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Decimals and Money

10p is one tenth of a pound (1 10 = 10p)

1p is one hundredth of a pound (1 100 = 1p)

For example 1.23 = 1 whole pound (unit), 2 tenths of a pound and 3 hundredths of a pound. U . Tth Hth

Decimal Blocks
Think of this block as 1 unit.

If you break it into 10 pieces, you get 10 tenths Think of this as 1 tenth. You need 10 of these to make 1 unit.

If you break this into 10 pieces, you get 10 hundredths Think of this as 1 hundredth. You need 100 of these to make 1 unit.

So 1.23 = one unit, two tenths and 3 hundredths

Decimals and Measure

Centimetres We divide centimetres into ten equal millimetres. 1 mm is a tenth of a 1 cm. This line shows 1.3 cm (1 unit and 3 tenths)

Metres We divide metres into a hundred equal centimetres. 1 cm is a hundredth of 1 m. 10 cm is a tenth of 1 m. 0.13 m is 13 hundredths of a metre.

Decimals and Fractions

Fractions divide a whole into any number of equal parts. Decimal fractions divide a whole into 10, 100, 1000 equal parts. One whole chocolate bar has 10 pieces. one whole (unit) = 1 One piece of the chocolate bar is a tenth. one piece (tenth) = 0.1 = 1

If we ate 5 pieces of the bar 0.5 or 5 (which is 1 )

10 2

If we ate 1 whole bar and 3 pieces of another 1.3 or 1

3 10

0.1 =

1 10

0.01 =

1 100

2.13 = 2

13 100

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