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A] List the detail of account who have saving account. SELECT c_id,c_name,acc_type FROM acc,customer WHERE c_id=acc_no.

B] List the name and address of account holder who has loan amount more than 50,000. SELECT c_name,adds,l_amt FROM customer, loan Where l_amt=50,000.

C] Change the name of the customer asABC whose account number is 3. UPDATE customer SET c_name=ABC WHERE acc_no=3.

D] List the account no with total deposit is more than 80,000. SELECT acc_no,deposit FROM account,transaction WHERE deposite=80,000.

E] List the number of fixed deposit account in the bank. SELECT * FROM account WHERE acc_type=fixed.

F] Display the details of customer who created their accounts between 20-Jan-08 to 20Aug-08. SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE dot BET (20-1-08 and20-8-08).

G] Display the details transaction on 28th aug 2008. SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE dot=28-8-2008.

H] Delete the name of customer who having loan account no is 3. DELETE FROM loan WHERE acc_no =3.

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