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Despre iubire

Conf. dr. Aurora Szentagotai

Factor motivator

Atasament (Bartels et al., 2004)

hTh = hipotalamus Tha = talamus SN = substanta nigra VTA = aria ventrotegmentala

Recompensa (Zeki, 2007)

Beneficii (Myers, 2000)

Stare de bine Sanatate fizica Speranta de viata

Stare de bine Sanatate fizica (creste morbiditatea) Speranta de viata

A placea si a iubi (Rubin, 1973)

A placea: respect, admiratie, maturitate, intelepciune

A iubi: 1. Atasament 2. Grija 3. Incredere

Teoria triarhica a iubirii (Sternberg,

1986, 1988)

Teoria triarhica a iubirii (Sternberg,

1986, 1988) Intimitate Friendship x Pasiune Angajament

Empty Romantic x

x x

Companionat e Fatuous Consumate


Stiluride iubire (Lee, 1973);

LAS (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1986) 1. Eros = pasiune
____ My partner and I were attracted to each other immediately after we first met.

2. Ludus = joc
____ I try to keep my partner a little uncertain about my commitment to him/her

3. Storge = parteneriat
____ It is hard for me to say exactly when our friendship turned into love.

Stiluride iubire (Lee, 1973);

LAS (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1986) 4. Pragma = pragmatica
____ In choosing my partner, I believe it was best to love someone with a similar background.

5. Mania = obsesiva
____ When my partner does not pay attention to me, I feel sick all over.

6. Agape = daruire
____ I would rather suffer myself than let my partner suffer.

Cine seamana..? Alegerea partenerului


Nivel educational Religie Inteligenta Valori Atitudini Aspect fizic

Si NU au trait fericiti pana la batranete

Evaluarea caracteristicilor potentialului partener este puternic biasata Sfaturile celorlalti au foarte putin efect Probabilitatea de despartire este puternic subestimata (Frey et al., 1996)

67% in decursul a 40 de ani de casnicie

Predictori ai problemelor (John Gottman)



3. 4.


Inceput abrupt Cei 4 calareti critica, resentimente, defensivitate, areactivitate Inundarea (flooding) Semnale corporale Incercari esuate de remediere Amintiri neplacute

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