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Cell phone is playing an important role in this modern world. It is very hard to see a person without a mobile phone. Even a little kid have the ability to access the cell phone fluently without any problem. Kids for example are very much interested in playing games in mobile phone and spending a lot of time with it. As we know too much of cell phone usage is not good for us and it will give some unwanted health issues. Cell phone will create some unwanted radiation which is not good for our brain. A person who is using cell for a long time will surely get health issues due to it. We must control our cell activities. Avoid using it for a long time and use it whenever necessary. Listening music using the ear phone is the new trend of the youngsters and most of the persons are interested in listening music with their hands free while riding their two wheeler. Really it is a dangerous thing which causes a lot of unwanted accidents. Most of the two wheeler accidents are happened due to this activity. Now we are living a fast life and don't have enough time to meet our friends and family members. Simply we make a call to them and ask about their updates. Previously people will meet their friends and beloved persons directly and ask about their present status, but now it is easy to communicate with anyone using the phone and most of the persons are converted to this trend it reduce the get together and social reunions a lot. Students will get diversion with cell phones; they are spending a lot of time with cell phone chatting and browsing online through their smart phone and reduce their studying activity. Most of the students are turned as cell phone and online addicts which is a great disadvantage. There is nothing wrong in using cell phone; we must use it in a limited manner to avoid unwanted issues due to it. People often focus on the benefits of the mobile phones and are not aware of its disadvantages, of which there are many. Upon of these scenarios a study and analysis has been made with the OSHA team regarding the risk and effect of mobile phone communication towards human. This investigation is vital for further action that should be taken to control this phenomenon.



This report is presented to upper management as one of the progress report of analysis on mobile phone communication effect especially amongst community and society. 2.1 ANALYSIS OBJECTIVES

The primary goals of this analysis and report are to provide findings and justification from previous research regarding the disadvantages caused from mobile phone usage or application towards humans health and safety. This report is also written to: Provide an information on mobile phone usage scenario Provide analysis and investigation on advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone usage to health. Provide justification on disadvantages caused. Propose recommendation and further action to be taken to reduce the risk and effect to health. 2.2 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a global authority on cancer, recently concluded that radiation from mobile phones is a possible head cancer risk. However, scientific opinion is split on the issue many different studies have reached different conclusions based on the same evidence. The European Environment Agency (EEA) recommends taking a precautionary approach to policy making in this area. This position is based on an evaluation of the existing evidence and on the lessons from earlier hazards, analyzed in the EEA Late Lessons from Early Warnings project. Mobile phones have numerous social, economic and even environmental benefits, said David Gee, EEA Senior Advisor on Science, Policy and Emerging Issues. However, there is significant disagreement in the scientific community about whether mobile phone use increases the risk of head cancers. We recommend using the precautionary principle

to guide policy decisions in cases like this. This means that although our understanding is incomplete, this should not prevent policy makers from taking preventative action. 2.2 SCIENTIS DISAGREEMENT

One reason scientists disagree is because the mechanisms by which the radiations from mobile phones could cause cancer are not yet understood. However, waiting for that knowledge could take decades: the biological mechanisms connecting tobacco smoke and cancer are still not fully understood, some 60 years after the first published studies linked smoking and lung cancer. Another area of uncertainty is the design of animal studies, investigating the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from mobile phones and cancers. A few studies suggest a positive link, but many others fail to find any. But even if all animal studies were negative, this would not necessarily indicate a negative result in humans, as human reactions can be very different compared to those of animals. For example, animal evidence of smoking and lung cancer came only after evidence in humans was established. Human studies may be inconclusive for several reasons. For example, any brain cancer effects of prolonged mobile phone use could take many years to develop and analyse, whereas mobile phones have only been in widespread use for a couple of decades. The evidence linking smoking or asbestos and lung cancer only became clear 20-25 years after first mass exposures began. Nonetheless, there are some examples of scientifically rigorous research which already indicate a risk from mobile phones. As the EEA has often noted, potential early warnings such as these should not be ignored, especially given the serious and irreversible nature of any cancer effects and the large numbers exposed, which includes vulnerable groups such as children.



A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile network operator. The calls are to and from the public telephone network which includes other mobiles and fixed-line phones across the world. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. The history of mobile phones charts the development of devices which connect wirelessly to the public switched telephone network. Early devices were bulky and consumed high power and the network supported only a few simultaneous conversations. Modern cellular networks and microprocessor control systems allow automatic and pervasive use of mobile phones for voice and data communications. Before cellular phones existed there where several mobile solutions available for example Push toTalk (PTT) Mobile Telephone System(MTS) and Advanced Mobile Telephone Service (AMTS) to name a few. As far back as the late 1930s Radiophones where a very important and vital means of mobile communication for the armed forces. When Analogue mobile phones where first launched they quickly became known as cellphones because they allowed the mobile phone user to travel between cell sites. Motorola the American corporation is widely believed to be the first manufacturer in the world to produce portable mobile phones that did not rely on a motor vehicle for its power. The first mobile phone call to be made on a portable phone was early in the 1970s. When did mobile phones enter the consumer market place? Once the strong far Eastern manufacturers saw how rapidly mobile phone usage was growing and being taken up by the consumer as well as being a must have business tool, they lost no time in mounting a serious challenge including such manufacturers as Sony Ericcson, Sharp, LG. Panasonic, Samsung, NEC and many more. Since the early 1990s researchers have realised the potential of incorporating other devices into mobile phones. The camera was recognised as a very beneficial device to include.



People often focus on the benefits of the mobile phones and are not aware of its disadvantages, of which there are many. For one thing, mobile phones often disturb people in public places because of the unawareness of the owners. No one can deny that mobile phones are fast and convenient means of communication, you can keep contact with everyone in the world wherever they are. However, it is also the reason why people tend to have their mobile phones on all the time, which can cause a disturbance when they ring. For example, when you are having a meeting and everyone is paying attention to the speaker, your mobile phone suddenly rings louder and louder. The meeting must be interrupted and you will be so embarrassed with others. In addition, the use of mobile phones sometimes reduces the efficiency in study and in work. We all know that mobile phones are also means of entertainment with many functions to help us chat with friends, listen to music, send messages,..Those always attract people, especially the ones who are teenagers so that they cannot concentrate on their lessons in the class. Statistics show that in many countries, parents draw the line at letting their children use mobile phones to make them learn better. Mobile phones can be considered as mini-computers with more and more modern generations. They cause a tendency in people all over the world to buy the top-of-the-range mobiles that express their styles, characters, etc. For that reason, each year a large sum of money has been wasted in buying new mobile phones and solving the problems of decomposing the old ones while we can use this money to support many poor countries in the world to make the life of the people there better. It is clear that mobile phones bring a lot of problems to our life. One of it is the radiations of mobile phones that are causing serious health hazards to the users. The mobile phone users are more prone to brain tumors, ear defects, headaches and blurring of vision. The mobile phones use microwave radiations to transmit data or more clearly they use these radiations to connect. For this base stations are to be installed in various parts of the city so that effective coverage can be given to the users.

These microwaves lead to serious health problems. it can cause the damage to the DNA, a causative factor for mutation in species, eye vision getting blurred and eye cancer, infertility, hyperactivity in new born children and different type of damages to the ear and tympanic membrane which can cause hearing defects in the individuals who excessively use mobile. 4.1 4.1.1 DISADVANTAGES OF MOBILE PHONE USAGE Addiction Behavior

Due to low priced services in the form of postpaid and prepaid the teenagers can easily avail mobile telephony. Here the benefits get converted to disadvantages when the device is over used every time and at every place. The teenagers are talking of the services, giving and receiving text messages; downloading wallpapers and ringtones and playing games. They by this way get detached with the other important activities which are so important for their social and personality development. 4.1.2 An Unsafe Safety Standard

An Unsafe Safety Standard: The FCC is required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to evaluate the effect of emissions from FCC-regulated transmitters on the quality of the human environment. At the present time there is no federally-mandated radio frequency (RF) exposure standard. The SAR is a value that corresponds to the relative amount of RF energy absorbed in the head of a user of a wireless handset. The FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). 4.1.3 Negative Health Effects

Negative Health Effects : Electromagnetic waves alter [electric activity of the brain] and cause disturbance in sleep ; cause difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and headache ; and increase reaction time in a time-dependent manner . They increase the resting blood pressure and reduce the production of melatonin. They are also implicated in DNA strand breaks. Mobile phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alzheimers disease. Researchers have found that radiation from mobile phone handsets damages areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and movement.


Cause of Infertility in Man

Cause of Infertility in Man: our results suggest that the use of cell phones by men is associated with a decrease in semen quality. The decrease in sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology is related to the duration of exposure to cell phones. With regard to the potential damaging effects on the male reproductive system, several studies have been carried out on animals. These studies revealed a wide spectrum of possible effects that range from an insignificant effect to variable degrees of testicular damage and reduction of different sperm parameters. 4.1.5 The Effect on Children

The Effect on Children: A one year old could absorb around double [the radio frequency (RF) radiation], and a five year old around 60%, more than an adult. Additionally, since children are being exposed to RF radiation from base stations (and from mobile phones) from a younger age than adults, they will have a longer time in which to accumulate exposure over the course of their lives, and a longer time for any delayed effects of exposure to develop. 4.1.6 Mobile Phones and Driving

Mobile Phones and Driving : the risk of a collision was about four times greater when the driver was using the telephone or soon after a call. Use of the telephone in hands free mode was no less risky than holding the telephone to the ear with one hand while talking. conversation on cell phones, both hand-held and handsfree , was found to influence driving performance. Epidemiological findings consistently showed an increase in crashes associated with use of cell phones. 4.1.7 The Effect On Student

The Effect On Student: 1) Radiative 2)Expensive 3)Some of them are too thin and easily broken. 4)Student MAY wallow in talking on phone or playing games. 5)affect the study 6)harm to human body 7)higher cost,more expensive 8)no signal in remote areas 9)some of the mobile is radially,it will affect health 10)it will affect the study as student may send SMS during having lessons.



In the hi-tech life we are living, mobile phones have become the part and parcel of our lives. Over a period of time, the frequency of use of mobile phones has increased tremendously. Our dependency on mobile phones has increased. There is absolutely no doubt on the fact that mobile phones are effective source of quick and reliable communication, but it is also a well-known fact that over use of mobile phones has made individuals isolated from one another. Lets say, if there is a huge gathering of people as in the party, many of them are busy with their mobile phones. Some of them are texting to other people, whereas several of them are in direct communication with other people. Several studies have shown that mobile phones are the precursors to many lethal diseases including the cancer. Some of the prominent diseases are insomnia, headaches, high fever, brain tumor and several more. 6.0 RECOMMENDATION

To reduce the risk and effect of harmful caused by the mobile phone application, we need to take extra consideration and action with the support of Ministry of Health to control this situation from getting vilest especially amongst our society today. Based on the finding and case studies that have been made, here are few act recommended for your wise judgment to provide future improvement with standard law from Health Organization: 6.1 PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE

Because the evidence on mobile phones and cancer presents a mixed picture, it is recommended to using the precautionary principle (PP), as recommended in the EU Treaty, to better manage the risk. There is no clear legal definition of the PP so the EEA has produced a working definition: The precautionary principle provides justification for public policy actions in situations of scientific complexity, uncertainty and ignorance, where there may be a need to avoid, or reduce, potentially serious or irreversible threats to health and the environment, using an appropriate strength of scientific evidence, and taking into account the pros and cons of action and inaction.


The PP requires us to weigh evidence in a different way. This is not new - societies are used to using different strengths of evidence for different reasons, based on the costs of being wrong. For example, criminals must be found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt before they are convicted; injured people in compensation cases need only show a balance of evidence in order to win compensation for negligence; while doctors only need slight evidence of a serious illness to prescribe treatment. Such precautionary approaches are justified where it is not yet possible to establish causality beyond reasonable doubt. 6.2 POLICY MAKERS IN MOBILE PHONE INDUSTRY

Citizens could be better informed about the risks of mobile phone use, as recommended by the EEA in September 2007. There is sufficient evidence of risk to advise people, especially children, not to place the handset against their heads: text messaging, or handsfree kits lead to about ten times lower radiation levels, on average, than when the phone is pressed to the head. Governments may also wish to label mobile handsets as a possible carcinogen, in line with the IARC decision. In addition, more independent research is needed. The cost of these measures is very low, but the potential costs of inaction may be very high.


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