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The Scoop from 3rd Grade

With a few weeks under our belts, we are settling into third grade. As with classrooms worldwide, the first several weeks of school include establishing rules, learning routines, reviewing subject materials and getting reacquainted after summer vacation. The classroom rules that we have established for our room all focus on RESPECTincluding: 1. Respect Ourselves 2. Respect Each Other 3. Respect the Things Around Us Of course all of those be a good listener, raise your hand, keep your desk neat and dont talk while others are talking fall right into our three areas of respect. During these first few weeks, Mrs. Vieau and I have done several assessments with the students in the areas of Language Arts and Math. Students have been placed into groups that we feel are best fits according to results from these assessments along with MAP scores. There is some flexibility with these groups and we will adjust student placement as needed throughout the school year. Currently we each teach a group in Language Arts and Math. Mrs. Vieau teaches Science, while I teach Social Studies. As you can see, our upcoming month is filled with a variety of activities. Please note, we will be participating in MAP assessments in a couple of weeks. I will let you know the exact dates and times of our tests when I get that information from Mrs. Feldman. To help your childs assessment experience be successful, please make sure that he or she gets a good nights rest and a healthy breakfast. I am diligently working on a webpage and once I have it user ready I will share that link with you. When that happens, I will be posting my newsletters to the webpage for your review. Watch for the unveiling within the next few weeks! Your child is bringing home a Book Project information sheet today. Please take some time to go over it with your child. Weve already done so in class, but a review of it wont hurt. I have been blessed with a super group of students! They freely participate, are hard working and come in each day ready to learn with smiles on their faces. Thank

Upcoming Dates
Health Sept. 27 Screening Day MAP Testing Begins Sept. 30

School Picture Oct. 4 Day Marathon Oct. 5

Health ReOct. 11 Screening Day Teacher Oct. 16 Workshop Day Fall Break Oct. 17 & 18 Oct. 25

Grandparents Day 1st Book Project Due Picture ReTake Day Halloween

Oct. 28

Oct. 29

Oct. 31

Its Marathon Time!

As you know, our first school-wide fundraiser is coming up fact it is just a couple of weeks awaySaturday, October 5th. Individual student goals have been set at $200, with an all-school goal of $48,000. With nineteen students, our classroom goal is $3,800 and I know that we can make it! Money is collected and counted each Monday. Please send any with your child in the labeled collection envelope each Monday. Prizes for the Marathon include Non-Uniform days, chocolate milk at lunch, an inflatable obstacle course in the gym for a day, and drawings for two iPad tablets. If we reach our goal of $48,000, our fabulous gym teacher, Mr. Gilmer has agreed to shave off his beard. (Rumor has it, he has had a beard for several this will really be something new for him!) Go St. Francis Xavier!!!!

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