Synopsis - Draft 1

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Georgia Matthews A2 Media Studies Synopsis A late friday night in a girls bedroom.

A YOUNG WOMAN is snapping on her make up and softy sliding her lipstick along her lips. She rocks around her bedroom, in beat of her music. A YOUNG DISABLED MAN is sitting alone, dark in his room. He hears movement from above and sits patiently, awaiting. The woman keeps changing outts again and again. Slamming her clothing to the ground. She glides swiftly to the mirror to see her reection. Her mood uplifts. She rmly throws out her shoes and enters her feet into them. She snatches all her items and puts them into her purse. She tumbles down the stairs, as fast she can, scurries to the front door. There is a eerie nose approaching. She talks to the man with much anger and impatience in her voice. The man is confused and with pain in his face. The woman yanks the door open and slams it shut. She collapses her body into the door when it is closed. She shakes off her emotions and straightens away the pain. She slowly walks away with a burden on her shoulders. The man watches her walk past the house and away from him. He sits there, alone and vulnerable. He ghts the sadness away with struggle. Suddenly knock is at the door. The man answers it. He opens the door to nd the girl standing there waiting. She comes down to his level and talks to him. She then enters the house and helps him change into his clothes. She kisses him gently on the cheek. She opens the door and goes to get the young man. She pushes his wheelchair to outside. She slides the door with pride and walks away pushing the man with her.

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