Burma Cyclone-PRNewswire

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Contact: Nasserie Carew, 202-552-6561 (Office), 202-341-3814 (Cell), ncarew@interaction.org

Tawana Jacobs, 202-552-6534 (Office), 301-325-8687 (Cell), tjacobs@interaction.org

InterAction Members Respond to the Cyclone in Burma

Washington, DC—As of today, Tuesday, May 6, state officials have estimated the death toll in
Burma from Cyclone Nargisat at over 22,000. Over 40,000 people are missing and millions
more are homeless. Priority emergency relief needs are shelter, food, water, medicines and
electricity. Washed-out roads have made it impossible to reach many people in more remote
areas. In seven of the worst affected deltas, communities are reporting 90-95% damage.

Food is available, but costs have risen 50%. The cost of fuel has risen 100%.

Though the government formally requested emergency aid on Monday, May 5, restrictions on
the movements of international aid agency staff members have slowed down assessment and
relief operations. InterAction members are responding to this crisis through a variety of
mechanisms, including, but not limited to: emergency medical assistance, transitional shelter,
provision of non-food items, and debris clearing.

A regularly updated list of member agencies responding to the cyclone is available at:

InterAction has also developed guidelines on the most appropriate ways to help those affected
by overseas disasters: http://www.interaction.org/disaster/guide_giving.html.


InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international development and humanitarian

nongovernmental organizations. Our 165 members operate in every developing country, working with
local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life.

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