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Name (of editor):_________________________________ Name of persons paper (youre editing):_________________________________ Introduction Paragraph(s): 1.

Does the first sentence grab your attention? Why or why not? 2. What is the problem stated? 3. What are the causes of the problem? What are the effects of the problem? 4. Why does the writer state that the problem is important? Who is affected by this problem? 5. Who is the audience of the paper? How do you know? (word choice) Does the audience change? 6. What words used in the first paragraph grabbed your attention? What if any words were repeated more than once and/or unclear, or confusing? 7. What is the solution stated? Is it realistic/reasonable? Body Paragraphs: 1. How did they transition from the first to the second paragraph? 2. What materials did the writer say are needed in order for the solution to work? Did the writer provide (give) examples or go into detail? 3. What are the advantages (good things) about this solution? Do they seem to be significant/important? 4. Will this solution help prevent (stop) the problem from continuing to happen (or getting worse)? 5. Did the writer explain how the solution will work? How long it will take? Who is needed to help? 6. Did the writer use any vague (unclear) words? Did s/he repeat a word or words several times? If yes, write them down. What (if any) part of the essay was confusing or off topic?

7. What word or words grabbed your attention? Conclusion: 1. How did the writer transition from the body paragraphs to the conclusion? 2. Did the writer restate the problem and solution in a new and unique way? Did the writer leave you with something to think about? If yes, what was it?

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