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The Winds of Magic are tempestuous and erratic in times of great upheaval, favoring one force or another, heeding the wishes of those few individuals born to control them. On this auspicious day however, the Winds favor only madness.

Deployment: This scenario will follow the deployment rules for Battleline on p.144 of the Warhammer Fantasy Battles Rulebook.

Special Rules: During the Magic Phase, the following rule is always in effect: Magic Flux: In the magic phase, wizards miscast on the roll of double 6s as well as on doubles of a number equal to the current game turn. For example, on turn 1, double 1s also miscast, on turn 2, double 2s also miscast, and so forth. Only rolls of double 6s have Irresistible Force however. If your opponent succeeds in dispelling a spell, any miscast that would occur is ignored. In addition, if you have miscast a spell without rolling double 6's, after your opponent declines to dispel, or fails to do so, you may attempt to dispel the miscast result, (but not the spell itself) using any remaining power dice, and adding the wizard level of the character doing so, or alternatively, using a dispel scroll or similar item.

Bonus Points: +1 If you dispel a miscast spell of your opponents. +1 If you dispel one of your own miscasts. +1 If all your wizards survive the battle. +1 If you killed an opponent's wizard. (Miscasts do not count.) +1 If one of your wizards is in your opponents deployment zone at the end of the game.

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