Microscope Lab Report

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Lab #1 The Microscope Report

1. Match the part of the microscope to the description on the right (0.5 each = 2.5 marks). Part of Microscope Description A. Condenser B. Coarse-adjustment knob C. Stage controls D. Fine-adjustment knob E. Objective lens C move the slide D used for precise focusing B Bused for general focusing E have different magnifications A focuses light on the specimen

2. What is the total magnification if the ocular lens is 10X and the objective lens is 100X? Show your calculations (2 marks). Equation: Total Magnification= OcL x ObL TM= 10 x 100 = 1000x When finding the total magnification of the ocular lends and the objective lens, the result was 1000x. 3. Why should you scan a specimen under scanning power before using higher magnifications (2 marks)? The reason why an individual should scan a specimen under a scanning power before higher magnifications is to initially find the specimen before moving on to a higher magnification. After finding the specimen, the individual should increase the magnification of the microscope and refocus it. Also, you need to use the coarse adjustment knob to locate the specimen, since the fine coarse adjustment knob is used for precise focusing and used during high power, and oil immersion power.

4. After focusing on the top of the specimen, what happens to the depth of focus as you turn the fine adjustment knob backward (1.5 marks)? After focusing the top of the specimen, the depth of focus as you turn the fine adjustment knob backward becomes unfocused and blurry. You need to turn the fine adjustment knob both backwards and forwards because it will sharpen the image. Also, it will raise or lower the objective lens. The same situation happens with a coarse adjustment knob. However, you need to be careful to not touch the lens and the slide because it can damage the lens and the slide. Lastly, turning the adjustment knob will focus mostly on the higher level sections of the specimen until the top of the surface of the slide is in view. The stage moves up and down, which moves the slide away or closer from the objective lens. 5. How is poor light quality affected by opening the iris diaphragm (1 mark)? The poor light quality affected by opening of the iris diaphragm is that it would be harder to identify the cell, and not have a clear view of the cell due to the cell/specimen being in a dim setting. Since having poor light quality, this can lead to having an incorrect view and information about the specimen in question. Also, the data collected in lab will be false and can lead to misinterpretation. In addition, by increasing the light quality by opening the iris diaphragm will lead to a bright image of the specimen in question. Lastly, opening the diaphragm completely, will allow more light in, therefore being able to see the specimen clearer. Having the diaphragm close, will allow less light in, which will allow the specimen to become less visible and dim. 6. Summarize the procedure for preparing a wet mount slide (3 marks). To prepare the wet mount slide, the following procedure should be followed: - Materials that are needed are: paper towel, a clean/ sterilized slide, coverslip , methylene blue stain with a dropper/Wrights stain with a dropper, a flat toothpick - On a clean slide place one drop of methylene blue or Wrights stain and place it on a table. - Get a toothpick and scrap the desired surface in order to have cells on the toothpick. - Transfer the toothpick with cells onto the surface of the slide with the methylene blue or Wrights stain by stirring the toothpick in the solution - After stirring the toothpick in the stain solution, discard the toothpick in a biohazardous waste basket - Pick up the slide and coverslip, and gently place the coverslip, over the stain and cells. In order to place the coverslip correctly, you must place the coverslip on one side of the slide and then gently lowering it to cover the rest of the slide. Avoid getting fingerprints on the coverslip, as this can lead

to incorrect data. If any excess liquid is around the coverslip, carefully clean the area with paper towel, and discard in the appropriate waste basket. - Lastly, place the slide under the microscope and begin the experiment. 7. Briefly describe how to put away and store your microscope (3 marks). To put away and store the microscope, the following steps must be followed: Remove the slide that was being used during the lab, and dispose of it correctly. Turn the light off and allow it to cool down. Bring the stage all the way down by using the stage control. Lower the objective lens to the lowest setting. In our lab it should be at the scanning power setting. Afterwards, the eyepiece and the objective lens should be cleaned with lens paper. Lens paper is the only paper that should be used to clean these areas. The reason why cleaning these areas is important is to remove excess dirt and oil, as well as it can damage the lens. Also, make sure the stage is clean. Wrap the electric cord in a safe manner, by wrapping the cord around the neck of the microscope and making sure the power port is secured. Lastly, place the dust cover over the microscope, and store it in a cool and dry place, such as a cabinet.

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