7 Thcourseoverview

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Name___________________________________ Teacher__________________________________

Date_________________ Period________________

7th Grade Home and Careers

Course Overview
Home and Career is a course designed to help adolescents live in a society of constant change. It can improve their quality of life by preparing them to meet their present and future responsibilities as family members, consumers, home managers, and wage earners. During the school year, we will be focusing on three major units that include:

Interpersonal Relationships Students will recognize their personal strengths and interests and learn to work out problems and decisions as part of daily living.

Family & Parenting Students will evaluate the significance of family and its impact on the well-being of individual and society.

Nutrition and Wellness Students will develop knowledge and skills needed to manage their own nutrition and participate in basic food preparation.

1 composition book


1 sturdy folder with pockets Pen or pencil (NO red or pink for tests) Highlighter Crayons, markers or colored pencils (for projects at home) Glue (for projects at home)

Class Procedures and Policies Conduct

1. All school rules are in effect.

2. Be in assigned seat on time, ready to work. 3. Show respect to others at all times. 4. Raise hand to ask or answer a question. 5. No gum or candy. 6. Do not touch anything in room unless instructed. 7. Stay in seat unless instructed to move.

1. Homework will be checked and be done on time. 2. Homework will be checked the day it is due. If you are absent or if you dont have

the work, it is your responsibility to get it to me. responsibility to hand it in upon your return.

3. Projects counts as tests and are to be done on time. If you are absent, it is your 4. All late work loses credit.

1. Regular attendance is one of the biggest keys to your success. 2. If you participate in any pull-out (music, rap group, etc.) you must come to class

first with any work that is due and your organizer for any assignments. Failure to do this will make your work late and result in loss of credit.

1. 2.

Grading All late work loses credit. Marking period grade will be determined as follows:
a. b. c. d. e.

Tests - 25% Projects 20% Homework 25% Folder Check 20% Participation 10%

Contract We have read the course requirements and are aware of the students responsibilities and agree to the conditions for successful completion of 7th Grade Home and Careers.

______________________________ student signature

________________________________ parent/guardian signature

______________________________ date

________________________________ parents email

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