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Module II Different Forms of Market

Concept of Market
Market refers to a system where the prices of goods and services are set by supply and demand. In other words, it is totally based on supply and demand.

Different Forms of Market

Perfect Competition:- Large No. of buyers and sellers. Monopolistic Competition:- Many sellers offering differentiated products to many buyers. Monopoly Competition:- Single seller and many buyers. Oligopoly Competition:- Few sellers and many buyers. Duopoly Competition:- Competition between two firms.

Perfectly competitive market

Perfect competition exists when there are a large number of buyers and sellers of a homogenous product and its price is determined by the forces of demand and supply. According to John Robinson, Perfect competition prevails when demand for the output of each producer is perfectly elastic.


Large number of buyers and sellers, Identical (also known as homogeneous) products, Freedom of entry or exit, Buyers and sellers have perfect information, One price, Perfect mobility of factors, and No government intervention.

Demand curve facing a single firm

no individual firm can affect the market price demand curve facing each firm is perfectly elastic

Profit maximization

produce where MR = MC

P = MR

Normal Profits in the Short-run

Abnormal Profits in the shortrun (Abnormal Profit > 0)

Abnormal profit

Loss in the Short-run (AVC<P< ATC)

Loss if shut down

Break-even point

If price = minimum point on ATC curve, economic profit = 0. Owners receive normal profit. No incentive for firms to either enter or leave the market.


Short-run supply curve

A perfectly competitive firm will produce at the level of output at which P = MC, as long as P > AVC.

Long run

Firms enter if economic profits > 0

market supply increases price declines profit declines until economic profit equals zero (and entry stops) market supply decreases price rises losses decline until economic profit equals zero

Firms exit if economic losses occur

Long-run equilibrium in the Normal Profit

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