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Hewitt-Trussville High School Documented Essay Rubric

Class __________________________________ Period _______________________ Student Name ___________________________ Date ________________________ Assignment _____________________________________________________ Grade ____/75 Below are the specific items that affect the quality of this composition. Successful papers receive checks in the Yes column. If this paper has checks in the other columns, utilize the grammar publication that accompanies your particular class (i.e. Harbrace Handbook, Language Network, etc.) in order to 1) avoid similar errors in the future and/or 2) revise this essay. The final grade reflects the grammatical and content score, since the rubric below is a balance between the two. No errors will receive Yes check. No more than three errors in a category will result in Borderline check. More than three errors in a category will result in a No check for that category. Plagiarism of any kind will result in an automatic 0, as well as disciplinary action. Plagiarism includes copying from another student, Internet, or print source without proper credit. A No on number 10 will result in an automatic F. Any other No will cause a letter grade deduction on the content and mechanics portion of the rubric. An A paper = no more than 4 items checked borderline. A B paper = no more than 6 items checked borderline. A C paper = no more than 10 items checked borderline. A D paper = no more than 18 checked borderline. A F paper = more than 18 borderline

Content 1. Essay has an Appropriate Title 2. Effective Introductory Paragraph (includes title, publication info, genre, and intro to book) 3. Body 1: thoroughly covers setting, pt. of view, protagonist, main characters, and mood or tone 4. Body 2: thoroughly covers plot summary, major events, climax, resolution, literary devices, conflicts, etc. 5. Body 3: thoroughly analyzes and critiques book purpose, writing, strengths/weaknesses, authors qualifications, your response, your recommendation, etc. 6. Effective Concluding Paragraph: books impression on you, etc. 7. Logical Organization Overall and Within paragraphs 8. Information is Accurately Presented 9. Effective Use of Transitions 10. Avoids Unclear or Awkward Sentences Mechanics 11. Avoids Spelling Errors 12. Effective Diction and Style (strong verbs, effective word choice, avoids redundancy) 13. Avoids Sentence Fragments 14. Avoids Punctuation Errors 15. Avoids Grammatical Errors (including Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement, Shifting Tenses, Double Negatives, Misplaced Modifiers, Dangling Participles, Capitalization, Pronoun Case, etc.)

Yes Borderline No

Second Component of Documented Essay: Format Grade ____/25

16. Body: Correct Pagination (10 points) 17. Body: Heading and Titled Correctly (10 points) 19. Citation: Format Correct (5 points)


Borderline No

TOTAL GRADE ______/100

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