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Aff Standards/Contentions Maximizing Representation CV leads to the populace being equally represented in politics More candidates running for

or elections means that people have more ideas to choose from, representing their political interests better Better quality elections leads to a more accurate view of public opinion during elections Maximizing Participation CV leads to more informed citizens CV therefore also leads to more politically interested citizens, that participate more Better quality candidates and elections increase the incentive to participate in politics Maximizing Happiness Better representation makes people feel better and more confident about their gov'ts Better quality elections and candidates make people feel more included in the political process

Neg Standards/Contentions Being the most Democratic Donkey-voting goes against democracy's aim of being a political representation of the public Democracies are based on rights, which the aff violates, like Freedom of Speech Poor people won't have the resources to participate in the democratic process Protecting Natural Rights Aff violates freedom of speech Aff gives gov't more control over people's actions Aff violates the principle of self-ownership Preserving Self-Ownership CV is gov't controlling people's actions CV violates the freedom of speech, hurting self-ownership People are forced into voting for either/or candidate in the Aff's world, violating self-ownership

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