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High Rope Activities: Generic Risk Assessment

Equipment failure Regular in-house and external checks of structures, equipment and procedures. Ensure that session check-list is followed and signed prior to daily use Abandon session in electrical storms or if there is a Risk of winds reaching Force 5 or above. No smoking near equipment Falling object Check trees and surrounding areas for broken limbs and damaged foliage. Check karabiners are closed before use. Empty pockets before climbing. Observers stand to side of element Bruises, cuts and Warm up in colder weather. strains Briefing of strenuous activity - especially for older groups. Remove rings and watches before climbing Ensure that hair is tied back Ensure that neckl aces or hoody strings are tucked away Double check all knots before climbing especially those tied by delegates. First aid kit to be on site and visible during session. Head injury Use of helmets at all times when on site. Falling due to All activities to be undertaken by a suitably qualified and passed poor belaying out person. Full training and assessment of belayer before climber begins Spot the first 3m of the climb. Climbers to be kept on a reasonably tight rope. Constant vigilance by instructor throughout session. Use a belay buddy to tail and ensure correct usage. All lowering to be directly supervised by staff. Student freezes or Use of progression. panics Close supervision and support Participants must be briefed about correct procedure before use of any equipment. Ensure use of Challenge by Choice in all sessions. Heart attack Delegates who are seriously overweight, very unfit or have a history of heart trouble or high blood pressure should not do this activity.

Protective Measures

Tel: 01743 232561

Adventure Rope Course Ltd is a Registered Company (Number 5983206) Registered Office: 6 Claremont Buildings, Claremont Bank, SHREWSBURY, SY1 1RJ

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