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Uses: 1.

To talk about something that started before a certain time in the past and was still in progress at that time. At 10:30 I was walking along King Street. 2.- To describe a situation that happened in the past. What were they wearing? They were wearing jeans.

Affirmative form
I was standing out the post office when I saw them. He She It
We You were shouting and screaming. They

Negative form
I was not He wasnt doing his chores while she was working She wasnt It wasnt We werent You werent making a lot of noise last night. They werent

Yes / No questions
I he Was she watching t.v. last night? Yes, she was. it No, she wasnt.
Were we eating in a restaurant? Yes, we were. you No, we werent. they

Information questions
What were you doing yesterday at 4:00 oclock? I was buying a pair of shoes. What was he wearing? He was wearing a dark suit.

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