The Secrets Kyusho

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Stefan Reinisch (1970) is a 4th degree

Dan in Jiu Jitsu. He works as a teacher

of Jiu-Jitsu at the sports institute of the
university of Vienna, as a counselor in
behavior and safety training for compa-
nies as well as teacher of self-defense for
women and girls.

Juergen Hoeller (1953) is athletic trainer
and therapist. He is a 3rd degree Dan in
Taekwondo, Ashihira Karate and Jiu-Jit-
su; moreover, he has several black belts
in Judo and Combat Hapkido. He gives
lectures at home and abroad and works
as a teacher in the schooling of trainers
in different sports organizations (Tae-
kwondo, Judo, Fencing). He is an athletic
trainer, a Karate trainer and an author.
Axel Maluschka (1972) is Business Coach
and author. He has been training in
different martial arts (Ashihira Karate,
Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kickboxing) since
1996 and is a student of Juergen Hoeller.
He is coauthor of numerous martial arts
^ttack loints in Sclf dcfcnsc and Vartial ^rts
^s authors of a joint projcct wc'rc indcbtcd to thc following pcrsons.
larald Varck V.^. 4th Lan Jujitsu) for his conprchcnsivc work as photographcr.
Scnior Consultant, Lr. Vchdi Vousavi Sth Lan Jujitsu) for thc forcword and for
taking a critical look at our work in thc book.
Lr. Jhonas lausncr 6th Lan KaratcLo), Spccialist for Jrauna Surgcry and Sur
gical Spccialist at thc 0Kl ^ccidcnt lospital) Lorcn. 8ohlcr vicnna, for his input
rcgarding thc solar plcxus and ccliac plcxus.
Lr. Vorit. 1st Lan Jujitsu) for his ncdical advicc.
lctcr huttcr Sth Lan Shotokan Karatc), Vanagcncnt Coach, lawycr, two tincs
world viccChanpion in Karatc for his assistancc with thc covcr picturc.
Scbastian hudigicr 1st Lan Jujitsu) for acting as our nodcl for thc additional
photos in thc sccond cdition.
^lcxandra hungc for thc covcr photo.
8cnjanin Schnid for bcing thc "victin for thc additional photos in this cdition.
Jhanks to cach of you!
Stcfan - Jucrgcn - ^xcl
Jhis book contains sonc tcchniqucs that can bc dangcrous and nust only bc practiccd
undcr thc supcrvision of a qualificd traincr or instructor. Jhc author and thc publishcrs
cannot bc hcld rcsponsiblc for any injurics that night rcsult.
Jhis book has bccn writtcn using cxclusivcly thc nalc forn of thc pcrsonal pronoun. 0f
coursc, for rcasons of sinplicity this should bc undcrstood to includc thc fcnalc forn
as wcll.
Stcfan hcinisch, Jucrgcn locllcr & ^xcl Valuschka
Meyer & Meyer Sport
8ritish Library Cataloguing in lublication Lata
^ cataloguc rccord for this book is availablc fron thc 8ritish Library
^ttack loints in Sclf dcfcnsc and Vartial ^rts
Stcfan hcinisch, Jucrgcn locllcr & ^xcl Valuschka
Vaidcnhcad. Vcycr & Vcycr Sport 0K) Ltd., 2012
S8l. 9781841263618
^ll rights rcscrvcd. Lxccpt for usc in a rcvicw, no part of this publication naybc rcproduccd,
storcd in a rctricval systcn, or transnittcd, in any forn or by any ncans now known or hcrc
aftcr invcntcd without thc prior writtcn pcrnission of thc publishcr.
Jhis book nay not bc lcnt, rcsold, hircd out or othcrwisc disposcd of by way of tradc in any forn, binding or covcr
othcr than that which is publishcd, without thc prior writtcn conscnt of thc publishcr.
2012 by Vcycr & Vcycr Sport 0K) Ltd.
^uckland, 8cirut, 8udapcst, Cairo, Capc Jown, Lubai, ndianapolis,
Kindbcrg, Vaidcnhcad, Sydncy, 0ltcn, Singaporc, Jchran, Joronto
Vcnbcr of thc world
Sport lublishcrs' ^ssociation wSl^)
lrintcd by. 8.0.S.S Lruck und Vcdicn Cnbl
S8l. 9781841263618
LVail. infoOnnsports.con
0riginal titlc. Kyusho - ^ngriffspunktc in Sclbstvcrtcidigung und Kanpfsport
^achcn. Vcycr & Vcycr, 3
cdition, 2012
Foreword 0r. Mehdi Mousavi ...................................................................................................8
Foreword 0r. Franz Knaf| ...........................................................................................................9
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 11
Jhe Resu|ts of Using Kyusho ............................................................................................... 13
& 6iiVX`Ed^cihdci]Z=ZVY##################################################################### &-
1.1 Lyes................................................................................................................................ 18
1.2 ChinZProtuberancia menta|is ................................................................................. 21
1.3 Corners of the mouth ................................................................................................ 22
1.4 Nose boneZRoot of the noseZ0s nasa|e ............................................................ 23
1.5 Subnasa| point .......................................................................................................... 29
1.6 0reat auricu|ar nerveZNervus auricu|aris magnus ........................................... 32
1.7 8ucca| (cheek) nerveZNervus bucca|is ................................................................ 34
1.8 Forehead nerveZ Nervus fronta|is ......................................................................... 39
1.9 Infraorbita| nerveZNervus infraorbita|is .............................................................. 43
1.10 Menta| nerveZNervus menta|is .............................................................................. 44
1.11 Upper |ip ...................................................................................................................... 49
1.12 Lar .................................................................................................................................. 51
1.13 Parotid g|andZParotis .............................................................................................. 55
1.14 Sku|| ............................................................................................................................... 59
1.15 Jempora| bone ............................................................................................................ 63
1.16 Forehead humpsZJubera fronta|ia ....................................................................... 67
1.17 Lower [aw ..................................................................................................................... 70
1.18 Submandibu|ar g|andZ0|andu|a submandibu|aris .......................................... 73
1.19 Lower |ip ....................................................................................................................... 78
1.20 Sub|ingua| g|andZ0|andu|a sub|ingua|is............................................................ 79
1.21 Cheeks ........................................................................................................................ 80
1.22 0enta| a|veo|i ............................................................................................................. 81
' 6iiVX`Ed^cihdci]ZCZX`###################################################################### -(
2.1 CarotisZCommon carotid artery ............................................................................ 83
2.2 Nape of the neckZCervica| spine .......................................................................... 89
2.3 Jugu|ar notchZFossa [ugu|aris ............................................................................... 96
2.4 Neck side musc|eZMuscu|us sternoc|eidomastoideus ...................................101
2.5 Neck side musc|e - insertion point .....................................................................105
2.6 Neck side musc|e - insertion point ho||ow .......................................................107
2.7 Larynx ........................................................................................................................111
2.8 C|avic|e ho||ow .........................................................................................................113
2.9 JrapeziusZMuscu|us trapezius .............................................................................114
( 6iiVX`Ed^cihdci]ZIdghd###################################################################&&-
3.1 ArmpitZAxi||a ...........................................................................................................118
3.2 8reastboneZSternum ..............................................................................................120
3.3 Chest musc|es ...........................................................................................................124
3.4 Nipp|esZMammary g|andsZ0|andu|a mammaria ..........................................125
3.5 Jestic|es ......................................................................................................................126
3.6 Liver .............................................................................................................................131
3.7 0roin ............................................................................................................................134
3.8 Stomach ......................................................................................................................137
3.9 Sp|een ....................................................................................................................... 139
3.10 0e|toid musc|es ........................................................................................................141
3.11 Kidneys .......................................................................................................................144
3.12 Kidney regionZSkin fo|ds ......................................................................................147
3.13 Ribs ..............................................................................................................................147
3.14 C|avic|eZCo||arbone ................................................................................................150
3.15 So|ar p|exusZP|exus coe|iacus ..............................................................................153
3.16 Coccyx .........................................................................................................................156
3.17 Lower abdomen (8|adder, Intestines, Pubic bone) .........................................158
) 6iiVX`Ed^cihdci]Z6gbh###################################################################&+%
4.1 Skin of the arm ........................................................................................................160
4.2 8icepsZMuscu|us biceps brachii ..........................................................................162
4.3 L|bows .........................................................................................................................164
4.4 Hand ............................................................................................................................167
4.5 wrist ............................................................................................................................169
4.6 Jhe nai|s .....................................................................................................................172
4.7 Median nerveZNervus medianus .........................................................................174
4.8 Radia| nerveZNervus radia|is ...............................................................................176
4.9 U|nar nerveZNervus u|naris ..................................................................................180
4.10 Inside of the upper arm .........................................................................................182
4.11 Jriceps - Fina| chord ...............................................................................................184
* 6iiVX`Ed^cihdci]ZAZ\h####################################################################&-+
5.1 Achi||es tendon .........................................................................................................186
5.2 Instep ..........................................................................................................................189
5.3 Skin on the inside of the thigh ............................................................................191
5.4 Knee ............................................................................................................................192
5.5 Ho||ow of the knee ..................................................................................................195
5.6 Sciatic nerveZNervus ischiadicus ........................................................................198
5.7 0uter side of the thigh .........................................................................................200
5.8 Inner side of the thigh ...........................................................................................204
5.9 ShinboneZJibia ........................................................................................................209
5.10 Ca|ves ........................................................................................................................214
5.11 Fibu|a ..........................................................................................................................216
+ HeZX^VaIZX]c^fjZh#################################################################################''%
6eeZcY^m/ Recommended |iterature ................................................................................224
Footnote References ..............................................................................................................225
web|inks ...................................................................................................................................226
Picture Acknow|edgements..................................................................................................227
Lega| Notice .............................................................................................................................228
Jhc nartial arts fron thc lar Last havc cnjoycd incrcasing popularity
in thc last fcw ycars. Jhis fact is rcflcctcd in thc nuncrous books,
naga.incs, and othcr litcraturc about 8ushido that arc flooding thc
narkct at thc noncnt. lowcvcr, forgctting thc tcchnical infornation,
if you scarch for any works on thc physical principlcs, anatonical
physiological dcscriptions or cvcn ncdical sports rcconncndations,
you will bc quickly disappointcd. t is cxactly thcsc points, thc
socallcd vital points, that cannot bc lcarncd without ncccssary
knowlcdgc of thc anatonical facts and physiological rcgulatory ncchanisns of thc
body. Vany of thcsc points arc uscd as acupuncturc points to curc various discascs,
but scvcral of thcsc points can bc lifcthrcatcning for thc opponcnt. 0nly knowlcdgc
of thcsc facts by thc uscr can gcncratc thc ncccssary rcsponsibility to bc ablc to judgc
thc situation corrcctly and rcact adcquatcly to a possiblc attack.
Jhc authors havc attcnptcd to illustratc and cxplain thc anatonical basics of thc
vital points in this book through tcxt and picturcs. Jhc way to usc thcsc points in sclf
dcfcnsc by applying prcssurc on scnsitivc arcas and thcir rcsulting cffccts arc cxplaincd
in dctail. Jhc dangcrs of using thcsc vital points arc bascd on ncdical factors.
Jhc authors havc succccdcd for thc first tinc in producing a ncdicalscicntificbascd
work that natchcs thc rcquircncnts of thc rcadcr fron norc than a tcchnical aspcct.
Vorcovcr, thc book scrvcs as a rcfcrcncc work for thosc cxcrcising, covcring how and
whcrc such prcssurc points can achicvc bcst cffccts. Jhcrcforc, this book should bc in
cvcry 8udoka's library.
with long standing practicc in thc nartial arts, rcconncnd thc rcadcr not
undcrcstinatc thc prcssurc points and stay in constant practicc with thcn bccausc only
thc corrcct prccision in cxccuting Kyusho can guarantcc absolutc and pcrfcct dcfcnsc.
"lc, who thinks hc is good, stops trying to bc bcttcr.
Lr. Vchdi Vousavi
lcad of thc ^ccidcnt Surgical and Sports ^ccidcnt Lcpartncnt of thc Social Vcdical
Ccntcr LastLonau lospital in vicnna.
Sth Lan Jujitsu, Kawaishi hyu)
^s Ccncral Sccrctary of thc Luropcan Jujitsu 0nion L.J.J.0.) and
lrcsidcnt of Shobukai ^ustria, it is a plcasurc for nc to writc
thc forcword to thc third cdition of Kyusho, which covcrs thc
scnsitivc points of thc hunan body. t givcs thc intcrcstcd rcadcr
a didactic, wcllstructurcd undcrstanding and ovcrvicw about thc
inportant prcssurc and vital points on thc body and cxplains
thcir cfficicncy and possiblc cffccts.
Jhis book shows nany potcntial sclfdcfcnsc scqucnccs and givcs cvcry
pcrson cxcrcising ncw inpulscs for daily training. Sinultancously, it dispcls nany
nyths and is cqually a call to cast a critical cyc on this thcnc.
Lvcn though thc indcx of contcnts and cxplanations of thc individual tcchniqucs
covcr attack points on thc hcad, ncck, torso, arns and lcgs, thc ain is clcar that thc
uscs of Kyusho against an attackcr arc prinarily for thcir usc in dcfcnsc.
Jhc authors and thcir adviscrs havc had nuch cxpcricncc with thc various 8udo
disciplincs for nany ycars. ^s practicing sportsncn of various farcastcrn nartial
arts, thcy know wcll thc thcorctical and practical background for thc prccisc and
purposcful according to thc situation) application of Kyusho fron thcir own practicc
and cxpcricncc of thc cffccts.
Jhis tcxtbook idcally scrvcs to broadcn thc knowlcdgc of both nastcr and pupil.
lowcvcr, it cannot rcplacc thc ncccssary and rcsponsiblc training with cxpcrt
instructors and traincd partncrs. Corrcct Jujitsu, Karatc, Jackwondo and othcr nartial
arts dcnand uncnding and lifclong training.
Lr. lran. Knafl
8th Lan Jujitsu Kawaishi hyu
Ccncral Sccrctary Luropcan Jujitsu 0nion
lrcsidcnt Shobukai ^ustria lippon Jujitsu Coursc
lcad at thc 0nivcrsity Sports nstitutc vicnna 0nivcrsitatsSportinstitut wicn)
"livc point palncxploding hcart tcchniquc fron Qucntin Jarantino's filn Kill 8ill,
volunc 2 2004), Lntcr thc Lragon 1973) with 8rucc Lcc, ctc.
whcncvcr thc subjcct of ^sian nartial arts concs up, sooncr or latcr sccrctivc
tcchniqucs arc alludcd to that havc bccn handcd down only to thc bcst studcnts of
thc top nastcrs. Jhc lcgcnd of thc "Jouch of Lcath could only havc bccn crcatcd on
thc basis of a lack of knowlcdgc by thc avcragc pcrson rcgarding thc anatony of thc
hunan body - soncthing that has clcarly not changcd nuch ovcr tinc.
^lthough our knowlcdgc about thc conposition of thc hunan body has incrcascd,
in nany books on thc subjcct of nartial arts, an cxplanation conccrning thc cffcct of
various striking and prcssurc tcchniqucs has rcduccd to ncntioning ncrcly "causcs
pain, paralysis, dcath. Lxplanations arc nissing. Sinply fron a standpoint of pcrsonal
rcsponsibility for onc's training partncrs and fron a lcgal point of vicw) it would bc
vcry wclconc if thc followcrs of nartial arts dclvcd norc into thc possiblc ncdical
outconc of thcir actions.
Jhc tinc dclay of thc cffcct of ccrtain actions is of coursc part of thc rcason for thc
sccrctivc aura of this aspcct of nartial arts. 0n thc onc hand, howcvcr, as cvcry accidcnt
surgcon knows, thc phcnoncna that synptons arisc concs a ccrtain anount of tinc
aftcr thc actual incidcnt c.g., intcrnal injurics following a kick). 0n thc othcr hand,
a tcchniquc that has a dclaycd cffcct in an actual dcfcnsc situation is not going to
hclp onc nuch. lcvcrthclcss, such nyths as thcsc will ncvcr dic sinply bccausc of thc
intriguing cffcct thcy havc.
^ll dcfcnsivc actions irrcspcctivc of thc individual nartial art) arc aincd at scnsitivc
arcas on thc body in Japancsc, this is callcd "kyusho - in Chincsc nartial arts, it is
callcd "dinnak) in ordcr to nakc thc opponcnt inactivc as soon as possiblc. n thc
short tcrn, thc actions arc nainly aincd at gctting thc attackcr into a position whcrc
hc will bc vulncrablc to followup tcchniqucs. whilc lcvcr tcchniqucs arc applicd to
thc joints and can bc uscd with appropriatc, rclativc scvcrity pain or injury), thc
cnployncnt of thc various striking, kicking prcssurc tcchniqucs is oftcn not so casily
controllcd. Jhc cffccts dcpcnd upon.
Jhc constitution of thc opponcnt it can bc that dclicatc girls arc not
scnsitivc to thc pain produccd by ncrvc prcssurc tcchniqucs, whilc strong
ncn collapsc onto thc floor as if lightning has struck thcn)
^ny prcvious injurics prcscnt
Jypc of clothing bcing worn c.g., a thick wintcr jackct)
Jhc prccision of cxccuting thc tcchniquc
Jhc anglc of attack
Jhc strcngth of thc strikckickprcssurc
whcthcr thc action surpriscd thc opponcnt. lor cxanplc, attacks on
surrounding ncrvcs in thc tcnsc nusclcs arc thus naturally difficult.
Jhcrc arc nany vulncrablc points on thc hunan body. Sonc arc callcd ncrvc points,
othcrs havc an cffcct on thc organs that arc not protcctcd by nusclc tissuc or boncs,
whilc in othcr cascs thcrc arc ncchanical wcak points. Sonc of thc points opcn thc way
for a followup action, whilc othcrs cnd with thc attack.
Jhc cffccts arc sprcad broadly and rangc fron supcrficial pain or injury to dcath. Jhc
cffccts on thc various points arc totally diffcrcnt also influcnccd by thcir acccssibility)
and this is why sonc of thc listcd targct arcas arc intcrcsting fron a vicwpoint of thc
8udo tcrn "totality in a conpctitionfight thcy arc of sccondary inportancc. f, in
spitc of this, you havc any doubts about thc rclcvancc of Kyusho in nartial arts sports,
you should considcr that a boxcr strivcs to hit his opponcnt at his vulncrablc spots
chin, livcr, and solar plcxus). lunchcs to thc kidncys, napc of thc ncck, or thc gcnitals
arc, on thc othcr hand, forbiddcn bccausc thcy arc considcrcd as too dangcrous in thc
francwork of a sporting conpctition.
^s a gcncral naxin, prcvious cffcctivc tcchniqucs c.g., thc lcvcr) can bc conplcncntcd
by using Kyusho which incrcascs thcir cffcctivcncss furthcr. lowcvcr, thc cnthusiasn
nust not bc cxtcndcd, in any casc, so that thc rcliability of a tcchniquc suffcrs along
thc lincs of "lor a hanncr, cvcry problcn looks likc a nail). Jhc nost dangcrous
opponcnts arc thosc who can turn thc pain into aggrcssivcncss or strcngth. Kyusho only
nakcs scnsc whcn uscd in conjunction with othcr nartial arts tcchniqucs.
Jl. f finding thc point is soncwhat difficult, it can bc advantagcous to look for it on
your own body and fccl its structurc. linding thc point on a training partncr's body is a
littlc casicr. 8csidcs this, onc lcarns vcry quickly to distinguish bctwccn thc individual
fcclings of pain for cxanplc, which ncrvcs or nusclcs). Jo nark thc targct arcas, thc
socallcd "targct plastcrs havc provcd to bc hclpful in training.
n nost cascs, thc opponcnt should bc nadc to stop a particular action by applying
pain c.g., looscning his grip). lollowing this action is thc opportunity to crcatc
"holcs for followup tcchniqucs. Sonctincs pain is a sidc cffcct c.g., thc dislocation
of a joint).
Jhc ntcrnational ^ssociation for thc Study of lain
dcfincs pain as follows.
la|n |s an anp|easant sensct, and emct|cna| expet|ence asscc|ated w|tn actaa| ct
pctent|a| t|ssae damaqe, ct desct|bed |n tetms cf sacn damaqe
Scnsory pcrccption is transnittcd by pain receptors nociccptors) down spccial ncrvc
pathways and thc thalanus to thc ccntral ncrvc systcn and this lcads to thc fccling
of pain.
Jhc distribution of thcsc rcccptors across thc surfacc of thc body varics according to
thc body rcgion up to 200sq cn of skin). lurthcrnorc, onc also finds nociccptors in
thc nusclcs and thc lining of thc intcstincs, thc intcstincs thcnsclvcs, as with thc brain,
havc no pain rcccptors.
Sonc of thc Kyusho tcchniqucs havc an cffcct on thc ncrvcs and thcsc can lcad to
uncontrollablc signals such as tingling on thc sidc of thc hand with thc pinky fingcr
whcn thc ncrvus ulinaris is stinulatcd). n addition, it can lcad to a tissuc lcsion of
thc ncrvc, as wcll as thc ncrvc shcath, causcd by thc ncchanical cffcct on thc ncrvc.
8csidcs this cxpcricncc, prcssurc applicd to thcsc ncrvcs can causc local and linitcd
circulatory disordcrs and with it nctabolic disordcrs that lcad to cxtrcnc pain. hapid
rclicf is typical oncc thc ncchanical problcn is rcnovcd. 0nc possiblc conplication is
thc inflannation of thc ncrvc ncuritis).
lain causcd by an cffcct is callcd neura|gia and sprcads through thc arca supplicd for
cach ncrvc inncrvation arca).
Jhc norc oftcn a rcspcctivc ncrvc is stinulatcd, thc norc scnsitivcly it rcacts to
stinulation and thc fccling of targctcd pain is incrcascd as a rcsult.
lot cvcry physical injury lcads ultinatcly to pain. Jhis is bccausc of thc filtcr proccsscs
in our ccntral ncrvous systcn strcss rclicfs or injurics rcsulting fron a traffic accidcnt,
conpctition, war or during scxual intcrcoursc arc oftcn not noticcd)
, whilc on thc
othcr hand pain without physical injury can also occur c.g., phanton pain).
Pain resu|ting in unconsciousness
lain can rcsult not only fron a physical injury, but it can also lcad to unconsciousncss.
Jhis is callcd a vasovagal syncopc othcr causcs can bc anxicty, joy or othcr typcs of
cxcitcncnt, also callcd thc "8oygroupsyndronc).
Jhc causc is an ovcrrcaction in thc vcgctativc ncrvous systcn. ^n cnlargcncnt of thc
blood vcsscls, so that abovc all) thc blood "sccps away into thc intcstincs and a
rclativc lack of volunc with dccrcascd hcartbcat ratc occurs, causcd by thc dccrcasc in
vcnous flow back of blood to thc hcart. 0n thc othcr hand it lcads to a rcduction of thc
hcart ratc up to cvcn cardiac arrcst. Jhis rcsults in an ovcrall rcduction of thc supply of
blood andor oxygcn to thc brain with subscqucnt fainting occurring.
^ vasovagal syncopc rcsulting in dcath is callcd rcflcxogcnic cardiac arrcst. lurthcr
rcasons for a dcath of this kind of fatal circulatory collapsc cspccially conccrning
Vartial ^rts) can bc. thc Carotid Sinus syndronc following a blow on thc carotid artcry
in thc ncck, thc oculocardiac rcflcx following a blow in thc cycs, a strikc or kick at thc
solar plcxus or a kick in thc tcsticlcs. Jo nakc a distinction, howcvcr, unconsciousncss
duc to a cranioccrcbral trauna is quitc clcarly diffcrcnt to a vasovagal syncopc!
Jhe effects of acupuncture
Lct us look at thc possiblc cffccts in conncction with acupuncturc and thcir ncridian
points. t is in this arca, howcvcr, whcrc nuch controvcrsy cxists bctwccn cxpcrts in thc
nartial arts. wc will thcrcforc try to bricfly illustratc thc diffcrcnt pcrspcctivcs.
0n thc onc hand, thcrc is an opinion that thc cffccts arc psycho|ogica| and
physio|ogica| oncs.
^n cxanplc of this is whcrc, in Ccrnany, thc hcalth insurancc conpany acccpts thc
costs of acupuncturc trcatncnt for paticnts with kncc and back pains. Jhc dccision
nadc by thc national hcalth insurancc conpany is bascd on studics carricd out
by thc 8crlin on a nodcl francwork of 2S0,000 tcst
subjccts and 10,000 physicians up to now thc largcst study on thc subjcct of
acupuncturc in Ccrnany. ^ccording to thc rcsults of thc study, thc ratc of succcss for
traditional Chincsc acupuncturc or JCV, traditional Chincsc ncdicinc, - "gcnuinc
acupuncturc) in thc trcatncnt of chronic back pain is not nuch norc than that
achicvcd using "shan acupuncturc placcbo acupuncturc), whcrc "falsc points arc
"trcatcd. lowcvcr, both forns of acupuncturc showcd distinctly bcttcr succcss than
thc standard thcrapy.
n short, acupuncturc actually docs work. whcrc you put thc nccdlc in sccns not to
play a significant rolc.
Jhcrcforc, wc conc to thc qucstion on what its cffcctivcncss is bascd. Jhis is
whcrc thc p|acebo effect
concs into play. Lr. Vichacl lrcissnuth, 0nivcrsity
lrofcssor on thc 8oard of thc lharnakologischcn nstituts dcr Vcdi.inischcn
0nivcrsitat lharnacological nstitutc of thc Vcdical 0nivcrsity) vicnna, sccs this
as a clcar indication of thc physician's "bcdsidc nanncr. Jhis is also sinilar to
statcncnts nadc by Lr. labricio 8cncdctti, a lcurobiologist in Jurin, whcrc hc
sccs thc contcxt in which thc paticnt is trcatcd as bcing crucial. Jhc physician's
nanncr can work on thc chcnistry of thc brain, such that this has a positivc cffcct
on thc wholc organisn.
Jhc placcbo cffcct is not just sinply a psychological
onc "illusion). 0n thc contrary, concrctc biological changcs in thc body can bc
ncasurcd as a rcsult of it.
0f coursc, nany analogics can bc suggcstcd bctwccn thc "lrofcssor in a physician's
whitc coat and thc "Crand Vastcr with thc black bclt. Vany nartial arts nastcrs
cvcn rcckon that thcy can crcatc a K.0. at a "distancc without touching thcir
lcrhaps onc nay havc thc inagc of an ^ncrican tclcvision prcachcr who
junps around through thc crowd of bclicvcrs and lays his hand on thc ncxt pcrson,
who sinks down to thc ground as if struck by thc loly Chost scc thc "8oygroup
syndronc on thc prcvious pagc). hitual, synbols, and authority all play a najor part
in this arca. 0thcrwisc, why would thc doctor rush about with a stcthoscopc around
his ncck? Jhis has thc sanc cffcct as thc shanan with his rattlc or thc rcdwhitc bclt
of thc highly qualificd nartial arts nastcr. "Jhc nanwonan is an authority - can
alrcady fccl thc cffcct!
Just how far this trust in pcrccivcd authority can go was illustratcd inprcssivcly in thc
classic Vilgran cxpcrincnt in 1961 sadly, it has bccn rcpcatcd scvcral tincs with thc
original rcsults sincc thcn).
Jhc bchavior of thc othcr group or training ncnbcrs also, howcvcr, has a strong
influcncc on onc's own bchavior "social rcinforccncnt).
0n thc othcr hand, thcrc arc thc followcrs of thc nodc of working with "ki or
"chi), yin and yang cncrgy ficlds. lowcvcr, thcsc conccpts fron thc lar Last
nust also always bc sccn in thcir cultural background. Jhosc incxpcricnccd in
thc ficld of anatony would dcscribc thc pain fron knocking thc "funny bonc, or
norc prcciscly thc "ncrvus ulnarisulnar ncrvc), as a flow of cncrgy. Yin and yang
also havc a parallcl in ncurology through thc synpathctic and parasynpathctic
ncrvc systcn.
Jhc rcason that thcy spcciali.c in thc usc of ncrvc points in nartial
arts, oftcn attacking scvcral points sinultancously or onc aftcr thc othcr for
cxanplcs, scc books by Ccorgc Lillnan and Vichacl Kclly), lics in thc fact that
thc stinulation crcatcs an addcd cffcct and thus incrcascs its cffcctivcncss.
conscqucnccs arising fron this arc conplctcly inprcssivc bccausc of thc cffcct
on thc intcrnal organs. lor thc ncurological background on this, wc rcconncnd
rcading Lr. Vichacl Kclly's book Lcath Jouch. Jhc Scicncc 8chind thc Lcgcnd of
lowcvcr, this is whcrc thc pcrson training is at a disadvantagc. low can you
train rcalistically in a nartial art whcrc thc nain ain is to causc thc opponcnt
to bcconc unconscious or suffcr hcart failurc or a hcart attack? Jhc possibility of
tcsting thc cffcctivcncss of thcsc tcchniqucs on convicts - likc thc "Vastcrs of
nany ycars ago wcrc rcportcd to havc donc - is, thankfully now noncxistcnt. ^lso
a "sinplc knockout, as shown oftcn in nany courscs on thc subjcct of Kyusho
LinVak, can havc lcthal conscqucnccs if thcrc arc prccxisting hcalth dcfccts.

f you wish to rcnain on thc right sidc of lcgal and cthical rulcs, training of
this kind has to rcnain as just thcory.
Jhc practical difficultics cannot also bc
undcrcstinatcd. Jhc cffcctivcncss should bc nuch norc whcn norc ncrvc points
arc stinulatcd. Jhis can bc up to a conbination of fivc tcchniqucs docs this ring a
bcll?) that all havc to bc carricd out in thc corrcct scqucncc and prcciscly locatcd.
Jhc possibilitics and rcasons arc, of coursc, fascinating but thc practical rclcvancc
is qucstionablc.
Jhe stretch ref|ex
Vusclc spindlcs arc scnsory rcccptors socallcd "propriorcccptors) within thc nusclc
that prinarily dctcct changcs in thc lcngth of this nusclc. Jhcy also protcct thc nusclc
fron ovcrstrctching. whcn thc nusclc is suddcnly strctchcd, thc socallcd "strctch
rcflcx is activatcd and thc nusclc rctracts again. Jhc norc suddcn thc strctching
action occurs, thc norc nusclc fibcrs arc activatcd in thc nusclc spindlcs and thc
grcatcr thc powcr that countcracts against thc strctching of thc nusclc. Jhc socallcd
Colgi tcndon organ, howcvcr, also contributcs to this by transnitting thc changcs of
tcnsion in thc tcndons.
0nc nods off and thc hcad falls forward. ^t thc sanc tinc, thc hcad whips back upward
as a rcsult of thc suddcn ovcrstrctch of thc ncck nusclcs. ^nothcr cxanplc is thc kncc
jcrk triggcrcd by thc tiny physician's hanncr.
larticularly in our casc, our striking tcchniqucs arc anplificd by this typc of rcflcx whcrc
thcy can bc acconpanicd by circunstanccd ncrvc pain.
^ strikc on thc outsidc of thc lowcr arn for norc dctail scc thc scction
on this) acts on thc ncrvus radialis, which is rcsponsiblc for thc novcncnt
of strctching thc fingcrs. Jhc strctching rcflcx activatcs thosc nusclcs that
arc also rcsponsiblc for thc novcncnt of thc fingcrs, which is why thc
hand opcns or, at lcast, is wcakcncd.
^ strikc on thc biccps for norc dctail scc thc scction on this) causcs thc
arn to bcnd in acconpanincnt with thc incrtia.
^ strikc at thc inscrtion point of thc stcrnoklcido nusclc for norc dctail
scc thc scction on this) and thc tcnporal bonc rattlcs thc hcad at lcast
as hard as whcn onc is hit on thc bonc nastoid proccss).
lor a bcttcr ovcrvicw, it has provcn bcst to dividc thc attack arcas into fivc rcgions,
nancly thosc on thc hcad, ncck, torso, arns and thc lcgs. Jhc nost casily rcachablc
targcts arc on thc hcad and about thc ncck - so this is why wc havc bcgun with
thcsc arcas.
0nc notc in advancc. Jhc cvaluation of thc applicability is usually donc without taking
into account lcgal or noral aspccts.
( 8kkXZbGf`ekjfek_\?\X[
(%( <p\j
Jhis conccrns thosc targcts that arc protcctcd by our instincts likc thc tcsticlcs),
whcrc cvcn a fakcd novcncnt toward thcn protcctivc rcflcx by thc hands) pronpts
a rcaction fron thc attackcr and oftcn lcavcs thc door opcn for followup actions. ^n
illustration of this is hardly ncccssary.
6iiVX`/ Jhc cffcct is crcatcd by prcssurc or a jab with thc fingcrs, but also possiblc
by punching.
' Control of thc clbow
Jhc clbow is prcsscd in and downward toward thc
attackcr's body.
:[[ZXih/ Scvcrc contusions of thc cycball lcad to
scrious injurics to thc inncr structurc of thc cyc. intcrnal
blccding of thc cyc causcd by vascular lcsions, incrcasc
of thc cyc prcssurc possibly rcsulting in glaucona
problcns), tcars in thc iris pupil is no longcr circular),
blurring or displaccncnt of thc lcns, tcars in thc rctina
with dangcr of rctinal dctachncnt, swclling of thc rctina with rcduccd vision and
danagc to thc optic ncrvc.
Jhc cffcct of a strikc or prcssurc on thc optic ncrvc ncrvus opticus) can havc a follow
through cffcct on thc ncrvous systcn that rcsults in a rcduction in hcart frcqucncy,
' &
unconsciousncss, andor cardiac arrcst. Jhis is also known as oculocardiac rcflcx or
^schncr phcnoncnon.
whcn struck, it is also possiblc that fracturcs of thc orbital bonc structurcs surrounding
thc cycball can occur with danagc to thc ncrvcs and blood vcsscls can also lcad to
rcduccd vision if thc cycball is displaccd).
Couging out thc cycball cavity Latin. orbita) with thc fingcrs is, howcvcr, alnost as
good as inpossiblc.
lurthcr cffccts can includc uncontrollablc flow of tcars although this can causc linitcd
vision), pain, and cvcntual unconsciousncss as a rcsult of thc pain).
>cY^gZXiZ[[ZXih/ with conprcssion of thc cycball Latin. bulbus), dctachncnt of thc
rctina can occur. Jhc cffcct of this is that a pcrson tcnporarily sccs flickcring whitc
spots in thcir ficld of vision, which disappcar aftcr a tinc. n thc vcrnacular, onc spcaks
of "spots bcforc thcir cycs or sccing "stars or spots "dancing bcforc thcir cycs.
^s far as cffccts bcing achicvcd with thc nininun usc of forcc and cffcctivcncss, it
conccrns targcts of thc first ordcr. Jhc constitution of thc othcr pcrson is of no inport.
Jhc novc can bc uscd as far as thc arns can rcach.
& ^ttack using an 0shiro jinc stranglchold in thc crook of thc forcarn).
' Lcfcnsc using thc thunbs to apply prcssurc on thc cycs.
& Vaking contact with thc attacking arn.
' Jhc attackcr's arn scrvcs as a conducting rail for thc dcfcnding arn as it ridcs up
it to jab thc attackcr's cyc with thc spcar of thc fingcr.
(%) :_`e&GifklY\iXeZ`Xd\ekXc`j
Jhc protubcrancia ncntalis is thc thrcccorncrcd protubcrancc of thc chin bonc.
6iiVX`/lrcssurc with thc joint of thc thunb thc tip of thc thunb should bc anchorcd
to thc forcfingcr).
& Jargct nark.
' 0sagc. Jhc tip of thc thunb is prcsscd into thc point of thc chin. Jhc hand holds
thc back of thc hcad.
( Closcup.
:[[ZXih/lain thc pcriostcun, or skin ncnbranc, is vcry scnsitivc to pain)
0nly usc as a frccing tcchniquc - furthcr tcchniqucs should follow.
( '
(%* :fie\ijf]k_\dflk_
6iiVX`/ Crooking thc fingcr in onc or both sidcs of thc corncrs of thc nouth and
pulling outward.
& lrccing fron thc scarf hold Kcsa Catanc).
:[[ZXih/lain, ripping of thc lips.
lrccs thc hold shown rcliably, possiblc risk of cndangcring onc's sclf tccth!).
& ^ttacking thc cyc as wcll as thc corncrs of thc nouth.
' & (
(%+ Efj\Yfe\&Iffkf]k_\efj\&FjeXjXc\
llustration - scc thc scction on thc "Skull.
Jhc nosc bonc is in thc front of thc skull, roughly about whcrc a pair of cycglasscs sits.
Jhc nosc bonc is particularly thin and projcct out sccningly unprotcctcd fron thc facc
of thc skull.
6iiVX`/ Strikc using thc fist, hanncr fist, ball of thc hand, sidc of thc hand, tcnplc).
lrcssurc is applicd using thc forc and niddlc fingcrs in a scissor grip but focuscd norc
on thc cartilaginous cxtrcnitics arca undcr thc nosc bonc.
& Jargct nark. ' ^ttack with thc ball of thc hand. ( ^ttack using a hanncr fist.
) Jhc scissor grip using thc knucklcs.
* 0sagc. + lron anothcr vicwpoint. ,$- Jhc scissor grip using thc knucklcs.
. 0sagc.
:[[ZXih/Lvcn light blows can causc a fracturc of thc nosc bonc and nasal cartilagc.
Jhc rcsults arc cxtrcnc pain thc ncrvi cthnoidalcs postcrior and antcrior supply
scnsory infornation to thc nasal nucous ncnbranc and thc tip of thc nosc), thc cycs
bcgin to watcr liniting sight). f thc nosc blccds, blood can flow into thc pharynx and,
in an cxtrcnc casc, block thc passagc of air.
lurthcrnorc, in a blow to thc nosc, thc cartilaginous part of thc nasal scptun can slidc
out of its bony guidc groovc subluxation). Lcgcnd says that a blow to thc nosc can
"push thc nosc bonc into thc brain.
njury to thc sinuscs is also possiblc with subscqucnt infcction. Scc also scction on
- , .
Jypical injurics suffcrcd fron a "brawl that do not ncccssarily stop thc attack
dcpcnding on thc ability to takc blows. n an attack whcrc prcssurc is uscd, a countcr
with thc othcr hand is ncccssary napc of thc ncck, chcst, and lunbar part of thc spinc).
& Scissor grip on thc nosc conbincd with thc back bcing bcnt ovcr to thc rcar.
' Lcfcnsc against a fist attack.
( Lcfcnsivc arn novcs up to takc a scissor grip on thc attackcr's nosc.
) Scissor grip whilc controlling thc ncck.
, -
* +
. &%
&& &' &(
. 0sing a kick to thc insidc of thc opponcnt's kncc joint, thc attacking arn is strct
chcd and thus allows an arn lcvcr to bc applicd.
& Lcfcnd against thc fist attack.
' lrcssurc with thc thunb on onc sidc of thc cdgc of thc nosc bonc.
( Closcup.
) Control and throw.
(%, JlYeXjXcgf`ek
llustration - scc thc scction on thc "Skull.
Jhc anatonical tcrn for thc vcrtical channcl bctwccn thc uppcr lip and thc nosc is
pn||ttam. ^t its uppcr cxtrcnity, it cxtcnds to ncct thc bridgc of thc nosc colunclla
- Latin. 'snall colunn') to forn thc nasolabial anglc. Jhc pain concs fron thc local
pain rcccptors.
6iiVX`/ Strikc or prcssurc with thc cdgc of thc handthunb.
( 8cginning of thc strctchovcr phasc.
* Countcr hold and thrust on thc thigh. lin down thc body in ordcr to prcvcnt cscapc.
' & (
* ) +
- Controlling position strctching out thc attackcr.
:[[ZXi/ 0sing a strikc, thc norc harnlcss rcsults arc a cut lip and tccth knockcd
out. t is also possiblc to brcak thc uppcr jaw bonc naxilla) as wcll as dislodgc thc
cartilaginous nasal scptun out of its bony groovc. with hcfty strikcs, thc usual injury
cffccts to thc skull scc thc ncxt scction on thc 'Skull') arc possiblc, as with any hit on
thc hcad. 8lood and brokcn tccth can cntcr thc airways and hindcr brcathing.
whcn prcssurc is applicd, ncrvc pain can bc fclt ncuralgia) scc thc statcncnts in thc
Jhcrc is a dangcr of injuring onc's sclf tccth). n an attack using prcssurc, a countcr
hold with thc othcr hand is ncccssary on thc ncck, chcst or lunbar spinc).
, -
& Strctching out whilc at thc sanc tinc pinning thc dcfcndcr's arn against thc body.
( Continuation of thc najor outcr rcaping throw 0sotogari).
+ Conclusion.
( )
* +
(%- >i\XkXli`ZlcXie\im\&E\imljXli`ZlcXi`jdX^elj
AdXVi^dc/8chind thc carlobcs, at thc rcar of thc jaw bonc.
6iiVX`/lrcssurc of thc fingcr upward in thc dircction of thc ccntcr of thc skull bcttcr
control achicvcd whcn applicd on onc sidc with thc paln of thc othcr hand controlling
thc hcad.) Jhrow.
I^e/ ^ rotating, boring, and
rubbing prcssurc in thc dircction
of thc ccntcr of thc hcad is bcttcr
than constant prcssurc bccausc
thc body adjusts lcss wcll to non
constant pain.
Jargct nark.

:[[ZXih/ whcn prcssurc is applicd, ncrvc pain can bc fclt ncuralgia) scc thc
statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt.
) ^ttackcr is brought down to thc ground.
, Concluding tcchniquc using thc ball of thc hand.
& (
) +
(%. 9lZZXcZ_\\be\im\&E\imljYlZZXc`j
Conparc with thc diagran in thc scction on thc "lcrvus frontalis.
Jhc ncrvus buccalis buccalchcck ncrvc) is scnsitivc and supplics thc nucous
ncnbrancs of thc chccks as wcll as thc guns.
6iiVX`/Scissor grip bclow thc chcckbonc.
:[[ZXi/whcn prcssurc is applicd, ncrvc pain can bc fclt ncuralgia) scc thc statcncnts
in thc ntroduction).

& Jargct nark.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity is individually diffcrcnt.
( Jhc attackcr is strctchcd out fron thc pain.
& '
& ( '
) Jhc dcfcndcr dodgcs with his hip and turns away undcr thc attackcr who falls flat
on thc ground and can now bc controllcd.
* linning hin to thc ground.
, Concluding tcchniquc.
+ ,
& Jhc strikc is divcrtcd.
' 0sing a scissor grip on thc ncrvus buccalis and holding thc back of thc ncck, thc
attackcr is brought down to thc ground with a blocking kncc hook.
( n thc dcpictcd dcfcnsc position, an altcrnativc to thc scissor grip is oncsidcd
prcssurc applicd with thc knucklc of thc forcfingcr.
) .or thc thunb.
^ punch can also bc uscd with thc knucklcs of thc littlc and ring fingcr striking thc
ncrvus buccalis. 8csidcs pain causcd to thc ncrvc, thcrc is also thc pain to thc skin of
thc chcck bonc as wcll as thc usual rcsults of any strikc to thc hcad.
(%/ =fi\_\X[e\im\&E\imlj]ifekXc`j
Jhc ncrvus frontalis as wcll as thc two tcrninal branchcs, ncrvus supraorbitalis and
ncrvus supratrochlcaris) runs along thc outcr cyc nusclcs to thc uppcr cdgc of thc cyc
sockct and cncrgcs at thc surfacc at thc start of thc cycbrow or at thc highcst point
of thc cyc sockct - supraorbital forancn) whcrc thcy arc vulncrablc.
6iiVX`/ lingcr prcssurc applicd to thc rcgion of thc cyc sockct) and strikc at thc

Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc applicd or aftcr a punch) scc
thc statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
Jakc carc with cyc injurics. whcn prcssurc is applicd, it is ncccssary to placc thc othcr
hand at thc back of thc ncck, on thc chcst or thc lunbar spinc, to countcrbalancc.
& Jhc attackcr grabs thc lapcl of thc jackct and thrcatcns with his fist.
' Jhc dcfcndcr punchcs ovcr thc attacking arn to hit thc ncrvc on thc tcnplc with
thc knucklcs lirakcn).
( Closcup. ) Jhc attackcr's clbow is pinncd at thc sanc tinc. * Closcup.
+ Jhc attackcr's hcad is turncd away fron thc dcfcndcr. , Jhc attackcr is bcnt ovcr.
- .and brought down to thc ground.
&% Kick with thc kncc and pin thc hcad to thc ground.
& Lcfcnd using countcrbalancing hand on thc ncck. Jhc attackcr's ncck is pinncd down.
& Jhc swinging punch is dcflcctcd.
' Jhc striking arn is pinncd, and thc thunb applics prcssurc to thc insidc of thc
corncr of thc cyc. Jhrow.
. &%
& '
(%0 @e]iXfiY`kXce\im\&E\imlj`e]iXfiY`kXc`j
Scc "lcrvus auricularis nagnus, "lcrvus frontalis, and "lcrvus buccalis illustrations.
Lircct continuation of thc ncrvus naxillaris naxillar branch) that is rcsponsiblc for thc
scnsitivc inncrvation of thc antcrior skull. Jhc ncrvus infraorbitalis cncrgcs fron thc
uppcr jaw about onc fingcrwidth bclow thc cycs on thc forancn infraorbitalc. t can
bc fclt in this arca. ^ftcr cncrging fron thc holc, it branchcs out into thc ncnbrancs
of thc skin on thc wholc front and uppcr facc and transnits scnsitivity to thc uppcr lip,
tccth, and guns of thc uppcr jaw scc thc scction on thc "Subnasal point).
6iiVX`/ lingcr prcssurcknucklc punch on thc cxit arca.
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc is applicd scc thc statcncnts
in thc ntroduction).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as thc cffcct achicvcd, is
individually diffcrcnt. whcn punching, a prccisc targct is ncccssary bcst cxccutcd using
thc knucklc of thc forcfingcr).
& losition of thc hand in pponkcn.
) Jhc cffcct of thc attack is incrcascd by pinning thc back of thc hcad with thc frcc
* Closcup.
(%(' D\ekXce\im\&E\imljd\ekXc`j
Scc thc scctions on thc "lcrvus frontalis and "lcrvus buccalis for illustrations.
Jcrninal branch of thc ncrvus alvcolaris infcrior. t cncrgcs fron thc lowcr jaw bonc at thc
chin forancn ncntalc) and inncrvatcs thc skin and ncnbrancs of thc lowcr lip and chin.
6iiVX`/lrcssurc using thc knucklcs thunb), punch.
) *
' & (
& Jhc punch using thc
knucklcs of thc fingcrs
is cxccutcd whiplikc
downward and scrvcs
as a shock tactic and
as thc bcginning for
furthcr actions.
Jhis tcchniquc opcns thc jaws whcrcby thc joint is norc vulncrablc to injury fron thc
followup punching tcchniqucs scc thc scction on thc "Lowcr jaw).
:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc applicd scc thc statcncnts
in thc ntroduction).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as thc cffcct achicvcd is
individually diffcrcnt. 0sagc is linitcd to this individual casc.
& Jargct nark.
' way of holding thc hand for followup attacks, thc othcr hand is anchorcd at thc
back of thc ncck.
' &
& ' (
& Jhc attackcr's strikc is dcfcndcd using a doublc block.
' Jhc dcfcndcr's right hand slidcs down thc linc of thc arn bcing dcfcndcd toward
thc attackcr's chin.
( Strikc.
+ Causcd by prcssurc on thc ncrvc,
thc attackcr's hcad is turncd and
his body follows.
, Jhc attackcr is brought down to thc
* +
&% &&
&& Concluding tcchniquc is a strikc using thc clbow.
(%(( Lgg\ic`g
6iiVX`/Scissor grip on thc uppcr lip.
:[[ZXih/ lain causcd by thc cffcct on thc nusculus orbicularis oris thc circular
scgncnts of nusclc around thc nouth), nancly thc pain rcccptors and thc infraorbital
ncrvc scc thc illustration in thc scctions on thc "lcrvus auricularis nagnus and
"lcrvus frontalis) that strctch through thc uppcr jaw and inncrvatc thc tccth in thc
uppcr jaw, thc guns and thc uppcr lip. lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc
is applicd scc thc statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
t is ncccssary that thc othcr hand is uscd as a countcr thrust ncck, chcstlunbar spinc).
(%() <Xi
1) lctrous bonc 2) Lxtcrnal auditory
cavity 3) Lar flaps 4) Jynpanic
ncnbranc - this is a thin ncnbranc
at thc inncr cnd of thc auditory
cavity, which closcs it off fron thc
niddlc car 6) Vallcus bonc 7) ncus
8) Stapc bonc stirrup) 9) Labyrinth
scnicircular canals) - this is part
of thc inncr car and scrvcs as thc
organic systcn for balancc
10) Cochlca 11) Cochlca ncrvc
12) Lustachian tubc
6iiVX`/Slap with a cuppcd hand at thc car possibly with both hands) practicc using
it against thc partncr's uppcr arns). Stick a fingcr in thc auditory canal.
lorn thc cuppcd hand for thc
slapping action.
:[[ZXih/ Jhc cardrun vibratcs duc to sound wavcs - norc prcciscly through thc
changc of prcssurc causcd by thc sound - and this is transnittcd fron thc car ossiclc
in thc niddlc car to thc inncr car. Jhc slap with thc cuppcd hand causcs conprcssion
of thc air in thc auditory canal so that ovcrprcssurc barotrauna) occurs.

^part fron thc noisc, in addition to thc rapid, strong and painful prcssurc, thc cardrun
can bc rupturcd. ^ rupturcd cardrun usually hcals itsclf, howcvcr this nay also nccd
to bc rcpaircd by an opcration.
Jhc cffcct dcscribcd, howcvcr, is acconpanicd by pain. Scvcral ncrvc branchcs arc
involvcd in thc inncrvation of thc cardrun, in particular thc ranus auricularis, thc vagus
ncrvc and thc ncrvus auriculotcnparalis, a branch of thc ncrvus trigcninus. Jhc intcrior
of thc cardrun is inncrvatcd by thc branchcs of thc nctwork of ncrvcs in thc ncnbrancs
plcxus tynpanicus) of thc niddlc car. Vcrcly touching thc cardrun is painful and, in
sonc cascs, can causc a fccling of nausca and cvcn unconsciousncss. ^n acutc, sharp
pain is typical in a traunatic pcrforation of thc cardrun. ^ suddcn rcduction in hcaring
can also occur dcpcnding on thc dcgrcc of pcrforation). Ccrns can cntcr thc niddlc
car through thc pcrforation nainly fron watcr) and slight blccding can also occur.
8ccausc thc inncr car is also involvcd in such a strikc, this can also influcncc onc's scnsc
of balancc and additionally bc thc causc of di..incss vcstibular di..incss).Jhc di..incss
is oftcn acconpanicd by a vcgctativc rcaction in thc body, such as nausca, voniting,
swcating, cardio accclcration, andor collapsc.
^part fron thc ncdical cffccts, sticking a fingcr in thc car causcs a largc rcflcx action
inncrvatcd by scvcral brain ncrvcs).
lot nuch strcngth is rcquircd to crcatc a significant cffcct.
& '
) *
) Lircctly aftcr slapping thc car, thc thunbs arc thrust into thc cycs.
* Jhc hcad is turncd to thc sidc with constant prcssurc on thc cycball.
. Concluding tcchniquc. Strikc with thc clbow.
+ ,
- .
(%(* GXifk`[^cXe[&GXifk`j
1. C|anda|a patct|dea
2. C|anda|a sabmand|ba|at|s
3. C|anda|a sab||nqaa||s
Jhc parotid is thc largcst salivary gland in thc oral and jaw rcgion. n hunans, it lics on
both sidcs of thc facc in front of and bclow thc car, strctching down fron thc .ygonatic
arch to thc anglc of thc jaw and covcrs thc rcar half of thc nasticatory nusclc
nusculus nassctcr). n thc parotid is thc socallcd plcxus parotidcus, which is nadc of
fibcrs fron thc ncrvus facialis. Jhc scnsitivc inncrvation of thc parotid concs fron thc
ncrvus auriculotcnporalis scc thc illustration in thc scction on thc "lcrvus frontalis).
6iiVX`/lrcssurc fron thc fingcrs, punch with thc knucklcs.
Jargct nark.

Jhis is how to hold thc hand for thc
knucklc punch. Strikc with thc uppcr sidc
of thc knucklcs of thc fist Kcnto - 'sword
fist'). Jhc cffcct is incrcascd by doing a
snap novcncnt outward fron thc wrist.
:[[ZXih/ Vusclc and ncrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc is applicd scc
thc statcncnts in thc ntroduction). 8csidcs this, thc glandular tissuc can bc danagcd.
n a punch, danagc to thc lowcr jaw is also possiblc for rcsults scc scction on this).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt.
' &
- ^t thc cnd of thc scqucncc, thc opponcnt is thrust
to thc ground.
* + ,
^n VYY^i^dcVa XdbW^cVi^dc whcrc thc knucklcs of thc fingcrs arc uscd to strikc
hyuto Kcn Jsuki).
& Lcfcnsc.
' Circular countcrnovcncnt with thc fingcrs of thc knucklc.
( 0sing a whiplikc strikc, thc parotid is possibly danagcd, or at lcast thc strikc
causcs pain.
>ci]^hhZfjZcXZ, thc knucklc of thc thunb is uscd to strikc.
' & (
(%(+ Jblcc
6iiVX`/Strikcs carcful not to danagc onc's own hands), kicks using thc kncc).
& '

& warding off thc opponcnt's attack.
' Controlling thc clbow and thc ncck.
( Jhc attackcr is brought down onto thc kncc.
* Jhc dcfcndcr continucs controlling thc hcad and using his body to block thc
attackcr's lcft arn.
+ Strikc with thc clbow at thc back of thc hcad.
:[[ZXih/lracturcd skull and traunatic brain injury.
8asa| sku|| fracture. ^t its basc, thc skull is conncctcd to thc ncck spinc. ^ fracturc
in this rcgion oftcn has thc rcsult of causing danagc to thc ncrvcs of thc brain whcrc
thcsc cncrgc fron thc skull at thc basal arca. Sonctincs ccrcbrospinal fluid flows
* + ,
fron thc car or nosc and is oftcn acconpanicd by disoricntation or unconsciousncss. ^
typical synpton is two black cycs bilatcral orbital hcnatona).
Fracture of the bones of the facia| sku||. Jhis includcs thc rcgion of thc cyc sockcts,
thc nasal bonc and thc uppcr and lowcr jaw. ^ fracturc in thcsc arcas oftcn causcs thc
disruption of snall boncs in thc arca of thc facc and considcrablc swclling.
^ fracture of the eye socket can lcad to disruptcd vision if thc cycball is displaccd.
lracturcs of thc skull cap craniun) arc possiblc, for cxanplc, aftcr a najor inpact with
thc ground.
whcrc thcrc is displaccncnt of thc brokcn boncs, or splintcring of boncs in thc intcrior
skull cap occurs, thcsc can pcnctratc dccply into thc brain.
Cranioccrcbral injury traunatic brain injury, or J8) rcfcrs to all injurics to thc craniun
whcrc thc brain is also involvcd in thc injury, but not to thosc injurics whcrc thcrc arc
no gcnuinc skull fracturcs or hcad wounds. 8ccausc of thc dangcr of intcrnal blccding
in thc brain, any paticnt suffcring a traunatic brain injury cvcn concussion) nust bc
takcn to hospital for obscrvation.
Jhcrc arc scvcral ncthods uscd to classify thc scvcrity of traunatic brain injury J8).
lor thc purposc of this book wc, thc authors, havc choscn to list thc gradcs and
dcscribc thcn along thc lincs of thc systcn uscd in Ccrnany. Jhc dcscriptions bclow
do not vary nuch bctwccn nany of thc systcns and should bc sufficicnt to givc thc
rcadcr an ovcrvicw.
njurics arc dcscribcd in thrcc gradcs of scvcrity, dcpcndcnt upon thc lcngth of
unconsciousncss, rcnission of synptons and any latcr conplications.
Cradc 1. J8 Connotio ccrcbri - brain concussion). Jhis is dcfincd as
a light brain injury i.c., with thc ccrcbral ncnbranc of thc brain still
intact) without loss of consciousncss or unconsciousncss up to an hour.
Condition is conplctcly hcalcd aftcr approxinatcly fivc days. Ccncrally,
paticnts conplain about noncnts of rctrogradc anncsia lapscs of
ncnory) and nausca.
Cradc 2. J8 Contusio ccrcbri - ccrcbral contusion). Loss of consciousncss
up to 24 hours. Conplications dcpcnd on thc arca of brain danagc.
Cradc 3. J8 Conprcssio ccrcbri - ccrcbral conprcssion). 0nconsciousncss
longcr than 24 hours causcd by conprcssion on thc brain rcsulting in
blccding incrcasc in prcssurc, ccrcbral swclling). Jhcrc can bc intcrvals of
ninutcs to hours whcrc synptons arc abscnt. Jhc rcsults arc oftcn a long
pcriod of cona sonctincs artificially induccd), a condition sinilar to a
cona, rcspiratory paralysis or cvcn dcath. n such cascs, thcrapy involvcs
thc tcnporary rcnoval of a part of thc craniun scvcral nonths).
Longlasting danagc can bc cxpcctcd, but this is not incvitablc.
Jhc following synptons point to a traunatic brain injury. t should bc notcd that sonc
of thc synptons listcd can dcvclop wcll aftcr thc actual trauna.
Listurbancc of consciousncss, with possiblc dctcrioration
Li..incss and loss of balancc
Crosscycd statc
Liffcrcncc in pupil si.c diffcrcnccs bctwccn si.cs of both pupils)
lausca and voniting
Lapscs of ncnory, anncsia
rrcgularity of brcathing and pulsc
Votor and scnsory disordcrs c.g., tingling scnsation)
lcrc thc diffcrcnccs in pupil si.c and thc incrcasc of cascs of disturbancc in
consciousncss nust bc takcn as warning signs bccausc thcsc nay bc an indication
of intcrnal blccding in thc craniun. lowcvcr, unconsciousncss is not always a sign
of a traunatic injury to thc frontal lobcs. lcvcrthclcss, such injurics can lcad to
longlasting danagc c.g., frontal lobc disordcrs, cognitivc disordcrs, bchavioral
Quitc considcrablc skill or strcngth is ncccssary to cxccutc thcsc novcs. lcvcrthclcss,
thc arca of thc hcad is instinctivcly a prcfcrrcd targct for unskillcd fightcrs.
(%(, K\dgfiXcYfe\
Jhc tcnporal bonc forns thc osscous part of thc tcnplcs scc thc illustration in thc
scction on thc "Skull). Jhc tcnplcs Latin. rcgio tcnporalis) arc rcgions on thc sidc
of thc hcad bctwccn thc cyc and thc car. Jhcsc arcas arc vcry scnsitivc to blows
bccausc thc niddlc car, inncr car, and brain lic bcncath thc bonc. Jhcsc arcas arc also
scnsitivc to prcssurc duc to thc prcscncc of thc ncrvus auriculotcnporalis, thc ncrvus
.ygonaticus, as wcll as thc nusculus tcnporalis scc thc illustration in thc scction on
thc "lcrvus frontalis).
n addition to thc rcsults dcscribcd in thc prcvious scction, with thc dangcr of trauna
on thc sidc of thc hcad, thcrc is a possibility of injuring thc artcria ncningca ncdia
niddlc ncningcal artcry) whcrc artcrial blccding can occur and which, if untrcatcd,
can rcsult in dcath, which is why wc conccntratc on covcring this arca. t is locatcd
halfway bctwccn thc uppcr cdgc of thc car and thc uppcr cdgc of thc cyc sockct whcrc
thc os frontalc, os parictalc, and thc os sphcnoidalc ncct this rcgion is callcd thc
ptcrion - scc thc illustration in thc scction on thc "Skull). 8ccausc thc boncs at this
point arc cspccially thin and thc skull has a flat structurc hcrc naking it ncchanically
wcak), a fracturc is quitc possiblc.
6iiVX`/lunchcs bc carcful not to danagc your own hand, it is bcst to usc thc ball of
thc hand, a hanncr strikc, or thc clbow), kicks.
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/Skull fracturcs and traunatic brain injury unconsciousncss, cona, longlasting
brain danagc, dcath) scc norc dctails in thc scction on thc "Skull).
Scc prcvious scction.
& '
( )
* +
& Jhc attackcr's swinging punch is nadc incffcctivc by shortcning thc distancc of
rcach and covcr.
' Jhc covcring arn is uscd as a hanncr fist dircctly to thc tcnplc.
) Controlling thc ncck and bringing back thc clbow to strikc.
+ Jhc hand of thc attacking arn grabs hold around thc back of thc ncck. ^ 90 turn
brings thc dcfcndcr into thc starting position for a kncc kick and puts thc attackcr
off balancc.
CDI:/Jhc conbination nust bc cxccutcd with constant forward prcssurc in ordcr to
bc succcssful.
' 8all of thc hand strikcs at thc tcnplc.
* 'Sandwich' - thc attackcr's hcad is bctwccn thc ball of thc hand and thc clbow.
(%(- =fi\_\X[_ldgj&KlY\iX]ifekXc`X
Ccntcr bony scction of thc forchcad os frontalc) to thc lcft and right abovc thc
cycbrows, scc thc scction on thc "Skull).
6iiVX`/ Strikc using thc knucklcs rcpcatcdly).
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/lain skin ncnbranc, or pcriostcun), possibly fron thc ncrvus supraorbitalis
or ncrvus supratrochlcaris). ^ftcr a nassivc blow, a fracturc of thc sinus bonc nay occur
but not aftcr a blow with thc knucklcs). ^ftcr a nassivc blow, thc concussion vibration
can causc a traunatic brain injury. Scc thc scction on thc "Skull for norc dctail.
^ strikc with thc ball of thc hand,
with a sinultancous strikc with
thc cdgc of thc hand at thc
nusclc on thc sidc of thc spinc of
thc ncck, can havc a strong cffcct,
including unconsciousncss duc to
vibration in thc brain.
lrccing tcchniqucs followcd by
furthcr tcchniqucs or running away).
& ' (
) * +
, - .
& ^ttcnpt to bc grabbcd around thc waist undcr thc arns.
' 0sc a shock tcchniquc with a knucklc strikc at thc bunps on thc forchcad.
) Start of thc ncck lcvcr.
+ Jhc attackcr's hcad is pinncd onto thc dcfcndcr's shouldcr.
&% Jhc dcfcndcr cxccutcs a JaiSabaki rotation whilc at thc sanc tinc twisting thc
opponcnt's hcad around.
&' &(
(%(. Cfn\iaXn
lor an illustration scc thc scctions on thc "Skull and "lcrvus frontalis.
6iiVX`/lunch. n ordcr to lcsscn thc dangcr, usc thc ball of thc hand or basc of thc
fist) or clbow.
( )
* +
& Jhc start of thc attack is divcrtcd by using a stcpin novcncnt. Jhat is to say, thc
right hand nakcs contact with thc attacking arn and changcs thc dircction of thc
attack. Jhc lcft hand grabs hold of thc attacking arn.
( 8y using a countcr novcncnt dircctly undcr thc attacking arn, an uppcrcut punch
is dclivcrcd to thc chin.
* lron anothcr vicwpoint.
Resu|ts. Lip and tonguc danagc arc rclativcly harnlcss rcsults. 0thcr injurics dcpcnd
on thc anglc at which thc blow was dclivcrcd and of coursc its strcngth). ^ hori.ontal
anglc is norc likcly to causc a dislocation or brcak of thc joint of thc jaw cspccially if
thc jaw is opcn at thc tinc) and possibly danagc to thc tccth. ^dditionally, a lcsion
of thc ncrvus auriculotcnporalis scc thc illustration in thc scction on thc "lcrvus
frontalis) can occur with rcsulting paralysis or wcakcning of thc nasticatory nusclc
nusculus tcnporalis. ^n uppcrcut blow can rcsult in whiplash fron thc grcat strain on
thc spinc of thc ncck as thc hcad is pushcd back scc also Chaptcr 2 on thc lapc of
thc ncck). Jhis can also causc danagc to thc softcr parts of thc napc of thc ncck, c.g.,
nusclcs, ligancnts, spinal discs, thc vcsscl structurcs, and thc spinal cord. hcsults can
includc di..incss, stiff ncck, fccling, difficultics in hcaring and vision, as wcll as
a rcduction of pcriphcral sight. Jraumatic brain in[ury is also possiblc scc thc scction
on thc "Skull).
n scrious brcaks of thc lowcr jaw, thc floor of thc nouth bcconcs instablc with a
dangcr of thc air passagcs bcing blockcd duc to thc position of thc basc of thc tonguc.
lartial facial paralysis is also possiblc, bccausc thc ncrvus facialis is situatcd forward
undcrncath thc parotid gland up to thc surfacc at thc rcar cdgc of thc lowcr jaw. lcrc
it lics dircctly undcr thc skin whcrc it has littlc protcction and thus is casily danagcd
by cxtcrnal cffccts.
Jhis is a classic targct for profcssional fightcrs, as wcll as thc "notsoprofcssional oncs,
thc tccth rcprcscnt a considcrablc risk to thc striking hand if unprotcctcd.
& Jhc dcfcndcr anticipatcs thc attack and attacks thc attackcr's lowcr jaw with a
hanncr fist punch.
' Jhc strikc forccs thc hcad around.
( ...followcd up with anothcr hanncr fist punch.
) Closcup.
( )
' &
(%(/ JlYdXe[`YlcXi^cXe[&>cXe[lcXjlYdXe[`YlcXi`j
Scc thc illustration in thc scction on thc "larotid gland.
Jhc subnandibular gland can bc fclt - right and lcft - on thc nandiblc anglc of
thc lowcr jaw bctwccn thc jaw bonc and thc nusculus digastricus in thc socallcd
subnandibular trianglc. Jhc subnandibular gland is inncrvatcd by thc ncrvus facialis
and ncrvus lingualis.
6iiVX`/lunchprcssurc using thc fingcr tipsthunbs.
&"' Jargct nark.
( 0sc thc fingcrs as a spcar.
:[[ZXih/lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc is applicd scc thc statcncnts
in thc ntroduction). ^ lcsion of thc glandular is possiblc. Jhcrc is also a possibility of
whiplash rcsulting fron thc punch, with sinilar rcsults as thosc dcscribcd carlicr.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt.
& ' (
( )
* +
& Jhc dcfcndcr anticipatcs thc planncd attack by pinning thc attacking arn and
using thc fingcrs to stab thc gland.
' Jhc attackcr lcans forward.
( Closcup.
) 8y stccring thc hcad, thc attackcr's punch lands in cnpty air.
* Start of thc arn lcvcr.
+ Lxccuting thc arn lcvcr.
- Jhc arn is pinncd and undcr control.
Sinultancous usc of a pull on thc ncck and stabbing with thc fingcrs.
, - .
& Controlling tcchniquc whcn thc opponcnt is on thc ground.
' Closcup.
&' Lcfcnding onc's sclf against
bcing grabbcd around thc waist
by controlling thc hcad.
' Jhc dcfcndcr thcn hooks his fin
gcrs undcr thc attackcr's lowcr
jaw and brings hin down to thc
& '
(%(0 Cfn\ic`g
6iiVX`/0sing a pinccr grip with thc thunb undcr thc chin), thc lowcr lip is prcsscd
against thc incisor tccth, biting thc fingcrs is not possiblc. Jhc ncrvus ncntalis
inncrvatcs thc lowcr lip.
& low to forn thc grip.
' whcn using thc grip, thc lowcr lip is pushcd up ovcr thc incisors, thus bcing bittcn
is not possiblc.
( lron anothcr vicwpoint.
) lrcparing for an 0SotoCari.
:[[ZXih/lain fron thc pain rcccptors of thc nusclcs and thc nucous ncnbrancs).
ts practical usc is clcarly linitcd bcing in a position to start thc novc is thc nost
difficult part).
(%)' JlYc`e^lXc^cXe[&>cXe[lcXjlYc`e^lXc`j
lor an illustration, scc thc scction on thc "larotid gland.
^s thc nanc indicatcs, thc gland lics undcrncath thc tonguc - it is thc snallcst of thc
3 pairs of najor salivary glands.
6iiVX`/0sing a pinccr grip with thc thunb undcr thc chin), thc forcfingcr and niddlc
fingcrs prcss down on thc basc of thc nouth. ts practical usc is clcarly linitcd.
( )
:[[ZXih/ lain.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt.
ts practical usc is clcarly linitcd bcing in a position to start thc novcncnt is thc nost
difficult part).
(%)( :_\\bj
6iiVX`/ 0sing a pinccr grip, thc flcsh of thc chccks is prcsscd against thc uppcr and
lowcr rows of tccth. Jhc ncrvus buccalis scc its scction) inncrvatcs thc chccks.
:[[ZXih/lain, thc jaws opcn dog owncrs know this tcchniquc).
^ countcr hold with thc hand is ncccssary on thc ncck, chcstlunbar spinc rcgion).
(%)) ;\ekXcXcm\fc`
Jhc hollows or sockcts in thc chin bonc arc callcd alvcoli and thc tccth and roots) arc
hcld in placc in thcsc. Lcntal alvcoli arc prcscnt in both thc uppcr jaw bonc and thc lowcr
jaw bonc. Jhc dcntal alvcoli in thc lowcr jaw bonc arc inncrvatcd by thc ncrvus alvcolaris,
and thc ncrvus infraorbitalis inncrvatcs thc dcntal alvcoli in thc uppcr jaw bonc.
6iiVX`/Jab with thc tips of thc fingcrs, knucklc punch.
Jargct nark.
lrccing tcchniqucs thcn usc followup tcchniqucs or run away).
& Jhc tips of thc fingcrs prcss into thc dcntal alvcoli. Countcr prcssurc at thc back
of thc ncck.
' ^nothcr tcchniquc. 0sc thc niddlc knucklc in a punch.
& lirakcn against thc tccth alvcoli with a countcr hold at thc back of thc ncck.
' Lxtcnsion of thc prcvious tcchniquc by prcssing thc niddlc fingcr into thc
opponcnt's cyc.
) 8kkXZbgf`ekjfek_\e\Zb
)%( :Xifk`j&:fddfeZXifk`[Xik\ip
Jhc carotid artcry is on thc lcft and right hand sidc of thc windpipc and thc csophagus
and is covcrcd only by thc ncck sidc nusclc and skin. n thc rcgion of thc ncck, onc can
ncasurc thc pulsc casily. n thc rcgion of thc larynx, it dividcs into thc artcria carotis
intcrna and artcria carotis cxtcrna. 0nc of thc nost inportant points of ncasuring
blood prcssurc glonus caroticun) is at this fork in thc artcrics. Jhis fork is ncccssary
so that whcn thcrc is a suddcn incrcasc of blood prcssurc thc vcsscls do not brcak and
lcad to blccding. whcn thc blood prcssurc incrcascs, thc intcrnal wall of thc carotid
sinus strctchcs, which is rcgistcrcd by thc glonus caroticun and transnittcd to thc
brain by thc ncrvous systcn.
6iiVX`/Strikc with cithcr thc insidc or outsidc of thc hand also in strangling attacks).

&"' Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/Jhc hcightcncd blood prcssurc stinulatcs thc brain causing thc blood vcsscls
to cnlargc inncdiatcly, spccially in thc vcins of thc stonach rcgion - unconsciousncss
is possiblc duc to thc lack of blood supply to thc brain. f lying hori.ontally, thc blood
flows back into thc brain and onc will awakcn.
n addition, thc hcart can slow down and bc wcakcncd. Jhcrc is also a lowcr ratc of
brcathing, which can cvcntually cvcn conc to a full stop. Jhcrc is a dangcr of hcart
lurthcr injurics can rcsult fron any fall.
Jhcrc is also thc dangcr that plaqucs can looscn on thc intcrnal sidcs of thc carotid
artcry, novc along through thc systcn and causc a strokc in thc brain. Such plaqucs
as thcsc arc cspccially found in thc fork of thc connon carotid artcry. Jhc dangcr is
highcr with incrcasing agc.
^s alrcady pointcd out in thc ntroduction, rcgarding thc inpact on 0kc, onc can bc
irrcsponsiblc and bc cqually juristically dubious whcn you scc this point in thc various
training vidcos nisuscd as "cvidcncc that Kyusho is cffcctivc. t can bc a particularly
dclicatc subjcct if thcrc arc injurics whcrc thc cffccts arc norc scrious than thosc planncd.
Suitablc for usc as ^tcni, as wcll as strangling tcchniqucs. n ccrtain instanccs, dangcr
cxists duc to thc closcncss to thc larynx.
& '
( )
* +
& Jhc opponcnt trics to grab hold.
' Jhc dcfcndcr novcs forward holding his arns in a wcdgc 'v' shapc.
( Jhc attack is dcflcctcd to thc outsidc.
) Jhc attackcr slidcs past thc outsidc of thc dcfcndcr.
* linccr attack using thc cdgc of thc hands at thc carotid artcrics.
+ Closcup.
, n ordcr to bolstcr thc tcchniquc, thc attackcr's foot is pinncd down by standing
on it.
- Closcup.
. Continuc thc attack by rattling thc sidcs of thc hands against thc targct.
, .
( )
' &
' ^ttack using a straight kick with thc foot.
( Jhc kick is swcpt away by thc lcft arn.
) Jhc dcfcnsivc action causcs thc attackcr's kick to bc cxtcndcd.
* Jhc circular swccping notion in thc countcrattack is novcd to thc usc of thc inncr
cdgc of thc hand.
, Countcrattack with thc insidc cdgc of thc hand and control of thc clbow joint at
thc sanc tinc.
Jhc strikc can also bc cxccutcd using thc outsidc cdgc of thc hand Shuto).
* + ,
)%) EXg\f]k_\e\Zb&:\im`ZXcjg`e\
Consists of thc scvcn vcrtcbrac C1C7) bctwccn thc hcad and thc thoracic spinc and
is supportcd by thc ncck and back nusclcs as wcll as scvcral othcr vcrtcbrac.
6iiVX`/ lcck lcvcr, punch.
n a rotating ncck lcvcr, it is crucial that a conbination of strctching thc ncck and thc
rotation of thc hcad is applicd in ordcr to achicvc thc optinun cffcct.

& Lcnonstrating thc strctching of thc ncck.
' Strctching thc ncck - rotation of thc hcad.
& Start of thc ncck lcvcr in a standing position. loticc thc bcginning of twisting thc
hcad and pinning it.
' lo possibility of cscapc.
& ' (
Stcfan is plcascd with his
succcssful lcvcr of thc ncck.
& Jhc back of thc opponcnt's hcad is graspcd in thc flat of thc hands. n thc clinch,
thc hands arc foldcd ovcr cach othcr. Carcful! lcvcr link thc hands togcthcr
othcrwisc thcrc is thc dangcr of brcaking thc fingcrs).
' Strctching thc ncck.
( Starting thc rotation.
6iiVX`/Strikc cdgc of thc hand, lowcr arn).
& Starting position.
' Jhc righthandcd punch is wardcd off. Jhc right hand is rcady for thc strikc with
thc cdgc of thc hand that follows.
( Strikc with thc cdgc of thc hand..
) ... and dircctly grab around thc ncck.
* nsidc low kick 0chinonoCcri). Jhc righthand kicking lcg is quickly novcd to thc
rcar, and thc opponcnt is brought off balancc by pulling hin sharply past thc dcfcndcr.
+ Starting position for a furthcr attack at thc ncck.
, lulling back novcncnt whilc at thc sanc tinc controlling thc clbow.
- ^ttack using thc ulna part of thc lowcr arn potcntially fatal).
* +
, -
:[[ZXih/ Light branchcs of ncrvcs originatc on cach sidc of thc ccrvical spinc. Jhc
uppcr four forn thc ccrvical plcxus and inncrvatc thc ncck and its nusclcs as wcll as
thc diaphragn. Jhc lowcr four, togcthcr with thc ncrvcs of thc first thoracic vcrtcbra,
forn thc arn plcxus plcxus brachialis) and inncrvatc thc chcst, back and arn nusclcs,
as wcll as thc skin covcring thcn.
Jhc vcrtcbral artcrics arc found down thc ccrvical spinc and, togcthcr with thc carotid
artcry, thcy cnsurc that thc brain is supplicd with blood. Lcsions of thc spinal narrow
causcd by brokcn boncs in thc ccrvical spinc) lcad to fcclings of nunbncss and paralysis
of thc lcgs, arns, torso and, in thc casc of injury in thc highcr scction in injurics to
thc spinal narrow around thc rcgion of thc fourth vcrtcbra or highcr), paralysis of thc
diaphragn and thus brcathing. Vorcovcr, it rcsults in a loss of control ovcr thc bladdcr
and bowcls, as wcll as dcadcning scxual functions. whiplash is a nodcratc forn of
injury to thc narrow in thc ccrvical spinc and docs not danagc thc vcrtcbrac. t has thc
typical synptons of hcadachc, fatiguc, di..incss and nausca. Scrious forns of whiplash
arc acconpanicd with instability in thc passagc fron hcad to ncck. Jhcsc injurics arc
thosc to thc ligancnts or danagc to thc joint capsulc in thc hcad joint. Synptons of
instabilitics in thc passagc fron hcad to ncck arc.
8urning or sharp pain at thc back of thc hcad
lroblcns with hcaring and vision, linitcd pcriphcral vision
lcrccptual disordcrs, attcntion disordcrs, disoricntation
hapid cxhaustion
lccling of wcakncss
lain andor scnsation of nunbncss or tingling on thc facial or arn skin
0nstcady gait
Vusclc disturbanccs, such as cranps spasnodic)
Jargcts arc casily rcachcd, howcvcr thc cffccts arc dcpcndcnt upon thc physical
constitution of thc othcr pcrson.
Jhc sanc scqucncc as abovc, but for clarity, fron anothcr vicwpoint.
( )
* +
, Jakc control with thc right hand. lull back thc lcft hand for a frcsh strikc.
)%* Al^lcXiefkZ_&=fjjXal^lcXi`j
AdXVi^dc/ Lics in a hollow bctwccn thc two collarboncs and bordcrcd bclow by thc
uppcr cdgc of thc brcastbonc.
6iiVX`/ ^pply prcssurc or, with a jab, usc thc forc and niddlc fingcrs thus causing
irritation of thc windpipc trachca).
Jargct nark.
& Jhis is how to hold thc hand for thc attack on thc jugular notch.
' ^ltcrnativc way of holding thc hand for dclving into and bchind thc brcastbonc.
( lrcssurc of thc fingcrs is applicd diagonally upward for thc bcst cffcct).
& Jhc opponcnt grabs around undcr thc arns.
' Shock strikc with thc knucklcs against thc ncrvus frontalis scc carlicr). Jhc hcad
is pushcd back by this.
( ..and allows thc dcfcndcr to attack thc jugular notch with jabbing fingcrs.
& ' (
:[[ZXih/ lain and irritation of thc throat causcd by irritation of thc tiny hairs cilia) on
thc insidc of thc windpipc. ^ fracturc of thc windpipc occurs nainly as a rcsult of a
dircct brcak this spccifically affccts oldcr pcrsons) of thc ossificd uppcr trachcal rings
horscshocshapcd rings, or cartilagcs, cnclosing thc windpipc, opcn to thc rcar - scc
thc illustration in thc scction on thc "Larynx) c.g., causcd by a blunt blow), in cascs of
conplctc fracturc, rctract thc stunps.
n short rcachcs, it nay bc possiblc to bring thc opponcnt down to thc ground to
do this, thc othcr hand nust hold bchind thc hcadncck). 0scd as a jabbing attack
fron grcatcr rangc prccision is rcquircd, in ccrtain circunstanccs, thcrc is dangcr
duc to proxinity of thc larynx). ^ltcrnativcly, usc it as a frccing tcchniquc thcn do a
followup tcchniquc or run away).
& ' (
) * +
& Shock tcchniquc as dcscribcd carlicr).
' Crip thc brcastbonc.
) ^ttackcr is brought down to his knccs.
+ Concluding tcchniquc using thc clbow potcntially fatal).
& hcpcat usc of thc shock tcchniquc.
' Contact is naintaincd with thc
opponcnt's facc. Jhc hand slips
toward thc throat.
) Crabbing into thc hollow.
* Lcfcnsivc strikc with thc tips of thc
fingcrs diagonally upward carcful
of thc larynx!).
( )
Jhc nost rcliablc strikc - upward and diagonal - is thc onc that uscs thc wholc hand
bccausc onc of thc fingcrs will always find its targct.
)%+ E\Zbj`[\dljZc\&DljZlcljjk\iefZc\`[fdXjkf`[\lj
0rigin. lront surfacc of thc
brcastbonc and insidc part of thc
nscrtion. lroccssus nastoidcus
nastoid proccss) of thc tcnporal
bonc bchind thc car).
Jhc function of this nusclc is to
rotatc thc hcad to thc oppositc
sidc or obliqucly rotatc thc
hcad. t also flcxcs thc ncck. Jhc
stcrnoclcidonastoid is inncrvatcd
by thc ipsilatcral acccssory ncrvc.
6iiVX`/linccr grip with thc fingcrs on thc ccntcr of thc bclly of nusclc or hook thc
fingcrs into it.
llustration of thc bundlc of nusclcs.

:[[ZXih/Vusclc pain, bc carcful with prcssurc on thc carotid scc its scction).
whcn at short rangc, thc opponcnt can bc casily stccrcd.
( )
* +
& Jhc punch at thc car is dcflcctcd.
' Starting thc throw.
( 0SotoCari.
+ Concluding tcchniquc. jabbing into thc cyc.
KVg^Vi^dc/ Controlling fron bchind.
& Crab hold of thc nusclc whilc controlling with thc othcr arn.
& ' (
)%, E\Zbj`[\dljZc\`ej\ik`fegf`ek
nscrtion point of thc nusculus stcrnoclcidonastoidcus is at thc nastoid proccss
proccssus nastoidcus) of thc tcnporal bonc bchind thc car).
6iiVX`/ Strikc with thc outsidc cdgc of thc hand, insidc cdgc of thc hand, ulna or
basc of thc fist.
& ^ttack using thc lowcr arn bony part. spokc bonc radius).
' Closcup.
:[[ZXih/ whcn contracting on thc onc sidc, thc ncck sidc nusclc brings thc hcad in thc
dircction of thc shouldcr. Jogcthcr with thc strctch rcflcx scc ntroduction), thc hcad
or brain is concusscd and rcsults possibly in short pcriods of disoricntation. whcn a
nassivc blow is fclt, thcrc is a possibility of injury to thc ccrvical spinc scc its scction).
^ widc spcctrun of uscs is availablc, c.g., in support of a throw such as 0SotoCari or
also uscd as a shock tcchniquc.
^ftcr blocking, grab around thc body by pushing thc attackcr's hcad. Jhcn strikc using
thc cdgc of thc hand against thc inscrtion point of thc ncck sidc nusclc.
lrcc yoursclf fron thc clinch by applying prcssurc to thc ncrvus auricularis nagnus, usc
thc sanc hand to dclivcr a strikc with thc basc of thc fist against thc inscrtion point
of thc ncck sidc nusclc.
)%- E\Zbj`[\dljZc\`ej\ik`fegf`ek_fccfn
Jhc hollow forncd by thc lcft and right ncck sidc nusclcs nusculus stcrnoclcido
nastoidcus) bctwccn thc collarbonc and thc start of thc brcastbonc, just abovc thc
collarbonc scc thc illustration in thc scction for thc "lcck sidc nusclc). "nscrtion
ncans thc sitc of attachncnt of thc nusclc to thc bonc it novcs.
Jhc ncrvus vagus runs through thc ncck down to thc body in thc sanc shcath as thc
artcria carotis connunis. lcrc it inncrvatcs thc hcart, thc bronchia, thc digcstivc tract
and thc urctcr to rcach this, thc prcssurc nust bc vcry strong). hcgardlcss, thc cffcct
is fclt by thc pain causcd by prcssurc on thc origin of thc nusclc.

6iiVX`/Jhunb prcsscs diagonally downward toward thc niddlc.
& Jargct nark.
' low thc thunb should bc hcld.
:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc applicd conparc thc
statcncnts in thc ntroduction). whcn prcssurc is applicd on thc artcria carotis
connunis, thcrc is a tcnporary rcduction of blood supply to thc brain rcsulting in
di..incss. Jhc windpipc can also bcconc irritatcd.
Cood tcchniquc for short rangc work. finding thc corrcct spot rcquircs practicc bcforc
onc can cxpcct a high dcgrcc of succcss.
& Controlling thc hcad - attack using thc thunb.
' Closcup.
( Llbow into thc brcastbonc.
) lcad is pinncd for thc concluding tcchniquc.
( )
)%. CXipeo
Jhis targct arca is vcry nuch at risk bccausc thc arca has no natural protcction. Jhc
larynx consists of thc tonguc, as wcll as thrcc cartilagcs - thc thyroid cartilagc, thc
cricoid cartilagc, and thc cpiglottis. n addition, thcrc arc two arytcnoids cartilagcs. Jhc
cartilagcs arc hcld togcthcr by ncnbrancs.
6iiVX`/Strikcs using thc insidc or outsidc cdgc of thc hand, thc flat of thc hand, fist,
knucklcs or bcing grippcd.
Jargct nark.

:[[ZXih/ f thc larynx collapscs, thcrc is an acutc dangcr of suffocation bccausc
thc airways bcconc obstructcd. Countcrncasurcs. Jrachcotony or coniotony
dcpcndcnt upon location). Jhcrc is a furthcr possibility of a spasn of thc vocal cords
with closurc of thc glottis and possiblc swclling of thc cpiglottis. f thc hyoid is
brokcn, thcrc will bc brcathing and spccch problcns causcd by thc contortion of thc
nusclcs surrounding it.
hcgarding cffcctivcncss and acccssibility, this targct is alnost on thc sanc lcvcl as thc
& ^n cffcctivc wcapon is to usc thc fork forncd by thc opcn thunb and first fingcr
to strikc or sci.c thc throat Japancsc. "Joho). lollowing a succcssful strikc, thc
attack can bc followcd up by grabbing or thc larynx.
& '
)%/ :cXm`Zc\_fccfn
6iiVX`/ Jhunb prcssurc - dircctcd at thc plcxus
ccrvicalis ccrvical plcxus) and thc nusculi scalcni
scalcnc nusclcs) scc thc illustration in thc scction
on "lcck sidc nusclc).
& low to hold thc thunb for thc attack. ' Jargct nark.
( lron anothcr vicwpoint. ) Jhc prcssurc of thc thunb
on thc plcxus ccrvicalis can bc supportcd by using a
ncck lcvcr.
:[[ZXih/lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc
is applicd scc thc statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
Cood tcchniquc for short rangc work, finding thc
corrcct spot rcquircs practicc bcforc onc can cxpcct a
high dcgrcc of succcss.

' & (
)%0 KiXg\q`lj&DljZlcljkiXg\q`lj
6iiVX`/ Strikc with thc cdgc of thc hand, hanncr fist, strikc using thc lowcr arn
|ulna]) against thc nusculus trapc.ius whcrc it connccts with thc ncck, pinccr grip on
thc bclly of its nusclc.

Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/Vusclc pain, togcthcr with thc strctching rcflcx scc ntroduction), thc hcad or
brain is concusscd this ncans that thc strikc is at thc lowcr basc of thc skull).
lor thc possiblc cffccts on thc trapc.ius nusclc, scc thc scction on thc "8iccps.
whiplash is possiblc with thc rcsults alrcady cxplaincd scvcral tincs carlicr. Jhis
is possibly a difficult targct to rcach in unfavorablc conditions, thc strikc nust bc
dclivcrcd with forcc.
& warding off thc swinging punch.
' Crab hold of thc opponcnt's clothing whilc at thc sanc tinc dclivcring a kick to
thc insidc of thc kncc.
( lull back thc arn to dclivcr thc strikc at thc trapc.ius.
& ' (
) Lxccutc thc strikc by hitting with thc ulna.
* Crab hold and control thc ncck.
+ Concluding tcchniquc with a kncc kick.
& lull back thc arn.
' Strikc diagonally downward with thc radius.
( Closcup.
) * +
& ' (
) Jhc strikc changcs ovcr into a hip throw Koshi Curuna).
* Vovcncnt to crcatc thc pivot.
, Jo incrcasc thc cffcct of thc throw, thc opponcnt's right lcg is swcpt away.
) *
+ ,
* 8kkXZbgf`ekjfek_\kfijf
*%( 8idg`k&8o`ccX
Jhc arnpit is thc arca on thc hunan body dircctly undcr thc joint whcrc thc arn
connccts to thc shouldcr and is bordcrcd by thc chcst nusclc in thc front, at thc
rcar by thc back nusclc, and on thc insidc by thc rib cagc. t lics undcr thc skin. Jhc
cxtcnsions of thc plcxus brachialis, nancly thc ncrvus ncdianus, ncrvus ulnaris, and
ncrvus radialis can bc found in thc arnpit. Jhcsc ncrvcs run through thc wholc of thc
uppcr cxtrcnitics.

6iiVX`/Kick, jab with thc fingcrs.
Jargct nark.
& Jhc opponcnt is forccd to guard hinsclf by applying a lcvcr to his arn. Jhis nakcs
thc arnpit vulncrablc..
' that a kick can bc dclivcrcd.
( Closcup.
:[[ZXih/lcrvc painncuralgia scc statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as thc cffcct achicvcd is
individually diffcrcnt, thc arnpit is rclativcly scldon cxposcd, and norcovcr, as with all
targcts on thc torso, oftcn wcll protcctcd by clothing.
& ' (
*%) 9i\XjkYfe\&Jk\ield
Scc also thc illustration in thc scction on thc "hibs.
lart of thc rib cagc Latin. thorax).
6iiVX`/ Strikc using thc knucklcs of
thc fingcrs, hcad butt, kick with thc
kncc, basc of thc fist.
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/ lain, ticklc cough in thc throat, fracturc of thc bonc, passing outfainting,
brcathing difficultics, shock cffcct to thc hcart lcading to possiblc cardiac arrcst, dcath.
t is possiblc that it will havc an cffcct on thc hcart. lowcvcr, this proccdurc is uscd in
hcart nassagc whcrc prcssurc is applicd to thc chcst cagc. Sonctincs, in an cncrgcncy,
a thunp with thc basc of thc fist is donc to thc chcst just lcft of thc ccntral linc) in
ordcr to rcsuscitatc thc corrcct hcartbcat in cascs of vcntricular fibrillation.

^ statc of "connotio cordis hcart vibration) can bc causcd cvcn with littlc forcc. ^
0.S. study on this
, in which 128 cascs wcrc rcvicwcd, rcportcd that in nost instanccs
bascballs, footballs or othcr balls wcrc involvcd. ^ccording to thc study, thcrc was
a window of 1S nilliscconds whcn thc risk was at its grcatcst - thc blow had to bc
dircctly abovc thc hcart.
Jhcrc appcars to bc no particular prcdisposition for a statc of "connotio cordis - it
can strikc anyonc in unfavorablc conditions as dcscribcd. Youngcr pcrsons, howcvcr,
arc norc at risk as thcy havc a norc clastic ribcagc than oldcr pcoplc. 0nly 16% of thc
128 cascs rcvicwcd in thc study survivcd.

Jhc targct is casily acccssiblc, howcvcr, likc all targcts on thc torso, thc ribcagc is
protcctcd by clothing particularly for strikcs using thc knucklcs of thc fingcrs).
& lunch with thc fist.
' Jhc punch is wardcd off by swiping it away fron thc
outsidc to insidc.
( Jhc novcncnt turns into a punch coning in
diagonally downward.
) Concludc with a hook to thc livcr.
& (
& ^ttack using a punch lirakcn).
' Closcup.
& 0sing thc hcad in groundwork.
' Sidc vicw.
& '
& '
& Jhc opponcnt's inswinging attack is ncgatcd by noving dclibcratcly forward
whilc covcring thc hcad.
' Jhc hardcr thc opponcnt attacks, thc norc thc prcssurc is transfcrrcd to his
& 8y applying prcssurc with thc knucklcs of thc fingcrs a rubbing notion is also
possiblc) and pulling thc back of his hcad forward, thc opponcnt is forccd to lcan
forward - in this casc into a ncck lcvcr.
& ' (
& '
*%* :_\jkdljZc\j
Jhc "nusculus pcctoralis najor largc chcst nusclc) covcrs thc wholc of thc frontal rib
arca. Jhc nusclc fibcrs ovcrlap at thc arn. Jhc fibcrs that conc upward join thc uppcr
arn furthcr up than thc fibcrs that conc fron thc collarbonc. Jhcy crcatc an archway
whcrc thc forcnost linitation forns thc arnpit. Jhc largc chcst nusclc is inncrvatcd by
thc ncrvus pcctoralis latcralis and thc ncrvus pcctoralis ncdialis.
6iiVX`/Crip thc arnpit bctwccn thc fingcrs of thc hand.
& Crab hold as a dcfcnsc against thc attcnpt to takc hold of thc shouldcr.
' Jhc dcfcnsc is succcssful by using a pinccr grip with thc hand to locatc thc chcst
( Closcup.
t is ncccssary to push thc opponcnt backwards, a harnlcss tcchniquc.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
wcaring thick clothing.
& ' (
*%+ E`ggc\j&DXddXip^cXe[j&>cXe[lcXdXddXi`X
Jhc vcsscl supply and thc ncrval inncrvation of thc nalc nipplc arc sinilar to a snallcr
dcgrcc to thosc of thc fcnalc glands.
Jhc scnsitivc inncrvation of thc nannary glands concs fron thc branchcs of thc
intcrcostal ncrvcs ncrvi intcrcostalcs) that run as ncdial and latcral nannary
branchcs to thcir supply arca.
6iiVX`/8iting or pinching pinccr grip).
0sually wcll covcrcd or protcctcd by clothing.
*%, K\jk`Zc\j
6iiVX`/Kick with thc foot or kncc), punch, grip.
Lxanplc of dcfcnsc
:[[ZXih/ Jhc nain scnsitivity of thc tcsticlcs to pain concs fron thc scnsitivc ncrvc
fibcrs branchcs of thc ncrvus gcnitofcnoralis) of thc scrotun.
8ccausc thc gcnitals arc also inncrvatcd by thc parasynpathctic ncrvc systcn, it can -
as always, whcn this ncrvc systcn is involvcd - lcad to a lowcring of thc blood prcssurc
or to a slowing down of thc hcartbcat and brcathing. lossiblc rcsults of thcsc cffccts
arc norc likcly to includc voniting, unconsciousncss and cardiac arrcst.

n cascs of blunt traunas, thcrc is a dangcr of danaging thc supplying artcrics
and blccding insidc thc tcsticlc pouch. luncturc of thc tcsticlc pouch can lcad to
inflannation of thc tcsticlcs or cvcn absccsscs. 8ccausc of thc opcn channcl of thc
vaginal proccss to thc abdoninal cavity, pcritonitis can occur.
Jhcrcforc, using significant forcc in this arca can causc pcrnancnt infcrtility.
^ kick in this arca can causc thc displaccncnt of thc tcsticlcs into thc abdoninal cavity,
acconpanicd by stark pain. t is also possiblc that thc pubic bonc nay bc danagcd
scc scction 3.17).
Lull pain and a snall bruisc can bc signs of a harnlcss contusion of thc tcsticlcs.
lronounccd bruising and lots of pain, possibly acconpanicd by nausca, arc signs of a
norc scrious injury. ^bovc all, aftcr an injury whcn thc tcsticlcs cannot bc individually
fclt, a visit to thc urologist is ncccssary.
Jhis rcgion is always instinctivcly protcctcd, whilc followup actions arc possiblc, cvcn
if thc targct is not hit.
& ^ttcnptcd ncck lcvcr.
' Lcfcnd by dclivcring a strikc with thc lowcr arn at thc tcsticlcs.
86JI>DC Vakc surc that thc opponcnt's arn around thc ncck is loosc and
controllcd. Jhis hclps thc attackcr to avoid a situation in which thc lowcr arn strikcs thc
tcsticlcs. Jhc opponcnt's rcflcx rcaction tcnds to strcngthcn his grip around thc ncck.
( Closcup of thc strikc.
) ^ltcrnativc dcfcnsc. hook punch at thc tcsticlcs.
( )
' &
&, twisting, and ripping thc tcsticlcs is bcst practiccd using an objcct such
as a bunch of rollcdup socks.
& Starting tcchniquc. Kick at thc hollow at thc back of thc kncc.
' Kick at thc tcsticlcs is cxccutcd fron bchind.
( variation. Kick with thc tocs.
& ' (
& ' (
& ^ swccping kick opcns up thc standing position of thc attackcr.
' Start of thc swccping kick. Jhc swccpcr's standing lcg is wcll outsidc thc attackcr's
standing position in ordcr to dcvclop norc forcc.
( Jhc distancc bctwccn fcct) is lcngthcncd.
) 0sing thc swccping foot, thc kick is dclivcrcd dircctly.
* ^ltcrnativc. Kick with thc othcr lcg.
& ' (
) *
& nsidc low kick - thus lcngthcning thc .
' lard to soft.
& '
*%- C`m\i
Jhc livcr is locatcd on thc right sidc of thc uppcr abdoncn and runs down as far as
thc botton righthand floating rib. t is thc ccntral organ of thc wholc nctabolisn
of thc body and thc largcst gland. Jhc livcr is hcld in a ncnbranc capsulc. 0nly this
ncnbranc has a dcnsc nctwork of finc ncrvcs capablc of rcporting to thc brain.
6iiVX`/ Kick, punch.

Snall intcstinc
lloating rib
look at thc livcr
:[[ZXih/Vany of thc inncr organs, just as it is with thc livcr, arc supplicd with largc
anounts of blood. f it is hit hard, thcrc is thc dangcr of rupturing thc livcr and hiddcn
intcrnal blccding. 8ccausc of its "hiddcn naturc, intcrnal blccding of this sort is
insidious. ^ blunt abdoninal trauna of this typc can, abovc all, lcad to fatality causcd
by shock fron thc high loss of blood fron intcrnal blccding. 0thcr synptons includc
prcssurc pain, nausca, a pallid and wan appcarancc bccausc of thc shock), di..incss,
and voniting. n gcncral, with such injurics, thcrc is thc dangcr of intcrnal blccding.
Jhis can dcvclop ovcr a pcriod of scvcral days. t is also possiblc that although thc vcins
do not rupturc thcy nay bc so badly danagcd that whcn put undcr rcncwcd cxcrtion
c.g., in sport) spontancous rupturcs nay occur, which in turn lcad to hcavy blccding.
Jhis can also havc conplications and cvcntually lcad to fatality in thc worst cascs.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
wcaring thick clothing.
& Jhc punch attack is
wardcd off using
both hands.
) *
+ ,
( look at thc livcr. ) Closcup. * Crab thc arn..
+ .and control thc shouldcr..
, .and transfcr thc tcchniquc ovcr to dclivcr a kncc kick at thc livcr whilc, at thc
sanc tinc, pulling with both hands.
*%. >if`e
6iiVX`/ lunch, kick, fingcr
& ^n attcnptcd kick is countcrcd by kicking at thc groin.
( Jhc groin is struck. Jhc kick at thc groin nust
bc cxccutcd diagonally lcft foot against thc
opponcnt's lcft groin and vicc vcrsa). f you
don't kick diagonally, thc opponcnt can coun
tcr by cxccuting a kick at thc opcn sidc bccau
sc thc opponcnt's ccntcr of gravity will not bc
affcctcd by thc kick.


nguinal ligancnt
ln tne d|aqtam, tne ||qament
tans ftcm tne appet |eft dcwn tc
tne |cwet t|qnt and |s ca||ed tne
|nqa|na| ||qament
:[[ZXih/lain, hcrnia rupturc.
Jhc rcgion of thc groin, particularly thc inguinal canal canalis inguinalis), is a wcll
known wcak spot. t runs abovc thc inguinal ligancnt. ^t this spot, a hcrnia can
occur, which can also occur aftcr hcavy bodily strain. Jhc contcnts of thc abdoninal
cavity pcritoncun) can protrudc through thc abdoninal wall. lain fron this can bc
low to hcavy and convulsivc. ^ hard lunp can bc fclt abovc thc groin. hupturcs arc
dangcrous, abovc all whcn thc organs of thc abdoninal cavity such as thc intcstinc)
arc trappcd in thc brcak. ^s a rcsult of thc this, thc trappcd intcstinc swclls still furthcr,
and is thcrcforc cut off fron thc blood supply. Jhis is known as strangulation and can
lcad to nccrosis of thc trappcd part of thc organ. n addition, an ilcus obstruction
of thc bowcls) can occur. 8oth situations arc lifcthrcatcning and rcquirc inncdiatc
opcrativc surgical attcntion. n ccrtain cascs, a rcscction partial rcnoval of an organ)
is ncccssary.
Jhis causcs a probablc bcnding ovcr at thc hips, which opcns thc possibility for follow
up actions.
Jhc groin is a good targct to put thc
opponcnt off balancc, cspccially whcn
hc has a wcllpaddcd torso.
^ kick in thc groin fron a clinch.
IMP0RJANJ! Jhc opponcnt's right arn
nust bc pinncd down othcrwisc hc can
grab thc attacking lcg and causc thc
dcfcndcr to fall.
& low to hold thc hands whcn jabbing with thc fingcrs at thc groin.
( lron anothcr vicwpoint.
*%/ JkfdXZ_
lor an illustration, scc thc scction on thc "Livcr.
6iiVX`/ lunch, kick.
& Clinch situation.
& '
( )
'"+ Scrics of kncc kicks at thc stonach arca.
:[[ZXih/ lain, pcrforation of thc stonach.
Jhc wall of thc stonach can rupturc following a blunt blow, which ncans its contcnts
will cnpty into thc abdoninal cavity. Suddcn scvcrc pains acconpanicd by voniting,
tcnsion in thc abdoninal wall, and synptons of shock bcgin.
hupturc of thc stonach wall nust always bc considcrcd an cncrgcncy, bccausc, if
untrcatcd, it can bc fatal. Jhc nain dangcr of pcrforation of thc stonach is pcritonitis
with subscqucnt blood poisoning scpsis) causcd by thc cscapc of thc stonach contcnts
into thc abdoninal cavity. Jhc dangcr is grcatcr if thc stonach is full.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
wcaring thick clothing.
* +
*%0 Jgc\\e
Scc thc illustration in thc scction on thc "Livcr.
n hunans, thc splccn is a organ that lics bclow thc cighth and ninth rib on
thc lcfthand sidc of thc uppcr abdoncn bcncath thc diaphragn and abovc thc lcft
kidncy. Jhis organ holds a largc quantity of blood.
6iiVX`/lunch, kick, kncc kick.
& look punch at thc splccn.
' Closcup.
( Jhc attackcr's arn is thcn controllcd.
) lurthcr attack at thc splccn using thc clbow.
:[[ZXih/ f thc ribs on thc lcft sidc arc injurcd, thcrc is a possibility that thc splccn
can rupturc in sonc instanccs, appcars as pain in thc uppcr abdoncn) which ncans
it nay blccd into thc abdoninal cavity, which of coursc is not visiblc on thc outsidc.
Jhc splccn capsulc can control thc blccding for a short pcriod, which is why thc first
synptons appcar aftcr a fcw days.
lypovolcnic shock of this kind also shock fron lack of blood volunc) concs about
by an insufficicnt intravascular lcvcl of blood in thc blood vcsscls). hcsults arc oftcn
unconsciousncss, as wcll as ccssation of brcathing and cardiac arrcst. Loss of about
S0% of blood is alnost always fatal without ncdical attcntion.
f shock is not trcatcd ovcr a longcr pcriod of tinc, irrcvcrsiblc shock can sct in and
thcrc is thc dangcr of a failurc of thc kidncys and a fatal nultiplc organ failurc.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
wcaring thick clothing.
& ^ furthcr cxanplc. Kncc kick at thc splccn.
' Closcup.
& '
*%(' ;\ckf`[dljZc\j
Scc also thc illustrations in thc scctions on
thc "^rnpit and "ClaviclcCollar bonc.
Jhc nusculus dcltoidcus dcltoid) is a
triangular skclctal nusclc that lics ovcr thc
shouldcr joint likc a parccl and givcs it
stability by prcssing thc hcad joint of thc
uppcr arn bonc into its sockct. ts function is
in lifting thc uppcr arn.
6iiVX`/lunch with thc fist, clbow).
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/ Lanagc to organs or parts of thc body causcd by cxtcrnal dircct, blunt
forcc without visiblc injury to thc skin is known as bruising. Jhis crcatcs an cdcna
swclling) of thc tissucs and cxtravasation of blood fron thc danagcd capillarics in thc
surrounding tissuc and can appcar as a bruisc. Ccncrally, pain is inncdiatc and linits
nobility. n cascs of largcr swcllings, stiffcning of thc nusclc can occur.
Sinilar cvcnts occur in contusions whcn thc body tissuc is prcsscd togcthcr.

n a torn musc|e fiber, thc rcticular fibcrs arc danagcd and local inflannatory
synptons occur. ^t thc sanc tinc, local rcduction of tonus statc of tcnsion in thc
nusclcs) is apparcnt in thc danagcd arca. with tcars in largcr nusclcs, sonctincs clcar
rcccsscs or knotting of thc nusclcs in thc affcctcd arca can bc sccn.
Jhronbosis is unlikcly.
Jcars of thc fascia skin arc hardly likcly, howcvcr, conpartncnt syndronc can bc
possiblc swclling in thc nusclc with rcduccd blood circulation, incrcasc of prcssurc
and, if not trcatcd, possiblc nccrosis).
t is also possiblc to danagc thc arn sockct and thc tcndons of thc rotator cuff nusclcs,
which forn a collar around thc wholc of thc shouldcr.
ntcrfcrcncc is possiblc also in thc ncrvus axillaris that originatcs fron thc plcxus
brachialis and inncrvatcs thc nusculus dcltoidcus.
Jhc linitations in nobility can bc dcduccd fron thc statcncnts abovc. Jhc cffcct is
linitcd whcrc thc nusclcs arc wclldcvclopcd fit to fight), a snall inpact surfacc
incrcascs thc cffcct.
& Lxanplcs of attacking strikcs at thc shouldcr.. ' ..with thc fist..
( ..and with thc clbow.
' & (
& Jhc strikc with thc clbow at thc rcar of thc dcltoid nusclc can bc uscd to twist
thc opponcnt around.
' Jhis disadvantagcous position is uscd by thc dcfcndcr to cxccutc a ladakaJinc
"nakcd stranglc).
( Jhc opponcnt is brought to his knccs.
^ftcr succcssful dcfcnsc, hcrc thc strikc at thc nusculus dcltoidcus providcs furthcr
support to turn thc opponcnt around and throw hin backwards.
' & (
*%(( B`[e\pj
Location of thc kidncys. Lisscctcd vicw fron rcar.
Jhc functions of thc kidncys arc thc sccrction of supcrficial wastc products produccd by
nctabolisn and toxins and washing thcn fron thc body through thc urinary passagc.
Lvcry hunan has two kidncys that lic lcft and right of thc spinc undcrncath thc
diaphragn and arc protcctcd by a capsulc of fat. Jhcy arc cach shapcd likc a bcan
and arc about 1012 cn long. Lach of thc kidncys is protcctcd by a thin, firn capsulc
of conncctivc tissuc round thc organ and lics, togcthcr with thc adrcnal glands, bcddcd
in and cushioncd in an adiposc capsulc. Jhcy arc partially protcctcd by thc ribs abovc
thcn 11th and 12th pairs of ribs).
6iiVX`/Strikc fist, clbow), kncc kick.

Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/^ll forns of danagc to thc kidncys
can bc dcfincd as rcnal trauna. Childrcn arc
at grcatcr risk duc thc lack of cushioning
fatty tissuc to takc thc shock.
hcnal trauna can bc dividcd into contusion or bruising, rcnal rupturc or tcar, and
conplctc dcstruction of thc kidncy. Jhc prcdoninant synptons arc flank tunor, flank
pain, and blood visiblc in thc urinc - thc lattcr, howcvcr, is not ncccssarily rclatcd to
thc anount of blood in thc urinc. f thc urctcr is conplctcly blockcd by blood clots or if
thc stcn vcsscls arc torn off, thcrc nay bc no blood in thc urinc at all.
^dditional synptons. Local bruising hcnatona), scvcrc pain, possiblc lcakagc of urinc
fron thc opcn wound causcd by knifing or shooting).
Loss of blood fron a rupturcd kidncy can bc fatal fron shock.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd
or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc wcaring
thick clothing.
& Jhc ncck lcvcr is supportcd by dclivcring
a strikc with thc basc of thc forcfingcr
knucklc joint of thc thunb sidc of thc hand.
& Jhc stcp forward by thc opponcnt is wardcd off past thc body.
' .and thcn hc is turncd around furthcr with a low kick.
( Jhc action is continucd by dclivcring two hooks to thc kidncys.
* Changing ovcr to control thc hcad and bcnding hin ovcr backwards.
+ Conclusion. Kick with thc lcft kncc to thc kidncys.
& (
* ) +
*%() B`[e\pi\^`fe&Jb`e]fc[j
6iiVX`/ Crab thc skin folds in thc kidncy rcgion with
both hands and squcc.c.
:[[ZXih/lain individually diffcrcnt).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and
cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt - a harnlcss
*%(* I`Yj
Scc also thc illustration in thc Scction on thc "8rcastbonc.

Jhc hunan has 12 pairs of ribs. Jhc uppcr scvcn ribs arc callcd stcrnal ribs also callcd
"truc ribs) and thcsc arc dircctly conncctcd to thc brcastbonc stcrnun) through thc
costal cartilagc. hibs 810 arc callcd astcrnal ribs sct at thc cartilaginous ribcagc, and
thc two lowcr ribs cnd frccly in thc chcst nusclcs. hib pairs 812 arc dcfincd as "falsc
ribs. hibs 11 and 12 arc callcd "floating ribs and cnd frccly in thc abdoninal wall.
6iiVX`/ Strikc, kick foot, kncc), body scissors - particularly aincd at thc floating ribs.
& Jhc hook punch is blockcd.
' Controlling thc ncck.
( Low kick at thc short ribs using thc shinbonc.
:[[ZXih/ Scvcrc pain, brcathing problcns, bruiscs, brcakagc, intcrnal injurics livcr,
splccn, lungs, kidncys).
Luc to thc cxtcrnal cffcct, thc function of thc intcrcostal nusclcs can bc affcctcd thcy
raisc and lowcr thc ribs), and this hanpcrs brcathing. Jhis nay also affcct thc function
of thc diaphragn.
' & (
Ccncrally, ribs hcal wcll. Conccrning fracturcs of thc ribs, sonctincs a pncunothorax
condition occurs air collccting in thc plcural spacc). Jhis affccts thc cxpansion of
onc or both lungs, which can bc lifcthrcatcning dcpcnding on thc scvcrity. ^lso
pulnonary contusion can bc fatal if untrcatcd) or intcrnal blccding of thc lungs
hcnatothorax) into thc chcst can occur. f a lung conplctcly collapscs, hcart
problcns can rcsult. Jhis is bccausc thc hcart is kcpt in placc by thc lungs, and in
thc casc of a lung collapsc, this function is abscnt. njury to thc splccn can occur
whcn a lcft rib picrccs it or it is rupturcd indcpcndcntly. n fracturcs of thc rightsidcd
ribcagc, danagc to thc livcr can occur.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
wcaring thickclothing.
& Jhc kncc is liftcd up to onc sidc..
' ..and brought onto thc targct with a whiplikc hip novcncnt.
& '
*%(+ :cXm`Zc\&:fccXiYfe\
lunan collarbonc - vicw fron abovc hcrc thc right shouldcr is shown)
Jhc collarbonc is an Sshapcd bonc and is about 121S cns long. Jhc collarbonc is
part of thc shouldcr girdlc. t connccts thc brcastbonc with thc acronion - part of thc
shouldcr bladc.


6iiVX`/Strikc cdgc of thc hand, basc of thc fist, clbow) in thc cavity of thc collarbonc
thc curving ridgc ncarcst thc shouldcr).
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/n adults, fracturc of thc collarbonc is thc sccond nost connon fracturc aftcr
thosc of thc radius. t is can bc causcd by a dircct and sonctincs soft) blow to thc
collarbonc. Conplications includc vascular danagc artcria subclavia) or ncrvc danagc
plcxus brachialis) whcrc a largc bruising is visiblc.
8rachialgia is thc ncdical tcrn for pain in thc arn and is causcd by ncchanical rubbing
or conprcssion of thc plcxus brachialis. whcrc partial tcaring or othcr danagc) of
individual ncrvc fibcrs occur, this lcads to partial innobility of thc arn and thc hand.
Jhc first indication of a problcn is oftcn a tingling fccling.
whcrc lcsions of thc plcxus brachialis occur, conplctc inpairncnt paralysis) and
scnsitivity of thc nusclcs of thc uppcr cxtrcnitics can appcar.
Synptons of a brokcn collarbonc. ^ppcarancc of visiblc and palpablc swclling or stcps
in thc run of thc bonc, scvcrc pain fron prcssurc or whcn novcd. Jhc injurcd pcrson
brings his uppcr arn into a posturc of rclicf and thc shouldcr protrudcs clcarly forward.
Jhc brcak can also causc a pcrforation of thc lungs.
Jhc arn is rcndcrcd innobilc and unusablc.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
wcaring thickclothing.
& Strikc with thc cdgc of thc hand at thc collarbonc ShutoSakotsu0chi).
' Strikc using thc forcarn.
*%(, JfcXigc\olj&Gc\oljZf\c`XZlj
Jhc solar plcxus plcxus cocliacus) is a nctwork of vcgctativc ncrvcs, having its origin in
front of thc uppcr abdoninal aorta and thus lying rclativcly wcll away fron thc surfacc
of thc stonach). t runs to thc stonach and thc uppcr digcstivc organs. t is locatcd
bctwccn thc 12th thoracic and thc first lunbar vcrtcbra.
t is supplicd by thc synpathctic thoracic synpathikus) and parasynpathctic ncrvus
vagus) parts of thc vcgctativc ncrvous systcn.
6iiVX`/ lard punchkick at a hand arca lying a littlc to thc lcft of
thc ccntcr in thc uppcr third of thc linc
bctwccn thc navcl and thc brcastbonc.
Jhc conprcssion wavc thcn rcachcs thc
Jargct nark.

1) Jhc function of thc plcxus cocliacus is to stinulatc thc glands of thc nucous ncnbra
ncs of thc stonach and thc uppcr digcstivc organs, as wcll as stinulation of thc
stonach nusclcs and thc uppcr scctions of thc snall intcstinc. lowcvcr, it is also a
control ccntcr. larnful forcign particlcs cntcring thc stonach, such as rottcn or poiso
nous food, arc inncdiatcly cxpcllcd - nausca and voniting follow. Jhus, thc dircction
of thc "pcristaltic wavc is rcvcrscd and as a protcctivc ncasurc thc contcnts of thc
stonach arc brought up and cxpcllcd. n a rcflcx action, thc stonach nusclcs arc
tcnscd in ordcr to rcach sufficicnt prcssurc to push past thc valvc in thc csophagus.
lcavy ncchanical strain lcads to thc sanc cffcct, cspccially whcn it happcns
during inhalation bccausc at that noncnt thc protcctivc stonach nusclcs arc
rclaxcd and an cxtcrnal blow, such as a lcg or punching tcchniquc, can havc a
full cffcct in dcpth.
2) ^ hit on thc plcxus cocliacus can also lcad to unconsciousncss.
^n cxtcrnal blow can also causc a vagovasal syncopc through thc conncction of thc
ncrvus vagus with thc ccntcr for thc hcart ratc and thc hcart. with a suddcn, nassivc
stinulation of thc vcgctativc ncrvous systcn, thc hcart ratc ccntcr in thc hypothalanus
ovcrrcacts and this suddcnly opcns thc blood vcsscls of thc intcstinc, thc portal vcin
arca, thc livcr, thc kidncys and scvcral othcr organs. Jhcrc is a loss of blood prcssurc
togcthcr with a short lack of blood circulation in thc brain a "blackout), and thc
pcrson collapscs. lornally, this passcs aftcr a fcw scconds and onc wakcs up quickly
bccausc whilc lying down thc blood prcssurc rapidly stabili.cs itsclf.
3) lain, difficulty in brcathing.
4) t should bc rcncnbcrcd that nany of thc intcrnal organs, particularly thc livcr,
splccn and also thc kidncys, havc a good circulatory flow of blood. f organs such as
thcsc arc hit hard, thcrc is a dangcr of rupturing thc livcr, splccn, thc ncighboring
stonach scc appropriatc scction), or pancrcatic nccrosis tissuc dcath of thc pancrcas)
whcrcin hiddcn intcrnal blccding cnsucs. Such intcrnal blccding is nalicious prcciscly
bccausc it is invisiblc. Jhis proccss can dcvclop ovcr a pcriod of scvcral days.
t is also possiblc that although thc vcin docs brcak, it will bc danagcd to such
an cxtcnt that if it is put undcr strain again c.g., in sport), a spontancous brcak
acconpanicd by scvcrc blccding will occur. Jhc blccding can bc vcry scrious and
cvcn lcad to dcath.
lossiblc difficulty whcn faccd by thicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons, as wcll as anyonc
who is wcaring thick clothing. whcn thc pcrson is brcathing in, thc cffcct is incrcascd
bccausc thc protcctivc stonach nusclcs arc rclaxcd.
& Cyakutsuki punch at thc solar plcxus.
^ quick punch at thc solar plcxus scrvcs to brcak thc rcsistancc to bcing thrown hcrc.
' & (
*%(- :fZZpo
Scc thc illustration in scction 2.2 "lapc of thc ncck).
Jhc hunan coccyx is thc lowcst point of thc sacral bonc that, in turn, is at thc cnd of thc
spinc. Jhc cnd of thc spinal cord is not at thc botton of thc spinc i.c., coccyx) but lics
at thc bcginning of thc lunbar part of thc spinc. hunning downward in thc dircction of
thc coccyx arc ncrvcs plcxus coccygcus), which ncrcly havc a scnsory skin) function.
f kickcd or onc falls onto thc coccyx, it can bc dislocatcd, which is vcry painful. Jhc
injurcd pcrson can hardly bcar to sit bccausc of thc pain, and thc hcaling proccss
is long. Jrcatncnt by a physician is carricd out rcctally. ^n opcration nay also bc
6iiVX`/Kick with thc kncc standing or lying down), kick.
& Jhc punch is wardcd off.
' Jhc opponcnt's hcad is turncd and pinncd to onc's shouldcr.
( Kncc kick at thc coccyx.
:[[ZXih/lain, ninor scnsory disturbancc.
' & (
n a standing position, onc nust bc bchind thc othcr pcrson.
& 8ringing back thc kicking lcg.
' Jhc kncc kick is on its way.
( 0n targct!
*%(. Cfn\iXY[fd\e9cX[[\i#@ek\jk`e\j#GlY`ZYfe\
Scc thc illustration for "ntcstincs and thc scction on thc "Livcr.
6iiVX`/lunch, kick, kncc kick.
& Lcfcnsivc gcsturc just bcforc an inconing attack.
' lrcparing to kick.

0rinary bladdcr
lubic bonc
Spongy body
Clans pcnis)
Largc intcstincs
Scninal vcsiclc
Ljaculatory duct
8olbourcthral gland
Scninal duct
( lorward kick at thc lowcr abdoncn
using thc hccl.
:[[ZXih/lain fron inpact on abdoncn, intcrnal injurics, violcnt bowcl novcncnt.
Jhc urinary bladdcr is pushcd into thc abdoninal cavity only whcn thc bladdcr is not
quitc so full. whcn thc bladdcr is full and suffcrs an cxtcrnal traunatic blow, it can
rupturc and cnpty its contcnts into thc abdoninal cavity intrapcritoncal rupturc of
thc bladdcr). Synptons arc pain in thc lowcr abdoncn and a strong urgc to urinatc
whilc sinultancously bcing unablc to do so. ^ particular dangcr is that of pcritonitis.
hupturc of thc intcstinal wall is only possiblc following a blow hitting a largc surfacc
arca c.g., traffic accidcnt). ^n injury in thc rcgion of thc pubic synphysis cartilagc and
ligancnt injurics) is possiblc.
Jhicknusclcd or corpulcnt pcrsons arc vulncrablc to attacks on thc pubic synphysis.
+ 8kkXZbgf`ekjfek_\Xidj
+%( Jb`ef]k_\Xid
Skin in thc arca bchind thc uppcr arn.
6iiVX`/ linching.
& Crab thc lapcl.
' lick up thc thin fold of skin.
( Jhc opponcnt's clbow is pinncd to
onc's own body.
& '
:[[ZXih/lain - n thc coriun dccp inncr laycr of skin), thcrc arc frcc ncrvc cndings pain
rcccptors). Jhc thickncss varics with thc arca of thc body up to 200 pcr sq cn of skin).
^gain, hcrc thc dcgrcc of pain and thc cffcctivcncss diffcr bctwccn pcrsons, can bc
uscd as a frccing tcchniquc.
& with an attack using a ladakajinc strangulation with thc barc arns), thc larynx
is protcctcd in thc bcnd of thc opponcnt's clbow. Jhc skin at thc rcar of thc uppcr
arn is pinchcd hard, quickly and rcpcatcdly. Jhis causcs ovcrstinulation of thc
arca that can bc addcd to by biting into thc biccps.
& '
+%) 9`Z\gj&DljZlcljY`Z\gjYiXZ_``
6iiVX`/ lunch with thc fist, sidc of thc
hand, clbow.
& Jhc swinging punch is blockcd and, at thc sanc tinc, countcrcd by a strikc at thc
' ^ftcr thc shock tactic on thc biccps, thc countcrattack is continucd dircctly using
a hanncr fist or strikc with thc ulna at thc ncck.
:[[ZXih/whcn dclivcrcd with sufficicnt forcc, a blow on thc biccps is cxtrcncly painful
and rcsults in tcnporary loss of thc nobility in thc arn.
Lanagc to organs or parts of thc body, causcd by cxtcrnal dircct, blunt forcc without
visiblc injury to thc skin is known as bruising. Jhis crcatcs an cdcna swclling) of thc
tissucs and cxtravasation of blood fron thc danagcd capillarics in thc surrounding

tissuc, which can appcar as a bruisc. Ccncrally, pain is inncdiatc and linits nobility.
n cascs of largcr swcllings, stiffcning of thc nusclc can occur.
Sinilar cvcnts occur in contusions, which is whcn thc body tissuc is prcsscd togcthcr.
n a torn nusclc fibcr, thc rcticular fibcrs arc danagcd and local inflannatory
synptons occur. ^t thc sanc tinc, local rcduction of tonus statc of tcnsion in thc
nusclcs) is apparcnt in thc danagcd arca. with tcars in largcr nusclcs, sonctincs clcar
rcccsscs or knotting of thc nusclcs in thc affcctcd arca can bc sccn.
Jhc biccps arc inncrvatcd by thc ncrvus nusculocutancus.
Jhronbosis is unlikcly.
Jhc strikc nust bc wcll aincd and dircctcd at thc boncs of thc uppcr arn.
>ci]^hhZfjZcXZ, thc punch is not nadc flat so that thc knucklcs can borc into thc
+%* <cYfnj
Jhc clbow joint joins thc bonc of thc
uppcr arn huncrus) with thc two boncs
of thc lowcr arn - thc radius and thc
6iiVX`/ Strikc against thc outstrctchcd
clbow joint.
CDI:/whcn attacking thc targct, thc clbow joint is not thc tip of thc clbow, but rathcr
thc hollow proxinal, inward to thc body fron thc tip of thc clbow.
:[[ZXih/ Joint dislocation, or luxation Latin. luxatio), occurs whcn boncs in a joint
bcconc displaccd or nisaligncd. ^ luxation causcs scrious injury to thc joint. Jhc boncs
conprising a joint cannot carry out thcir function without causing cxtrcnc danagc to
thc joint capsulc. t is oftcn conbincd with a fracturc. whcn forccfully strctchcd out,
thc olccranon tip of thc clbow joint ncarcst thc body) at thc cnd of thc ulna can brcak.
n such cascs, danagc to thc ncrvus ulnaris "funny bonc) and thc ncrvus radialis can
occur with subscqucnt paralysis of thc arn andor hand. ^dditionally, thc uppcr arn
artcry artcria brachialis) can bc danagcd.
lcrc, onc notcs that thc transition bctwccn Kyusho and lcvcr tcchniqucs has no clcar
dividing linc. wclltraincd nusclcs providc ccrtain protcction against thc rcquircd
& Jhc fist attack is wardcd off..
' ..with a wingJsun likc novcncnt 8ongSao).
( Jhc wrist is grabbcd.
) Strctch using an arn lcvcr.
& '
( )
* 8ring up thc arn in
prcparation to dclivcr
a strikc with thc ulna.
+ Strikc. CARLFUL!
Lanagc to thc
clbow joint.
, 8ring opponcnt to
thc ground.
+%+ ?Xe[
lor an illustration, scc thc scction on thc "wrist.
Jhc hand is inncrvatcd by thrcc ncrvcs. ncrvus ulnaris, ncrvus ncdianus, and ncrvus
radialis. Jhc wrist joint is conncctcd to thc nctacarpus, which consists of thc fivc long
nctacarpal boncs.
6iiVX`/lrcss thc tip of thc thunb into thc hollow bctwccn nctacarpal boncs 2 and 3
or 3 and 4 in thc trianglc bctwccn thc thunb and thc forcfingcr, strikc thc nctacarpal
arca with thc knucklcs.
& hcaction to thc clinch. Strikc using thc knucklcs of thc fist ladakaKcn) at thc
back of thc hand. Jhis frccs onc fron thc clinch attack and opcns thc possibility
for followup tcchniqucs.
:[[ZXih/lcrvc and skin pain skin ovcr bonc surfaccs) or fracturcs.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. Vostly uscd as a frccing tcchniquc.
' & (
& ^ttcnpt to squcc.c thc hand.
' Jhc dcfcndcr rctrcats to onc sidc away fron thc opponcnt.
) low to hold thc hand.
* 0sing a strikc with thc joint of thc thunb is also possiblc.
& with a littlc practicc, it is also possiblc to conbinc thc dcfcnsc of a strikc at thc
back of thc hand with a hand swccping novcncnt.
& '
) ( *
+%, Ni`jk
Jhc ncrvus ncdianus runs fron thc arnpit ovcr thc insidc of thc uppcr arn and
thcn cntcrs thc forcarn on thc sidc of thc paln of thc hand. Jhc ncrvc lics rclativcly
supcrficially abovc thc hand.
6iiVX`/lrcssurc using thc tip of thc thunb bctwccn thc tcndons on thc insidc of thc
wrist. Strikc using thc basc of thc fist or knucklcs.

& ^ttack. Crab wrist.
' Countcr. Strikc in thc dircction of thc facc in ordcr to obstruct attackcr and to
strctch his arn.
( lrcc sclf fron thc grip by striking just abovc thc wrist.
:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc applicd conparc thc
statcncnts in thc ntroduction). ^dditionally, thc inpact has an cffcct on othcr
structurcs tcndons, blood vcsscls).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. Vostly uscd as a frccing tcchniquc.
& Jhc grip is countcrcd by using a shock tcchniquc.
' Jhc frccing action is bcgun by dclivcring a strikc at thc wrist.
( Strctch thc opponcnt's arn whilc cxccuting an obstructing action at his facc.
) lull up thc arn to strikc.
* 8y striking at thc wrist, thc opponcnt is turncd so that his back is toward thc
+ 0ption. 0sc thc clbow to strikc downward at thc wrist.
* ) +
' & (
+%- K_\eX`cj
6iiVX`/Scratch with your own nails.
:[[ZXih/ vcry painful scratch wounds.
8dbbZcihdcjhZ/ 0sc as a frccing tcchniquc, vcry cffcctivc.
^ good cxanplc - it's about cfficicncy, not prcciscncss nor clcgancc.
+%. D\[`Xee\im\&E\imljd\[`Xelj

lor dcscription, scc scction on thc "wrist.
6iiVX`/linccr grip with thc thunb prcssing at thc start of thc biccps tcndon against
thc ncrvus ncdianus.
Jargct nark. Lircction of prcssurc
:[[ZXih/lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc applicd scc thc statcncnts
in thc ntroduction).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. wclltraincd nusclcs and clothing also providc protcction.
& Jhc grip on thc lapcl is countcrcd dircctly by striking toward thc facc with thc ball
of thc hand.
' Jhc attacking arn is brought undcr control and thc prcssurc on thc ncdian ncrvc
is applicd.
( Closcup.
) Jhc opponcnt is brought off balancc using a KanctsuCcri kick sidckick against
thc opponcnt's kncc).
+%/ IX[`Xce\im\&E\imljiX[`Xc`j
vicw fron rcar.
Jhc ncrvus radialis radial ncrvc) is a ncrvc
of thc plcxus brachialis group. t inncrvatcs
thc cxtcnsor nusclcs of thc clbow joint,
wrist joint, and fingcr joints, as wcll as thc
arca of skin on thc rcar sidc of thc uppcr
arn, thc undcrsidc of thc lowcr arn, and
thc back of thc hand.
t runs down thc niddlc of thc uppcr
arn bctwccn thc hcads of thc triccps
nusculus triccps brachii), twists around,
lics dircctly ovcr thc bonc of thc uppcr
arn, and thcn novcs outward ovcr thc
clbow. t cncrgcs through thc supinator
nusclc - thc nusclc rcsponsiblc for thc
outward twisting novcncnt of thc hand
and lowcr arn.
0ppcr arn. lunch or prcssurc with thc
Lowcr arn. Strikc ulna, hanncr fist
punch) or applying prcssurc with thc
thunb pinccr grip) in thc uppcr third or
pinccr grip of thc brachioradial nusclc scc
thc illustration for thc "wrist) just bclow
thc crook of thc arn.
Jargct nark.

:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc applicd conparc thc
statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
whcn thc ncrvus radialis is affcctcd, thc wrist and fingcr cxtcnsors can bc,
and thc fingcrs and wrist arc bcnt backwards. f thc danagc is furthcr up, thcrc can
also bc a paralysis of thc triccps, and thc clbow joint cannot bc strctchcd out straight.
Sinultancously, thcrc will bc a loss of scnsitivity in thc arca.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. linding thc right spot cspccially whcn applying prcssurc) rcquircs a lot of
& Jhc attack is wardcd off using thc
back of thc hand.
' ^ftcr grabbing thc wrist, thc arn is
pullcd back for a countcr strikc.
( Strikc with thc cdgc of thc hand
onto thc radial ncrvc.
) ^s an altcrnativc, thc strikc can bc
nadc with thc knucklcs of thc fist.
' & (
Jargct nark.
Jhc radial ncrvc is locatcd in thc arca of thc uppcr
arn. Jo find it, placc a cuppcd hand around thc
tip of thc training partncr's clbow. Strctch with
thc thunb onto thc skin, and you havc found it.
Ccncrally spcaking, onc has to cxcrt a grcat dcal of prcssurc hcrc, which is quitc
possiblc whcn on thc ground. lcrc, thc shinbonc is sawn across thc ncrvc - backwards
and forward.
Countcr to bcing grabbcd by thc lapcl. look punch with thc knucklcs of thc fist onto
thc radial ncrvc.
hotatc thc opponcnt's clbow inward. 8y continuing thc rotation, thc attackcr is brought
to thc ground.
' & (
^ sinilar strikc can bc uscd to start a throw. Jhrow backwards likc 0SotoCari.
+%0 LceXie\im\&E\imljlceXi`j
Jhis is thc ncrvc known as thc "funny bonc. f thc ncrvc is affcctcd, onc can fccl thc
cffcct right up into thc littlc fingcr.
lor an illustration, scc thc scction on thc "wrist lagc 169).
6iiVX`/ Strikc with thc knucklcs.
Jargct nark on uppcr arn rcgion.
' &
:[[ZXih/whcn hit, thcrc is a scvcrc pain ncuralgia) fclt right up to thc tips of thc littlc
and ring fingcrs scc statcncnts in ntroduction).
8dbbZcihdcjhZ/ Jhc targct arca on thc uppcr arn is vcry snall so thc anglc of thc
strikc nust bc prccisc. 0thcrwisc, it is a good cxanplc of a Kyusho vulncrablc point
on thc ncrvcs. Jhc targct on thc lowcr arn can bc casily struck, particularly, just as hc
adopts an onguard position.
& Jargct spot on thc rcgion of thc lowcr arn.
' hight uppcrcut at thc ulnar ncrvc on thc lowcr arn.
+%(' @ej`[\f]k_\lgg\iXid
Jhc basilic vcin shown in bluc in thc
diagran) and thc uppcr arn artcry
artcria brachialis - shown in rcd in thc
diagran) run down thc groovc bctwccn
thc cxtcnsor and thc flcxor nusclc
structurc on thc insidc of thc uppcr
arn sulcus bicipitalis). Jhis artcry is a
continuation of thc axillary artcry, and
it supplics thc wholc arn with blood.
t is acconpanicd by ncrvcs shown in
ycllow in thc diagran) running alongsidc,
which bclong to thc plcxus brachialis
ncrvus ncdianus and ncrvus ulnaris,
ncrvus cutancus antcbrachii ncdialis,
and ncrvus cutancus brachii ncdialis).
:[[ZXih/ lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc
fclt aftcr prcssurc is applicd scc thc
statcncnts in thc ntroduction).
0nlikcly sccnarios.
lossibility of a vcnous thronbosis causcd
by a nassivc blow, thc rcsult of which can
bc pulnonary cnbolisn and, in ccrtain
circunstanccs, hcart attack.
n cascs of an artcrial thronbosis, thcrc
is a dangcr of danagc to thc coronary
vcsscls hcart infarction), thc vcsscls
supplying thc brain strokc), and thc lcg
artcrics. Jhc causc of artcrial thronbosis
is danagc or scarring of thc vascular wall. L

Jhc cxtrcnity affcctcd is usually cold and palc, thc pulsc can no longcr bc fclt, and
scvcrc pain starts. Jhc function is cxtrcncly linitcd.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. wclltraincd nusclcs and thick clothing add protcction.
n ordcr to incrcasc targct prccision, it will bc advantagcous to nakc contact with thc
outsidc of thc uppcr arn with thc othcr hand. Jhc strikc should bc aincd at thc bonc
of thc uppcr arn.
& ^ftcr thc shouldcr has bccn grabbcd, thc dcfcndcr takcs hold of thc attackcr's uppcr
arn firnly on thc outsidc. 'Short punch with thc insidc of thc fist at thc insidc of thc
attackcr's uppcr arn. lrinciplc. Vakc a kind of sandwich. ( Closcup. ) Jargct arca.
& f thc opponcnt holds thc arn diagonally, thc arn has to bc rotatcd bcforc dcli
vcring thc punch.
+%(( Ki`Z\gj=`eXcZ_fi[
Jhc triccps is sonctincs
callcd a thrcchcadcd
nusclc bccausc thcrc arc
thrcc bundlcs of nusclcs
joining togcthcr at thc
clbow as a connon final
chord in thc lowcr third
of thc uppcr arn.
6iiVX`/ ^pply prcssurc
using thc shinbonc or basc
joint of thc forcfingcr.

& Jhc outstrctchcd arn is pinncd to thc floor.
' Closcup.
( linncd down using thc shinbonc. Jhis is vcry painful bccausc thc wholc of thc
body wcight is pushing down on thc arn. t is possiblc to concludc thc scqucncc
by using a hanncr fist punch to thc facc.
:[[ZXih/lain fron prcssurc on thc tcndon, which can also involvc thc ulnar ncrvc runs
dircctly ovcr thc "funny bonc ncxt to thc clbow hingc joint with thc bonc of thc uppcr
arn - scc thc scction thc "wrist). Lanagc to thcsc arcas is indicatcd by nunbncss in
thc littlc fingcr, on thc outsidc part of thc ring fingcr, and on thc ball of thc littlc fingcr.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt.
, 8kkXZbGf`ekjfek_\C\^j
,%( 8Z_`cc\jk\e[fe
& lrcparc to kick.
' Lxccutc a YokoCcri sidckick) at thc ^chillcs tcn
( Closcup.
6iiVX`/ Stanping kick, using thc shinbonc to apply
:[[ZXih/Jcar, pain, whcn foot is balanccd on tocs, also
anklc and foot injury.
Just as with thc ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity and
cffcctivcncss is individually diffcrcnt.
' & (

& '
& Lcfcnsivc low kick using thc shinbonc.
( Crab thc diagonal shouldcr.
) nsidc swccp.
* Jhc opponcnt's balancc is brokcn.
+ Concluding tcchniquc. Stanping on
thc ^chillcs hccl with thc foot on
, ...or with thc foot lying flat.
* +
,%) @ejk\g
& Clinch fron bchind. Jhc lcg is liftcd up and rotatcd outward. Jhc cdgc of thc foot
is brought down fron thc opponcnt's shinbonc bclow thc kncc onto thc foot.
' Jhc strikc uscs thc shapc of thc shinbonc to run down thc lcg onto thc foot.
6iiVX`/ Stanping kick.
:[[ZXih/8rcakagc of thc instcp boncs.
lor oncc, high hccls would bc an advantagc in conbat.
Jargct nark.
& Jhc ncrvcs bctwccn thc tocs
of thc instcp ncdial plantar
ncrvcs) can also bc targctcd
for various actions. lcrc, thc
opponcnt's foot is pinncd
down with prcssurc fron thc
dcfcndcr's big toc in thc
hollow bctwccn thc big toc
and thc rcnaindcr of thc
instcp - painful!
,%* Jb`efek_\`ej`[\f]k_\k_`^_
& lcadlock attack is frccd by pinching thc insidc of thc thigh firnly.
' Closcup.
:[[ZXih/ lain, frcc ncrvc cndings pain rcccptors) can bc found in thc dcrnis. Jhcir
distribution varics according to thc body arca up to 200 pcr sq cn of skin).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. Jhick clothing adds protcction. Jhis can bc uscd as a frccing tcchniquc.
& '
,%+ Be\\
hight kncc vicwcd fron front.
6iiVX`/ Kick YokoCcri. KakatoCcri,
driving VacCcri kick at thc kncccap.
' n a dircct attack at thc kncccap, thcrc is a dangcr of thc kick slipping away bc
causc of thc snall si.c of thc targct.
& '

uadriceps tendon
( )
) 8y turning thc foot outward JcisokuCcri, thc solc of thc foot) thc targct arca on
thc opponcnt is nadc largcr, which incrcascs thc prccision of thc kick.
:[[ZXih/ nnobility, pain, shock.
Jhc kncc joint is thc conncction bctwccn thc uppcr and lowcr lcg. t is forncd by
thc lowcr cnd of thc fcnur, thc uppcr cnd of thc tibia, thc patclla, thc collatcral and
cruciatc ligancnts, and thc two ncnisci.
Jhc kncc joint is by a pair of cruciatc ligancnts running downward on thc
sidc of thc joint.
Jhc cruciatc ligancnts front and back) stabili.c thc kncc and prcvcnt thc articulating
surfaccs fron slipping forward or backwards and inhibiting thc rotation. Jhc classic
injury of thc antcrior cruciatc ligancnt occurs whcn thc kncc is flcxcd and violcnt
intcrnal rotation occurs.
Lanagc to thc ncniscus occurs nainly whcn thcrc is an intcnsivc and rapid twist of
thc kncc joint.
lollowing luxation occurs whcn boncs in a joint bcconc displaccd or nisaligncd), thc
kncc will likcly bc unablc to bc uscd propcrly. ^ luxation causcs scrious injury to thc
joint. Jhc boncs conprising a joint cannot carry out thcir function without causing
cxtrcnc danagc to thc joint capsulc. Lanagc to thc patclla gcncrally lcavcs no long
tcrn problcns and hcals wcll whcn trcatcd propcrly.
^ kick in thc hollow bchind thc kncc can, in addition to injury to thc blood vcsscls and
thc ncrvcs in this arca cspccially whcn shocs arc worn), causc a transvcrsc fracturc of
thc kncccap duc to nusclc tcnsion. ^ transvcrsc fracturc of thc kncccap nust always
bc opcratcd upon, othcrwisc thc grcat strcngth of thc quadriccps will lcad to furthcr
ncdical conplications.
whcn thcrc is luxation of thc patclla, usually blood vcsscls arc danagcd and a bruisc
appcars. Spccdy rcconstruction is inportant to rcducc danagc to thc cartilagc.
solatcd rupturcs of thc antcrior cruciatc ligancnt arc rarc. 0ftcn thcrc arc
sinultancous injurics of thc collatcral ligancnt on thc sidc andor ncnisci. 0nc spcaks
of a conbination of injurics. "0nhappy triad. cruciatc ligancnt, collatcral ligancnt
and ncniscus.)
Lcft kncc joint
fron rcar)

Vcdial fcnoral condylc
Vcdial ncniscus
lostcrior cruciatc
Latcral fcnoral condylc
^ntcrior cruciatc ligancnt
loplitcus tcndon
Latcral ncniscus
0utcr ligancnt
^ latcral kick can lcad at bcst) to a painful pullcd ligancnt couplcd with rcstrictcd
novcncnt bccausc it is painful). f thc kncc is ovcrstrctchcd, an injury to thc ncniscus
can occur whcn cxccssivc forcc is involvcd. ^dditionally, thcrc can bc injurics to thc
collatcral ligancnts.
Lasily targctcd, wclltraincd nusclcs offcr a ccrtain anount of protcction.
,%, ?fccfnf]k_\be\\
Jhc tibial ncrvc is a continuation of thc ncrvus ischiadicus scc its scction), which
runs through thc "poplitcal fossa, for an illustration, scc thc scction on thc "^chillcs
6iiVX`/Kick, prcssing thc thunb into thc hollow of thc kncc or poplitcal fossa.
Jargct nark.
:[[ZXih/lcrvc pain ncuralgia) can bc fclt aftcr prcssurc is applicd scc thc statcncnts
in thc ntroduction).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. Jhick clothing adds protcction. ts usc is linitcd.
& Lxccuting a KanctsuCcri at thc hollow of thc kncc.
' Closcup.
& Low kick bchind thc kncc.
& '
& Lcfcnsc against a hcadlock. lrcss thc thunb into thc hollow of thc kncc.
& Shocs can also bc uscd to dclivcr a
kick at thc politcal fossa.
' & (
,%- JZ`Xk`Ze\im\&E\imlj`jZ_`X[`Zlj
Jhc sciatic ncrvc runs on thc cxtcnsor sidc
of thc hip joint, and thcn down at thc
back of thc thigh. t is covcrcd by thc kncc
flcxors, and thcn continucs bchind thc
kncc whcrc it gocs through thc "poplitcal
fossa. t is dividcd into thc tibial ncrvc
and thc connon pcroncal ncrvc connon
fibular ncrvc). 0n its way, it branchcs out
providing thc notor inncrvation of sonc
of thc thigh nusclcs.
6iiVX`/ Kick shin, kncc), bcst with
rclaxcd nusclcs.
:[[ZXih/laralysis of thc sciatic ncrvc duc
to prcssurc, strain or dcfornation for
cxanplc by sitting on uncvcn surfaccs or
by sitting on thc wallct in thc back pockct),
or by incorrcct practicc whcn intraglutcal
injcctions arc givcn, causcs thc failurc of
tcndons and outcr rotator nusclcs in thc
thigh. lcuralgia scc thc ntroduction) in
thc sciatic ncrvc occurs whcn thc ncrvc
is strctchcd straincd kncc, inflcctcd hip)
as a charactcristic pain in thc lowcr back
and buttocks. n addition, a nunbncss,
nuscular wcakncss and othcr difficultics
can bc cxpcricnccd whcn noving thc lcg.
Jypically, thcsc synptons only appcar on
onc sidc of thc body.

& '
( )
& ^ VacCcri kick is wardcd off.
' Subscqucnt low kick at thc back of thc thigh.
( Kncc kick at thc sciatic ncrvc causing a bruisc on thc thigh).
) Jhc opponcnt is brought to thc floor.
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. t can bc uscd as a frccing tcchniquc. Lasily targctcd.
,%. Flk\ij`[\f]k_\k_`^_
Scc also thc illustration in thc scction of thc "nncr sidc of thc thigh.


6iiVX`/ Kick shin, kncc).
& Start a low kick.
' Lxccutc.
( Jhc lcg is "kickcd through, so to spcak. Jhc kick is followcd up and pcrforncd as
if onc wcrc kicking at thc opponcnt's lcg "through thc air.
Musc|es. Jhc nusclcs that arc affcctcd arc thc nusculus vastus latcralis on thc outcr
sidc of thc thigh) - onc of thc front nusclcs of thc thigh - or thc nusculus tcnsor
fasciac latac Latin. tcnsor of thc fascia of thc thigh), thc lattcr has thc shapc of a flat
rcctanglc. Jhc tcndon is a striplikc rcinforccncnt of thc fascia latac and cxtcnds ovcr
thc cntirc lcngth of thc thigh. Jhis rcinforccncnt is callcd also thc iliotibial band.
Lanagc to organs or parts of thc body causcd by cxtcrnal dircct, blunt forcc without
visiblc injury to thc skin is known as bruising. Jhis crcatcs an cdcna swclling) of thc
tissucs and cxtravasation of blood fron thc danagcd capillarics in thc surrounding
tissuc, which can appcar as a bruisc. Ccncrally, pain is inncdiatc and linits nobility.
n cascs of largcr swcllings, stiffcning of thc nusclc can occur.
Sinilar cvcnts occur in contusions, which is whcn thc body tissuc is prcsscd togcthcr.
' & (
n a torn nusclc fibcr, thc rcticular fibcrs arc danagcd and local inflannatory
synptons occur. ^t thc sanc tinc, local rcduction of tonus statc of tcnsion in thc
nusclcs) is apparcnt in thc danagcd arca. with tcars in largcr nusclcs, sonctincs clcar
rcccsscs or knotting of thc nusclcs in thc affcctcd arca can bc sccn.
Jhronbosis is unlikcly.
Jcars of thc fascia skin arc hardly likcly, howcvcr, conpartncnt syndronc nay bc
possiblc swclling in thc nusclc with rcduccd blood circulation, incrcasc of prcssurc
and, if not trcatcd, possiblc nccrosis).
Nerves. njury to thcsc is unlikcly.
^ffcctcd ncrvcs can includc thc fcnoral ncrvc has an cffcct on thc vastus latcralis
nusclc), thc ncrvus glutcus supcrior thc "uppcr glutcal ncrvc has an cffcct on thc
nusculus tcnsor fasciac latac), as wcll as thc fibularis connunis pcronacus connunis
ncrvcs casily fclt in thc arca of thc kncc joint) fron thc hollow in thc back of thc kncc
downward in thc lowcr thigh. n both cascs, thc conscqucnccs arc pain, "paralysis of
thc lcg and thcrcforc instability.
& 8lock thc backhandcd strikc.
' lin thc opponcnt's shouldcrs.
& '
( )
( Kncc kick with thc thigh bruisc!).
Likc all ncrvc points, thc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually
diffcrcnt. wclltraincd nusclcs offcr good protcction. Lasily targctcd.
,%/ @ee\ij`[\f]k_\k_`^_
n thc thigh, thc ncrvus saphcnus
saphcnous ncrvc) branchcs off fron thc
ncrvus fcnoralis fcnoral ncrvc). t lics
along in front along thc insidc) of thc thigh
artcry and cncrgcs at thc surfacc hcrc.
n addition, in thc uppcr third of thc
thigh, onc finds thc ncrvus obturatorious
that inncrvatcs thc adductors of thc lcg.
6iiVX`/Kick using thc shinbonc or kncc,
insidc cdgc of thc hand.
BjhXaZh/ Lanagc to organs or parts
of thc body causcd by cxtcrnal dircct,
blunt forcc without visiblc injury to thc
skin is known as bruising. Jhis crcatcs
an cdcna swclling) of thc tissucs and
cxtravasation of blood fron thc danagcd
capillarics in thc surrounding tissuc and
can appcar as a bruisc. Ccncrally, pain is
inncdiatc and linits nobility. n cascs of
largcr swcllings, stiffcning of thc nusclc
can occur.
Sinilar cvcnts occur in contusions, which is
whcn thc body tissuc is prcsscd togcthcr.
n a torn nusclc fibcr, thc rcticular fibcrs arc danagcd and local inflannatory
synptons occur. ^t thc sanc tinc, local rcduction of tonus statc of tcnsion in thc

Nettas femcta||s
"Anterior division
of obturator"
Nettas cbtatatct|as
Nettas sapnenas
Nettas petcnaeas
nusclcs) is apparcnt in thc danagcd arca. with tcars in largcr nusclcs, sonctincs clcar
rcccsscs or knotting of thc nusclcs in thc affcctcd arca can bc sccn.
t is also possiblc that conpartncnt syndronc nay dcvclop swclling in thc nusclc with
rcduccd blood circulation, incrcasc of prcssurc and, if not trcatcd, possiblc nccrosis).
Jhrombosis is likcly bccausc thc vcna saphcna saphcnous vcin) can bc so affcctcd
that clots of blood can find thcir way into thc lung artcrics and causc a lung cnbolisn.
Conscqucnccs includc a drop in blood prcssurc, danagc to thc lungs, and collapsc of
thc circulatory systcn, which is fatal.

Luc to thc nuncrous nusclcs, which arc inncrvatcd by thc fcnoral ncrvc, scvcrc
novcncnt disordcrs or loss of stability can occur, possibly inflannation ncuritis).
& lcadlock - hcad to hcad.
' ^ttack at thc insidc of thc thigh using a laito0chi insidc cdgc of thc hand). f
thc strikc lands in thc gcnitals instcad of thc insidc of thc thigh, thcrc is a dan
gcr that thc frccing tcchniquc has failcd. Jhc oppositc happcns as thc attackcr's
rcflcx to thc strikc is to tightcn his stranglchold.
' & (
Jhc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually diffcrcnt. lot as
casily targctcd as thc outsidc of thc thigh.
& Jhc diagonal shouldcr is controllcd following thc attack. Jhc dcfcndcr's lcft hand
pins thc attackcr's lcft shouldcr following thc attack.)
& Jhc attackcr dclivcrs a low kick.
' Jhc kick is cushioncd, i.c., thc forcc of thc kick is dissipatcd by yiclding thc blockcd
( ^ctivcly kicking back with thc lcg.
' & (
' & (
) Jhc opponcnt is forccd to novc his lcg back.
* Countcrattack. KintckiCcri.
+ ^ltcrnativc countcrattack. 0chinonoCcri insidc low kick at thc thigh)
&' 0sc in groundwork - frccing fron a scissor grip.
* ) +
& ^dditional usc - pinning opponcnt
down on thc ground..
' ...with thc outsidc of thc foot
Sokuto) or..
( ... with thc tocs or ball of thc foot.
& wcaring shocs can incrcasc thc
cffcctivcncss of its usc.
& ' (
,%0 J_`eYfe\&K`Y`X
8oncs of thc right lowcr lcg - vicwcd fron thc
6iiVX`/Kick, "sawing with onc's own shinbonc.
& lron a clinch.
' ..thc opponcnt's shinbonc is stanpcd down
on - short and hard.
( lis lcg is strctchcd out by this, giving spacc
to dclivcr followup kncc kicks or throws.

' & (
Calf bonc
nflannation of thc lcg skin, brcak thronbosiscnbolisn, pulnonary cnbolus, strokc).
0n thc facc of thc shaft, thcrc is a strip of bonc crista antcrior) that runs downward.
Jhis strip of bonc is dircctly undcr thc skin, forning thc ncdial surfacc of thc shaft.
Jhc shin is surroundcd by thc pcriostcun ncnbranc or bonc skin and consists of a
solid conncctivc tissuc laycr that abuts thc bonc. Jhc inncr laycr contains thc ncrvcs
and blood vcsscls naking thc pcriostcun, in contrast to thc bonc itsclf, vcry scnsitivc to
pain. whcn thc shin is kickcd, thc vcsscls of thc pcriostcun tcar and a bruisc bctwccn
bonc and pcriostcun appcars. lowcvcr, thc sharp pain is fclt for only a fcw ninutcs.
8y ncchanical action, thcrc nay also bc painful and longlasting inflannation of thc
bonc skin pcriostitis).
8ccausc thc tibia runs just undcr thc skin, opcn fracturcs arc rclativcly connon. Jhcrc
is a risk of thronbosis). n cvcry injury of thc lowcr linbs, thcrc is a risk of a thronbosis
vascular blood clots). with largc bonc fracturcs, thcrc is thc risk of an cnbolisn causcd
by a blockagc of fat droplcts. ^n cnbolisn is a conplctc or partial obstruction in a
blood vcsscl duc to a blood clot or othcr forcign nattcr that gcts stuck whilc travcling
through thc bloodstrcan.
Cood as an opcning tcchniquc or as a possibility of taking thc opponcnt off balancc
at short rcach.
Lxamp|e of "sawing" with one's own shin.
Sawing is itsclf not vcry plcasant for thc dcfcndcr. lowcvcr, whilc thc prcssurc hc
applics is sprcad ovcr thc wholc of his shin, it is thc sanc placc on thc attackcr's tibia
that is constantly bcing attackcd.
Jargct nark.
Jhc nost scnsitivc spot on thc shinbonc is
thc arca at its sidc and rcar just abovc thc
n thc [daadl^c\hZfjZcXZ, this is uscd to doublc thc cffcct.
& '
& Lvcn if thc opponcnt turns on onc sidc following thc foot lcvcr, thc insidc cdgc of
thc tibia can casily bc uscd for control. lrcssurc is thcn crcatcd using thc radius.
& f thc opponcnt is holding you fron bchind in a scissor grip, thcn thc rcar cdgc of
thc shinbonc can bc "workcd on firnly by rcpcatcdly using thc knucklcs of thc fist.
& '
,%(' :Xcm\j
Conparc with thc illustration in thc scction on thc "0utcr sidc of thc thigh.
6iiVX`/ Kick, prcssurc cdgc of thc foot, shinbonc, thunb).

:[[ZXih/lain causcd by strikcprcssurc.
Rear side of the ca|f. lcrvus tibialis, ncrvus suralis.
Inside of the ca|f. 8ranchcs of thc ncrvus tibialis.
0uter side of the ca|f. lcrvus pcronacus connunis lcrvus fibularis connunis).
whcn prcssurc is applicd, ncrvc pain can bc fclt ncuralgia) scc thc statcncnts in thc
ntroduction). Jhcrc is also a risk of thronbosis whcn a kick causcs a traunatic injury.
Jhc dcgrcc of scnsitivity, as wcll as cffcct achicvcd, is individually diffcrcnt, so a norc
prccisc approach is rcquircd to pcnctratc dccply whcn applying prcssurc, thc strikc at
thc hccl docs not rcquirc thc sanc prccision bccausc of thc largcr inpact achicvcd.
8asically, it is sufficicnt that thc calf just bclow thc kncc insidcoutcr sidc rcar sidc)
is targctcd, so that in addition to bringing thc opponcnt off balancc, thcrc is also pain.
n this way, thc cffcctivcncss of thc lcg throw is incrcascd.
Jargct nark on right lcg, rcar sidc and
insidc of thc calf
Jargct nark on lcft lcg, rcar sidc and
insidc of thc calf
& Clinch situation. 8ack kick with thc hccl at thc outsidc cdgc of thc calf.
' Jhc attackcr trics to lift thc dcfcndcr up. Jhc lattcr rcsponds by lifting his hccl to
nakc a strikc.
& Scissor grip on thc body fron bchind is frccd by
prcssing thc thunb into thc insidc of thc calf.
' Closcup.
( lain!
' & (
' & (
& Jhc bcnt kncc lcvcr that follows can bc nadc norc painful by applying additional
prcssurc on outcr sidc of thc calf using thc knucklc of thc thunb.
,%(( =`YlcX
Scc thc illustration in thc scction on thc "Shinbonc.
6iiVX`/ Kick using thc shinbonccdgc of thc foot opponcnt standing or in thc
knccling position).
Jargct nark right lowcr lcg).
:[[ZXih/8rcak, not possiblc to put wcight on thc foot.
Jargct is casily rcachcd and cffcctivcncss is also good.
& Jhc punch is wardcd off. ' Crab round thc clbow to control it.
) n a rapid, scnicircular swccp, thc insidc of thc shinbonc just abovc thc anklc is
uscd to kick thc opponcnt's fibula.
& '
( )
& Jcchniquc uscd to pin thc opponcnt to thc floor.
& Jhc opponcnt's lcg is pinncd by thc anklc.
' Crab thc hollow at thc back of thc opponcnt's kncc and bcnd.
( 0sing this action, thc opponcnt's body is turncd ovcr.
& '
' & (
) Starting thc twisting novcncnt.
+ linning thc lcg onto thc floor by placing your wcight on thc fibula with your
* ) +

- Jg\Z`XcK\Z_e`hl\j
n this scction, wc illustratc two spccial tcchniqucs.
f thc opponcnt has nothing on or is wcaring littlc clothing, controlling hin is still
possiblc. rrcspcctivc of how nuscular thc opponcnt is, or how littlc subcutancous fatty
tissuc hc has, thc flcshy part of his skin can always bc gathcrcd up likc grasping a cloth
dustcr. CARLFUL! vcry painful.
Cripping tcchniquc. Jhc opcn hand is placcd on thc triccps and thc fingcrs arc pullcd
togcthcr in a gripping action. ^t a ccrtain point, thc skin can bc grippcd likc picking up
a fold in a cloth. Jhc opponcnt can bc controllcd casily bccausc of thc pain.
Jhc fold of skin, hcld bctwccn thc thunb and thc forcfingcr, can bc uscd for a follow
up attack at thc ncck.
low to hold thc hand.
f thc opponcnt is wcaring vcry thick clothing, thcn nany of thc options wc havc shown
will bc incffcctivc.
n this casc, thc naxin is.
f you cannot ignorc hin or bcat hin, thcn nakc hin your fricnd!
^dans, 8rian. 0ead|, ratate 8|cws !ne Hed|ca| lmp||cat|cns California, 1998.
Christcnscn, Lorcn w. l|qnt|nq tne la|n kes|stant Attac|et 0S^, 2010.
Clark, hick. ltessatepc|nt l|qnt|nq A Ca|de tc tne 5ectet leatt cf As|an Hatt|a| Atts
0S^, 2001.
Lillnan, Ccorgc ^. r,asnc I|tsa 0S^, 1993.
Lillnan, Ccorgc ^. Adtanced ltessate lc|nt l|qnt|nq 0S^, 1994.
Lr. C.crwcnkawcnkstcttcn, lcribcrt. rancn des N|ppcn IaI|tsa Jyroliavcrlag, 1993.
Lrakc hichard L, ^. waync vogl and ^dan w. V. Vitchcll. Cta,'s Anatcm, fct 5tadents
Churchill Livingstonc, 2004.
Coldacrc, 8cn. 8ad 5c|ence (aac|s, lac|s, and 8|q lnatma l|ac|s lourth Lstatc, 2008
lollcr, Jurgcn & Valuschka, ^xcl & hcinisch, Stcfan. 5e|bsttette|d|qanq fat ltaaen and
Hadcnen ^achcn 2007.
Kawaishi, Vikinosukc. H, Hetncd cf 5e|fdefense London, 1962.
Kclly, Vichacl. 0eatn !cacn !ne 5c|ence 8en|nd tne leqend cf 0|mHa|. 0S^, 2001.
Kin, Sang l. v|ta| lc|nt 5tt||es. 0S^, 2008.
Vorris, vincc. !ne 5ectet Att cf ltessate lc|nt l|qnt|nq !ecnn|qaes tc 0|sab|e An,cne |n
5eccnds us|nq H|n|ma| lctce 0S^, 2009.
llancllas, lauhanon. I|nta| r,asnc 8arcclona, 1996.
2. Jhis is onc of thc problcns of using Kyusho in a strcss situation of an attack.
3. ^ balanccd dcscription of thc placcbo cffcct can bc found in 8cn Coldacrc's book.
8ad Scicncc, Scpt 2008.
4. Conparc, for cxanplc, ltcf|| Nc 18 fron 26.11.2007.
S. n our casc, onc has to spcak of a "noccbo cffcct that is oftcn dcscribcd as a
ncgativc placcbo cffcct. Jhis is whcrc fcars arc built in thc paticnt's nind, and
hc is nadc ill by cxtcrnal influcnccs. Such pcrsons actually thcn gct ill or thcir
appropriatc synptons can bc obscrvcd and ncasurcd. ^n cxtrcnc cxanplc could
bc, for cxanplc, thc dcath scntcncc inposcd by thc voodoo pricst. lcrc it is
inagincd that thc victin, in good faith, bcconcs ill with rcsignation and fcar and
thcn actually dics.
6. Vichacl Kclly's book, 2001, lagc 13.
7. Jhroughout Vichacl Kclly's book, 2001.
8. Vichacl Kclly's book, 2001, lagc 108.
9. ^ccording to an ^ustrian prosccutor, conscnt to such scvcrc danagc to hcalth
would not bc lcgally possiblc and thcrcforc disallowablc. Jhc suspcct would havc
to rcckon with crininal action.
10. Vichacl Kclly's book, 2001, lagc 4.
11. Vark Link of Jufts lcw Lngland Vcdical Ccntcr in 8oston, scc also lcw Scicntist,
^ugust 30, 2003, pp. 3839, undcr thc titlc "Lcthal npact.
12. Scc also writings by Vichacl Kclly, 2001, p 102.
13. Scc Vichacl Kclly, 2001, p 21 ct scq.
14. Scc Vichacl Kclly, 2001, p 91.
Jhere are |inks that provide good anatomica| i||ustrations and descriptions about Kyusho.
Liagrans 1, 2, 4, S, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 1S, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 2S, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 3S, 36, 37, 38 havc bccn adaptcd for this book fron http.www.
wikipcdia.dc, thcrcforc, thc following statcncnt is valid.
Jhc faithful rcproduction of a lithograph platc fron Cray's ^natony, a twodincnsional
work of art, is not copyrightablc in thc 0.S. as pcr 8ridgcnan ^rt Library v. Corcl
Corp., thc sanc is also truc in nany othcr countrics, including Ccrnany. 0nlcss statcd
othcrwisc, it is fron thc 20th 0.S. cdition of Cray's ^natony of thc lunan 8ody,
originally publishcd in 1918 and thcrcforc lapscd into thc public donain. 0thcr copics
of Cray's ^natony can bc found on 8artlcby and Yahoo! Jhcsc inagcs arc in thc public
donain bccausc thcir copyright has cxpircd. Jhis applics worldwidc.
Liagrans 3, 6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 23, with pcrnission of Llscvicr Linitcd, thcsc havc bccn
adaptcd fron thc Ccrnan languagc vcrsion of.
Lrakc, vogl, Vitchcl, Cray's ^natonic fur Studcntcn Cray's ^natony for Studcnts)
translatcd and publishcd by lricdrich laulscn), 1st Ldition, 2007, Llscvicr Cnbl,
Vunchcn, 0rban & lischcr vcrlag
Liagran 3 corrcsponds to llustration 8.S8, p 849, lcad and ncck
Liagran 6. llustration 8.19, p 797, lcad and ncck
Liagran 10. llustration 8.163, p 948, lcad and ncck
Liagran 13. llustration 7.34, p 6S6, 0ppcr Lxtrcnitics
Liagran 16. llustration 4.2, p 228, ^bdoncn
Liagran 20. llustration 3.27, p 131, Jhorax
Liagran 23. llustration 4.110, p 319, ^bdoncn
Liagran 11. www.logopacdicwiki.dcwikiLarynx
Covcr lhotos. ^lcxandra hungc, lcncraJhinkstock
^ll othcr photos. larald Varck
lcad nargin. iStockphotoJhinkstock
Covcr Lcsign. Sabinc Crotcn
llcasc notc that thc usagc of thc cxcrciscs prcscntcd in this book will bc at your
own risk. Vcycr&Vcycr Sports Cnbl and thc authors will not bc liablc in any way
including for ncgligcncc) for any injury, loss, danagc, costs or cxpcnscs suffcrcd by
using thc cxcrciscs in this book.
lor furthcr lcgal infornation rcgarding thc usc of thc cxcrciscs givcn in this book,
plcasc rcfcr to thc rcspcctivc law of your country.
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Nerve pain/neuralgia (see statements in the Introduction).
Comments on use:
Like all nerve points, the degree of sensitivity, as well as the
effect achieved is individually different; the armpit is relatively
seldom exposed, and moreover, as with all targets on the torso,
often well protected by clothing.
The armpit is the area on
the human body directly
under the joint where the
arm connects to the shoulder
and is bordered by the chest
muscle in the front, at the
rear by the back muscle,
and on the inside by the rib
cage. It lies under the skin.
The extensions of the plexus
brachialis, namely the nervus
medianus, nervus ulnaris, and
nervus radialis can be found
in the armpit. These nerves
run through the whole of the
upper extremities.
All moves in martial arts and self-defense aim at finding the
opponents weak spots and using these to ultimately control and
subdue him.
Although the knowledge of the human physique has increased
recently, descriptions of punch and pressure techniques in most
martial arts books focus only on causing pain, paralysis, death.
Exact explanations of their impact are missing or given only on
a spiritual level. However, understanding the impact of ones
actions should be the focal point of any martial artist with a sense
of responsibility. Kyusho provides detailed information about
attack points of the human body and the relevance of the pressu-
re point system in martial arts. With this approach the book offers
the chance for every martial artist to expand his knowledge of the
human body and the effect the pressure point system has on it.
$ 19.95 US/ 14.95
ISBN 978-1-84126-361-8

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