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20 September 2013 The Minister for Transport Peter Styles today officially launched a campaign to promote seatbelts and child restraints at Wagaman Primary School. Mr Styles joined Hector the Road Safety Cat and Kidssafe NT to demonstrate how to properly restrain children in the car and to explain the importance of seatbelts. The Seatbelt and Child Restraint campaign will begin Monday 23 September, and its vital we continue to educate the public on how imperative it is to wear seatbelts, he said. Mr Styles said the not wearing of seatbelts was one of the biggest causal factors for death and injury on our roads. Over the last ten years 356 people were killed while driving vehicles on our roads - nearly 50% of these people killed were not wearing a seatbelt, he said. This is such a tragic figure, and something that can be prevented. Wearing a seatbelt could improve your chances of surviving a crash by up to 50%, so please ensure that every time youre in a car, buckle up. Mr Styles said the public would continue to be educated on road safety messages, with road safety officers delivering school based sessions. Last financial year, Road Safety Officers delivered more than 260 school based sessions to approximately 11200 school aged children across the Territory. Mr Styles said to help parents and carers in understanding the right way to choose and install child restraints, Kidsafe NT and the Department of Transport would be delivering free workshops and public fitment checking sessions in all NT major centres. Seatbelts do save lives and the law requires you to wear a seatbelt that is properly adjusted and fastened, or if the child is under 7 to use a booster seat or child car seat. Its important to get your child restraint checked, as child restraint checking services have found that up to 70% of restraints checked have one or more fitting faults, he said.

More information is available at Media Contact: Lucy Buhr 0417 977 322

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