Parish Bulletin For September 22, 2013

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PRIESTS / SACERDOTES Pastor Fr. Joseph M. Paradayil, SDB ext. 14 Parochial Vicar & Coordinator of Youth Ministry Fr.

Luis Alfredo Oyarzo, SDB 831-707-4458 Parochial Vicar Father David Purdy, SDB ext. 21 Salesian Community Director Father Marc Rougeau, SDB ext. 20 Camp St. Francis Camp Administrator Brother Michael Herbers, SDB 831-684-1439 STAFF / PERSONAL Parish Secretaries Isabel Abundis, Maria Linan Beverly Pini, Martha Tapia St. Francis High School Mr. Patrick Lee, President, Principal 831-724-5933 MINISTRY COORDINATORS Sister Silvia Castillo, FMA Director of Religious Education C.C.D. (831) 722-2392 RCIA William Liptak, English Enrique Ramirez, Spanish Clases Pre-Baptismales Francisco Vasquez Altar Society Mildred McCabe & Grp. Legion of Mary Marion Madrid ADMA Youth Group Isabel & Antonio Langarica Music Ministry Tacho Limones & Grp. Saulo Tirado & Grp. Laura Vega & Grp. Antonio Langarica & Grp. Thony Cunha & Grp. Pamela & Jennifer Knights of Columbus Ron Eichhorn Food Distribution - Despensa Sr. Silvia Castillo, FMA Rosary Makers Irene Rodriguez Wednesday Rosary Group Jeanne Ewers Finance Council Janice Shaffer Pastoral Council

Parroquia Maria Auxiliadora

2401 East Lake Avenue Watsonville, CA 95076 E-Mail: Website: Telephone: 831-722-2665 Fax: 831-722OFFICE HOURS - RECTORY Monday Friday 9:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 - 4:00 pm Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Liturgy / LITURGIA Sunday Masses / Misa Dominical 8:00 am & 11:00 am - English 9:45 am - Portuguese 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm - Spanish Saturday Vigil / Vigilia 4:15 pm - English 7:00 pm - Spanish Saturday Morning Mass 8:00 am - English Monday - Friday Mass 7:00 am & 9:00 am - English First Friday Mass / Primer Viernes 7:00 pm - Hora Santa y Misa 24th of Each Month 7:00 pm - Rosario y Misa Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 to 11:00 am Monday-Friday Confession / Reconciliacin Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm, English Sbados de 6:00 a 7:00 pm, Espaol RELIGIOUS EDUCATION C.C.D. (English) Grade 2-8 Monday, 4:00 to 5:30 pm C.C.D. (Spanish) Saturday, 9:30 - 11:00 am Confirmation (English & Spanish) Sunday, 9:30 to 11:00 am RCIA - English Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Library RCIA - Spanish Monday, 6:30 pm, Library

Arrangements to be made a least one month in advance. Please come to the office for further information. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin QUINCEAERAS Please come to the office for further information. The 15ra has to be Parishioner of our church. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin. La 15ra tiene que ser feligrs de nuestra parroquia.

WEDDING / MATRIMONIO Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Please come to the office for further information. Se requiere por lo menos seis meses para la preparacin. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para mas informacin.
FUNERAL / FUNERALES Should be arranged by the family with the mortuary and the Parish office. Debe ser coordinado por la familia con la funeraria y la oficina parroquial. ANOINTING OF THE SICK / UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call to the office for home or hospital visit. Por favor, hablar a la oficina para una visita al hospital o la casa.

Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. If you would like to register, or if you need to update your information, please send us an email at

Esmados feligreses, Dear Parishioners, All three readings of this 25th Sunday liturgy point to issues of Las lecturas del Vigsimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario social justice. In an age in which self- interest and individualism cuesonan la juscia social. En una poca en la cual la autonoma y el often call the tune, we Christians must not neglect these issues. individualismo a menudo llaman la atencin, nosotros los crisanos no

In the first reading of today we hear from the book of the prophet Amos, which is a book of early social justice message. Since prophet Amos was neither a temple prophet nor a royal prophet, he had no vested interest in any group. He could speak for God in truth and in the cause of justice regardless of consequences. When he observed that the wealthier citizens of Israel treated the poor and the needy abusively, disrespectfully and arrogantly, then he aimed at them the harshest of criticism. Speaking for Gods sense of justice, he promised that deeds of uncharitableness and injustice would not be forgotten.

debemos descuidar estos temas.

En la primera lectura de hoy escuchamos en el libro del profeta Ams, es un libro del mensaje de juscia social. Ya que Ams no era ni un profeta del templo, ni un profeta real, no tena inters en ningn grupo. Poda hablar de la verdad de Dios y su juscia con independencia sin importar las consecuencias. Cuando el observ que los ciudadanos ms ricos de Israel trataban a los pobres y necesitados abusivamente, irrespetuosamente y arrogantemente, entonces apunt a ellos con la ms spera de las crcas. Hablando por sendo de Dios de la juscia, prome que las acciones de poca caridad y la injuscia no se olvidaran. All of us believers have an obligation to care for all in sociTodos nosotros, los creyentes, tenemos la obligacin de atender a los ety, from the greatest to the least, the poor, the needy, the miembros de la sociedad, desde el ms grande al ms pequeo, a los sick, the homeless, the orphaned and the widowed, the stranger and the alien, and all those disenfranchised. The pobres, a los necesitados, los enfermos, los desamparados, los hurfanos, poor, called the Anawim of God, were then and still are las viudas, el extranjero, y a todos los marginados. Los pobres, llamados today precious to God the all Merciful. When Gods people el "anawim" de Dios, eran y son preciosos para Dios misericordioso. fail to demonstrate active and effective concern for the poor, Cundo la gente de Dios no puede demostrar la preocupacin acva y then Gods people are rejecting God! In ancient Israel and e Judah, the wealthy and the successful were considered directly caz por los pobres, entonces la gente de Dios rechaza a Dios En el anguo Israel y Jud el rico y el acertado se consideraron directamente blessed by God. Receiving Gods blessing included accepting the responsibility to share those blessings with others in need. benditos por Dios. Recibir bendicin de Dios incluye aceptar la responsaHoliness is necessarily attached to generosity. While some bilidad de comparr esas bendiciones con los dems. La Sandad necesamight be generous without being holy, none can be holy with- riamente va conectada a la generosidad. Si bien, algunos pueden ser geout being generous. nerosos sin ser santos, pero ninguno puede ser santo sin ser generoso.

On September 26th we celebrate the feast of St. Vincent De Paul, the patron saint of Charities. He taught that true charity does not only consist of distributing alms and giving financial assistance, but also in helping the poor feel the fullness of their human dignity and freedom. Vincent taught that our good works must never be separated from our faith, but rather must flow out of our faith. Thus, he counseled that to be men and women of action and good works, we must also be men and women of prayer and deep spirituality. He advises us: You must have an inner life, everything must tend in that direction. If you lack this, you lack everything. St. Vincent de Paul, model of Christian generosity, pray for us. El martes 24 de septiembre del 2013 tenemos Rosario y Misa en honor a Mara Auxiliadora a las 7:00 p.m.
First Reading The Lord never forgets the sins of those who take advantage of the poor (Amos 8:4-7). Psalm Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor (Psalm 113). Second Reading God our savior wills everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:1-8). Gospel The one who is trustworthy in small matters is also trustworthy in great ones (Luke 16:1-13 [10-13]).

El 26 de sepembre se celebra la esta de San Vicente de Pul, el santo patrono de las organizaciones de benecencia. l ense que la verdadera caridad no slo consiste en dar limosna. La tarea tambin consiste en ayudar a los pobres a senr la plenitud de su dignidad humana. Vicente ense que nuestras buenas obras nunca deben separarse de nuestra fe, sino que deben salir de nuestra fe. Por lo tanto, aconsej que para ser hombres y mujeres de accin, tambin deben ser hombres y mujeres de oracin y de profunda espiritualidad. " San Vicente de Pal, modelo de generosidad cristiana, ruega por nosotros.

R.C. I. A
Would you like to know more about your faith ?? OR Do you know someone in search of catholic faith ???

Come to RCIA classes

In English Every Wednesday 7.00PM (At Parish Library) In Spanish Every Monday 6.30 PM (At Parish Library)
Monday September 23: Thursday September 26: Friday September 27: Saturday September 28:

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sep. 22nd, 2013

St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Ss. Cosmas and Damian St. Vincent de Paul St. Wenceslaus; Blessed Virgin Mary St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions

Primera lectura El Seor nunca se olvida del pecado de los que hacen trampa a los pobres y abusan de ellos (Ams 8:4-7). Salmo Que alaben al Seor todos sus siervos (Salmo 113 [112]). Segunda lectura Reza al Seor, que quiere que todos se salven (1Timoteo 2:1-8). Evangelio S responsable en todo. Sirve a Dios, el nico Seor, no al dinero (Lucas 16:1-13 [10-13]).

Lunes 23 de septiembre: Jueves 26 de septiembre: Viernes 27 de septiembre: Sbado 28 de septiembre:

Vigsimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

San Po de Pietralcina (Padre Po) Santos Cosme y Damin San Vicente de Paul San Wenceslao; San Lorenzo Ruiz y compaeros

Mass Intentions: September 21 to September 29, 2013 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon 1:30 PM 4:15 PM 7:00 PM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 Fr. John Malloy, SDB, (Salesians from Watsonville) Baptism: Moises Sanchez Baptisms: Giovani Xavier Rivero, Darley Jaylene Hernandez Contreras & Mariana Sinai Hernandez Contreras Quinceaera: Kristal Carmona Boda: Ramiro & Esmeralda Dicochea Boda: Eddy Magaa & Yasmine Anaya Reynaldo & Miguel Pascual (Magdalena Torres) Frances Pedrosa (Daughter) Sister Mary Dorothy Ryan (Family) Jose Luis Espinoza Rodriguez (Family) Cosme Lobato Jimenez (Marcela Lobato-Diaz) Martha Ortega B-Day (Mama)

Weekly Collection / Colecta Semanal September 14 & 15, 2013 Total Donations: $ 4,622.50
Thank you for your generosity Muchas gracias por su generosidad!
REMINDER: Next Sunday, September 29th, 2013 there will be a Second Collection for St. Vincent de Paul.

Do you Hear Gods Call to Serve?

1. For Music Ministry Saturday vigil mass at 4:15pm and Sunday 8:00 am. 2. As Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Acolytes. For Saturday 4:15 pm, Sunday 8:00 & 11:00 am. Please contact the Parish office or any of the priests at the rectory.
Only 2 Weeks Left to Sign up for

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 8:00 AM Fidel Barroga (Wife & Family) Frances Pedrosa (Daughter) 9:45 AM Bernardo Soares (Naomi & Joe) Maria Maciel (Rosa & Manuel Matos) Joao Barros (Lucia Bettencour) 11:00 AM Joe Carvalho (Family) Adriana Borges (Mario & Celeste Louis) Brother Abel Zanella, SDB 12:30 PM Parishioners of OLHC Angelina Carmona (Otilia Villalobos) Lino Velasco & Teresa Castaeda 7:00 PM Felix Juarez , Ofelia Diaz , Maria Leon MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 7:00 AM Pablita Gutierrez 9:00 AM Olinda Sousa (Denis Bettencourt) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 7:00 AM Shirley (Margaret Flahive) 9:00 AM Isidra A. Espiritu (Espirity Children) 7:00 PM En Accion de gracias a la Santisima Virgen Bendicines para la Congregacion, hijas de Maria Auxiliadora WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 7:00 AM For the Intentions of Frs. Marc & Joseph 9:00 AM Jose Jorge (Leocadia A.) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 7:00 AM Isidro Limon (Maria & Family) 9:00 AM Olinda Sousa (Maria Julia & Luisa Faustino) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 7:00 AM Shirley (Margaret Flahive) 9:00 AM Antonio Azevedo (Adalia Avila Family) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 8:00 AM Fr. Ubaldo Chueca, SDB 4:15 PM Joe Carvalho (Family) Manuel Silveira (Maria Mello) Adriana Borges (Mario & Celeste Luis) 7:00 PM En honor a San Miguel Arcangel Dalia Campos, 12th B-Day (Family) Melenice Espindola B-Day (Abuelita) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 8:00 AM Guiseppe Giannini (Edward & Jean Kelly) David Stolich (David & Judy McCabe) Leonard English B-Day (Isela Rincon) 9:45 AM Miguel Avelar (Family) Noelia Bettencourt (Miguel Bettencourt) Joao Rodrigues Luis (Family & Friends) 11:00 AM In Thanksgiving to Fr. Al for his Service at OLHC 58th Wedding Anniversary of Joseph & Maria Moules For the Intentions of the Moules Family 12:30 PM Ramiro Andrade (Gudelia y Familia) En Accin de gracias de parte de Narcisa Ortega Bendiciones, Esmeralda Contreras, 3 anos 7:00 PM Gregorio y Magdalena Leyva (Familia) Por los fieles difuntos (Mara Rubio)

Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you stopped each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information or to register for the next program beginning with a Weekend on 27-29 September 2013, call 831-479-1260 or email: or visit the web site:

Remember your parish in you will!

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