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Introduction: Understanding Information Technology

Chapter 1, Exploring the Digital Domain

In this chapter . . .
You will learn about

the importance of information for most enterprises understanding the roles of information technology in shaping how we manage and preserve information how digital information technology subsumes and merges other information technologies how digital information technology affects our lives, our work, and our world

The Nature of Information

information implies

facts knowledge significance and meaning

Shannon and Weaver described information as

what is beyond chance prediction it reduces our uncertainty about predicting states of the world

Information Technology

technologies are artificial instruments, processes or systems that extend our natural capabilities

e.g.s: the wheel, agriculture, electric light bulb

Information technologies extend natural forms of representing and communicating information to incorporate artificial and external forms

e.g.s: writing, the printing press, telephone

Digital Information Technology

employs digital methods for the representation, processing, and communication of information represents a new breed of information technology it has the capability to imitate, extend, and subsume other technologies

3 Classes of Information Users

information consumers

individuals who need or benefit from information services for both work or leisure vendors, distributors of information services professions that depend on the analysis, assessment, and use of specific forms of information

information producers

information workers

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