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DISCHARGE PLAN MEDICATION: Instruct the patient and family to follow at home medication as prescribed by the physician such

h as CALCIUM GLUCONATE : (10 ml per orem once a day) 12 noon after meal GENTAMYCIN : (80 mg thrice a day) 6am, 2pm, 10pm advice patient to take with meal PARACETAMOL: (300mg every 4hours) 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm instruct patient to take it with meal. EXERCISE: Encourage early ambulation Promote exercise to the client especially ROM. Simple Exercise like walking outdoors to provide the body with fresh air and eliminate bacteria Deep Breathing Exercise

TREATMENT: All medications are to be taken for prescribed period

Advise patient to follow or comply medications ordered by the physician

Avoid strenous work because the patient becomes easily fatigue Nutritional plan to promote good nutrition Promoting airway clearance

HEALTH TEACHING: Encourage client to have proper hygiene like taking a bath, meticulous hand washing, and brushing her teeth every after meal. Advice patient and family to continue monitoring of bleeding Provide a calm and accepting environment. Encourage patient to have adequate rest and sleep at least 8hours a day. OUT PATIENT: Inform patient that follow up check up after a week or a month is important to have a continuous monitoring of care even after attainment of the course of medical therapy. Advice client and family to carry out follow up diagnostic examination. Instruct the family to report any unusual sign and symptoms experienced by the patient like heavy bleeding, difficulty of breathing, and severe pain most especially of the lower portion of abdomen.

DIET: Encourage client to have a variety of nutritious food like fruits that rich in vitamin C (orange, guava, kiwi) and green leafy vegetables once instructed by the physician. Encourage patient to increase fluid intake at least 2-3 liters a day. Instruct client to have a low salt low fat diet. Advice client not to skip meal and have a regular eating pattern or schedule. SPIRITUAL: Supporting religious practice. Assisting client with prayers. Refer client for spiritual counselling.

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