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DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201300062

Chemistry and Biology of the Potent Endotoxin from

a Burkholderia dolosa Clinical Isolate from a Cystic Fibrosis
Flaviana Di Lorenzo,[a] Luisa Sturiale,[b] Angelo Palmigiano,[b] Luigi Lembo- Fazio,[c]
Ida Paciello,[c] Carla P. Coutinho,[d] Isabel S-Correia,[d] MariaLina Bernardini,[c, e]
Rosa Lanzetta,[a] Domenico Garozzo,[b] Alba Silipo,[a] and Antonio Molinaro*[a]

This is the first report of the chemical and biological properties ed loss of lung function and decreased survival. The structural
of the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) endotoxin isolated from Bur- determination of its endotoxin was achieved using a combina-
kholderia dolosa IST4208, an isolate recovered from a cystic tion of chemistry and spectroscopy, and has revealed a novel
fibrosis (CF) patient in a Portuguese CF center. B. dolosa is endotoxin structure. The purified LOS was tested for its immu-
a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, a group of nostimulatory activity on human HEK 293 cells expressing TLR-
closely related species that are highly problematic and oppor- 4, MD-2, and CD-14. In these assays, the LOS showed strong
tunistic pathogens in CF. B. dolosa infection leads to accelerat- proinflammatory activity.


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lethal autosomal recessive disorder expectancy, compared with infection of the other two major
caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane reg- pathogens;[2] thus it is becoming of increasing concern. Cur-
ulator (CFTR) gene. These mutations alter host pulmonary de- rently, Bcc comprises several related species that are phenotyp-
fenses, thereby allowing colonization by several opportunistic ically similar but genotypically distinct.[3] All Bcc species are
bacteria. In fact, as a consequence of the genetic-based pathol- problematic CF pathogens because they are also multi-antibi-
ogy the major source of morbidity and mortality in people otic resistant, which makes respiratory infection very difficult
with CF is chronic endobronchial infection, most commonly to treat and impossible to eradicate. Lung transplantation is to
with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bur- date the only treatment that offers improved length and quali-
kholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) bacteria.[1] Chronic colonization ty of life to CF patients with advanced lung disease. Bcc
by Bcc is associated with poor prognosis and decreased life impact on the survival of CF patients following lung transplan-
tation is so detrimental that infection with these organisms is
[a] Dr. F. D. Lorenzo, Prof. R. Lanzetta, Dr. A. Silipo, Prof. A. Molinaro considered a contraindication.[4, 5] The most prevalent clinical
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche species worldwide are Burkholderia cenocepacia and Burkholde-
Universit di Napoli Federico II, Complesso Universitario Monte S. Angelo
Via Cintia 4, 80126 Napoli (Italy)
ria multivorans. These are most often associated with cepacia
E-mail: syndrome,[4] which is characterized by recurrent fever, bactere-
[b] Dr. L. Sturiale, Dr. A. Palmigiano, Dr. D. Garozzo mia, necrotizing pneumonia, and a progressive decline that
Istituto di Chimica e Tecnologia dei Polimeri–ICTP–CNR results in premature death. However, recently, it has emerged
Via P. Gaifami 18, 95126 Catania (Italy) that high prevalence and high virulence is not confined to
[c] Dr. L. L. Fazio, Dr. I. Paciello, Prof. M. Bernardini
these two species, but has also been described for B. cepacia[6]
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie “C. Darwin”
Sapienza–Universit di Roma and Burkholderia dolosa.[7] In particular, B. dolosa, has been
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5-00185 Roma (Italy) causing concern because of its virulence and transmissibility.[8]
[d] Dr. C. P. Coutinho, Prof. I. S-Correia B. dolosa is rarely associated with CF: around 3 % Bcc infections
IBB—Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering in CF patients across the USA, and 2 % in CF patients followed
Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering
at the major Portuguese CF center in Lisbon.[9, 10]
Department of Bioengineering
Instituto Superior Tcnico, Technical University of Lisbon B. dolosa was the first Bcc species to be identified as being
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon (Portugal) involved in patient-to-patient transmission: the same isolate
[e] Prof. M. Bernardini was found in 36 patients characterized by accelerated decline
Istituto Pasteur-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti in lung function, and, compared with patients colonized with
Sapienza–Universit di Roma
B. multivorans, reduced survival.[7] Furthermore, five of the pa-
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy)
00185 Roma (Italy) tients colonized by B. dolosa with cepacia syndrome died, with
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under rapid decline in pulmonary function, persistent, pan-resistant B. dolosa bacteremia, and death within four months. Under-

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1105

standing how these divergent clinical outcomes arise might core region is more variable and is usually composed of
allow new therapeutic strategies to emerge, to help improve hexose units.[15] The O-chain (the hydrophilic component of
transplant outcome and to extend the life expectancy of CF LPS) is the most variable in the macromolecule, even within
patients. Identifying differences in the biology between bacteria of the same genus, and represents the antigenic de-
B. dolosa and B. cenocepacia or B. multivorans might help to- terminant of the LPS molecule. Structurally, the O-chain can be
wards this aim. As reported over a decade ago, a number of a homo- or heteropolysaccharide (linear or branched) with
virulence factors can account for these divergent clinical out- subunits of up to eight different sugars (Figure 1). In addition
comes.[11] One of the most important virulence factors for to their essential structural function, LPSs have an important
Gram-negative bacteria is the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mole- role in eliciting the host innate immune responses. In particu-
cule.[12–14] lar, the lipid A moiety (together with other microbial glycocon-
Lipopolysaccharides are amphiphilic macromolecules that jugates, such as peptidoglycan) is identified as a pathogen-
comprise about 75 % of the outer membrane of Gram-negative associated molecular pattern, and is recognized by pathogen-
bacteria; they are indispensable for the growth and the surviv- recognition receptors of the host immune system.[15] Specifical-
al of bacteria. LPSs provide a defensive barrier that helps bac- ly, it has been reported that LPS from Bcc species is a potent
teria to resist to antimicrobial compounds and environmental immunostimulatory agent, and has effects on mononuclear
stresses, and are involved in many aspects of host–bacterium cells and granulocytes thereby triggering the production of
interactions, such as recognition, adhesion, and colonization. pro-inflammatory cytokines.[17] Whereas activation of immune
They are initially cell-bound, and, upon release, they play a key cells is necessary for the host immune response, overproduc-
role in the pathogenesis of Gram-negative infections, causing tion of cytokines can lead to severe complications; in fact Bcc
fever or circulatory shock. From both genetic and chemical LPS is the primary contributor to the inflammatory nature of
viewpoints, LPSs have a common structural architecture that infection in CF patients, both by promoting increased neutro-
for smooth-type LPS (S-LPS) consists of three domains: a poly- phil recruitment and by priming neutrophil respiratory burst
saccharide (O-side chain, O-specific polysaccharide, O-antigen) responses.[19] Furthermore, LPSs extracted from different Bcc
covalently linked to an oligosaccharide (core) that is linked to strains have been demonstrated to exhibit diverging biological
a glycolipid portion (lipid A), which is embedded in the outer activity.[20] Therefore, its structural characterization is essential
leaflet and anchors the macromolecule to the membrane by to understanding structure–activity relationships. Such data are
electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.[15, 17] LPSs can lack instrumental in aiding the design of antimicrobial compounds
the O-chain portion and in this case they are distinguished in and for the development of therapeutic strategies against the
lipo-oligosaccharides (LOSs) or rough-type LPSs (R-LPSs, inflammatory cascade.
Figure 1).[18] Lipid A possesses a rather conservative structure In this paper, we report the complete structure of the lipo-
oligosaccharide of a clinical isolate from the Gram-negative
bacterium B. dolosa. We have carried out a complete chemical
study by means of chemical analysis, matrix-assisted laser de-
sorption/ionization mass spectrometry, and 1D and 2D NMR
spectroscopy. We have also elucidated its immunological prop-

Results and Discussion

Isolation, Purification and Biological activity of B. dolosa LOS
LOS was obtained from cells of B. dolosa IST 4208, an isolate
Figure 1. General chemical structure of LPS from Gram-negative bacteria. All from a CF patient in the major Portuguese CF center. It was ex-
forms of LPS known to date consist of a lipid A domain and a covalently
tracted by the hot phenol–water protocol,[21] then purified
linked to a saccharide portion. The saccharide domain is, in turn, composed
of a core region and the O-specific chain. with DNase, RNase, and proteinase K, followed by dialysis, and
gel-permeation chromatography. Purity was examined by SDS-
PAGE. The B. dolosa LPS fraction revealed that the extracted
usually consisting of a b-(1!6)-glucosamine disaccharide back- lipopolysaccharide was a rough-type LPS, that is, an LOS.
bone phosphorylated at positions 1 and 4’, and acylated with We stimulated commercially available HEK293 cells, stably
primary 3-hydroxy fatty acids at the positions 2 and 3 of both transfected with LPS-recognizing molecular complex CD14,
glucosamine (GlcN) residues; the above-mentioned hydroxyl MD2 and TLR4 (Invivogen) with different concentrations of
groups can be further substituted by secondary acyl moiet- B. dolosa LOS (1, 10, and 100 ng mL1). E. coli serotype OIII:B4 is
ies.[18] In the core oligosaccharide, inner and outer regions are well known to possess a fully hexa-acylated lipid A that acts as
usually distinguished: the inner core (proximal to lipid A) con- an agonist on TLR4-MD2 receptors, so was used at the same
sists typically of residues like Kdo (3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulo- concentrations as a positive control. Activation of NF-kB (nu-
sonic acid) and heptose (Kdo is the linker between the GlcN II clear factor kappa B) and IL-8 release were the read-outs of
of the lipid A backbone and the inner core portion); the outer this experiment. The results showed that the intact LOS from

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1106

B. dolosa had a potent immunostimulatory activity as it was and IL-10 was measured by an ELISA assay. We found that
able to trigger activation of NF-kB at the same level as for 100 ng mL1 B. dolosa LOS elicited significantly higher amounts
E. coli LPS at all concentrations tested (Figure 2 A, left); IL-8 of inflammatory cytokines (e.g., TNF-a and IL-6) than E. coli LPS
release matched the E. coli behavior (Figure 2 A, right). (Figure 3 A). Even at 10 ng mL1, the amount of produced IL-10
We then assessed whether, and to what extent, B. dolosa with B. dolosa LOS was statistically significantly higher (p <
LOS could interfere with TLR4-mediated signaling induced by 0.05; Figure 3 A).
lipid A of E. coli. Several natural and synthetic lipid A structures Finally, we performed a competition assay in BMDMs to
have been reported to exhibit high potential as antagonists assess whether B. dolosa LOS could interfere with TLR4-mediat-
against endotoxically active LPS. For this purpose, HEK hTLR4/ ed signaling induced by LPS of E. coli. BMDMs were pre-incu-
MD2/CD14 cells (HEK293 hTLR4) were pre-incubated with dif- bated for 1 hour with different amounts (1, 10, or 100 ng mL1)
ferent amounts (1, 10, and 100 ng) of B. dolosa LOS for 1 h and of B. dolosa LOS for 1 h and then re-stimulated with
then re-stimulated with 10 ng of E. coli LPS for 4 h. NF-kB acti- 10 ng mL1 E. coli LPS for 12 h. Cytokine secretion was mea-
vation and IL-8 production were evaluated as above. We found sured with an ELISA assay. We found that cell priming with
that cell priming (pre-incubation) with B. dolosa LOS at the B. dolosa LOS did not antagonize the endotoxic activity of
lowest concentration (1 ng mL1) was able to change both NF- E. coli LPS at all concentrations tested (Figure 3 B). Indeed, the
kB activation (Figure 2 B, left) and IL-8 production (Figure 2 B, release of IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-a was significantly higher (p <
right), relative to E. coli LPS stimulation alone. At the higher 0.05) when BMDMs were pre-exposed to B. dolosa LOS, relative
concentrations (10 and 100 ng mL1), no significant differences to E. coli LPS stimulation alone (Figure 3 B).
were observed in IL-8 release and NF-kB activation by either of The above immunology data confirm that the LOS from
the two LPS forms following preincubation (Figure 2 B). B. dolosa is a powerful proinflammatory agent and a major vir-
Then, we tested the release of inflammatory cytokines by ulence factor. This prompted us to assess the primary structure
bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs), collected and of this powerful molecule.
differentiated from wild-type C57BL/6 female mice. BMDMs
express the entire TLR repertoire in this analysis. BMDMs were
stimulated with different concentrations (1, 10, or 100 ng mL1) Structural analysis of LOS from B. dolosa
of either B. dolosa LOS or E. coli OIII:B4 LPS. After 12 h of stimu- Monosaccharide analysis of the LOS from B. dolosa revealed
lation, secretion of TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor alpha), IL-6, the presence of 2,6-dideoxy-2-amino-d-glucose (d-quinovosa-

Figure 2. NF-kB activity and IL-8 production in HEK293 hTLR4 cells stimulated with B. dolosa LOS and E. coli LPS. A) NF-kB activation (left) and IL-8 secretion
(right) upon stimulation of HEK293 hTLR4 after 4 h with B. dolosa LOS or commercial hexa-acylated E. coli LPS. B) TLR4-dependent antagonist activity of
B. dolosa LOS on hexa-acylated E. coli LPS. NF-kB activation (left) and IL-8 release (right) upon stimulation of HEK293 hTLR4 after 1 h with B. dolosa LOS and
then exposed to 10 ng mL1 of E. coli LPS (4 h). Asterisk: p < 0.05 (Student t-test); NS: no stimulation.

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1107

Figure 3. Cytokines released from BMDMs stimulated with B. dolosa LOS and E. coli LPS. A) TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-10 released by BMDMs after stimulation with
B. dolosa LOS or E. coli LPS, as measured by ELISA at 12 h. B) TLR4-dependent antagonistic activity of B. dolosa LOS on hexa-acylated E. coli LPS in BMDMs.
TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-8 release upon stimulation of BMDMs for 1 h with B. dolosa LOS and then re-exposed to 10 ng mL1 E. coli LPS (12 h). Cytokine secretion
was measured by ELISA. Asterisk: p < 0.05 after Student t-test; NS: no stimulation.

mine, d-QuiN), 4-amino-4-deoxy-l-arabinose (l-Ara4N), d-Glc, the intra-residue pattern of dipolar correlations gave further
d-Gal, d-GlcN, l-glycero-d-manno-heptose (L,d-Hep), 3-deoxy- confirmation of the anomeric configurations. Both inter-residu-
d-manno-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid (d-Kdo), and d-glycero-d- al NOE contacts (obtained by NOESY experiments) and long-
talo-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid (d-Ko). Methylation analysis re- range HMBC correlations were useful to identify the sequence
vealed the presence of terminal QuiN, terminal Glc, terminal of monosaccharides in the oligosaccharide. In the anomeric
Gal, terminal Hep, 3-substituted Glc, 7-substituted Hep, 2,6-di- region of the 1H NMR spectrum (Figure 4), 11 anomeric signals
substituted Gal, 3,4-disubstituted Hep, 3,7-disubstituted Hep, were identified (A–M, Table 1); furthermore, the signals at 1.85/
2,3,7-trisubstituted Hep, 4,5-disubstituted Kdo, and terminal Ko 2.05 ppm were attributed to the H-3 methylene protons of the
all in pyranose rings (Table S1). Fatty acids analysis showed the Kdo residue. The relative intensities and the shifts of anomeric
presence of (R)-3-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid (C16:0 (3-OH)) signals suggests marked heterogeneity, typical of non-stoichio-
with an amide linkage, and of (R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoic metric carbohydrate substitutions. In accordance with chemical
(C14:0 (3-OH)) and tetradecanoic acid (C14:0) with an ester analysis, spin systems B, C, D, E, G were all identified as Hep
linkage. The overall chemical composition matched those of residues, as indicated by their 3JH-1,H-2 and 2JH-2,H-3 coupling con-
archetypal Burkholderia LPSs/LOSs.[19] In order to determine the stants (below 3 Hz), and by the intra-residue NOE of H-1 with
primary structure of the oligosaccharide of B. dolosa LOS, the H-2. Moreover, the 13C chemical shift value of C6 of these hep-
lipid A part was cleaved off by mild hydrolysis with acetate tose residues (all below 72 ppm) allowed us to identify them
buffer, and the oligosaccharide fraction was purified by gel as l,d-Hep residues. Residues A and H (Table 1) were identified
permeation chromatography and characterized by NMR spec- as galacto-configured monosaccharides because of their low
troscopy. A combination of homo- and heteronuclear 2D NMR JH-3,H-4 and 3JH-4,H-5 values (~ 3 Hz and 1 Hz respectively). In par-
experiments (DQF-COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, NOESY, 1H,13C HSQC, ticular, residue A was identified as a-Gal, based on the H-1 and
1 13
H, C HSQC-TOCSY, and 1H,13C HMBC, Figures 4, 5, S1–S6) was C1 chemical shifts (5.35 and 97.3 ppm, Figure S4, Table 1), the
performed, in order to assign all the spin systems and to estab- JH-1,H-2 value, and the intra-residual NOE contact of H-1 with H-
lish the monosaccharide sequence. In particular, starting from 2 (all in agreement with an a-anomeric configuration and a 4C1
anomeric proton signals, TOCSY and DQF-COSY spectra al- ring conformation). The anomeric 1JC1,H-1 3JH-1,H-2 values (164 and
lowed the correct identification and attribution of all ring pro- 8.0 Hz, respectively) of residue H (H-1 at 4.56 ppm) indicated
tons and the subsequent assignment of each carbon atom a b-anomeric configuration; this was further corroborated by
from analysis of the 1H,13C HSQC spectrum. The anomeric con- intra-residue NOE connectivity between H-1 and H-3/H-5 sig-
figuration of each monosaccharide was attributed on the basis nals in the NOESY spectrum. Spin systems F, F’, L, and M
of the 3JH-1,H-2 coupling constant values obtained by DQF-COSY, (Table 1) were identified as Glc residues by their characteristi-
whereas the relative configuration of sugar residues was as- cally large 3JH,H ring coupling constants (~ 9 Hz). The strong
signed on the basis of the 3JH,H ring coupling constants; finally, intra-residue NOE contacts of H-1 L and M with H-3 and H-5 of

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1108

trum showed the presence of

a correlation of H-2 I, at
3.69 ppm, with a nitrogen-bear-
ing carbon signal at 54.1 ppm.
The downfield shift of the H-2 I
proton resonance was diagnostic
of N-acetylation at this position;
this was confirmed by the di-
polar correlation of H-2 I with
the methyl protons of the acetyl
group at 1.96 ppm. The spin
system of Kdo K was assigned
starting from the diastereotopic
H-3 methylene proton signals,
resonating in a shielded region
at 1.85 and 2.28 ppm (H-3ax and
H-3eq, respectively). The Kdo resi-
due was present in multiple
forms, because of its free reduc-
ing end; nevertheless, the sig-
nals from the a-reducing unit
were clearly assignable, and the
a-anomeric orientation at C-2
Figure 4. 1H NMR spectrum of core oligosaccharide, with detail of anomeric region. Anomeric signals of spin sys- was assigned by the chemical
tems are designated as in Table 1. shift values of H-3 and by the
values of the 3JH-7,H-8a and 3JH-7,H-8b
coupling constants.[22, 23] Ko resi-
both residues L and M, together with the JH-1,H-2 coupling con- due (J) was detected by the presence of the characteristic
stants (7 Hz) were diagnostic of a b-configuration, whereas the inter-residue NOE contact in 2D NOESY spectra between H-3eq
intra-residue NOE contact of H-1 with H-2, and the 3JH-1,H-2 cou- of Kdo (K) and H-6 of Ko (J); this is also diagnostic for a a-d-
pling constants (3 Hz) were indicative of an a-anomeric config- Ko-(2!4)-a-d-Kdo linkage.[22, 24, 25] The downfield shift of the
uration for residues F and F’. Residue I was recognized as a b- carbon resonances identified the glycosylated positions: O-2
QuiN: the gluco configuration was indicated by the 3JH,H ring and O-6 of residue A; O-2, O-3, and O-7 of B; O-3 and O-4 of
coupling constants (~ 9 Hz). The intra-residue NOE contacts of C; O-3 and O-7 of D; O-3 of F’; and O-4 of Kdo (K). Residues E,
H-1 with H-3 and H-5, and the 3JH-1,H-2 coupling constant were F, G, H, I, L, M, and J were non-reducing terminal sugars, in
indicative of a b-anomeric configuration. The 1H,13C HSQC spec- agreement with the methylation data. The oligosaccharide se-

Figure 5. Detail of overlapped TOCSY (gray) and NOESY (black) spectra of core oligosaccharide. The relevant inter-residual NOE contacts are reported.

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1109

ed at O-2 and O-6; thus, the NOE correlation of H-6 A (4.00/

Table 1. 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts of the oligosaccharide derived
from mild hydrolysis of the LOS from Burkholderia dolosa. 3.57 ppm) with H-1 F (4.95 ppm) of a-Glc gave evidence of the
substitution of residue A at O-6 by the a-Glc F. An alternative
Chemical shift d (1H/13C) spin system was identified for residue F, namely residue F’; this
Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
was recognized as a 3-a-substituted Glc that was, in turn, non-
A 5.35 3.56 3.73 3.99 3.64 4.00/ stoichiometrically substituted at position 3 by b-Gal H, as
shown by the NOE contact of H-3 F’ (3.85 ppm) with H-1 of
2,6-a-Gal 97.3 74.4 71.3 70.3 71.2 64.6
B 5.20 4.08 3.91 3.55 3.70 3.64 3.63/3.55 residue H (4.56 ppm). Residue A was, in turn, also substituted
2,3,7-a-Hep 99.1 77.2 79.9 68.9 70.7 71.9 70.1 at position O-2 by the a-Hep residue D (4.97 ppm), as showed
C 5.19 3.95 3.93 3.97 3.81 3.91 3.92/3.49 by the NOE correlation of H-2 of A (3.56 ppm) with H-1 of D.
3,4-a-Hep 99.1 65.7 71.6 71.6 72.1 68.7 63.0
Unit D was, in turn, glycosylated at O-3 by residue E as attest-
D 4.97 3.88 4.03 3.70 3.53 3.95 3.63/3.55
3,7-a-Hep 97.4 70.7 76.5 71.5 72.2 70.4 70.1 ed by the NOE contact of H-3 D (4.03 ppm) with H-1 E
E 4.95 4.00 4.11 3.64 3.53 4.07 3.63 (4.95 ppm). Finally, residue D was shown to be glycosylated, in
t-a-Hep 102.3 69.8 69.3 71.1 71.1 67.9 62.9 a non-stoichiometrical fashion, at O-7 (3.63/3.55 ppm) by resi-
F 4.95 3.71 3.70 3.43 3.58 3.74
due I, as evidenced by the NOE correlation between H-1 I
t-a-Glc 97.4 68.5 70.6 71.5 71.2 60.3
F’ 4.90 3.67 3.85 3.44 3.44 3.76 (4.50 ppm) and H-7 (3.63/3.55 ppm) of residue D. Thus, in sum-
3-a-Glc 97.6 71.1 82.5 72.9 68.0 60.3 mary, all of the data allowed us to establish the overall oligo-
G 4.82 3.88 3.76 3.64 3.53 3.91 3.62 saccharide structure reported below.
t-a-Hep 100.6 69.9 70.4 71.1 71.1 68.7 62.9
H 4.56 3.49 3.60 3.82 3.64 3.67
t-b-Gal 103.3 71.1 72.0 68.5 75.2 60.5
I 4.50 3.69 3.73 3.24 3.40 1.21
t-b-QuiNAc 100.6 54.1 74.7 75.6 75.4 16.2
L 4.46 3.22 3.58 3.56 3.35 3.64
t-b-Glc 102.0 73.4 75.7 68.9 76.3 60.8
M 4.30 3.26 3.58 3.40 3.35 3.64
t-b-Glc 101.3 72.2 75.8 71.6 76.4 60.8
K – – 1.85/ 4.02 4.16 3.71 3.78 3.87/
2.28 3.58
4,5-a-Kdo 174.1 n.d. 33.4 71.9 69.1 71.6 69.3 62.7
J – – 3.70 3.93 n.d 3.56 3.99 3.86/
t-a-Ko n.d. n.d. 70.8 71.6 n.d 71.8 71.9 62.8 The HMBC spectrum confirmed the assigned structure, as it
n.d.: not determined. contained all the required long-range correlations to demon-
strate the proximity of the residues.

quence was established on the basis of the intra-residue NOE

Structural characterization by MALDI mass spectrometry of
contacts identified in the ROESY (not shown) and NOESY spec-
the intact LOS and lipid A
tra (Figure 5), and in the long-range scalar correlations in the
HMBC spectrum (not shown). The linkage of the heptose C (H- Intact LOS was analyzed by MALDI-MS to gain further informa-
1 at 5.19 ppm) to O-5 of Kdo K was proven by the NOE con- tion on both lipid A and the core region. This approach is very
nectivity between H-1 of the Hep C and H-5 of K (4.16 ppm). useful as it allows the study of integral LOS molecules[26, 27]
Given the l,d relative configuration of Hep C, the presence of without any chemical manipulation, thus preventing the loss
further NOE contacts between H-1 of Hep C and H-6 and H-7 (either by alkaline or acid treatment) of labile groups (e.g.,
of K ultimately proved the d-configuration for the Kdo resi- phosphate, acetyl), typically present on LPSs. LOS was analyzed
due.[24] Residue C was in turn substituted at O-3 and O-4; the by using a sample preparation procedure specifically optimized
NOE contacts (Figure 5) of H-4 C (3.97 ppm) and H-3 C for these amphiphilic molecules.[26, 27] The negative-ion MALDI
(3.93 ppm) with H-1 of residue L (4.46 ppm) evidenced that mass spectrum of intact LOS showed, in addition to the molec-
the O-4 of a-Hep C was glycosylated by residue L, the b-Glc. ular ions related to the native LOS mixture (m/z 3400–4000),
Moreover, residue C was also substituted at O-3 by residue B fragments between m/z 1400 and 2300 (Figure 6 A). These ori-
of a-Hep, according to the NOE of H-3 and H-2 C with H-1 B. ginated from the b-elimination cleavage of the labile glycoside
Residue B was identified as a 2,3,7-trisubstituted a-Hep. The bond between Kdo and the lipid A moiety, which yielded
NOE contacts of H-1 M (4.30 ppm) with H-1 and H-2 B (5.20 either oligosaccharide (OS) ions (B-type ions) or lipid A ions.
and 4.08 ppm, respectively) evidenced that the O-2 of residue This low-mass region (Figure 6 B) presented a very heterogene-
B was glycosylated by the b-Glc residue M. Furthermore, the ous OS mixture, including the peak at m/z 2225.6 (OS1), which
NOE correlation of H-3 B (3.91 ppm) with H-1 A (5.35 ppm) matched a dodecasaccharide of five Hep residues, five Hex res-
proved the substitution of residue B at O-3 with the a-Gal resi- idues, one Kdo residue, and one Ko residue—the core oligo-
due A. Residue B was also glycosylated at O-7 by the terminal saccharide structure determined (above) by NMR spectroscopy.
a-Hep G, as attested by the NOE contact between H-1 G Minor species were also present: m/z 2063.9 (OS2), 2033.5
(4.82 ppm) and H-7 B (3.63/3.55 ppm). Residue A was substitut- (OS3), 1871.6 (OS4), and 2164.0 (OS5); these differed from OS1

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1110

moiety after acetate buffer hy-

drolysis. This treatment left the
lipid A fraction partially dephos-
phorylated (not shown). In par-
ticular, the positive-ion MS/MS
spectrum of the pseudomolecu-
lar ion [M+Na] + at m/z 1387.89
(corresponding to the tetra-acy-
lated monophosphorylated lipid
A) presented a very interesting
fragmentation pattern, with a
significant fragmentation due to
the rupture of the glycosidic
linkage between the two GlcN
units (Figure S7). It gave rise to
a tri-acylated B-type ion at m/
z 954.6 carrying one 14:0 (3-OH),
one 14:0, and one 16:0 (3-OH)
residue at the nonreducing GlcN
unit, and a very intense diacylat-
ed B-type ion (base-peak) at m/z
726.4 that arose from further
loss of the 14:0 moiety (Fig-
ure S7). The assignment of the
main LOS molecular ions (Fig-
ure 6 C) resulted from the combi-
nation of the lipid A moieties
and the core oligosaccharide
species. LOS composed of tetra-
acylated lipid A and OS species
were found at m/z 3668.8 (L1 +
Figure 6. MALDI TOF MS analysis of intact LOS from B. dolosa; A) Negative-ion mass spectrum showing both LOS OS1), 3799.6 (L2 + OS1), 3930.8
molecular ions and their ion fragments, attributable to the core oligosaccharides and to the reported lipid A struc- (L3 + OS1), 3637.9 (L2 + OS2),
ture(s). B) Detail of the lower-mass region (m/z 1250–2450), including lipid A and core oligosaccharide (OS) ion
3476.4 (L1 + OS3), 3607.5 (L2 +
fragments and their assignments. C) Detail of the higher-mass region (m/z 3000–4280) showing the composition
of each LOS species; this emerges from the heterogeneity of the core fraction and lipid A components, which is OS3), 3738.6 (L3 + OS3 and L2 +
mainly due to non-stoichiometrically linked terminal sugar moieties. OS4) and 3445.9 (L2 + OS5). In
summary, MS analysis of the
intact LOS completed and con-
by the lack of one terminal Hex and/or Hep and one Ara4N firmed the previous structural hypotheses and allowed the full
residues (Figure 6 B). Each OS peak possessed a minor but con- assignment of the LOS structure from the cystic fibrosis patho-
firmed twin-ion peak (Dm/z 44), which matches neutral loss of gen B. dolosa (Scheme 1).
a CO2 molecule from the reducing terminal Kdo. It is worth
noting that the oligosaccharide ion with the terminal QuiNAc
residue was not detected in the MALDI analysis. The same
mass region (m/z 1400–2300) also included ion peaks derived Chronic infection with Bcc is a major cause of premature death
from a mixture of tetra-acylated lipid A, distinguishable by the in patients with cystic fibrosis, due to its inherent resistance to
absence or presence of one/two Ara4N residues, (Figure 6 a). most used antibiotics, to person-to-person spread of highly
Species L1 (m/z 1444.8) matched a tetra-acylated bis-phos- transmissible strains, and to its persistence, despite a specific
phorylated disaccharide backbone carrying one 14:0 (3-OH) and pronounced antibody response.[28] Infections of B. dolosa,
acyl chain in the ester linkage and two 16:0 (3:OH) acyl chains a Bcc species, broke out among individuals with cystic fibrosis
in amide linkage; one of these, on GlcN II, was further substi- in Boston;[7, 29] it chronically colonized CF patients and spread
tuted by a secondary 14:0 fatty acid. Species L2 at m/z 1575.6 from person to person, thus causing concerns in several CF
(Dm/z 131 from L1) and L3 at m/z 1706.1 (Dm/z 131 from L2) centers.[30] In the major Portuguese CF treatment center only
were tetra-acylated lipid A, and carried one and two Ara4N res- one case of B. dolosa infection was detected during 18 years of
idues, respectively. The identity of either a primary ester-linked epidemiological surveillance of respiratory infections involving
14:0 (3-OH) or a secondary amide-linked 14:0 fatty acid on the Bcc.[10] The infected CF patient was chronically colonized for
GlcN II was established by the MS/MS analysis of the lipid A 5.5 years with B. dolosa, until death following severe pulmona-

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1111

Within this frame we report for the first time the

complete structure and biological activity of LOS
from a B. dolosa clinical isolate retrieved from a CF
patient who died due to progressive loss of lung
function. In this case, the composition of the
B. dolosa lipid A species displayed a relatively homo-
geneous tetra-acylated lipid A bearing Ara4N resi-
due(s).[20] The substitution of Ara4N in LPS molecules
is essential for bacterial survival, as it prevents the in-
teractions with antibiotic compounds and host anti-
microbial peptides.[33] These residues are positively
charged under physiological conditions and so they
reduce the net charge on the bacterial membrane
surface. By preventing ionic attraction, these residues
prevent membrane permeability by positively
charged antimicrobial peptides.
The core oligosaccharide from B. dolosa has a
novel structure. From the chemical point of view, the
B. dolosa LOS also has no negative charge at the
outer core, which contains neither phosphate groups
nor uronic acids. This confers on the LPS an overall
neutral characteristic that renders it resistant to cat-
ionic antimicrobial peptides. The Burkholderia genus
has a highly conserved LPS inner core structure, with
several characteristics replicated in the current study.
The main feature is the presence of the [3,4-a-L,d-
Hep-(1!5)-a-d-Kdo-(4!2)-a-d-Ko] trisaccharide in
the inner core. Notably, within this genus, the Ko resi-
due is frequently not at the terminal, but rather
bears an Ara4N residue. The presence of Ko mono-
saccharide is limited to a few bacterial LPS molecules,
such as those of Acinetobacter,[34] Yersinia,[35] and Ser-
ratia.[36] Usually, as in the present case, the a-l,d-Hep
of the above-mentioned trisaccharide bears another
Hep residue linked at O-3 and glycosylated at O-4 by
a b-d-Glc residue. In this B. dolosa strain, the latter
Scheme 1. Structure of LOS from B. dolosa. Dotted lines indicate non-stoichiometric sub- Hep residue of inner core is glycosylated at O-2, O-3,
stitution. The anomeric configuration of lipid A residues was assigned based on all Bur- and O-7, as previously noted for B. multivorans;[19]
kholderia LPS lipid As elucidated to date.
however, the heptose carries an additional heptose
at O-7, as found in B. cenocepacia ET-12 LOS,[36] and
ry deterioration. The LOS chemical structure described in this at O-2 there is a b-d-Glc, and at O-3 there is a a-d-Gal. This
work was from the first B. dolosa isolate that was retrieved latter monosaccharide was, in turn, substituted at position O-2
from the patient. In another epidemiologic study dealing with by an a-Hep residue and at O-6 by a a-d-Glc which can be, in
clinical implications of chronic infection with B. dolosa in cystic turn, non-stoichiometrically glycosylated by a b-d-Gal residue.
fibrosis patients, it was also reported that acquisition of this Finally, the latter Hep was glycosylated at position O-3 by an-
organism was associated with accelerated decline in lung func- other Hep. Interestingly, this a-Hep-(1!3)-a-Hep disaccharide
tion and reduced survival,[31, 32] differently to other Bcc infec- is infrequently found as a component of the outer core of
tions. These findings provide additional evidence that B. cepa- LOSs,[13] and its presence might involve the existence of an ad-
cia complex species differ in their virulence and clinical impli- ditional different heptosyl transferase. Moreover, in the outer
cations and emphasize the importance of examining at chemi- core region, we found the presence of a non-stoichiometric
cal level the virulence factors of all strains.[31] The hallmark of residue, the b-d-QuiNAc linked to the a-Hep-(1!3)-a-Hep dis-
Bcc infection in CF is the inflammation that depends on the accharide. In summary, B. dolosa LOS possesses a peculiar
peculiar biochemical properties of the lipopolysaccharide, structure, the biosynthesis of which requires further study.
which is able to induce host defense responses and tissue From a biological point of view, we observed that B. dolosa
damage. Thus, the full primary structure of LPS from all Bcc LOS acts as potent inflammatory agent through the TLR-4, MD-
species and their LPS structure–function relationships are clini- 2, CD-14 pathway, thereby inducing high levels of NF-kB and
cally relevant. IL-8 release from HEK293 cells stably transfected for LPS com-

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1112

plex recognition (HEK293 hTLR4). These data were corroborat- in the water phase, as suggested by the presence of the typical
ed by the results obtained from analysis of inflammatory cyto- ladder pattern of its migration in the gel.
kines released in BMDMs after stimulation with intact LOS from Isolation of oligosaccharide OS: Isolation of OS was obtained by
B. dolosa. The high levels of TNF-a, IL-10, and IL-6 secretion mild acid hydrolysis. Purified LOS (~ 10 mg) was dissolved in ace-
confirm the virulence and support the concerns about this tate buffer (1 mL, pH 4.4). SDS (1 mg mL1) was added, and hydrol-
cystic fibrosis pathogen. Lipid A contributes to the majority of ysis proceeded (100 8C, 3 h). After lipid A removal by centrifugation
the endotoxic activity of LPS. A number of factors influence (10 000 g, 30 min), the water-soluble product was purified by gel
the lipid A biological activity, including the number and the filtration chromatography on a Bio-Gel P-6 column (Bio-Rad, Her-
cules, CA).
distribution of acyl chains, the phosphorylation pattern, and
the presence of charged groups on the polar heads. The corre- Isolation of lipid A: Free lipid A was obtained by hydrolysis
lation between increasing acylation of lipid A and elevated cy- (100 8C, 3 h) of LOS in sodium acetate buffer (100 mm, pH 4.4). The
tokine induction has previously been reported in Pseudomo- solution was extracted three times with CHCl3/MeOH/H2O
nas[38] and Burkholderia.[38] Interestingly, lipid A from B. dolosa (100:100:30, v/v/v) and centrifuged (5000 g, 4 8C, 15 min). The
organic phase contained lipid A, and the water phase contained
did not show high levels of acylation, but the entire LOS still
the core oligosaccharide.
remains a potent immunostimulator with HEK293 cells. Taking
into account these findings, it might be speculated that the Chemical analysis: Determination of the sugar residues and of
novel and heterogeneous structure of the core oligosaccharide their absolute configurations by GC-MS analysis was carried out as
portion plays a key function in the molecular mechanism of described elsewhere.[41, 42] Monosaccharides were identified as
acetylated O-methyl glycoside derivatives. After methanolysis (2 m
the interaction with the TLR-4/MD-2 receptors, thus demon-
HCl/MeOH, 85 8C, 24 h) and acetylation with acetic anhydride in
strating a notable role in the pathogenicity of B. dolosa. Fur- pyridine (85 8C, 30 min), the sample was analyzed by GC-MS. The
ther studies will be performed to test this hypothesis. absolute configurations of the sugar residues were determined by
In conclusion, in this work we have chemically and biologi- GC-MS analysis of the acetylated (+)-O-2-octyl glycoside derivatives
cally elucidated for the first time the LOS endotoxin from and comparison with authentic standards. Linkage analysis was
B . dolosa. This study improves the understanding of the endo- carried out by methylation of the complete saccharide portion as
toxin structure–function relationship, which is of pivotal impor- described previously:[43] the sample was methylated with iodome-
tance in the comprehension of the overall process of patho- thane, hydrolyzed (100 8C, 2 h) with trifluoroacetic acid (2 m), car-
bonyl reduced with NaBD4, acetylated with acetic anhydride and
genesis of such important microorganisms.
pyridine, and analyzed by GC-MS.

NMR analysis: 1D and 2D 1H NMR spectra were recorded in D2O

(300 K, pD 7) with a 600 DRX spectrometer (Bruker) equipped with
a cryoprobe. The spectrometer was internally calibrated with ace-
Experimental Section tone (dH = 2.225 ppm; dC = 31.45 ppm). Rotating frame Overhauser
Growth of B. dolosa cells for LOS extraction: B. dolosa IST4208 enhancement spectroscopy (ROESY) and nuclear Overhauser en-
isolate, from which LOS was extracted, was obtained from the res- hancement spectroscopy (NOESY) experiments were performed
piratory secretions of a CF patient under surveillance at the Hospi- using data sets (t1  t2) of 4096  256 points with mixing times be-
tal de Santa Maria CF Center, in Lisbon. Isolate B. dolosa IST4208 tween 100 and 400 ms. Double quantum-filtered phase-sensitive
was obtained in 2005 from a CF patient who passed away. Consent COSY experiments were executed with sets of 4096  512 points.
was obtained from the patient, and the isolate was provided by Total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) experiments were per-
the hospital for this particular study; the patient’s anonymity was formed with spinlock times of 100 ms with data sets (t1  t2) of
preserved. This isolate was identified based on the polymorphisms 4096  256 points. The data matrix in all the homonuclear experi-
of the recA gene,[40] followed by multilocus sequence typing ments was zero-filled in both dimensions to give a matrix of 4 K 
(MLST) analysis. The MLST sequences of the allelic type of seven 2 K points, and was resolution-enhanced in both dimensions using
loci were assigned and submitted to the B. cepacia complex MLST a cosine-bell function before Fourier transformation. Coupling con-
database ( under the designation ST-668; stants were determined by 2D phase-sensitive DQF-COSY.[44, 45] Het-
the obtained profile confirmed the identification as B. dolosa. Cells eronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) and heteronuclear
of B. dolosa IST4208 were grown overnight in lysogeny broth (LB; multiple bond correlation (HMBC) experiments were performed in
Difco, Sparks, MD), then inoculated into LB (initial OD640 nm 0.05) H-detection mode by single-quantum coherence with proton de-
and grown in shake flasks with orbital agitation (250 rpm, 37 8C) coupling in the 13C domain using data sets of 2048  256 points.
until mid-exponential phase. The cell culture was diluted (standar- Experiments were carried out in the phase-sensitive mode.[46] A
dized OD640 nm 0.2  0.02), and a sample (100 mL) was plated onto 60 ms delay was used for the evolution of long-range correlations
LB agar (Difco) plates. These plates were incubated (37 8C, 24 h) to in the HMBC experiment. The data matrix in all the heteronuclear
allow cells to grow on the agar surface, to mimic bacterial growth experiments was extended to 2048  1024 points by using forward
in CF lungs. Cells were scraped, collected, autoclaved, and lyophi- linear prediction extrapolation.
MALDI TOF MS: MALDI-TOF mass spectra of intact LOS were re-
Extraction, purification, and SDS-PAGE analysis of LOS: Dried corded in linear mode and negative ion polarity on a Voyager STR
cells were extracted by the phenol/water method.[21] After exten- (PerSeptive Biosystems, Framingham, MA) equipped with delayed-
sive dialyses against distilled water, the extracted phases were sub- extraction technology. Ions formed by a pulsed UV laser (nitrogen
jected to enzymatic digestion to remove nucleic acids and protein laser, l = 337 nm) were accelerated by 24 kV. Reflectron MALDI TOF
contaminants. Then both the water and phenol fractions were ana- MS and MALDI TOF/TOF MS2 of lipid A were performed with
lyzed by 13.5 % SDS-PAGE; the LPS fraction was found exclusively a 4800 Proteomic analyzer (Applied Biosystems) with a Nd:YAG

 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1113

laser (355 nm). External calibration was performed: mass accuracy Statistical analysis: Data are reported as mean  S.D, and the
was better than 75 ppm. Mass resolution of the spectra obtained numbers of independent experiments are indicated in each figure
in reflector mode was approximately 13 000. R-type LPS and lipid A legend. Statistical calculations and tests were performed by using
MALDI preparations were performed as previously reported.[27, 47] the Student’s t-test. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically
HEK293 hTLR4/CD14/MD2 cell culture, transfection, and stimula-
tion: Stably transfected HEK cell line 293-hTLR4-MD2-CD14 (Invivo-
Gen, San Diego, CA) was cultured in DMEM (Lonza, Basel, Switzer- Acknowledgements
land) with 10 % FBS (Euroclone, Pero, Italy). Blasticidin-S
(10 mg mL1; InvivoGen) and HygroGold (50 mg mL1; InvivoGen)
A.M., A.S., M-L.B., I.S-C, acknowledge COST Action BM1003 “Mi-
were added to cell cultures according to the manufacturer’s in-
crobial cell surface determinants of virulence as targets for new
structions. The cells were transiently transfected by using PolyFect
Transfection Reagent (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s in- therapeutics in cystic fibrosis.” This work has been partially sup-
structions. For NF-kB studies, the cells were seeded into 96-well ported to A.M. by Italian Cystic Research Foundation, grant FFC
plates at a concentration of 3  105 cells per mL, then transfected 11#2010 with the contribution of Pastificio Giovanni Rana s.p.a.
overnight with a reaction mixture of PolyFect transfection reagent The contribution of P. Azevedo L. Lito and J. Melo-Cristino, Hospi-
(1 mL, Qiagen), and plasmids (150 ng; Promega), tal de Santa Maria, and A. S. Moreira, IBB/CEBQ, Instituto Superi-
pRLTK (15 ng; Promega).[47] encodes Firefly luciferase or Tcnico, to the epidemiology and identification of the CF iso-
under control of the NF-kB promoter; pRLTK encodes Renilla luci-
late of B. dolosa, is gratefully acknowledged. This work was par-
ferase, and was used as a control. HEK 293 hTLR4/MD2/CD14 cells
tially supported by “Fundażo para a CiÞncia e a Tecnologia”,
were exposed to different concentrations of B. dolosa LOS or E. coli
LPS (1, 10, or 100 ng mL1; Ultra-pure LPS-EB, InvivoGen), and stim- FCT, Portugal, through a post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/
ulation was for 4 h. 81220/2011) awarded to C.P.C. R.L. acknowledges the CREME proj-
In the competition assays HEK 293 hTLR4/MD2/CD14 cells were
primed with B. dolosa LOS (1, 10, or 100 ng mL1) for 1 h and then
re-stimulated with of E. coli LPS (10 ng mL1). After 4 h of stimula- Keywords: Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) · Burkholderia
tion, NF-kB-dependent luciferase activity was measured by a Dual- dolosa · lipooligosaccharide · mass spectrometry · NMR
Luciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega, Milan, Italy), as previ- spectroscopy
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 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2013, 14, 1105 – 1115 1115

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