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Managing Compensation


Dr. Ajay Singh

The Three Rs to motivate employees

The Three Rs
Reward Recognition Responsibility

What is Compensation?How is it fixed?

Is it money for labour? Is it money for the effort made and time spent?

It is money for value (Contribution).

The Four Ps of fixing compensation

The Four Ps of fixing compensation are:

Position Person (qualification) Performance Place (cost of living, difficulty level, etc.)

Types of Remuneration in a Pay Structure

Direct Financial Benefits
Basic Pay, PLR, incentives, DA, Fringe benefits, HRA, etc.

Indirect Financial Benefits

Paid holiday, ESOP, reimbursement against medical etc.

Factors that influence compensation.

Compensation of each job depends on.

External Factors
Market Rate (Market survey conducted) Cost of Living Legal Considerations

Internal Factors
Organisational Strategy Job Evaluation Capacity to Pay Union Influence

Job Evaluation
What is Job Evaluation? Popular methods of job evaluation are...
Ranking Method Job Classification (or grading) Method Factor Comparison Method Point Rating (each compensatory factor has a point)

New Methods of Salary Fixation

Broad banding Performance and competency based reward
Gain sharing small group incentives Individual incentives Bonus knowledge/competency based

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