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To study the fresh and hardend concrete properties using different grading of fine and coarse aggregate.

Fresh properties of concrete(properties at early stages)

Workability Slump test Segregation/Bleeding Plastic Shrinkage Time of Setting

Properties of harden concrete:

Compressive strength Tensile strength Modulus of rupture Modulus of elasticity

ACI Standard Mix design proportions for the determination of the properties

Standards to be use: ASTM ACI BS PEC

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Test Workability Slump test Segregation/Bleeding Plastic Shrinkage Time of Setting Comp strength Tensile strength Modulus of rupture Modulus of elasticity

Mix prop

7 days

14 days

28 days

60 days

90 days (optional)







Total quantity of cement= Total quantity of crush= Total quantity of sand=

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