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MARK 205 Assessment 2

Table of Content Page

1.0 Introduction of Qualitative Research Methods

2.0 Qualitative Research Methods: Phenomenology Research Method and Case Studies Research Method 2.1 Benefits of Using Phenomenology Research Method and Case Studies Research Method 2.2 Limitations of Using Phenomenology Research Method and Case Studies Research Method 5 4 3

3.0 Reason of Using Phenomenology Research Method for Understanding Consumers Use of Self Service Technology 6

MARK 205 Assessment 2

1.0 Introduction of Qualitative Research Methods Zikmund.W.G, Ward.S, Lowe.B, Winzar.H and Babin.B.J (2011, p65) stated that qualitative research is a methodology that addresses research objectives through techniques that allow the researcher to provide elaborate interpretations of phenomena of interest without depending on numerical measurement. Therefore, qualitative research methods can be used to seek empirical support for research hypotheses in investigate Why and How of decision making that cause by human behavior. The objective of qualitative research is to gain a broad understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations. (James. P., 1997) The marketing situation in which the use of qualitative research methods would be appropriate is when there has a place where every mother was only give breast milk to their baby rather than giving any formula milk. In this situation, marketing researcher need to use qualitative research method to study what is the reason mother was only give breast milk to their baby. Marketing researcher need to do interview through giving questionnaires, study from case study, and so on in order to collect a lot of data and analyze the information to determine which marketing strategy could suitable to used in introducing formula milk.

MARK 205 Assessment 2

2.0 Qualitative Research Methods: Phenomenology Research Method and Case Studies Research Method The qualitative research approaches that can be used to study design and data analysis are phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, action research, case studies, focus group, individual interviews and so on. Two qualitative research methods that I have choose in doing my assessment are phenomenology research method and case studies research method. Phenomenology research represents a philosophical approach to studying human experiences based on the argument that human experience its self is highly subjective and determined in the context people live. (Thompson. C. J, 1997, pp438-455) Hence, a reflective structural analysis will be provided through experiences description. Firstly, through open ended questions and dialogue, the nave descriptions will be obtained. Next, researchers will describe the structure of the experienced based on reflection and interpretation of the research participants story. (Moustakes.C, 1994) Case studies research is an intensive analysis of an individual unit such as a person, group, event and others in order to let researcher can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research. (Yin.R.K, 1997)

MARK 205 Assessment 2

2.1 Benefits of Using Phenomenology Research Method and Case Studies Research Method Phenomenology Research Method Case Studies Research Method

It is a highly appropriate approach to Unusual cases can shed light on situations researching human experience. or problems to that are unethical or

(Wimpenny. P, Gass J., 2000, p1486)


study in

other ways.

(Thomas. W., Shreeve and Associates, 2008) It tries to uncover concealed meaning in the Good source of hypotheses. (Thomas. W., phenomenon embedded in the words of the Shreeve and Associates, 2008) narrative. (Sorrell.J.M, Redmond G.M, 1995) As a research method, phenomenology is a Provide in-depth information on

rigorous, critical, systematic investigation individuals. (Thomas. W., Shreeve and of phenomena. (Streubert H.J., Carpenter Associates, 2008) D.R., 1999, p48)

MARK 205 Assessment 2

2.2 Limitations of Using Phenomenology Research Method and Case Studies Research Method Phenomenology Research Method Case Studies Research Method

There can be difficulty in ensuring pure Vital information may be missing, making bracketing. Hence, this can lead to the case hard to interpret. (Garger. J., 2010)

interference in the interpretation of the data. (Opdenakker. R, 2006) The subjectivity of the data leads to The persons memories may be selected or difficulties in establishing reliability and inaccurate. (Garger. J., 2010) validity of approaches and information. (Opdenakker. R, 2006) It is difficult to detect or to prevent The individual may not be representative or researcher induced bias. (Opdenakker. R, typical. (Garger. J., 2010) 2006)

MARK 205 Assessment 2

3.0 Reason of Using Phenomenology Research Method for Understanding Consumers Use of Self Service Technology (SST) The qualitative research methods that I think could be suitable and most appropriate for understanding consumers use of self service technology (SST) such as ATM, internet banking, automated airline ticketing services and so on is phenomenology research methods. The first reason that I think that phenomenology research method is most appropriate for understanding consumers use of SST is this tool can let researcher to identified and tested how people have been impacted by SST. This statement can be prove by Abdulbaset Mohamed Saleh, (12th November 2009) where he has stated that phenomenology research approach will be more suitable to be used to get better understanding of this issue because empirical data can collected through questionnaires with the research questions and the frame of reference. In addition, through phenomenology research method, researcher can more easily to know people perception towards SST based on their previous experiences. This can be support by Hazlina Abdul Kadir, Nasim Rahmani and Reza Masinaei, (February 2011) where they have chosen 500 students from different universities in Malaysia including University of Malaya, University Kebansaan Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia, Multimedia University Malaysia and Limkokwing University as a sample frame of the study. They have distributed questionnaires to the students and asked about their perception as well as experiences for the use of SST. Furthermore, researchers can get more accurate information in understanding consumers use of SST through phenomenology research method. This is because through phenomenology research, interviewee will asked to give a direct description of their experience as it is without offering causal explanations or interpretive generalizations of their experience. (Van Manen, 1990) Next, researcher can explore the adoption of SST functionality and investigate the impact of SST on the outcomes of customer satisfaction through phenomenology research method. This statement can be support by Dr. Hasan Ali Al-Zubi and Dr. Ala`Eddin Mohd Khalaf Ahmad, (February 2011) where they have recruit 179 customers to

MARK 205 Assessment 2

investigate SST value creation based on their previous experiences through phenomenology research method. In conclusion, phenomenology research method is the most suitable method for understanding consumers use of SST. This is because researcher can get more strongest pedagogic interpretation of a certain phenomenon, a more concrete description where interviewee can exploring a phenomenon in all its experiential ramification and a deeper means of information that get through phenomenology research method. (Van Manen, 1990) Since phenomenology research method have give a lot of useful and accurate information to researcher, and then it is an effective way in understanding consumers use of SST. Therefore, it is an important research method for marketing researcher in understanding the attribute of service quality that consumers look for in using SST.

(1065 words)

MARK 205 Assessment 2

References Website Abdulbaset Mohamed Saleh, 12th November 2009, The Effect of the Internet Banking on Customer Loyalty: A Study among Malaysian Banks, accessed 12/3/2012 Dr. Hasan Ali Al-Zubi & Dr. Ala`Eddin Mohd Khalaf Ahmad, February 2011, International Journal of Marketing Studies, E-banking Functionality and Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation, Vol.3, No.1, accessed 13/3/2012 http://ebankingfunctionalityandoutcomesof%customersatisfaction:anempiricalinvestigatio n&source=web&cd=1&sqi= oad/

Garger.J, Jul 15, 2010, Using the Case Study Method in Research, accessed 17/3/2012

Hazlina Abdul Kadir, Nasim Rahmani and Reza Masinaei, February 2011, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Impacts of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Study of Online Banking and ATM Services in Malaysia, Vol.2, No.1, accessed 12/3/2012










MARK 205 Assessment 2

Moustakes.C, 1994, Phenomenological Research Methods, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks California, accessed 17/3/2012

Opdenakker. R, 2006, Disadvantages of Using Phenomenology, accessed 18/3/2012 gy.htm

Sorrell J.M., Redmond G.M., 1995 Interviews in Qualitative Nursing Research: Differing Approaches for Ethnographic and Phenomenological Studies, accessed 17/3/2012

Thomas. W., Shreeve and Associates, 2008, Intelligence Community Case Method Program: Benefits of Using the Case Method, accessed 17/3/2012 Thompson. C. J, 1997, Journal of Marketing Research: Interpreting Consumers: A Hermeneutical Framework for Driving Marketing Insights from The Tests of Consumer Consumption Stories, PP 438-455, accessed 17/3/2012 0&uid=4&sid=55904628083

Van Manen, 1990, Phenomenology as an Educational Research Method, accessed 18/3/2012

Wimpenny. P, Gass J., 2000, Interviewing in Phenomenology and Grounded Theory, p1486, accessed 17/3/2012

MARK 205 Assessment 2

Yin.R.K, 1997, The Case Study as a Research Method, accessed 17/3/2012 Books Streubert H.J., Carpenter D.R., 1999, Qualitative Research in Nursing: Advancing the Humanistic Imperative, 2nd Edition, p48

Zikmund.W.G, Ward.S, Lowe.B, Winzar.H and Babin.B.J, 2011, Marketing Research, 2nd Asia-Pacific Edition, p6


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