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Asezarea geografica :
Sud-vestul Europei, este invecinata cu stramtoarea Gibraltar ,
care leaga Marea Mediterana si Oceanul Antlantic, in coasta de
sud a Spaniei.
Southwestern Europe, bordering the Strait of Gibraltar, which links the
Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, on the southern coast of Spain .
(CIA-The World Factbook )

Populatia : aproape 28 de mii . (July 2006 est.) (CIA-The World Factbook )

Religia: Roman Catholic 78.1%, Church of England 7%, other Christian 3.2%,
Muslim 4%, Jewish 2.1%, Hindu 1.8%, other or unspecified 0.9%, none 2.9%
( Operation World)
Grupuri etnice:
Spaniard 2,600 , Jew 500, Indo-Pakistani 300, Gibraltarian 18,000, Deaf - Unknown
British 3,600, Arab, Moroccan 2,400 (CIA-The World Factbook )

- Gibraltar este capatul ascutit si stancos al Spaniei care
protejeaza intrarea vestica catre Mediterana. " Gibraltar
is the rocky tip of Spain that protects the western entrance to the
Meditteranean “. ( Operation World)
- Aeasta tara se guverneaza singura cu exceptia Apararii si Politicii
Externe. " Gibraltar is self-governing except in defence and foreign
policy.. ( WorldInfoZone)
- In 1967 si 2002 , populatia Gibraltarului au votat sa ramana in
dependenta de Marea Britanie . "In 1967 and 2002 the people of
Gibraltar voted to remain a British dependency." ( WorldInfoZone)
Provocari pentru rugaciune:

1) Majoritatea populatiei este catolica. Sa ne rugam ca ei sa poata sa

evanghelizeze pe cei 6 milioane de turisti care vin in fiecare an.”
The majority of the population is Catholic. Pray that there would
outreach for the 6 million tourists. “ ( Operation World)

2) Exista o biserica mica de arabi –crestini in mijlocul comunitatii de

7000 de marocani care lucreaza in Gibraltar. Sa ne rugam ca
acesti catva crestini sa fie eficienti in vestirea Evangheliei. “There
is one small Arabic-speaking church within the community of 7,000
Moroccons who work in Gibraltar. Pray these few Christians can be
effective in sharing the gospel both here and with friends and
families in Morocco. ” ( Operation World)

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