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Paratus et Doctus - Skilled and Ready - My Alien on Neptune Haemoglobin - Lots of Haemoglobin which is a protein in red blood

cells that transports oxygen throughout the body.

Fishlike - can swim in cold hydrogen, can breathe underneath water Bug eyes - A pair of large complex eyes covers most of the housefly's head. Each eye is composed of 3,000 to 6,000 advanced eyes, which can have a panaramic view. Like the eyes of vertebrate, houseflies can also focus in on the particulars of the environment around them. This is good for finding food and seeing where their preys are. Sensitive ears - Allows them to hear and sense where other enemies are. Can sense when storms are coming by feeling the pressure inside. They can then start to prepare for a storm A thermal system where they can heat their body up by themselves because it is so cold on Neptune Strong muscles, core strength - means it is stronger and has more endurance. They can lift heavy things to protect themselves Smart brain identifies where enemies are they can sense where food is - they can sense where bacteria is. sustain all conditions have webbed feet to swim - makes them faster at swimming and catching food Small foldable wings - to fly and glide across the surface. there is no solid surface on neptune as it is a gas giant. Have rough hair to trap small dust particle - prevents it from becoming sick

Strong immune systems- can fight off infections and bacteria. Communication - can only communicate with its family - telepathic Good grip on their feet - so they don't get pushed around by the wind up to 200mph Smart brain - allows them to live and think ahead of how to get their next meal and how to look after themselves etc. They can predict the future - like octopus' Blood vessels buried deep inside the body - so their blood doesn't freeze Breathe in hydrogen and helium - gills Drink ice and can live off small bacteria Lots of long thick hair - allow them to keep warm. Uses Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as a fuel Glycolysis - Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose (C6H12O6) into pyruvate (CH3COCOO + H+). The free energy released in this process is used to form the high-energy compounds ATP and NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Glycolysis is a purely anaerobic reaction. While it can happen in the presence of oxygen, oxygen is never involved in the reaction, nor does it alter it. Strong senses - no taste. Wings to flap and catch heat

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