Interpretation: VIII-77-31

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Date Issued: File:

March 18, 1977 NA

Question 1: Do the service restrictions of UW-2(a) for lethal substances and UW-2(c) for unfired steam boilers with design pressures exceeding 50 psi permit the use of partial radiography under UW11(a)(5)(b)? Reply 1: For lethal substances, all butt welds in vessels are required to be examined radiographically for their full length as prescribed in UW-11(a)(1) except as provided in UW-11(a)(4) which permits no radiography for Categories B and C butt welds in nozzles and communicating chambers that neither exceed 10 in. nominal pipe size nor 1-1/8 in. wall thickness. Question 2: Does the term "fully radiographed" in UW-12(a) include the provisions for partial radiography under UW-11(a)(5)(b)? Reply 2: Affirmative.

Question 3: In Table UCS-57, is partial radiography permitted for butt welded joints above the nominal thicknesses listed in the table for the various P-Number and group number classifications? Reply 3: Negative. [See also UW-11(a)(2)]

Question 4: Does UHA-33(b) require radiography for the full length without the use of partial radiography for the butt welded joints in vessels of the various materials listed therein? Reply 4: Affirmative.

Question 5: In UHT-5(a) it refers to "complete radiographic examination" in accordance with UW51. Does this permit the use of partial radiography under UW-11(a)(5)(b)? Reply 5: Negative. Complete radiographic examination requires this examination for 100% of the length of the weld.

Interpretation: VIII-77-31 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1, UW-12(c) Date Issued: March 18, 1977 File: NA Question: Under Section VIII, Division 1, UG-31, does the 20% stress reduction in UW-12(c) for nonradiographed vessels apply to electric resistance welded pipe as shown in Table UCS-23? Reply: UW-12(c) requires that ". . in all other design calculations . . ." 80% of the allowable stress is required except as specified therein. If a vessel utilizes a resistance welded pipe as the shell of a vessel, and there are arc or gas welded butt joints that are not radiographed, the stress reduction in UW12(c) applies.

Interpretation: VIII-77-32 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1, UG-101 Date Issued: March 25, 1977 File: NA

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