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INDEPENDENCE ISSUE IN TaRN Issue Paper #3-92 February 1992 A LEAK IN THE LANDFILL Colorado’s Suppressed Report on Solid Waste Policy Finally Seeps Out By Jim McMahon INDEPENDENCE INSTITUTE 14142 DENVER WEST PARKWAY, SUITE 185 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 (303) 279-6536 FAX (303) 279-4176 Note: The Independence Issue Papers are published for educational purposes only, and the authors speak for themselves. Nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily representing the views of the Independence Institute, or as an attempt to influence any election or legislative action, Saat tilde va pingek be: a 3-92 February 4, 1992 A LEAK IN THE LANDFILL Colorado's Suppressed Report on Solid Waste Policy Finally Seeps THINK TANK PUBLISHES MISSING REPORT. Advancing the Debate, Rejecting the Sofa Doctri e The Colorado Governo;'s Integrated ‘Solid Waste Management Task Force labored from August 1989 through July 1991, consuming countless hours of time from 60 citizen volunteers, spending untold thousands of tax dollary, and compiling a 200-page report with dozens of recommendations. But it missed two "final" deadlines for issnance of that report w% the Governor, the General Assembly, and the public. State try, was blication of the document, third ily set for last summer. It was then postpoued indefinitely and perhaps permanently. Only now, at the initiative of a nonprofit policy center, is the report finally secing the light of day. Despite proclaiming at the outset that having enough disposal capacity and safeguarding its quatity are "matters of state concern [requirmg] comprehensive study, cooperative efforts and planning from a broad cross-section of interests,” despite reaffirming 15 months later that “local and private efforts have spurred greater interest in sound solid waste ies at the state level” the state's chief executive for some [Continued on Page 3] Out WHY COLORADO MUST NOT MISS ITS WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY ON THE RECYCLING ISSUE By Research Associates and Staff of the Independence Institute” Here is why the work of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Task Force must not remain buried -- why open debate and intelligent action on the recycling issue in Colorado simply can't wait any longer to suit someone's political convenience: Public awareness of environmental issues has increased dramatically within the last few years. A growing segment of the public has the impression, correct or not, that the environment is in serious danger and that this could eventually cause a dramatic decline in our quality of life. ‘The issue of solid waste management is one component of the total spectrum. It is of particular interest because here is one place where individuals can choose to participate rather directly in improving the environment -- by recycling and by making conscious [Continued on Page 6] Inside: Scorecard on Recommendations, institute Fellow Blows Whistle Jon Burial of Report... Full Text of the Official Repor (dess_some_appendices)

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