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Entrepreneur & Creativity

Creativity is the generation of ideas that results in the improved efficiency or effectiveness of a system. Two important aspects of creativity exists i.e. process & people in which process remains the same but approach of the people will vary.

Two approaches of creative problem solving

Adaptor -Employs disciplined and methodical approach -Concerned with solving rather finding problems -Attempts to refine current practices -Tends to be means oriented -Sensitive to group cohesiveness and cooperation -Is capable of doing detailed work Innovator -Approaches task from unusual angle

-Discovers problems and solutions

-Questions basic assumptions -More interested in ends -Insensitive to others -Has little tolerance for routine work

Phases or Steps in creative process

Creativity is not some mysterious & rare talent. The creative process involves seeing relationship among things others have not.

Creative Process

Knowledge Accumulation

Creative Process


Evaluation & Implementation

Creative ----contd
Phase-I: Here creative search for background knowledge is initiated like reading, joining professional groups, attending meetings & seminars, travel to new places, scanning magazines, newspapers & journals, recording useful information. Phase-II: To induce incubation engage in routine mindless activities like grass cutting, painting etc, exercise, play sports, meditate, sit back & relax.

Phase-III: Idea experience Eureka factor. It is when idea or solution is discovered which an individual was seeking for. To speed up work in leisurely environment, take breaks while working etc. Phase-IV: Idea from phase III needs to be modified and tested. *If unable to formulate idea or solution then returning to phase - I often helps.

Unlocking creativity-Techniques
Creativity tends to decline with age and lack of use. It begins to decline when person starts schooling. And continue through teens and thereafter. To ignite it: 1. Brainstorming 2. Reverse Brainstorming 3. Brain Writing 4. Check list method 5. Free Association 6. Forced relationship 7. Collective notebook method 8. Attribute listing 9. Parameter analysis

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