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English Worksheet One Answers

Fix the mistakes in the paragraph below.

Bob and Jim were running down the hallway. Jim tripped and Bob keeps running. Jim must've tripped over some marbles on the floor. He cries out and accidentally makes things worse. Bob runs back to help him. Bob is too busy helping Jim that he didn't hear the Principal coming. Both boys got into trouble and even got detention. The moral of the story is to not run down the hallway or you might get hurt.

Name the bold part of speech in the space below. (For example, Doug ate all my food. Doug is a proper noun.)

1. Sandy yelled down the hallway. (Proper noun) 2. Billy and Amanda watched the news that night. (conjunction) 3. One popular Kpop boy band is Ukiss. (Kpop-noun, is-verb) 4. Can you help me find the school newspapers? (school-adjective) 5. Although the team won the game, Sam was still upset. (Although-conjunction, upset-adjective) Give the definition of the words below. 1. Adverb: Modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

2. Preposition: indicates/shows the relationship between nouns, pronouns or other parts of speech.

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