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TAKE HOME QUIZ IN KINETICS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Solve the following problems diligently. 2. Write your solution in a long bond paper. 3. This will be submitted on Friday 9am before the Final Exam. 4. All requirements will be due on Friday 5pm October 12, 2012. 5. Algorithm Chart will be allowed during the Final Exam. PROBLEMS: 1. The following reaction follows an elementary rate law.
k1 N 2 + O2 2 NO k2

Initially 77%N2, 15% O2, 8% inerts are fed to a batch reactor where 80% of the equilibrium conversion (Xe=0.02) is reached in 151s. What is the specific reaction rate constant k1? Additional information: V=0.4 dm3 Y B = B0 Kc=0.01 YA0 P=20 atm T=2700K

2. The following liquid-phase reaction system occurs in an isothermal CSTR:

A+B D+E 2D + B F + G

The feed stream contains 0.5mol/L of A and B is the solvent (which has a molar density CB0=50 mol/L). Both reactions are elementary. The reaction rate constants for reactions 1 and 2 are k1D=0.0043L/mol-min and k2F=0.058 L2/mol2-min respectively. The conversion of A is 80% when the volumetric flow rate into the reactor is 7.3 L/min. a. What is the volume of the reactor? b. What is the outlet concentration of F?

3. For the elementary reactions A k1 B k2 C with k1=0.1/s and k2=0.2/s with CA0=2 mol/dm3. Plot the concentration of B and selectivity of B to C as a function of space time in a CSTR.

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