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Bulletin # 4 - 23rd June 2009

Justice Denied Again for Balwant Persaud

Published by the “Friends of Balwant Persaud Committee”

The Real Culprit is FREE! How can the Police and the DPP
co-operate with a criminal? Why is the DPP (Shalimar Ali-
Hack) not charging her fellow Muslim worshipper Alim
Samad for defrauding people in his visa scams?

We did not send out a Bulletin since the last one was issued on 15th April 2009 as we
thought we should give the authorities some time and breathing space. Mr. Persaud
attended court on the 8th May and 22nd June 2009 and on both occasions the police
said they are still awaiting the DPP Report.

But nothing has changed for our friend, Balwant Persaud since then, so we have
now decided to continue our protest to free this honest and dignified human being
from the corrupt forces that govern this country, namely the police, the PPP and the
DPP Chambers.
We also take this opportunity to welcome the Mark Benschop Foundation, the Bal
Shivam Foundation, the Indo-Caribbean Organisation of Canada and a few other
organizations in the USA and Canada, who have joined us to protest the illegal and
bogus charges laid against Balwant Persaud by the Police, the PPP and the DPP.

Balwant Persaud has been black listed by the corrupt PPP regime to leave Guyana.
This means that the PPP is depriving the man of his liberty and freedom to earn an
honest living in his chosen profession in Canada as an Immigration Consultant.

Depriving a man of his livelihood is a criminal offence in most civilized countries and
it is morally unjustifiable. The man has a wife and four children to maintain in
Canada and the PPP with their corrupt police force and the DPP are depriving this
man from providing for his family. He now has to depend on friends and well wishers
to survive whilst in “detention” in Guyana. He might be free on bail but he cannot
earn a living in Guyana and had to close his Canadian office because he chose to
return to Guyana to clear his name from these bogus charges that were politically
motivated by the President of Guyana, Jagdeo and the corrupt and devious Minister
of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee.
Co-operation was also given by the corrupt Commissioner of Police Henry Greene,
Inspector Trevor Reid, the Court Prosecutor, Denise Griffith and the Muslim Taliban
who is heading the DPP, Shalimar Ali-Hack.
This woman DPP and the real Bandit who robbed the victims, Sheik Alim Samad ,
are members of the CIOG, that terrorist Muslim organization, they both worshipped

Mr Persaud had to apply to the High Court to leave Guyana for one week to attend
an Immigration Seminar in Canada and was granted permission to leave. Mr.
Persaud returned to Guyana in time to attend his court hearing on 8th May 2009
which was postponed because no report was forthcoming from the DPP.

If Mr. Balwant Persaud was a guilty or is a dishonest man, he could have skipped
bail and remain in Canada because he has no interest in Guyana. He does not own
any assets in Guyana or has any family members in Guyana, close or extended. The
man came back to clear his name and anyone who knows Balwant Persaud
personally, would know that he will never get away from justice, or skip bail. The
man is as clean as glass. He has a record of honesty and fairplay that few can
match in Guyana.
We should remind the public that two of Alim Samad’s victims have sued Alim
Samad personally in the High Court and Balwant Persaud has been charged for
these offences in the Magistrate’s Court.
The Guyana Police can turn a Civil matter into a Criminal matter whenever they
chooses as they have done recently in another case where the godfather of Henry
Green’s (Commissioner of Police) child, Kennard Gobin uses Green to lock up and
charge a man named Haresh Sugrim for a commercial transaction that went sour
between Gobin and Sugrim.

Guyana is now a police state where people live in fear and we have a President who
does not care.
We are calling on the embassies, foreign aid donors, the international community
and all persons who believe in justice and fair play to support the cause of an
innocent man who Clement Rohee and President Jagdeo wants to jail because of the
various refugee cases that he won for Guyanese in Canada.

We are asking the aid donors to review their aid programs to the PPP corrupt
government as the money will not go to the poor people in Guyana but in the
pockets of people like Jagdeo and Rohee.

We are asking the Canadian, US and UK embassies to review the Visas of all those
people and their family members who are involved in the persecution of Balwant
They have all committed serious human rights violations as follows:
1. Brought False and Bogus charges to frame an innocent man
2. Jailed an innocent man and deprived him of his freedom, food, clothing and
medicines. Not even a glass of water was given to him for 48 hours.
3. Deprived an innocent man to earn his livelihood so he can maintain his
4. Deprived the man of a quick and speedy trial so he can clear his name.
5. Ongoing threats to his life by elements close to the Minister of Home Affairs
and the Police Commissioner and also the PPP.

The BIG Question: Who is protecting Alim Samad?

Why isn’t he being charged for swindling persons in his visa scam
although the victims reported this to a local newspaper and have
sued him in the High Court?

We need the following persons to answer this BIG question: Commissioner of Police-
Henry Greene, Seelall Persaud-Crime Chief, Clement Rohee-Minister of Home Affairs,
Bharrat Jagdeo, President of Guyana, Shalimar Ali-Hack, the DPP, Trevor Reid-
Inspector of Police and Denise Griffith-the Police Prosecutor.

Can Inspector Reid say how much money he collected from the brother of Alim
Samad for not charging him?

Can the DPP confirm how much money her husband collected from a relative of Alim
Samad at the CIOG for not charging Alim Samad? What about Denise Griffith, can
she say how much was paid to her by Alim Samad’s brother?

Can the DPP and the Police explain to the public why they are not responding to
Balwant Persaud’s lawyer letters? Letters written since February 2009 and with
reminders later. Why are the DPP and the Police ignoring Mr. Balwant Persaud’s
lawyer and even treating him with contempt?
Is this how lawyers behave with each other? Where does professionalism gone to?

Why was Balwant Persaud charged in the first place when his former
clients terminated their agreements with him and dealt with Alim Samad
on their own free will? No respect for the Law of Contract?
Where did the DPP studied law? Doesn’t she know the doctrine of Freedom
of Contract?

Since when can you charge a man for “fraud” in the

Magistrate’s Court and that same offence is being
litigated in a civil action against another man (Alim
Samad) in the High Court by the victims?

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