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OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASUDEVAYA Whose words never fail?

In Srimad Bhagvatam Brahma Dev tells his son Naradarshi: na bharatee menga mrushopalakshyate na vai kwachinme manaso mrushagati: na me hrusheekani patantyasatpathe yanme hrudoutkantyavata dhruto Hari: (2- 6- 33) My Dear Narada, my words never go wrong. My mind never thinks of any false idea. My senses also never go after worldly pleasures. It is all because I always meditate upon Sri Hari without any longing in my heart. My heart only full of devotion to Him is always carrying Him. So my words as they are coming from my heart will never go wrong. My mind also never flatters; neither my senses go astray. It is clear that if we dedicate our heart and soul at the Lotus Feet of the Lord and lead a righteous life, our words will become true. May God bless all.

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