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Volume 3 No.

Bulow Village Homeowners Association Newsletter

October 2013


Kenneth Carruth
IMPORTANT NOTICE I want to bring to the attention of each homeowner an important notice about two proposed bills that have been filed in the Florida House and Senate. The bills (Senate Bill 114 & House Bill 29) would provide limitations on the amount of rent increase to a new Motor Home buyer upon expiration of the current lease. A penalty of up to $5,000.00 shall be imposed on the Park Owner that fails to comply with the law. These bills are extremely important to those who would eventually like to sell their mobile home. IT IS IMPORTANT that you take a few moments and contact our local Florida Senate & House legislators to let them know how important these bills are to us and urge them to co-sponsor these bills and work for their adoption. I am listed the Flagler County Legislative Delegation office numbers for you to call as follows:

P.S. If you would like to read the bills and have a computer and internet service, you can view them on line by going to at the top left insert 114 in go to bill, hit go, in the middle of the page hit bill text then PDF format, then you can view the bill. If you dont have a computer, give me a call and I will make a copy of the bills for you to read.


We have had meetings with management over rent increases and market rent amounts that we still believe are way out of line. To no ones surprise I am sure, those meetings have gone nowhere!!! As is our right under Chap. 723 of the Florida State Statue we have filed for mediation. We will once again take our case before a state appointed mediator in the hopes that at some time ELS will realize that we are not going away and that they will have to justify the rent and market rents that they continue to overcharge our homeowners. As long as I am on the Board and Committee of Five, I will, with your support, take up the charge to bring the market rents and the annual rents into conformity with the other parks in the area, realizing that we dont come close to comparing to any of the parks that ELS wants to use to justify their inflated numbers. We just received notice from the State that they have approved our request for Mediation and the appointed mediator will be reaching out to us to set up dates and times for our mediation. ELS management, knowing that they will have to try to justify the rent and market rent amounts for 2013 in our upcoming mediation, none the less, went ahead and sent

Senator John Thrasher 904-727-3600 Senator Audrey Gibson 904-359-2553 Representative Bill Proctor 904-823-2550 Representative Fredrick Costello 850-488-9873

Take a minute and make a call to our legislators asking for their support. This is how politics works. The will of the people is powerful when you let your politicians know what you want them to do.

out rent increase notices for January 2014 including a notice of increase in the market rent for 2014. Once again ELS has shown that they have no regard for justifying their increases or complying with Chap. 723 of the state statue. The rent increase for 2014 will be 4% even though the CPI (upon which the rent increase is to be based) for July of the prior year, as provided in our prospectus, was 2%. The market rents will increase to: WHITE FEATHER NON-ACCESS $560.00 CANAL NON-ACCESS $575.00 CREEK ACCESS $740.00 CUL-DE-SAC $870.00 Needless to say we will be calling for a meeting with management to start the process of negotiations that will lead no doubt to our requesting mediation on the 2014 rent and market rent increases. We will be reaching out to those homeowners who received their rent increase notices for January 2014 to sign the, all too familiar, notice to allow us to go to mediation.

Monthly Meetings
We will be resuming our regular schedule of meetings. They are as follows: 1st Wednesday of the month reserved for workshop or special meetings. 2nd Wednesday of the month is a workshop in preparation for the monthly public meeting. 3rd Wednesday of the month is our Public Meeting; refreshments are served after the meeting. 4th Wednesday of the month reserved for special meeting as needed. All meeting are held at the Club House, unless otherwise posted, are open to the public, and start at 7 PM.

Once again I implore our residents for the safety of all our homeowners to please turn on your coach lights on your front lawn at night to provide some light for people that might have to be out walking after dark. The cost is miniscule when you consider that your coach light might save someone from getting seriously injured.

Pot Luck will begin again on the first Tuesday in October (October 1st), and the first Pot Luck will be conducted by your HOA as a welcome back to all our Snow Birds. We are planning a cook out on the Island across from the club house. There is lighting under what remains of the old green building, so it should be great fun and nice way of welcoming back friends we have not seen for the summer. Volunteers to help are always welcome. Please let a board member know if you want to volunteer. We will be having a raffle at Pot Luck for an oil change, lube, & car wash (thanks to a donation from Barbara Johnson) tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Bring some money to the October Pot Luck and take a chance!!!

Bulow HOA Website

Go to for a copy of this newsletter as well as the Bulow Bugle and other information. If you have anything you would like to submit for the website, send comments and article submissions to

HOA Board Members: Ken Carruth, President 386-338-0510 June Kuhns, Vice President 517-0040 Carol Giambalvo, Secy. 439-7537 Betty Pettibone, Treas. 439-7456 Jean Widdis 517-6759 Hal Mesnard 439-2756 Carol Lex 856-495-9125

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