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References Allison, B. (2012). Towards practical brain-computer interfaces: Bridging the gap from research to real-world applications.

Berlin, Germany: Springer. Real-world applications of brain-computer interface outside of the lab. Bilton, N. (2013, April 28). Disruptions: Brain Computer Interfaces Inch Closer to Mainstream. Retrieved September 10, 2013, from New York Times website: The near-future implementation of brain-computer interface in everyday life. Donoghue, J. P. (2013). BrainGate. Retrieved September 10, 2013, from BrainGate website: A description of the leading brain-computer interface scientists at Brown University and his creations. He mainly focuses on the medical uses of his creations, but there is a thorough explanation of how his BrainGate creation works. Guger, C., Allison, B., & Edlinger, G. (2013). Brain-computer interface research: A state-of-theart summary. Berlin, Germany: Springer. Describes 10 of the leading brain-computer interface projects around the world, as well as the research that has gone into each one. He, B. (2005). Neural engineering. New York, New York USA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum. A chapter from this book describes how BCI will reduce the need for HumanComputer Interface, allowing the use of computers for those with muscular disabilities.

Orenstein, D. (2013, February 28). Brown unveils novel wireless brain sensor. Retrieved September 10, 2013, from Brown University website: Another article describing the progress being made at Brown University on braincomputer interface. The hardware that goes into creating the actual interface is the focus of this piece. Pollack, N. (2010, November 23). Mind control: How a 200 headset is redefining braincomputing interaction. Retrieved from Wired Magazine website: While this article is 3 years old, it talks about a BCI thats been on the market for quite a while. This particular headset allows the user to control computers and other electronics without touching them. Thompson, M. (2008, September 14). The Armys Totally Serious Mind-Control Project. Retrieved from Time Magazine website:,8599,1841108,00.html An article about the armys mission to replace radio communications with BCI communications.

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