = Kem qui inh gi ahd ou ei R2 bay gis ahén update vé mang anh debug ip rip. Chui ¥ rng tir RA. getdenug ip tie geeived vi update Exod 130-1,2-1 on 88- os IP: [001182202 in 1 Reps = Xem bing dink tayén tréa R2 bing lenh show ip route R24 chow ip route Gateway of Last reso: 330,1.0,0/24 i's eubneszed, ds dizectly esnsected, 4 oubeste sorislo a shyén ven rxter © is dizectly connected, Bthernet0 2.0 120/32] via, 00:00:25, seniat0 0.0 (1420/2} via, 00:00:28, Seriald sense LAB 3-10: REDISTRIBUTE GIU'A RIP VA IGRP R 130, R130) te aubnetead, R 1220/1) via 130.2.3.: © 10.1-2.0 is direct: Ree 90:00:25, Sex: connected, Seriaho route. 0 w80 000 0 198 ‘octta Lal enable password vnpro ip subnet 2020 0 ip domain-looxup interface serialo ip eddeecs 255,259.295.0 clock rate £000 interface Seviall ip addvess eleck zace 1000 router rip pessive-incertace Serial network router icp 19 redistribute rip metete 128 70000 252 1 1500 Paseive-intestace Serial0 network $.0.0.0 Router R2 hostname R2 enable paseword cisce Ap subnet no ip donasn-tookap 200 Interface Stnerncto Jp addrase 10.1.1. 255.255.2550 secerfsce serialé Sp address router ep notwark network 10-0.0.0 end Rouler RS hostname RS enable password vapro ip ovbnot-2aze no ip donsin-leo%up interface Leapback) Sp aaazess : snterface thernetd ip address 255,255.295.0 Anterfsce Serialo Sp addrese -souter igsp 10 petwork a a SORRGER KERNS, RA (contig-if)# no keepalive ‘ R2(config-if)# no shut end 214 sat 20 2)4 ip addr, g2(config-s£)4 no she Cae buve thye bien 1, Dit hostname, edu hinh cho ede edng tren router RI ® 8, Dit hostname, cau hinh cho céng trén router R3 Router# cont © Router (config) # hostname Ri RL(contig)4 no sp domain-Lookup Rifconfig) # int Serialo AL(config-4)# sp addr RL [config-if)# clock seve 61000 © hogt dng ahy DOR cong efip xing clock Bl{configeif}¥ no shot RY (contigHie)¥ onit Bovees> en Routert cont © Rovtericontig) + hostname 82 3 (config) no ip donain-lookup RS (config-L21¥ ine Etherneto R3(config-i£)4 Sp addzese R3(confic-Lf)# no keepalive “RG (confignif)# 90 shut RS(config-if)¥ int 30 ORB (config-s0)¥ ip addr RB (config-it)¥ no shut Rileontig)# int Serialt RL (config-L014 sp addr 255.295.255,9 RL(config-if)# clock rate 64000 © hogt dag nb DCE cung fp vung clock Bliconfigeie)¥ no env “4, Cau hinh giao thie dinh toyén IGRP v6i AS Ta 10 trén ter R3 HO (config)# covter igep 10 G kick host qué Erin inh ‘tuyén IGRP erén router VoL AS 1A 10 |R3(contig-router)# netnory © ohi ra mang 2. Dit hostname, edu hinh cho eéng trén router RZ Routes en Routers cont © Router (contig) hostname R2 RB (contig)k no sp domain-Lockup, 22 (config) dint ©0 Ra(config-if)# sp addx 10.1.1,1 Luu ¥ Hing Wi IGRP 4a IP thuge dang elassullnén sé ty dng taue hign summarization vé gia chi classtull ep A. a ‘CCNA LabP 5, Cu hinh giao thiic dink tuytn RIP trén router R2 ALA clear sp oure * Ra (contig) # router rip ~ Xem bing dinh tuyén trén R1 bling leh show ip route. Ra (config-router)# network a2 (confagerouter) # netnork BL show ip once Ra (contig Raw puter) # end Gateway of Lact resort Le not set 42 subnetted, 3 subnets 410 © ds dizect2y connacted, 5: © is dizeccly connected, seriall 1 6. Cau hinh giao thefe dinh tuyén RIP va IGRP cho ma tren router RL . [ 100/80225) via, 00:00:32, Serial] 10,0.0.0/8 { 120/1] via, 00:00:15, Serialo Rit Ri fcontsg) ¥ rourer vip. Ri(config-router)# network (contig-route zp 10 Rl (config-router)# network Ri (con¢ig-eputer)# end a = Xem bing dinh tuyén tron R2 bing lénb show ip route, [RE chow ip route is svbaetted, 2 subnets © is dixectly connected, Serial0 [120/1) via, 00:00:27, Sexiaz0 2 cubneteed, 1 subnets 10.1.1, 42 aivectly connected, stherneto 7. Tren router Ri, ta efin dim bao ring RIP updates khong abi sang R3 (chay IGRP) va dim bio IGRP updates tis RS khng {sii sang R2(chay RIP). Do dé ta can thue hién passive interfa trén router R1 dé dam bio khang quang edo ee thong tin up: date ra mang ngodi. Ri (config) router rip “ outer) # passive-intueface Serialt pai Blo. dng anit sang RS 1 (contig-router) # router igep 20 Taco Sei Xem bing dinh tuyén trdn R2 ta thay R2 khong két néi duge ¥Gi mang Do dé, ta edn edu hinh redistribute trén Ra (config-router) # passive: 210 Bim Bio FoRP updatos knsng gli sang R2 Redistiovion dink nghia each thie tao déi routing updates giva jae Inde ainh tuyéa khic nhau. MBi giao tc dinh tun e6 cdch dioh ghia vé mete khde nhau, dod kl Inge hign redistribution te e&n ph chuyda 681 dang metic sae cho phu hop vél giao thve djah wyén 48 8. Kiém tre bang dinh tuyén = Dang Ipoh clear jp route * €8 x04 ton bp route te inh tuyén, Trude Ichi xéa bing route, ta nén ding Lenb debt ip routing &@ quan sit trang thai e&p nhat route a4 cons 8 6 SR (1220/1) via, 00:00:09, Seriald SR ( 120/14 via, 00:00:03, Serialo 10.0,0,0/24 42 evbnetted, 1 subnets 9, Dé R2 thay duge R3 ta thuc hién redistribute IGRP tro; RIP véi hop count Ii 1 Ri (config) 4 rowter rip € is dizectty connected, Ethernet Ra (config-router) redistribuce igrp 10 wesrte 1 Rat Rapping “ype excope sequence to abort. “Sending 5, 100-byte 1cMP Echos to, timeout is 2 10. Dé R3 thay duge R2 ta thue hién redistribute RIP tror IGRP, sir dung ky tx gitip 40 ? dé hién thi IGRP metric. ai (config) # router igre 10 - seconds a1 (config-rauterl # redistribute rip? pres Metric Metric for redistributed routed success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-tkig min/avg/max rovte-map Route map reference = 20/29/32 «3 Al (config-routar)# redistribute rip revele ? <1-4294957295> Randwidth metric in Keite pex second Rl(config-rovter) # redinteibete rip metric 128 7 0-1294967295> IGRP delay metric, in 19 microsecond unite RI (contig-couter)# reaisteibuce rip metric 128 200007 0-255 GRP reliability metric whore 295 is 1008 reliable Ri (config-router) # redistribute rip wetric 123 20000 255 <0-255> IGRP effective bandwidth metric (Loading) whe: 255 12 1008 Loaded RUC esp meteic 128 20000 255 12 <0-4291967295> 2GRP MIU of the part Ri (contig-router) yediseribure rip metric 128 20000 2! 1 i800 12, Xem bing diah tuyén ten router RS. Ping mang idm tra da két néi véi mang RIP chua. B24 show ip 9,0.0,0/24 is aubnetted, 3 subnets ¥ | 200/84000) via, 00:00:58, Serialo © is dixectly connected, Serisl0 7 © 42 directly connected, Etherneto { { 300/:02000) vie, 00:00:58, Sexiai0 238 R3sping 10.1.202 yee escape sequence to abort Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Eehos to, timeout is 2 “seconds: Success rate is 100 pezcent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/nas = 20/29/22 ns fig-vouter) ¥ sedsecrss LL. Sau khi edu binh, thue hign clear ip route * va xem bang dinh tuyén trén router R2. Ping mang dé kiém 48 ket ndi duge v6i mang IGRP chua. 52 chow ip route 9.0,0,0/24 2 subnerted, 3 subnets © 12 dizectly connected, Sexiaic 8. Mé rong véin dé hon, ta thém mot subnet méi vao R3 bing ‘cd hinh interface loopback sir dung IGRP. wi 6 conta on tarot 3 (contig) # int Loopbackd AO (contig-it)# ip address BR(config-iz) 1 router agzp 10 RG (contig-router}# network Ban dau, R3 sé Khong quing ego mang dén router Ri vi R1 chi biét dén mang thong qua quang edo RIP ‘vGi AD Ta 120 tir R2. B24 show ip souce Gateway of L2et resort is not sot is subsetted, 3 subnets © de gizcctly connected, Serialo © is directiy connected, seriall T 200/80225) vig, 00:00:31, Seriali R 10,9.0.0/8 1120/1) via, 00:00:15, Serisid a Khi IGRP update tir R8 gist dén Rl, bing dinh tuyén tren Rl st thay déi nhur sau: REN show ip route Gatenay of lest resort is noe sec is subnetted, 3 subnets © is directly connected, Sexsel9 © is directly connected, Seriall T 200/802251 via 9.1,2,2,00:00:53, Serial? 1 { 100/80225) via, 00:00:53, Sersall Nguyén do eiia sr thay déi nay Th do RS sir dung [GRP nén 6 AD=100 thép hon RIP (AD=120) nén RI s@ git tat cd ede hawt Tugng cho mang qua router R3. 208 ‘COMA LatPro “pitping “type escape sequence to abore Sending 5, 100-Dyz0 TevP Echos to 10.1.1-1, timeout is 2 seconds “success rate is 0 percent (0/3) “Rtvping ‘Type escape saquence to abort. “Sending 5, 100-byte IGMP Echos to, timeout is 2 “seconds “guceees cate ie 100 percont (5/5), round-trip min/svg/max = 12/14/16 ms “14. Dé gid quydt vain dé nay ta cau hinh static route dén R2: serial0 “Bi(contig) # ip rout 5. Kidm tra két quit thue hién BIV show ip route Gateway of Lact zacore is not set. £.0,0,0/24 ie evbnetted, 3 sumnets © tg atzectiy connected, seriato FC is directiy connected, serial! 1 100/802) via, 00:00:53, seriall is variably eubnetved, 2 subnets, 2 asks s KX 10.0.0,0/0 § 100/802251 vie {8 @ivectly connected, Seriai0, 00:00:83, Serial? a8 ‘Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout dg Success rate is 0 percent (5/5), round-trip min/ava/na 36/16/16 me LAB 3-11: CAU HINH EIGRP CO BAN nitping 10.1.2. ‘Type escape sequence to abort. Leopbasio 1081004124 Loopbeto 19610071726 byte ICHP Echos to 1 tinooue espace 180.1008:128 Longe 19:008.126 Sete S00 hyn -aetieibe AOS 4 Lenphace 150.1006 128, Lonpsek 19:1009.124 ‘seconds Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-crip = 12/14/68 as no snfovel £0 19.1081.128 ED 151.108. 28724 Mo td = Router R1, R2 sit dung BIGRP dé quing ede théng tin dink tuyén = Router R1 hoat déng nhu DCE cung cap xung clock cho router R2 ~ Ti router RI, R2 ping duoc hét ede dia chi trong mang. Gti sink, EIGRP cho php summariation nin ben cin «2 dung ih no auto-summarization 48 khéng cho phép ty déng thyc hign sum- traizaton, EIGRP hé irq VLSM. ChU ¥ ding mang ethernet trén At va R2 sit dung srg oie eh kode nhoo 6 191.108.1025 v 191,108 1.12825. atic eda EIGR® bing mete cia IGRP nh vi 266 COMA La uyén tr router a (Cau hinh Router RI hrostnane &1 : ‘onable password cisco ip subnet-zere no {p donain-zookup Antextace Loopback? ip addcess 255.255 Antextace Loopback] Sp addzoes 255.285, snvertace Loopback? Sp address 255.256, interface Bthernato ip address 191-208.1.1 255.255, Anteréace Seriaio Sp address 199,100.3.1 255.295 clock rate 64000 router eigep 234 network 132.108 network 199.100 network 299.200 network 199.100 network 298.100 no auto-suamary a2 1295.0 255.0 255.128 255.0 (CoN Lat ond outer R2 hostaame 82 “ensble password cisco Bs sitnse-zer8 pe tp demait-1Sokip Interface Loopback® fp address 19-200.7.1 Ineeetace Loopback Sp address, intecface Loopback? Sp address 199-200.9.2, Antextace keherneed ip address 131,108.1,129 sntenface Serialo ip acdrece, router oigep 23¢ network 131.208.0-0 netwock petwark 199,100.7.0 network 199.100-8.0 network Dinh tayén tren router Pt no wto-sunmary end Cae bude thye hign Rl (config-if]# clock rate 64000 ¢ hogt déng nhu DCE cung ofp mung clock Ri (config-‘E}¥ 90 shut 2, Dit hostname, efiu hinh cho eng loopback, ethernet va ial trén router R2 1. Dat hostname, cau hinh cho eng loopback, ethernet, serial trén router RL Rovter# cont & Router (config) # hostname RI Ri (config) no ip domain-Lookup i (config) F int 0 a (contig Ra (eonfig-i£)4 no shut SLIRK-3-UPDOW: Interface Echernec0, changed state £0 8 QLINK-S-veDoHMN: Line protocol on Interface Echernetd changed state to up Ri (confignit) # exit £)4 sp addy 131,108.1.1 Ra (cenEig-se}# no Roopalive < eho prep céng Echornet up khi khong két néi vol bén ngodt Ra (contig) ¥ Ant Lod © Diam ksém tra Rileontig-is)# Sp addr fi (confignif)4 int tot R2 (config-if)¥ ip addr Ra (config-if)# int 102 Ri (config-i}# ip addr Ri (confignit) # exit Ra (config-if)# int 20 Ra (contig-if)# ip addr a4 198, 198. 199 Router (config hosteane R2 R2(configh# no ip dewain-Lookup Ra (config) Aint €0 a2 (contig-it)4 3p add: 231.2 a2 (contig-is)¥ no xeepaiive R2(contie-48)# no shot R2{configrit)# inz 100 A2(contigrit) tp addr 199,100,7.2 R2(configei6)# int 101 2 (config-is)# ip addy A2(contigrit)# int 102 RQ (contigrif)# ip addy 129 Ro (concig-isy# ant 20 Ra (config-it# ip addy, ghia intertace do 4 im po shut fu hinh giao thite dinh tuyéa EIGRP va luw of hinh NVRAM trén router Rt 200.4. 255.255.255,0 10.5.1 Bi (contig) # router eigep 254 © kien neat qué erink dink tuyén EIGRP erén router Rl (configerouter) | nctwork 131.208,1,0 © chi ra mang a uing cao v4 xée dinn edng ndo a8 964 va nhfm cheng tin inn cuyén RY (config-roucer# network 199,100.4.0 20.6.1 200.3.4 ‘comma Lal yn tn router a6 Ri feontig-rovtor)# network i (eonfig-router)# network Bi (contigrouter 1 (confie-rowter! # end BIA copy run start 4, Cafu binh giao thate dinh tayén BIGRP va lou ef vio NVRAM trén router R2 82 (config) t zourer eiarp 234 2 (conti R2teonfig-rowter)# notary 199.100 2 {config-router cork 199,100 RZ {config-router) # necaork 131.108 82 (confi network 199.100.3 F2(config-rpater)# end 2A copy run start rroster)# nezxork 199.100. Kiém tre 1. Dang Ign clear ip route * a8 xos toan bo route tir dinh tuyén. Bik clear 2. Kem qu trinh gisi nhiin thong tin djnh tuyén IGRP- Iénh debug ip eigrp events BLA debug Ap igep ovents BIGRP event debugging is on 8. T&t ché do debug bling lenh undebug all LH undebug all ALL posaible debugging nae 4, Xom bing dinh tuyén cigrp tron R1 va R2 bing lenh show route eigrp. a4 show ip route cisrp Ip ( 90/2207856) via 199,100.3.2, 00:00:58, Serialo 1b ( 90/2297656) via, “90:00:58, Seriala 191,108,0,0/16 is variably svbnetted, 2 subnets, 2 maske p is a summary, 00/00:55, mull0 |p 199,100,7,0/24 (90/2297856) via §00:00:55, Sortaio aut Dya vao bing dinh tuyén, ban e6 thé thay 6 ede route RIGRP tir next-hop va di qua céng $0. Trong eae tuyén jong, e6 1 tuyén dung di dén Null. Chi ¥ s6 AD trong truimg, hop EIGRP Ta 90(RIP Ia 120, IGRP fa 100 va OSPF Ia 110), Ky ‘chi sing me dinh EIGRP cho phép ty d9ng thue hign summariza- Yon. Routar Ri khéng thdy mang bai vi router At ‘6% n6i eu tsp vot mang Ta thy tt ed ea route én 1H mang dy duge di dén Null. 5, Ta router Rt, ta thue hién ping mang 131,108.1.12925 Raping 121.108,1.129 Type oscape cequence to abort Sending S, 100-byte ICMP Eehos Eo 131.108-1.130, timeout As 2 seconde: ye ra router al Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) Rue Két qua la khong e6 héi dsp do ede géi gi dén nullo 5@ loai b8. 6. Dé gidi quyét vain a6 nay ta edn thue hign Teoh no au summary 48 khong; cho phép router tur €dng thye hién sur ization, Bi (config) trouver elgep 234 fi (config-router) #no auto: 2 (config) Heouter eigzp 234 B2(config-router) ino avto-suninary 7. Kidm tra két gua thye hién BIt show Sp route eigxp 1 199,100.9.0/24 [ 90/2297856) vsa, 00:00%0) seriel0 1D. 199,100.8.0/24 [ 9072297856) via, 00:00:01 Serial0 - 131,108.9.0/16 is variably subsetted, 2 subnets, 2 mas _131,208,2.128/25 [ 90/2195436) via, 0020000 Serialo D { 90/2297856) via 00:00:01 seriaio ait Ribaiag 2. 408.3.229 ‘type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5 100-byte ICHE Echos co 131,208-2.130, cima Le 2 seconds: a8 ‘CCNA Lal success Yate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/ava/max 2 16/16/26 2s _ Chui f ring mang e6 trong bang dinh tuyén. fr router R1 ta ping thanh eOng c6ng Ethernet trén router R2. 98 hiéu sau them vé van dé nay, ban edn tim hiéu them wé ede i dé classful, classless va VLSM. ya rin router 19 LAB 3-12; REDISTRIBUTE GIUA IGRP VA EIGRP interface Sorta ip address 192, pecwark network a Router® hostname Routers interface Serial0 ip addzese 292-1.1.2 clock rate 64000 @ cung ep mung clock hoat déng cho Mo ti ~Mang A sir dung giao thie dinh tayén EIGRP tren Rout RouterB va Router. RouterB dong vai tro la DCE eung ef x clock hoat dng cho RouterA va Router. = Mang B sit dung giao thie dinh tuyén IGRP tren Rout va RouterD. RouterC ding vai tr 1 DCE eung efip xung, hoat dmg cho RouterD. ~ Bai lab nay st m6 t€ each thiée redistribution giita IGRP) BIGRP. Anverface Seriait Ap addreas clock rate 61000 © Cung edp wong eleck hot ding eho Routaxe router eigep 100 cau hinh necwork network Routera ' eal walt ty vince 2 Routero nostaane Router? invortace Sexiaio ip address 194. 1.1.1 interface Sersatt Ap adazess 195.1-1.1 255.255,255.0 ‘clock zate 64000 < cung cp hogt dng cho RouterD router eizsp 100 network 194 1.0 router igrp 200 network 195.1,1.0 ens Router hostname RoutexD sntextace Loapaacko a ip addzose 4.4.4 Antextace Sertale bp address 199,1.1.2, router igep 200 petwork network ccna ond ‘Thue hien 1, Cau hinh trén Router tourer on foutert cont © Roster (contig) hostname Rovsezk outers (contig) int 150 © Dinh aghta interface do ab Xia didn idm ea rovtezA (config-if)¥ 4p ade BovtexA (contigeL£)4 int ad soutezh (conéig-if)# Sp addr soutezh (coneig-i# no shut ostera (consig-sf) exit Router (config)# router eigrp 100 — cfu hinh dink tuyén oigep vél sutonoroun munber 1a 100 RoutexA (contig-router}# network Routera (config-router}# network Boutexa (config-router!# end Routexné copy run start Routexnt 2. Cau hioh trén Router’ Router (config) # hostname Rourers Routers (contig) $ int £0 Routers (consig-if)4 Sp addr 192.1,1.2 255,255.255.0 RouterB (config-if)# clock cate 54000 © cung ip sung ‘clock hogt dng cho Routexa, Boh yén ren router Router? (config-if}# no shut Routers (contag-se)# ant st Rowtara (concig-it) ip addy | Router (config-is)# clock zate 64000 © cung cép clock host ding cho Rowtere Routera (contigeif}# no shut Routers (config-if! Fexiz Router (contig) router esgep 100 < céu mind dimh e ‘esgrp vst autonouous number 14 100 Routers (config-routor! F network 192,2.1.0, Routers (configerouter] # network Routers (config-routerl # end Rowteesh copy cua start Routerst 8. Cafu hinh trén Router Rowteell cont & Router (config) ¥ hostnane outers Rou Routerc (contigrif)# ip addy 194.1 Router¢ (eontig-it)# no shut in) # set ot HC (config) # int 50 Routare (cont: Routere (contigrit)# ip addr 198.1.2-1 255,258,255:0 Routerc (confignit}f| clock vate 64000 < cung cép clock hoat ding cho RouterD Routerc (contigrif)# no shut Routore (contig-Le} Hoxie Routerc (contig) router oigrp 100% céu hinh diah © eigrp vot autonomous murber 18 100 Roterd (contig-router)# network Router€ (config-router}# router igrp 200 «- cu ninh my 2 258,255.258.0 tuyén 1grp vSi autonomous number 14 200 Roulerc (configezauter) # network 195.1,1.0 Rovter® (config-rovter!# end Bovtesc# copy run start Routexck 4, Cu hinh trén RouterD. Routert cont Router (contig) # hostname RovterD Router0 (contig) # Sot 109 Dinh nghia interface do a3 lim ase ksém tea RowterDicontig-if)# ip adde RouterD(contig-sei# int 30 Router (config-if}¥ ip ade Rourerb{contig-££)4 no ahut Router [contig-i2) tense Router (config) router sgrp 200 < céu hinh dink euydn Aorp v4 autonomous cunber 14 200 RouterDlcontig-rouzer) 1 network BouterDiconfig-zoutor) # nevwork RouterDicon#ie-rovter) # end Routers# copy run starz RouterDs 1. Xem bing dink tuyén oigep trén Router biing lénh show route ibLEECH show Ap route P1.0.0.0/8 ¢ 90/2808956) via, 00:00:55, sariaia 1 4.0.0,0/8 | 200/8976) via, 90:00:10, Sortail ‘CCNA. uy tren router 25 bp 192.1.1-0/24 [ 90/2681856) via, 00:00:55, Serial ¢ 194,1.1-0/24 is dizectly consected, Sersal0 € 195.1-1.0/24 se dixectly connected, Serial? Chui ¥ rling RouterC hoc ede route efia Router qua giao dinh tuyén EIGRP. outseRné chow ip route 1b 1-0.0,0/8 | 90/2297656) via, 00:01:50) Ba sial0 © i directly © 194.2,1,0/24 is dixecty o RouterDt NetworkB. / 8, Xem bing dinh tuyén eigep trén RouterD bing lénh ip route. Routexbll show ip rou! 4.0.0,0/24 ia aubsotts © je dizectly connected, Loopback® © 198.1.1,0/24 48 dixectty connected, Serial? Router! = Chai ¥ rang RouterB khong hoe ede route xuat phat ff NetworkA. Tai sao IGRP va EIGRP khéng thye hign automat redistribution? Nguyén do la IGRP va BIGRP e6 sé AS nut Khde mhau, tinh ndng automatic redistribution chi thyc hign} IGRP va BIGRP c6 cing s6 AS number. 2 ‘CoN La = BIGRP va IGRP sit dung metric o6 eau trie gidng nhau. Do dé néu ede router chay IGRP va cic router khéc chay EIGRP fa cit hai déu e6 eting 96 autonomous system thi thong tin dinh fuyén s@ tyr ding chia sé gia hai he thong. —EIGRP dung 92 bit dé lau trit metric va IGRP dimg 24 bit 48 lun tri metric. Khi d6 cae tuyén duimg EIRGP duoe chia cho 256 dé chuyén vé edu tric 24 bit ela IGRP va ede tuyén dung JGRP duoe nhan cho 256 dé chuyén vé cu tric 82 bit cia BIGRP. 4, Do dé cin thay déi s6 AS number ciia IGRP trén RouterC ‘a RouterD Ia 100. Routerc{conrig)# no router Sgrp 200 Routerc(configh® router igzp 100 Routexc icontig-router) # network Router (config) # no router igzp 200 RovtarD{config) # rovte: sgzp 100, Routorb(configrrouter)# network RoutexD (contsg-rovter)# network 5. Kigm tra lai bang dinh tuyén trén RouterD bang Iénh show ‘proute RourexD¥ how sp route 2 1,0,0.0/8 [ 100/12976) vse 295.2 4,0.0.0/24 4g subnetted, I eubnete © ds directly connectec, Loopback 3 192.1,1,0/24 ( 100/12476) via, 00:00:05, sertaio E 194.1.1,0/24 ( 100/22476) via 195.1,1,1, 09:00:05, serialo 1, 00:00:08, Seriauo ‘Ta thay RouterD da hoe ede route xudt phat tir Network 6, Néu khong thay d6i s6 AS number eiia IGRP thi e6 the ‘ign redistribution tir BIGRP sang IGRP va tir IGRP que trén RouterC. LAB 3-13: CAU HINH OSPF CO BAN BouterCteantig © Bacar configuration commands, one per Line, End with Roveeet (contig) txouter Agep 200 Router’ {confag-router) feedistetbute eigrp 100 meteie 2p | 200 255 1 1500 Ronvers (configrrouter| Foxit Router (config) Prouter eigep 100 RouterCleonéie-vouves) trediatrsbute igzp 200 metric 20 200 255 1 1500, Rovterc(contig-router!# Be ii = Router R1, R2 aie dung OSPP aé quing edo thong tin ajnh, moyen ~ Router Ri hoat dng nhy DCE cung cap xung clock cho R2- Cée router cata binh giao thie dinh tuyén OSPF dé lién lee ~ Tir router I21, R2 ping duye hét ese dja ehi trong mang. 7. Cadi ching kigm tra Jai bing dink tytn dé xem su th ‘d6i route tren méi router. OSPF diing gidi thuat SPP dé tinh téan duiong di. Gidi thud, con duge goi la siai thuat Dijkstra, Céc routing protocol nbd k state khong broadeast toan bp thong tin vé bing dinh tuyén ong nhw RIPGRP va thay vao 46, OSPF sé ding mot qué tah Cé khém pha ede lang giéng (neighbor), Cée ling giéng Ping o6 thé duge dinh nghia tinh Router ling gidng 1a ede router khée, cling chay OSPF, 06 “thang subnet v6i router hign hinb. Khi ee router d& thiét lap an he ling giéng wi nhau, ede router biit dau trao di cde 8 con a8 yn en over PL)

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