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Brain stem lesions

Midline Structures Motor pathaway ( corticospinal tract) Medial Lemniscus Medial Longitudinal fasciculus Motor nucleus and nerve Lateral structures Spinocerebellar pathaway Spinothalamic Sensory nucleus of CN5 Sympathetic pathaway 4 CN Medulla Glossopharyngeal CN 9 Vagus CN 10 Spinal Accessory CN 11 Hypoglossal CN 12 4 CN Pons Trigeminal CN 5 Abducent CN 6 Facial CN 7 Auditory CN 8 4 CN above Pons Olfactory CN 1 Optic CN 2 Occulomotor CN 3 Trochlear CN 4 Deficit Contralateral weakness Contralateral proprioception/ vibration loss Ipsilateral internuclear opthalmoplegia Ipsilateral CN function loss Deficit Ipsilateral ataxia Contralateral pain/temporary sensory loss Ipsilateral pain/temporary loss in face Ipsilateral horner syndrome Deficit Ipsilateral pharyngeal sensory loss Ipsilateral palatal weakness Ipsilateral shoulder weakness Ipsilateral weakness of tongue Deficit Ipsilateral facial sensory loss Ipsilateral eye abduction weakness Ipsilateral facial weakness Ipsilateral deafness Deficit Not in midbrain Not in midbrain Eye turned out and down Eye unable to look down when looking towards nose

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