PenEquity Appeal To David O'Toole

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David O'Toole Deputy Minister, MNR, 6th Floor, Room 6643, Whitney Block, 99 Wellesley St. W.

, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3 david.o'

September 20, 2013

Re: Pen Equity I am writing to bring to attention to a recent decision made by London, Ontario City Council. Council has approved development within a Significant woodland, which also contains a wetland, now known as the Pen Equity woodland. The significance of the woodland has been clearly established by the proponents own consultant and City staff, according to the criteria in Londons Official Plan, which is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2005. Councils decision to allow development within a Significant woodland is in direct contravention of Londons Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement regarding the preservation of significant woodlands. I am asking you to use all means available, including an OMB appeal in concert with Municipal Affairs and Housing, to stop the destruction of this Significant woodland and to enforce the requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement. As a citizen, I expect the City of Londons actions to comply with the Provincial Policy Statement that prohibits development within significant woodlands. I want the Province to ensure the City follows the Provincial Policy Statement and their own Official Plan which was approved by MMAH. Your involvement is crucial in order to uphold the Provincial Policy Statement regarding the protection of Ontarios natural heritage. Please request MMAH to appeal Londons decision to allow development within a Significant woodland. Allowing the decision to stand gives implicit permission for London and all municipalities to disregard the Provincial Policy Statement and destroy Ontarios natural heritage. Thank you for giving appropriate time and attention to this matter. Sincerely,

Name Address Phone

c.c. Deputy Minister MMAH, Laurie LeBlanc

Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. David Orazietti Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Hon. Linda Jeffrey

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