Homework Due 9-30-13

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3 Grade


Lion Pride Homework Information Due 9/30/13

Homework Assignments (Should be in student Agenda):
Please sign the agenda nightly confirming your child worked on their homework so they do not have to do any on the weekend. We use weekly assignments so that you may plan around your evening schedules etc.

Reading: Due 9/30/13 (Monday) Daily Assignment

Read 30 minutes Write 2-5 sentences about what you read.

(Separate each days assignment by a line drawn across your paper. Use both sides of the paper. You should only need one piece of paper each week for this assignment).

Handwriting: Due 9/30/13 (Monday) Daily Assignment - (A total of 25 sentences due) Write 5 sentences you choose from the alphabet chains in your best handwriting. (See in Earlier Packets. The students were told to keep at least one in their homework folder) Math: Due 9/30/13 (Monday) Lessons 17, 18, 19, 20, & 21 Homework Worksheets. Ten Marks 4 assignments due.
(These are handed out throughout the week as the lessons are learned). (If no internet is available students may stay after school in the library to complete online assignments)

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