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Topic: Build MDGs Global Development Framework Beyond 2015 for MDG 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
Enormous progress has been made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, (MDGs). Global poverty continues to decline, more children than ever are attending primary school, child deaths have dropped dramatically, access to safe drinking water has been greatly expanded, and targeted investments in fighting malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis have saved millions. The MDGs are making a real difference in peoples lives and, with strong leadership and accountability, this progress can be expanded in most of the worlds countries by the target date of 2015. After 2015, efforts to achieve a world of prosperity, equity, freedom, dignity and peace will continue unabated. Questions that has been reached: 1. 2. 3. 4. What was your countrys condition before MDG 1 is raised by UN? Which targets of MDG 1 that have been achieved your country in last few years? What kind of efforts that been approached by your country to achieve the targets? What is your countrys ambitious post-2015 agenda for MDG 1?

Footnotes for delegates:

1. Do the deep research! 2. State important things on your position paper! (Before this is due, learn about position paper on the instructions!) 3. Prepare yourself up! (Your speech, your research, and performances) 4. Do your best!

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