Happiness by Lua Pei Ying...

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By Lua Pei Ying

Most important part in our lives. What is happiness? a wide variety of answers is difficult to define happiness because it means different things to different people. - is a state of mind or the personal feelings characterized by pleasure, delight, love, contentment, enjoyment, joy, satisfaction and entertainment all together. - is all of the good that someone experiences combined into one emotion. This emotion can bring out the best in the people.

When we will happy? When good things occur in someones life. For instance, it can be explained when someone tells funny, ridiculous things, jokes, if you find it humorous, you laugh. Some people think that when they move to another house, things will be better Some people think that when they have enough money, everything will be astonishing Some people think that when they change their jobs, they will be happier Some people think that they can be happy when they get a lot of friends. How to become a happy person? Help someone else. -Helping others will always bring you great happiness and fulfillment. -There is no other feeling like the feeling you get when you help someone. - Do something for someone else out of the kindness of your heart, not expecting anything in return Change your attitude. -A pessimist will never feel happy. -So it is extremely important that you keep your attitude on the up-and-up. - Dont let lifes little situations drag you down -. Find a way to keep a positive, cheerful attitude, despite what might be happening to you right now.

Forgive. - Did you know that one of the biggest causes of unhappiness in a persons life is because they simply choose to never forgive? -Holding a grudge against another person will cause you to lose out on a lot of happiness and fun. - Dont hold a mistake over someones head forever. Forgive and move forward.

Due to the reasons explained above, happiness means a lot from various perspectives. Maybe having a good health is happiness, success or marriage is happiness. Maybe having a shoulder to lean on when days are going bad or giving a birth is happiness. It is up to peoples point of views, approaches and their perceptions. However, it is certain that happiness is the inner joy that one feel inside.

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