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Quiz on Kingdom Plantae By Joshua A.


1. What do you call the food reserves that are used by the organisms belonging to Kingdom Plantae? Ans. Starch 2. True or false. Most of the organisms classified under kingdom plantae can be found in an aquatic environment. Ans. False Terrestrial organisms. 3. The two distinct generation of the members of the kingdom plantae are __________ and ________. Ans. Gametophyte and Sporophyte Generations. 4. True or false. Gametophyte phase consists of the haploid phase while the sporophyte phase is the diploid phase. Ans. True. 5. In this division of the kingdom plantae have distinct features such as whorls of leaves arising from the nodes. Ans. Sphenophyta. 6. Bryophytes consists of Psilophyta, lycophyta, sphenophyta and pterophyta divisions. Ans. False 7. What do you call the brown structures located on the undersurface of the mature fronds? Ans. Sori/sorus. 8. The organism Equisetum sp. Belongs to what group and division of the kingdom plantae? Ans. Tracheophytes, sphenophyta. 9. True or false. Those that belong to the division psilophyta exhibit two kinds of spores, homosporous and heterosporous. Ans. False 10. In general what do you call the reproductive structures of those that belong to Coniferophyta and Anthophyta? Ans. Cone or strobilus.

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