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Nursing Management: The Patient with Leukemia

Assessment - Identify rage of signs and symptoms reported by patient in nursing history and physical examination. - Assess results in blood studies, and report alteration of WBCs, hematocrit, platelets, electrolytes, absolute neutrophil count (ANC), Hepatic function test and creatinine findings and culture results.

Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired Gas Exchange Risk for Infection and bleeding Acute pain and discomfort related to diseases process Anxiety due to uncertain future Deficient knowledge of disease process Self care deficits related to fatigue and malaise Fatigue and activity intolerance related to anemia and infection

Planning and Goals - self care - activity tolerance -maintenance of comfort - maintenance of adequate nutrition - promotion of positive body image - understanding of the disease process and its treatment - ability o cope with the diagnosis and prognosis - absence of complications

Nursing Interventions
Preventing or managing bleeding Preventing Infection Easing Pain and Providing Comfort Attaining and maintaining Adequate Nutrition Maintaining Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Decreasing Fatigue and Deconditioning Improving Self-Care Managing Anxiety and Greif Promoting Positive Body Image Encouraging Spiritual Well-Being Promoting Home and Community-Based Care

Evaluation: Expected Patients Outcomes

Demonstrates absence of infection Demonstrates absence of bleeding Attains optimal level nutrition Reports Satisfaction with pain and discomfort levels Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance Experiences less fatigue and Increases activity Participates in self care Copes with anxiety and grief Experiences absence of complication

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